16 research outputs found

    Process Modeling in Pyrometallurgical Engineering

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    The Special Issue presents almost 40 papers on recent research in modeling of pyrometallurgical systems, including physical models, first-principles models, detailed CFD and DEM models as well as statistical models or models based on machine learning. The models cover the whole production chain from raw materials processing through the reduction and conversion unit processes to ladle treatment, casting, and rolling. The papers illustrate how models can be used for shedding light on complex and inaccessible processes characterized by high temperatures and hostile environment, in order to improve process performance, product quality, or yield and to reduce the requirements of virgin raw materials and to suppress harmful emissions

    The Integrated Realization of Materials, Products and Associated Manufacturing Processes

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    Problem: A materials design revolution is underway in the recent past where the focus is to design (not select) the material microstructure and processing paths to achieve multiple property or performance requirements that are often in conflict. The advancements in computer simulations have resulted in the speeding up of the process of discovering new materials and has paved way for rapid assessment of process-structure-property-performance relationships of materials, products, and processes. This has led to the simulation-based design of material microstructure (microstructure-mediated design) to satisfy multiple property or performance goals of the product/process/system thereby replacing the classical material design and selection approaches. The foundational premise for this dissertation is that systems-based materials design techniques offer the potential for tailoring materials, their processing paths and the end products that employ these materials in an integrated fashion for challenging applications to satisfy conflicting product and process level property and performance requirements. The primary goal in this dissertation is to establish some of the scientific foundations and tools that are needed for the integrated realization of materials, products and manufacturing processes using simulation models that are typically incomplete, inaccurate and not of equal fidelity by managing the uncertainty associated. Accordingly, the interest in this dissertation lies in establishing a systems-based design architecture that includes system-level synthesis methods and tools that are required for the integrated design of complex materials, products and associated manufacturing processes starting from the end requirements. Hence the primary research question: What are the theoretical, mathematical and computational foundations needed for establishing a comprehensive systems-based design architecture to realize the integrated design of the product, its environment, manufacturing processes and material as a system? Major challenges to be addressed here are: a) integration of models (material, process and product) to establish processing-structure-property-performance relationships, b) goal-oriented inverse design of material microstructures and processing paths to meet multiple conflicting performance/property requirements, c) robust concept exploration by managing uncertainty across process chains and d) systematic, domain-independent, modular, reconfigurable, reusable, computer interpretable, archivable, and multi-objective decision support in the early stages of design to different users. Approach: In order to address these challenges, the primary hypothesis in this dissertation is to establish the theoretical, mathematical and computational foundations for: 1) forward material, product and process workflows through systematic identification and integration of models to define the processing-structure-property-performance relationships; 2) a concept exploration framework supporting systematic formulation of design problems facilitating robust design exploration by bringing together robust design principles and multi-objective decision making protocols; 3) a generic, goal-oriented, inverse decision-based design method that uses 1) and 2) to facilitate the systems-based inverse design of material microstructures and processing paths to meet multiple product level performance/property requirements, thereby generating the problem-specific inverse decision workflow; and 4) integrating the workflows with a knowledge-based platform anchored in modeling decision-related knowledge facilitating capture, execution and reuse of the knowledge associated with 1), 2) and 3). This establishes a comprehensive systems-based design architecture to realize the integrated design of the product, its environment, manufacturing processes and material as a system. Validation: The systems-based design architecture for the integrated realization of materials, products and associated manufacturing processes is validated using the validation-square approach that consists of theoretical and empirical validation. Empirical validation of the design architecture is carried out using an industry driven problem namely the ‘Integrated Design of Steel (Material), Manufacturing Processes (Rolling and Cooling) and Hot Rolled Rods (Product) for Automotive Gears’. Specific sub-problems are formulated within this problem domain to address various research questions identified in this dissertation. Contributions: The contributions from the dissertation are categorized into new knowledge in four research domains: a) systematic model integration (vertical and horizontal) for integrated material and product workflows, b) goal-oriented, inverse decision support, c) robust concept exploration of process chains with multiple conflicting goals and d) knowledge-based decision support for rapid and robust design exploration in simulation-based integrated material, product and process design. The creation of new knowledge in this dissertation is associated with the development of a systems-based design architecture involving systematic function-based approach of formulating forward material workflows, a concept exploration framework for systematic design exploration, an inverse decision-based design method, and robust design metrics, all integrated with a knowledge-based platform for decision support. The theoretical, mathematical and computational foundations for the design architecture are proposed in this dissertation to facilitate rapid and robust exploration of the design and solution spaces to identify material microstructures and processing paths that satisfy conflicting property and performance for complex materials, products and processes by managing uncertainty

    Моделювання, керування та інформаційні технології

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    Aniksuhyn A., Zhyvolovych O. Generalized solvability and optimal control for an integro-differential equation of a hyperbolic type 8 Babudzhan R., Isaienkov K., Krasii D., Melkonian R., Vodka O., Zadorozhniy I. Collection and processing of bearing vibration data for their technical condition classification by machine learning methods 10 Bardan A., Bihun Y. Computer modeling of differential games . 16 Beridze Z., Shavadze Ju., Imnaishvili G., Geladze M. Concept and functions of building a private network (VPN) 19 Bomba A., Klymiuk Y. Computer prediction of technological modes of rapid cone shaped adsorption filters with automated discharge of part of heat from separation surfaces in filtering model 21 Boyko N., Dypko O. Analysis of machine learning methods using spam filtering 25 Boyko N., Kulchytska O. Analysis of tumor classification algorithms for breast cancer prediction by machine learning methods 29 Denysov S., Semenov V., Vedel Ya. A novel adaptive method for operator inclusions 33 Didmanidze M., Chachanidze G., Didmanidze T. Modern trends in unemployment . 36 Bagrationi I., Zaslavski V., Didmanidze I., Yamkova O. Ethics of information technology in the context of a global worldview . 38 Didmanidze D., Zoidze K., Akhvlediani N., Tsitskishvili G., Samnidze N., Diasamidze M. Use of computer teaching systems in the learning process . 42 Dobrydnyk Yu., Khrystyuk A. Analysis of the elevator as an object of automation 44 Gamzayev R., Shkoda B. Development and investigation of adaptive micro-service architecture for messaging software systems . 46 Gayev Ye. Student' own discoveries in information theory curriculum 50 Didmanidze I., Geladze D., Motskobili Ia, Akhvlediani D., Koridze L. Follow digitally by using a blog . 52 Kirpichnikov A., Khrystyuk A. Automatic apiary care system 54 Kunytskyi S., Ivanchuk N. Mathematical modeling of water purification in a bioplato filter 56 Kyrylych V., Milchenko O. Optimal control of a hyperbolic system that describes Slutsky demand . 58 6 Makaradze N., Nakashidze-Makharadze T., Zaslavski V., Gurgenidze M., Samnidze N., Diasamidze M. Challenges of using computer-based educational technologies in higher education 60 Mamenko P., Zinchenko S., Nosov P., Kyrychenko K., Popovych I., Nahrybelnyi Ya., Kobets V. Research of divergence trajectory with a given risk of ships collisions . 64 Mateichuk V., Zinchenko S., Tovstokoryi O., Nosov P., Nahrybelnyi Ya., Popovych I., Kobets V. Automatic vessel control in stormy conditions 68 Petrivskyi Ya., Petrivskyi V., Bychkov O., Pyzh O. Some features of creating a computer vision system 72 Poliakov V. Calculation of organic substrate decomposition in biofilm and bioreactor-filter taking into account its limitation and inhibition 75 Poliakov V. Mathematical modeling of suspension filtration on a rapid filter at an unregulated rate 78 Prokip V. On the semi-scalar equivalence of polynomial matrices 80 Pysarchuk O., Mironov Y. A proposal of algorithm for automated chromosomal abnormality detection . 83 Rybak O., Tarasenko S. Sperner’s Theorem . 87 Sandrakov G., Hulianytskyi A., Semenov V. Modeling of filtration processes in periodic porous media 90 Stepanets O., Mariiash Yu. Optimal control of the blowing mode parameters during basic oxygen furnace steelmaking process . 94 Stepanchenko O., Shostak L., Kozhushko O., Moshynskyi V., Martyniuk P. Modelling soil organic carbon turnover with assimilation of satellite soil moisture data 97 Vinnychenko D., Nazarova N., Vinnychenko I. The dependence of the deviation of the output stabilized current of the resonant power supply during frequency control in the systems of materials pulse processing 100 Voloshchuk V., Nekrashevych O., Gikalo P. Exergy analysis of a reversible chiller 105 Шарко О., Петрушенко Н., Мосін М., Шарко М., Василенко Н., Белоусов А. Інформаційно-керуючі системи та технології оцінки ступеня підготовленості підприємств до інноваційної діяльності за допомогою ланцюгів Маркова . 107 Барановський С., Бомба А., Прищепа О. Модифікація моделі інфекційного захворювання для урахування дифузійних збурень в умовах логістичної динаміки 110 Бомба А., Бойчура М., Мічута О. Ідентифікація параметрів структури ґрунтових криволінійних масивів числовими методами квазіконформних відображень . 112 Василець К. Метод оцінювання невизначеності вимірювання електроенергії вузлом комерційного обліку 114 Волощук В., Некрашевич О., Гікало П. Доцільність застосування критеріїв ексергетичного аналізу для оцінювання ефективності об'єктів теплоенергетики . 117 Гудь В. Математичне моделювання енергетичної ефективності постійних магнітів в циліндричних магнітних системах . 120 Демидюк М. Параметрична оптимізація циклічних транспортних операцій маніпуляторів з активними і пасивними приводами 122 Клепач М., Клепач М. Вейвлет аналіз температурних трендів днища скловарної печі 125 Козирєв С. Керування високовольтним імпульсним розрядом в екзотермічному середовищі . 127 Очко О., Аврука І. Безпечне збереження конфіденційної інформації на серверах . 131 Реут Д., Древецький В., Матус С. Застосування комп’ютерного зору для автоматичного вимірювання швидкості рідин з тонкодисперсними домішками 133 Сафоник А., Грицюк І. Розроблення інформаційної системи для спектрофотометричного аналізу . 135 Ткачук В. Квантовий генетичний алгоритм та його реалізація на квантовому компютері 137 Цвєткова Т. Комп’ютерна візуалізація гідродинамічного поля в області зкриволінійними межами 140 Шпортько О., Бомба А., Шпортько Л. Пристосування словникових методів компресії до прогресуючого ієрархічного стиснення зображень без втрат . 142 Сафоник А., Таргоній І. Розробка системи керування напруженістю магнітного поля для процесу знезалізнення технологічних вод . 14

    A dynamic analytics method based on multistage modeling for a BOF steelmaking process

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    This paper proposes a dynamic analytics method based on the least squares support vector machine with a hybrid kernel to address real-time prediction problems in the converter steelmaking process. The hybrid kernel function is used to enhance the performance of the existing kernels. To improve the model's accuracy, the internal parameters are optimized by a differential evolution algorithm. In light of the complex mechanisms of the converter steelmaking process, a multistage modeling strategy is designed instead of the traditional single-stage modeling method. Owing to the dynamic nature of the practical production process, great effort has been made to construct a dynamic model that uses the prediction error information based on the static model. The validity of the proposed method is verified through experiments on real-world data collected from a basic oxygen furnace steelmaking process. The results indicate that the proposed method can successfully solve dynamic prediction problems and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of prediction accuracy

    A Dynamic Analytics Method Based on Multistage Modeling for a BOF Steelmaking Process

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