17,907 research outputs found

    Enhancing assertive community treatment with cognitive behavioral social skills training for schizophrenia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BackgroundSchizophrenia leads to profound disability in everyday functioning (e.g., difficulty finding and maintaining employment, housing, and personal relationships). Medications can effectively reduce positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations and delusions), but they do not meaningfully improve daily life functioning. Psychosocial evidence-based practices (EBPs) improve functioning, but these EBPs are not available to most people with schizophrenia. The field must close the research and service delivery gap by adapting EBPs for schizophrenia to facilitate widespread implementation in community settings. Our hybrid effectiveness and implementation study represents an initiative to bridge this divide. In this study we will test whether an existing EBP (i.e., Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training (CBSST)) modified to work in practice settings (i.e., Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams) commonly available to persons with schizophrenia results in better consumer outcomes. We will also identify key factors relevant to developing future CBSST implementation strategies.Methods/designFor the effectiveness study component, persons with schizophrenia will be recruited from existing publicly funded ACT teams operating in community settings. Participants will be randomized to one of the 2 treatments (ACT alone or ACT + Adapted CBSST) and followed longitudinally for 18 months with assessments every 18 weeks after baseline (5 in total). The primary outcome domain is psychosocial functioning (e.g., everyday living skills and activities related to employment, education, and housing) as measured by self-report, testing, and observation. Additional outcome domains of interest include mediators of change in functioning, symptoms, and quality of services. Primary analyses will be conducted using linear mixed-effects models for continuous data. The implementation study component consists of a structured, mixed qualitative-quantitative methodology (i.e., Concept Mapping) to characterize and assess the implementation experience from multiple stakeholder perspectives in order to inform future implementation initiatives.DiscussionAdapting CBSST to fit into the ACT service delivery context found throughout the United States creates an opportunity to substantially increase the number of persons with schizophrenia who could have access to and benefit from EBPs. As part of the implementation learning process training materials and treatment workbooks have been revised to promote easier use of CBSST in the context of brief community-based ACT visits.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT02254733 . Date of registration: 25 April 2014

    Organisatie van geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor kinderen en jongeren : literatuurstudie en internationaal overzicht

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    INTRODUCTIE: In de laatste decennia van de vorige eeuw werden er in de Westerse landen belangrijke hervormingen ingezet in de sector van de geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ). In de GGZ voor volwassenen kwam er geleidelijk een model van “balanced care” (“gebalanceerde zorg”) op de voorgrond: een diversiteit aan diensten biedt de zorg zo kort mogelijk bij de eigen leefwereld van de patiĂ«nt aan, en enkel indien nodig in een instelling. Tegelijkertijd moet men ook een vlotte en naadloze overgang van de ene dienst naar de andere garanderen. Geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen bij kinderen en jongeren zijn niet onfrequent. De WGO (Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie) schat de prevalentie in Westerse landen op ongeveer 20%. Ongeveer 5% zou een klinische tussenkomst nodig hebben. De sector van GGZ voor kinderen en jongeren is pas veel later ontstaan dan deze van de volwassenen, en kent een andere zorgstructuur. Toch dringen de hierboven geschetste hervormingsprincipes ook hier door. Bovendien dient zorg voor kinderen en jongeren vaak over de grenzen van de GGZ sector heen te gebeuren, bijvoorbeeld door de huisarts of kinderarts, en komen veel problemen bij kinderen en jongeren voor het eerst aan het licht buiten de zorgsector, zoals op school. GGZ voor kinderen en jongeren dient dan ook deze zogenaamde “belendende sectoren” mee te betrekken: welzijnswerk, justitie, gehandicaptenzorg, onderwijs. DOELSTELLING: De doelstelling van dit rapport is om kennis bijeen te brengen over organisatorische en financieringsaspecten van GGZ voor kinderen en jongeren, en dit in het licht van de hierboven geschetste context. De specifieke therapie-inhoud blijft buiten beschouwing. Het rapport bestaat uit twee delen: een overzicht van de literatuur en van de organisatie van GGZ voor kinderen en jongeren in BelgiĂ« en drie andere landen. Dit rapport formuleert nog geen voorstellen voor de zorgorganisatie in BelgiĂ«. Voor dit proces zullen Belgische stakeholders betrokken worden. Het resultaat hiervan zal beschreven worden in een afzonderlijk rapport. METHODE: Zowel voor het literatuuronderzoek als voor het internationale overzicht werd gezocht in databases met peer-reviewed publicaties en in de grijze literatuur. In het literatuuronderzoek werden naast vergelijkend onderzoek ook descriptieve studies en kwalitatief onderzoek geĂŻncludeerd. Voor het internationaal overzicht werd de beschikbare literatuur aangevuld met gegevens van lokale informanten. MODELLEN VAN ZORGORGANISATIE: Dit rapport legt de focus op de meest geciteerde modellen, en die modellen waarvoor er vergelijkend onderzoek gebeurde. De twee meest geciteerde modellen in de literatuur zijn het WGO-model en het Systems of care model. Beide zijn vrij algemeen en vragen verdere uitwerking door het land of de regio die GGZ voor kinderen en jongeren wil implementeren. De meeste vergelijkende studies zijn wel gekenmerkt door talrijke methodologische beperkingen zoals onduidelijke inclusiecriteria, onduidelijke uitkomstmaten of kleine steekproeven. INTERNATIONAAL OVERZICHT: Om redenen van haalbaarheid werd gekozen om dit deel te beperken tot BelgiĂ«, Nederland, Canada (British Columbia) en Engeland. De selectie vertrok van een long-list waarop vervolgens een aantal selectiecriteria werden toegepast. CONCLUSIE: Het belang van een nationaal/regionaal beleid voor kinder- en jeugd GGZ, geconcretiseerd in een duidelijk plan, is al langer bekend. Toch is de literatuur over organisatiemodellen binnen kinder- en jeugd GGZ weinig richtinggevend voor beleidsmakers. De twee belangrijkste modellen die in de literatuur aangetroffen werden geven enkel grote beleidslijnen van algemene aard aan. Bovendien zijn de wetenschappelijke studies in dit domein van beperkte kwaliteit en blijft een groot deel van de beleidsvraagstukken niet of onvoldoende onderzocht. Wel kan men uit het onderzoek ivm. het Systems of care besluiten dat de overheid niet enkel een betere zorgorganisatie en –coordinatie dient te stimuleren. Zij dient ook het ontwikkelen en verspreiden van doelmatige therapeutische concepten te bevorderen. Het onderzoek ivm. preventie en behandeling van angststoornissen via scholen toont aan dat men moet durven zoeken naar oplossingen in samenwerking met andere sectoren buiten de gezondheidszorg. In de bestudeerde landen gaan de hervormingen uit van theoretische denkkaders die gebaseerd zijn op belangrijke ethische principes en waarden; deze overlappen in belangrijke mate tussen de verschillende landen. Echter, bij het praktisch realiseren van dit denkkader ondervindt men talrijke moeilijkheden, en in een aantal gevallen mislukt men in de vooropgestelde doelstellingen. Over het daadwerkelijke resultaat van de gevoerde hervormingen zijn er meestal weinig harde gegevens. Wellicht kan men pas tot een positief resultaat komen als zowel klinische, organisatorische, als financiĂ«le aspecten alle tegelijk aangepakt worden; en als ook de eigenheid van elk van de betrokken sectoren daarbij niet uit het oog verloren wordt. In de volgende faze van deze studie zullen samen met de Belgische stakeholders voorstellen voor hervormingen geformuleerd worden. De resultaten hiervan worden afzonderlijk gepubliceerd

    Depression Consultation Expert System

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    Depression Consultation Expert System (DECES) is a web-based Diagnosis and Counseling system for depression cases based on knowledge from human expert. Given the shortage of psychiatrists, the refusal of patients on face-to-face consultation due to shyness, appointment hassles, time& cost of each treatment, and a considerable increase in numbers of depressive subjects, there is a definite sense of urgency in the development of this system. The objectives of the project are to understand the underlying concepts of AI in medicine in general and psychology in particular, and to develop DECES through research on diagnostic expert system, its construction techniques and approaches. The methodology used is expert system development life cycle with prototyping. The development begins with knowledge acquisition, then design of the knowledge base and inference methods. Application of this methodology allows the prototype to be evaluated and refined by professionals in stages to verify its credibility, reliability and clinical acceptability. The system is able to guide its users to a diagnosis process of identifying their depression levels and causes and getting self-help without the intervention of psychiatrists. The proposed system captures the expertise, which empowers patients with the ability to help themselves in depression treatment quickly, at any convenient place and time. With the increase recognition of the seriousness of depression and the importance to reduce it critically, the future depression expert system appears to be promising and optimistic. This paradigm shift makes depression consultation expert system an emerging and ever-evolving one that can be and should be productively explored

    Improving identification and audit of disability within Child Health Services

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    This project was commissioned by the Department of Health to survey existing data collections regarding childhood disability across the domains of education, health and social care and to collect definitions of disability from across three domains. A systematic review was conducted which addressed the two aims. The findings were discussed in consultation of findings with key professionals from across the UK and with some contacts in Europe, both electronically and in a professional working focus group. The review of published academic and grey literature identified vast disparities between the way that data is collected, coded and used across the three domains. The disparities between the definitions of disability used across the domains further prevent the data being drawn together in a cohesive manner that may then be used to facilitate effective planning of services both locally and nationally. The project did, however, identify one coding system that may potentially offer a solution to these difficulties, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – Children and Youth Version (ICF-CY, World Health Organisation, 2007). This coding system has demonstrated a capacity to resolve issues with data collections in Europe and has been the subject of policy recommendations presented to the European Parliament on the 16th September 2008. It is proposed that while immediate change is not possible, a staged approach, beginning with a pilot study of the utility of the ICF-CY, should be conducted to test its efficiency in providing effective harmonisation of data collections across the three domains and its applicability in the identification of childhood disability. Alongside this, it is important for the ICF-CY considered by the project group overseeing the implementation of the Child Health, Maternity and CAMHS Care Records

    Psyxpert: An Expert system for aiding psychiatrists in the diagnosis of psychotic disorders

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    Psyxpert is an expert computer system designed to aid psychiatrists in the diagnosis of mental disorders when psychotic features are the prominent part of the presenting clinical picture. The knowledge base contains psychiatric knowledge in the form of production rules. The system uses a backward-chaining control strategy to guide the consultation. Psyxpert provides a menu-driven user interface and an explanation subsystem. The system uses certainty and importance measures to produce a diagnosis with an attached certainty factor and recommendations for further evaluation or therapy. Psyxpert is written in Virginia Tech HC Prolog and runs on Digital Equipment Corporation\u27s VAX 11/780 under the VMS operating system

    Evaluating the national multisite implementation of dialectical behaviour therapy in a community setting: a mixed methods approach

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    BACKGROUND: The implementation of evidence-based interventions for borderline personality disorder in community settings is important given that individuals with this diagnosis are often extensive users of both inpatient and outpatient mental health services. Although work in this area is limited, previous studies have identified facilitators and barriers to successful DBT implementation. This study seeks to expand on previous work by evaluating a coordinated implementation of DBT in community settings at a national level. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) (Damschroder et al., Implementation Sci. 4:50, 2009) provided structural guidance for this national level coordinated implementation. METHODS: A mixed methods approach was utilised to explore the national multisite implementation of DBT from the perspective of team leaders and therapists who participated in the coordinated training and subsequent implementation of DBT. Qualitative interviews with DBT team leaders (n = 8) explored their experiences of implementing DBT in their local service and was analysed using content analysis. Quantitative surveys from DBT therapists (n = 74) examined their experience of multiple aspects of the implementation process including orienting the system, and preparations and support for implementation. Frequencies of responses were calculated. Written qualitative feedback was analysed using content analysis. RESULTS: Five themes were identified from the interview data: team formation, implementation preparation, client selection, service level challenges and team leader role. Participants identified team size and support for the team leader as key points for consideration in DBT implementation. Key challenges encountered were the lack of system support to facilitate phone coaching and a lack of allocated time to focus on DBT. Implementation facilitators included having dedicated team members and support from management. CONCLUSIONS: The barriers and facilitators identified in this study are broadly similar to those reported in previous research. Barriers and facilitators were identified across several domains of the CFIR and are consistent with a recently published DBT implementation Framework (Toms et al., Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul. 6: 2, 2019). Future research should pay particular attention to the domain of characteristics of individuals involved in DBT implementation. The results highlight the importance of a mandated service plan for the coordinated implementation of an evidence-based treatment in a public health service

    Reciprocity in global mental health policy

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    In an attempt to address inequalities and inequities in mental health provision in low and middle-income countries the WHO commenced the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) in 2008. Four years on from the commencement of this programme of work, the WHO has recently adopted the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. This article will critically appraise the strategic direction that the WHO has adopted to address mental health difficulties across the globe. This will include a consideration of the role that the biomedical model of mental health difficulties has had on global strategy. Concerns will be raised that an over-reliance on scaling up medical resources has led to a strengthening of psychiatric hospital-based care, and insufficient emphasis being placed on social and cultural determinants of human distress. We also argue that consensus scientific opinion garnered from consortia of psychiatric ‘experts’ drawn mainly from Europe and North America may not have universal relevance or applicability, and may have served to silence and subjugate local experience and expertise across the globe. In light of the criticisms that have been made of the research that has been conducted into understanding mental health problems in the global south, the article also explores ways in which the evidence-base can be made more relevant and more valid. An important issue that will be highlighted is the apparent lack of reciprocity that exists in the impetus for change in how mental health problems are understood and addressed in low and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries. Whereas there is much focus on the need for change in low and middle-income countries, there is comparatively little critical reflection on practices in high-income countries in the global mental health discourse. We advocate for the development of mental health services that are sensitive to the socio-cultural context in which the services are applied. Despite the appeal of global strategies to promote mental health, it may be that very local solutions are required. The article concludes with some reflections on the strategic objectives identified in the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 and how this work can be progressed in the future
