29 research outputs found

    Active control of fluid-borne noise

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    Nonlinear Time-Frequency Control Theory with Applications

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    Nonlinear control is an important subject drawing much attention. When a nonlinear system undergoes route-to-chaos, its response is naturally bounded in the time-domain while in the meantime becoming unstably broadband in the frequency-domain. Control scheme facilitated either in the time- or frequency-domain alone is insufficient in controlling route-to-chaos, where the corresponding response deteriorates in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. It is necessary to facilitate nonlinear control in both the time and frequency domains without obscuring or misinterpreting the true dynamics. The objective of the dissertation is to formulate a novel nonlinear control theory that addresses the fundamental characteristics inherent of all nonlinear systems undergoing route-to-chaos, one that requires no linearization or closed-form solution so that the genuine underlying features of the system being considered are preserved. The theory developed herein is able to identify the dynamic state of the system in real-time and restrain time-varying spectrum from becoming broadband. Applications of the theory are demonstrated using several engineering examples including the control of a non-stationary Duffing oscillator, a 1-DOF time-delayed milling model, a 2-DOF micro-milling system, unsynchronized chaotic circuits, and a friction-excited vibrating disk. Not subject to all the mathematical constraint conditions and assumptions upon which common nonlinear control theories are based and derived, the novel theory has its philosophical basis established in the simultaneous time-frequency control, on-line system identification, and feedforward adaptive control. It adopts multi-rate control, hence enabling control over nonstationary, nonlinear response with increasing bandwidth ? a physical condition oftentimes fails the contemporary control theories. The applicability of the theory to complex multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems without resorting to mathematical manipulation and extensive computation is demonstrated through the multi-variable control of a micro-milling system. The research is of a broad impact on the control of a wide range of nonlinear and chaotic systems. The implications of the nonlinear time-frequency control theory in cutting, micro-machining, communication security, and the mitigation of friction-induced vibrations are both significant and immediate

    The investigation and design of a piezoelectric active vibration control system for vertical machining centres

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Study and Development of Mechatronic Devices and Machine Learning Schemes for Industrial Applications

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    Obiettivo del presente progetto di dottorato è lo studio e sviluppo di sistemi meccatronici e di modelli machine learning per macchine operatrici e celle robotizzate al fine di incrementarne le prestazioni operative e gestionali. Le pressanti esigenze del mercato hanno imposto lavorazioni con livelli di accuratezza sempre più elevati, tempi di risposta e di produzione ridotti e a costi contenuti. In questo contesto nasce il progetto di dottorato, focalizzato su applicazioni di lavorazioni meccaniche (e.g. fresatura), che includono sistemi complessi quali, ad esempio, macchine a 5 assi e, tipicamente, robot industriali, il cui utilizzo varia a seconda dell’impiego. Oltre alle specifiche problematiche delle lavorazioni, si deve anche considerare l’interazione macchina-robot per permettere un’efficiente capacità e gestione dell’intero impianto. La complessità di questo scenario può evidenziare sia specifiche problematiche inerenti alle lavorazioni (e.g. vibrazioni) sia inefficienze più generali che riguardano l’impianto produttivo (e.g. asservimento delle macchine con robot, consumo energetico). Vista la vastità della tematica, il progetto si è suddiviso in due parti, lo studio e sviluppo di due specifici dispositivi meccatronici, basati sull’impiego di attuatori piezoelettrici, che puntano principalmente alla compensazione di vibrazioni indotte dal processo di lavorazione, e l’integrazione di robot per l’asservimento di macchine utensili in celle robotizzate, impiegando modelli di machine learning per definire le traiettorie ed i punti di raggiungibilità del robot, al fine di migliorarne l’accuratezza del posizionamento del pezzo in diverse condizioni. In conclusione, la presente tesi vuole proporre soluzioni meccatroniche e di machine learning per incrementare le prestazioni di macchine e sistemi robotizzati convenzionali. I sistemi studiati possono essere integrati in celle robotizzate, focalizzandosi sia su problematiche specifiche delle lavorazioni in macchine operatrici sia su problematiche a livello di impianto robot-macchina. Le ricerche hanno riguardato un’approfondita valutazione dello stato dell’arte, la definizione dei modelli teorici, la progettazione funzionale e l’identificazione delle criticità del design dei prototipi, la realizzazione delle simulazioni e delle prove sperimentali e l’analisi dei risultati.The aim of this Ph.D. project is the study and development of mechatronic systems and machine learning models for machine tools and robotic applications to improve their performances. The industrial demands have imposed an ever-increasing accuracy and efficiency requirement whilst constraining the cost. In this context, this project focuses on machining processes (e.g. milling) that include complex systems such as 5-axes machine tool and industrial robots, employed for various applications. Beside the issues related to the machining process itself, the interaction between the machining centre and the robot must be considered for the complete industrial plant’s improvement. This scenario´s complexity depicts both specific machining problematics (e.g. vibrations) and more general issues related to the complete plant, such as machine tending with an industrial robot and energy consumption. Regarding the immensity of this area, this project is divided in two parts, the study and development of two mechatronic devices, based on piezoelectric stack actuators, for the active vibration control during the machining process, and the robot machine tending within the robotic cell, employing machine learning schemes for the trajectory definition and robot reachability to improve the corresponding positioning accuracy. In conclusion, this thesis aims to provide a set of solutions, based on mechatronic devices and machine learning schemes, to improve the conventional machining centre and the robotic systems performances. The studied systems can be integrated within a robotic cell, focusing on issues related to the specific machining process and to the interaction between robot-machining centre. This research required a thorough study of the state-of-the-art, the formulation of theoretical models, the functional design development, the identification of the critical aspects in the prototype designs, the simulation and experimental campaigns, and the analysis of the obtained results

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe dissertation is concerned with the development and analysis of adaptive algorithms for the rejection of unknown periodic disturbances acting on an unknown system. The rejection of periodic disturbances is a problem frequently encountered in control engineering, and in active noise and vibration control in particular. A new adaptive algorithm is presented for situations where the plant is unknown and may be time-varying. Known as the adaptive harmonic steady-state or ADHSS algorithm, the approach consists in obtaining on-line estimates of the plant frequency response and of the disturbance parameters. The estimates are used to continuously update control parameters and cancel or minimize the effect of the disturbance. The dynamic behavior of the algorithm is analyzed using averaging theory. Averaging theory allows the nonlinear time-varying closed-loop system to be approximated by a nonlinear time-invariant system. Extensions of the algorithm to systems with multiple inputs/outputs and disturbances consisting of multiple frequency components are provided. After considering the rejection of sinusoidal disturbances of known frequency, the rejection of disturbances of unknown frequency acting on an unknown and time-varying plant is considered. This involves the addition of frequency estimation to the ADHSS algorithm. It is shown that when magnitude phase-locked loop (MPLL) frequency estimation is integrated with the ADHSS algorithm, the two components work together in such a way that the control input does not prevent frequency tracking by the frequency estimator and so that the order of the ADHSS can be reduced. While MPLL frequency estimation can be combined favorably with ADHSS disturbance rejection, stability is limited due to the local convergence properties of the MPLL. Thus, a new frequency estimation algorithm with semiglobal stability properties is introduced. Based on the theory of asynchronous electric machines, the induction motor frequency estimator, or IMFE, is shown to be appropriate for disturbance cancellation and, with modification, is shown to increase stability of the combined ADHSS/MPLL algorithm. Extensive active noise control experiments demonstrate the performance of the algorithms presented in the dissertation when disturbance and plant parameters are changing

    Towards the Development of a Wearable Tremor Suppression Glove

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    Patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often associate with tremor. Among other symptoms of PD, tremor is the most aggressive symptom and it is difficult to control with traditional treatments. This thesis presents the assessment of Parkinsonian hand tremor in both the time domain and the frequency domain, the performance of a tremor estimator using different tremor models, and the development of a novel mechatronic transmission system for a wearable tremor suppression device. This transmission system functions as a mechatronic splitter that allows a single power source to support multiple independent applications. Unique features of this transmission system include low power consumption and adjustability in size and weight. Tremor assessment results showed that the hand tremor signal often presents a multi-harmonics pattern. The use of a multi-harmonics tremor model produced a better estimation result than using a monoharmonic tremor model

    Nonlinear Time-Frequency Control Theory with Applications

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    Nonlinear control is an important subject drawing much attention. When a nonlinear system undergoes route-to-chaos, its response is naturally bounded in the time-domain while in the meantime becoming unstably broadband in the frequency-domain. Control scheme facilitated either in the time- or frequency-domain alone is insufficient in controlling route-to-chaos, where the corresponding response deteriorates in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. It is necessary to facilitate nonlinear control in both the time and frequency domains without obscuring or misinterpreting the true dynamics. The objective of the dissertation is to formulate a novel nonlinear control theory that addresses the fundamental characteristics inherent of all nonlinear systems undergoing route-to-chaos, one that requires no linearization or closed-form solution so that the genuine underlying features of the system being considered are preserved. The theory developed herein is able to identify the dynamic state of the system in real-time and restrain time-varying spectrum from becoming broadband. Applications of the theory are demonstrated using several engineering examples including the control of a non-stationary Duffing oscillator, a 1-DOF time-delayed milling model, a 2-DOF micro-milling system, unsynchronized chaotic circuits, and a friction-excited vibrating disk. Not subject to all the mathematical constraint conditions and assumptions upon which common nonlinear control theories are based and derived, the novel theory has its philosophical basis established in the simultaneous time-frequency control, on-line system identification, and feedforward adaptive control. It adopts multi-rate control, hence enabling control over nonstationary, nonlinear response with increasing bandwidth ? a physical condition oftentimes fails the contemporary control theories. The applicability of the theory to complex multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems without resorting to mathematical manipulation and extensive computation is demonstrated through the multi-variable control of a micro-milling system. The research is of a broad impact on the control of a wide range of nonlinear and chaotic systems. The implications of the nonlinear time-frequency control theory in cutting, micro-machining, communication security, and the mitigation of friction-induced vibrations are both significant and immediate

    Wave-based sensor, actuator and optimizer

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    Programa doutoral em Sistemas Avançados de Engenharia para a Indústria (AESI)A presente tese explora a utilização de ondas para abordar dois desafios significativos na indústria automóvel. O primeiro desafio consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema de cancelamento ativo de ruído (ANC) que possa reduzir os ruídos não estacionários no compartimento de passageiros de um veículo. O segundo desafio é criar uma metodologia de conceção ótima para sensores de posição indutivos capazes de medir deslocamentos lineares, rotacionais e angulares. Para abordar o primeiro desafio, foi desenvolvido de um sistema ANC onde wavelets foram combinadas com um banco de filtros adaptativos. O sistema foi implementado em uma FPGA, e testes demonstraram que o sistema pode reduzir o ruído não estacionário em um ambiente acústico aberto e não controlado em 9 dB. O segundo desafio foi abordado através de uma metodologia que combina um algoritmo genético com um método numérico rápido para otimizar um sensor de posição indutivo. O método numérico foi usado para simular o campo eletromagnético associado à geometria do sensor, permitindo a maximização da corrente induzida nas bobinas recetoras e a minimização da não-linearidade no sensor. A minimização da não-linearidade foi conseguida através do desenho (layout) das bobinas que compõem o sensor. Sendo este otimizado no espaço de Fourier através da adição de harmónicos apropriados na geometria. As melhores geometrias otimizadas apresentaram uma não-linearidade inferior a 0,01% e a 0,25% da escala total para os sensores de posição angular e linear, respetivamente, sem calibração por software. O sistema ANC proposto tem o potencial de melhorar o conforto dos ocupantes do veículo, reduzindo o ruído indesejado dentro do compartimento de passageiros. Isso poderia reduzir o uso de materiais de isolamento acústico no veículo, levando a um veículo mais leve e, em última análise, a uma redução no consumo de energia. A metodologia desenvolvida para sensores de posição indutivos contribui para o estado da arte de sensores de posição eficientes e económicos, o que é crucial para os requisitos complexos da indústria automóvel. Essas contribuições têm implicações para o desenho de sistemas automotivos, com requisitos de desempenho e considerações ambientais e económicas.This thesis explores the use of waves to tackle two major engineering challenges in the automotive industry. The first challenge is the development of an Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) system that can effectively reduce non-stationary noise inside a vehicle’s passenger compartment. The second challenge is the optimization of an inductive position sensor design methodology capable of measuring linear, rotational, and angular displacements. To address the first challenge, this work designs an ANC system that employs wavelets combined with a bank of adaptive filters. The system was implemented in an FPGA, and field tests demonstrate its ability to reduce non-stationary noise in an open and uncontrolled acoustic environment by 9 dB. The second challenge was tackled by proposing a new approach that combines a genetic algorithm with a fast and lightweight numerical method to optimize the geometry of an inductive position sensor. The numerical method is used to simulate the sensor’s electromagnetic field, allowing for the maximization of induced current on the receiver coils while minimizing the sensor’s non-linearity. The non-linearity minimization was achieved through its unique sensor’s coils design optimized in the Fourier space by adding the appropriate harmonics to the coils’ geometry. The best optimized geometries exhibited a non-linearity of less than 0.01% and 0.25% of the full scale for the angular and linear position sensors, respectively. Both results were achieved without the need for signal calibration or post-processing manipulation. The proposed ANC system has the potential to enhance the comfort of vehicle occupants by reducing unwanted noise inside the passenger compartment. Moreover, it has the potential to reduce the use of acoustic insulation materials in the vehicle, leading to a lighter vehicle and ultimately reducing energy consumption. The developed methodology for inductive position sensors represents a state-of-the-art contribution to efficient and cost-effective position sensor design, which is crucial for meeting the complex requirements of the automotive industry.I would like to thank the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and Bosch Car Multimedia for funding my PhD (grant PD/BDE/142901/2018)

    Active suspension control of electric vehicle with in-wheel motors

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    In-wheel motor (IWM) technology has attracted increasing research interests in recent years due to the numerous advantages it offers. However, the direct attachment of IWMs to the wheels can result in an increase in the vehicle unsprung mass and a significant drop in the suspension ride comfort performance and road holding stability. Other issues such as motor bearing wear motor vibration, air-gap eccentricity and residual unbalanced radial force can adversely influence the motor vibration, passenger comfort and vehicle rollover stability. Active suspension and optimized passive suspension are possible methods deployed to improve the ride comfort and safety of electric vehicles equipped with inwheel motor. The trade-off between ride comfort and handling stability is a major challenge in active suspension design. This thesis investigates the development of novel active suspension systems for successful implementation of IWM technology in electric cars. Towards such aim, several active suspension methods based on robust H∞ control methods are developed to achieve enhanced suspension performance by overcoming the conflicting requirement between ride comfort, suspension deflection and road holding. A novel fault-tolerant H∞ controller based on friction compensation is in the presence of system parameter uncertainties, actuator faults, as well as actuator time delay and system friction is proposed. A friction observer-based Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy H∞ controller is developed for active suspension with sprung mass variation and system friction. This method is validated experimentally on a quarter car test rig. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed control methods in improving vehicle ride performance and road holding capability under different road profiles. Quarter car suspension model with suspended shaft-less direct-drive motors has the potential to improve the road holding capability and ride performance. Based on the quarter car suspension with dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) model, a multi-objective parameter optimization for active suspension of IWM mounted electric vehicle based on genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to suppress the sprung mass vibration, motor vibration, motor bearing wear as well as improving ride comfort, suspension deflection and road holding stability. Then a fault-tolerant fuzzy H∞ control design approach for active suspension of IWM driven electric vehicles in the presence of sprung mass variation, actuator faults and control input constraints is proposed. The T-S fuzzy suspension model is used to cope with the possible sprung mass variation. The output feedback control problem for active suspension system of IWM driven electric vehicles with actuator faults and time delay is further investigated. The suspended motor parameters and vehicle suspension parameters are optimized based on the particle swarm optimization. A robust output feedback H∞ controller is designed to guarantee the system’s asymptotic stability and simultaneously satisfying the performance constraints. The proposed output feedback controller reveals much better performance than previous work when different actuator thrust losses and time delay occurs. The road surface roughness is coupled with in-wheel switched reluctance motor air-gap eccentricity and the unbalanced residual vertical force. Coupling effects between road excitation and in wheel switched reluctance motor (SRM) on electric vehicle ride comfort are also analysed in this thesis. A hybrid control method including output feedback controller and SRM controller are designed to suppress SRM vibration and to prolong the SRM lifespan, while at the same time improving vehicle ride comfort. Then a state feedback H∞ controller combined with SRM controller is designed for in-wheel SRM driven electric vehicle with DVA structure to enhance vehicle and SRM performance. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of DVA structure based active suspension system with proposed control method its ability to significantly improve the road holding capability and ride performance, as well as motor performance