46 research outputs found

    Comparison of multi-layer bus interconnection and a network on chip solution

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    Abstract. This thesis explains the basic subjects that are required to take in consideration when designing a network on chip solutions in the semiconductor world. For example, general topologies such as mesh, torus, octagon and fat tree are explained. In addition, discussion related to network interfaces, switches, arbitration, flow control, routing, error avoidance and error handling are provided. Furthermore, there is discussion related to design flow, a computer aided designing tools and a few comprehensive researches. However, several networks are designed for the minimum latency, although there are also versions which trade performance for decreased bus widths. These designed networks are compared with a corresponding multi-layer bus interconnection and both synthesis and register transfer level simulations are run. For example, results from throughput, latency, logic area and power consumptions are gathered and compared. It was discovered that overall throughput was well balanced with the network on chip solutions, although its maximum throughput was limited by protocol conversions. For example, the multi-layer bus interconnection was capable of providing a few times smaller latencies and higher throughputs when only a single interface was injected at the time. However, with parallel traffic and high-performance requirements a network on chip solution provided better results, even though the difference decreased when performance requirements were lower. Furthermore, it was discovered that the network on chip solutions required approximately 3–4 times higher total cell area than the multi-layer bus interconnection and that resources were mainly located at network interfaces and switches. In addition, power consumption was approximately 2–3 times higher and was mostly caused by dynamic consumption.Monitasoisen väyläarkkitehtuurin ja tietokoneverkkomaisen ratkaisun vertailua. Tiivistelmä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään tärkeimpiä aihealueita, jotka tulee huomioida suunniteltaessa tietokoneverkkomaisia väyläratkaisuja puolijohdemaailmassa. Esimerkiksi yleiset rakenteet, kuten verkko-, torus-, kahdeksankulmio- ja puutopologiat käsitellään lyhyesti. Lisäksi alustetaan verkon liitäntäkohdat, kytkimet, vuorottelu, vuon hallinta, reititys, virheiden välttely ja -käsittely. Lopuksi kerrotaan suunnitteluvuon oleellisimmat välivaiheet ja niihin soveltuvia kaupallisia työkaluja, sekä käsitellään lyhyesti muutaman aiemman julkaisun tuloksia. Tutkielmassa käytetään suunnittelutyökalua muutaman tietokoneverkkomaisen ratkaisun toteutukseen ja tavoitteena on saavuttaa pienin mahdollinen latenssi. Toisaalta myös hieman suuremman latenssin versioita suunnitellaan, mutta pienemmillä väylänleveyksillä. Lisäksi suunniteltuja tietokoneverkkomaisia ratkaisuja vertaillaan perinteisempään monitasoiseen väyläarkkitehtuuriin. Esimerkiksi synteesi- ja simulaatiotuloksia, kuten logiikan vaatimaa pinta-alaa, tehonkulutusta, latenssia ja suorituskykyä, vertaillaan keskenään. Tutkielmassa selvisi, että suunnittelutyökalulla toteutetut tietokoneverkkomaiset ratkaisut mahdollistivat tasaisemman suorituskyvyn, joskin niiden suurin saavutettu suorituskyky ja pienin latenssi määräytyivät protokollan käännöksen aiheuttamasta viiveestä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että perinteisemmillä menetelmillä saavutettiin noin kaksi kertaa suurempi suorituskyky ja pienempi latenssi, kun verkossa ei ollut muuta liikennettä. Rinnakkaisen liikenteen lisääntyessä tietokoneverkkomainen ratkaisu tarjosi keskimäärin paremman suorituskyvyn, kun sille asetetut tehokkuusvaateet olivat suuret, mutta suorituskykyvaatimuksien laskiessa erot kapenivat. Lisäksi huomattiin, että tietokoneverkkomaisten ratkaisujen käyttämä pinta-ala oli noin 3–4 kertaa suurempi kuin monitasoisella väyläarkkitehtuurilla ja että resurssit sijaitsivat enimmäkseen verkon liittymäkohdissa ja kytkimissä. Lisäksi tehonkulutuksen huomattiin olevan noin 2–3 kertaa suurempi, joskin sen havaittiin koostuvan pääosin dynaamisesta kulutuksesta

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAs the base of the software stack, system-level software is expected to provide ecient and scalable storage, communication, security and resource management functionalities. However, there are many computationally expensive functionalities at the system level, such as encryption, packet inspection, and error correction. All of these require substantial computing power. What's more, today's application workloads have entered gigabyte and terabyte scales, which demand even more computing power. To solve the rapidly increased computing power demand at the system level, this dissertation proposes using parallel graphics pro- cessing units (GPUs) in system software. GPUs excel at parallel computing, and also have a much faster development trend in parallel performance than central processing units (CPUs). However, system-level software has been originally designed to be latency-oriented. GPUs are designed for long-running computation and large-scale data processing, which are throughput-oriented. Such mismatch makes it dicult to t the system-level software with the GPUs. This dissertation presents generic principles of system-level GPU computing developed during the process of creating our two general frameworks for integrating GPU computing in storage and network packet processing. The principles are generic design techniques and abstractions to deal with common system-level GPU computing challenges. Those principles have been evaluated in concrete cases including storage and network packet processing applications that have been augmented with GPU computing. The signicant performance improvement found in the evaluation shows the eectiveness and eciency of the proposed techniques and abstractions. This dissertation also presents a literature survey of the relatively young system-level GPU computing area, to introduce the state of the art in both applications and techniques, and also their future potentials

    Information-Centric Multilayer Networking: Improving Performance Through an ICN/WDM Architecture

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    Information-centric networking (ICN) facilitates content identification in networks and offers parametric representation of content semantics. This paper proposes an ICN/WDM network architecture that uses these features to offer superior network utilization, in terms of performance and power consumption. The architecture introduces an ICN publish/subscribe communication approach to the wavelength layer, whereby content is aggregated according to its popularity rank into wavelength-size groups that can be published and subscribed to by multiple nodes. Consequently, routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithms benefit from anycast to identify multiple sources of aggregate content and allow optimization of the source selection of light paths. A power-aware algorithm, maximum degree of connectivity, has been developed with the objective of exploiting this flexibility to address the tradeoff between power consumption and network performance. The algorithm is also applicable to IP architectures, albeit with less flexibility. Evaluation results indicate the superiority of the proposed ICN architecture, even when utilizing conventional routing methods, compared with its IP counterpart. The results further highlight the performance improvement achieved by the proposed algorithm, compared with the conventional RWA methods, such as shortest-path first fit

    A Markovian model for satellite integrated cognitive and D2D HetNets

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    Next-generation wireless systems are expected to provide bandwidth-hungry services in a cost-efficient and ubiquitous manner. D2D communications, spectrum sharing and heterogeneous network architectures (HetNets) are touted as crucial enablers to attain these goals. Moreover, the shifting characteristics of network traffic towards content consumption necessitate content-centric architectures and protocols. In this work, we propose a comprehensive analytical model for a content-oriented heterogeneous wireless network with cognitive capability. We model our HetNet architecture with a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) and characterize the trade-off between energy efficiency and system goodput. We elaborate on novel elements in our model, namely the integration of universal source concept (modeling the content retrieval operation from external networks), caching and overlaying in D2D mode. Besides, our investigation on network mode selection provides further insight on how resource allocation and performance are intertwined

    Path protection switching in information centric networking

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    Since its formation, the Internet has experienced tremendous growth, constantly increasing traffic and new applications, including voice and video. However, it still keeps its original architecture drafted almost 40 years ago built on the end-to-end principle; this has proven to be problematic when there are failures as routing convergence is slow for unicast networks and even slower for multicast which has to rely upon slow multicast routing as no protection switching exists for multicast}. This thesis investigates protection in an alternative approach for network communication, namely information centric networking (ICN) using the architecture proposed by the PSIRP/PURSUIT projects. This uses Bloom Filters to allow both unicast and multicast forwarding. However, the PSIRP/PURSUIT ICN approach did not investigate protection switching and this problem forms the main aim of this thesis. The work builds on the research by Grover and Stamatelakis who introduced the concept of pre-configured protection p-cycles in 2000 for optical networks and, with modification, applicable to unicast IP or packet networks. This thesis shows how the p-cycle concept can be directly applied to packet networks that use PSIRP/PURSUIT ICN and extends the approach to encompass both unicast and multicast protection switching. Furthermore, it shows how the chosen p-cycles can be optimised to reduce the redundancy overhead introduced by the protection mechanism. The work evaluates the approach from two aspects, the first is how the proposed approach compares to existing switching state and traffic in an MPLS multicast architecture. The second considers the redundancy overhead in three known network topologies for synthetic traffic matrices. The thesis is the first work to demonstrate the efficiency of Bloom filter based switching for multicast (and unicast) protection switching

    A survey on future internet security architectures

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