9 research outputs found

    QUERANDO!: un agente de filtrado de documentos web

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    La gran cantidad de informaci贸n en la WWW requiere de m茅todos superiores de asistencia al usuario con respecto a la funcionalidad provista por los motores de b煤squeda actuales. Enfoques recientes en el 谩rea de agentes inteligentes ayudan a los usuarios a solucionar este problema mediante la adquisici贸n de perfiles de filtrado de documentos. El presente art铆culo describe un agente de filtrado de p谩ginas web llamado Querando! capaz de aprender perfiles representativos de las preferencias del usuario, a trav茅s de una red neuronal basada en la Teor铆a de la Resonancia Adaptativa Difusa. El modelo utilizado en este agente se caracteriza por permitir el perfeccionamiento del perfil a trav茅s del tiempo sin requerir reentrenamiento con documentos previos. Finalmente, se discute la implementaci贸n de Querando! y se enumeran los resultados obtenidos que avalan dicho enfoque compar谩ndolo con otras soluciones existentes.Eje: Sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    QUERANDO!: un agente de filtrado de documentos web

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    La gran cantidad de informaci贸n en la WWW requiere de m茅todos superiores de asistencia al usuario con respecto a la funcionalidad provista por los motores de b煤squeda actuales. Enfoques recientes en el 谩rea de agentes inteligentes ayudan a los usuarios a solucionar este problema mediante la adquisici贸n de perfiles de filtrado de documentos. El presente art铆culo describe un agente de filtrado de p谩ginas web llamado Querando! capaz de aprender perfiles representativos de las preferencias del usuario, a trav茅s de una red neuronal basada en la Teor铆a de la Resonancia Adaptativa Difusa. El modelo utilizado en este agente se caracteriza por permitir el perfeccionamiento del perfil a trav茅s del tiempo sin requerir reentrenamiento con documentos previos. Finalmente, se discute la implementaci贸n de Querando! y se enumeran los resultados obtenidos que avalan dicho enfoque compar谩ndolo con otras soluciones existentes.Eje: Sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Ph.D. Thesis Proprosal: Transportable Agents

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    One of the paradigms that has been suggested for allowing efficient access to remote resources is transportable agents. A transportable agent is a named program that can migrate from machine to machine in a heterogeneous network. The program chooses when and where to migrate. It can suspend its execution at an arbitrary point, transport to another machine and resume execution on the new machine. Transportable agents have several advantages over the traditional client/server model. Transportable agents consume less network bandwidth and do not require a connection between communicating machines -- this is attractive in all networks and particularly attractive in wireless networks. Transportable agents are a convenient paradigm for distributed computing since they hide the communication channels but not the location of the computation. Transportable agents allow clients and servers to program each other. However transportable agents pose numerous challenges such as security, privacy and efficiency. Existing transportable agent systems do not meet all of these challenges. In addition there has been no formal characterization of the performance of transportable agents. This thesis addresses these weakness. The thesis has two parts -- (1) formally characterize the performance of transportable agents through mathematical analysis and network simulation and (2) implement a complete transportable agent system

    A Distributed And Anonymous Knowledge Sharing Approach To Software Interoperation

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    The support for automatic interoperation of software components can reduce cost and provide greater functionality. This paper describes a novel approach to software interoperation based on specification sharing. Software components, called agents, provide machine processable descriptions of their capabilities and needs. Agents can be realized in different programming languages, and they can run in different processes on different machines. In addition, agents can be dynamic -- at run time agents can join the system or leave. The system uses the declarative agent specifications to automatically coordinate their interoperation. The architecture supports anonymous interoperation of agents, where each agent has the illusion that the capabilities of all the other agents are provided directly by the system. The distinctive feature of this approach is the expressiveness of the declarative specification language, which enables sophisticated agent interoperation, e.g., decomposing complex reque..

    A Distributed and Anonymous Knowledge Sharing Approach to Software Interoperation

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    The support for automatic interoperation of software components can reduce cost and provide greater functionality. This paper describes a novel approach to software interoperation based on specification sharing. Software components, called agents, provide machine processable descriptions of their capabilities and needs. Agents can be realized in different programming languages, and they can run in different processes on different machines. In addition, agents can be dynamic -- at run time agents can join the system or leave. The system uses the declarative agent specifications to automatically coordinate their interoperation. The architecture supports anonymous interoperation of agents, where each agent has the illusion that the capabilities of all the other agents are provided directly by the system. The distinctive feature of this approach is the expressiveness of the declarative specification language, which enables sophisticated agent interoperation, e.g., decomposing complex reque..

    Un agente para clasificaci贸n y filtrado de p谩ginas web

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    Esta disertaci贸n introduce un paradigma de clasificaci贸n de textos en formato HTML basado en la aplicaci贸n del modelo de redes neuronales llamado Teor铆a de la Resonancia Adaptativa Difusa. Tambi茅n, se describe la implementaci贸n concreta de un agente de filtrado de p谩ginas HTML llamado Querando!, el cual aprende el perfil de gustos de informaci贸n de un usuario dado. Se realizaron diversas mediciones para determinar la representaci贸n m谩s adecuada de los documentos HTML a procesar as铆 como la de la topolog铆a final de la red neuronal a utilizar. Aqu铆, se enumeran, describen, analizan y comparan estas mediciones. Adem谩s, para tener un sentido de completitud de los temas estudiados se analizan la literatura cient铆fica en los temas concernientes a este trabajo, los cuales se comparan con lo realizado. Dichos temas son: el 谩rea de recuperaci贸n y filtrado de la informaci贸n, algoritmos de clasificaci贸n y clustering, los modelos de redes neuronales y el 谩rea de los agentes inteligentes que es donde se aplican todos estos conceptos. Tambi茅n, se analiza lo concerniente a los detalles m谩s relevantes de la implementaci贸n del agente Querando haciendo comparaciones con otras implementaciones posibles.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Selecci贸n de socios en las Empresas Virtuales Din谩micas

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    En el presente documento se describen los aspectos m谩s importantes asociados a la aplicaci贸n software DVEBreeder. Esta herramienta ha sido creada expresamente para facilitar el proceso de selecci贸n de socios en las Empresas Virtuales Din谩micas utilizando, para ello, dos tecnolog铆as procedentes del 谩mbito de la Inteligencia Artificial, como son los Sistemas Multiagente y los Sistemas Expertos. En dicha aplicaci贸n el proceso de selecci贸n se realiza en base a un modelo que engloba y ampl铆a las posibilidades de los distintos enfoques existentes en la literatura, y en el que se hace uso del reciente concepto de Entornos de Gestaci贸n.Departamento de Inform谩tic

    Planning and matchmaking in a multi-agent system for software integration

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    Computer users employ a collection of software tools to support their day-to-day work. Often the software environment is dynamic with new tools being added as they become available and removed as they become obsolete or outdated. In today鈥檚 systems, the burden of coordinating the use of these disparate tools, remembering the correct sequence of commands, and incorporating new and modified programs into the daily work pattern lies with the user. This paper describes a multi-agent system, DALEKS, that assists users in utilizing diverse software tools for their everyday work. It manages work and information flow by providing a coordination layer that selects the appropriate tool(s) to use for each of the user鈥檚 tasks and automates the flow of information between them. This enables the user to be concerned more with what has to be done, rather than with the specifics of how to access tools and information. Here we describe the system architecture of DALEKS and illustrate it with an example in university course administration.Unpublished[Cranefield and Purvis, 1995] S. J. S. Cranefield and M. K. Purvis. Agent-based integration of general-purpose tools. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents, Fourth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 1995. Also in http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~cikm/iia/proc.html. [Cranefield and Purvis, 1997] S. J. S. Cranefield and M. K. Purvis. An agent-based architecture for software tool coordination. In L. Cavedon, A.S. Rao, and W. Wobcke, editors, Intelligent Agent Systems: Theoretical and Practical Issues, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, number 1209, pages 44-58. Springer, 1997. [Cranefield et al., 1997] S. J. Cranefield, A. C. Diaz and M. K. Purvis. Planning and matchmaking for the interoperation of information processing agents. Discussion Paper 97/1, Department of Information Science, University of Otago, 1997. Submitted to the European Conference on Planning 1997. [Erol et al., 1994] K. Erol, J.Hendler, and D.S. Nau. UMCP: A sound and complete procedure for hierarchical task-network planning. In K. Hammond, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on AI Planning Systems, pages 249-254, 1994. [Genesereth et al., 1995] M.R. Genesereth, N.P. Singh, and M.A.Syed. A distributed and anonymous knowledge sharing approach to software interoperation. Int. Journal of Cooperative Information Systems,4(4):339-367, 1995. [Kuokka and Harada, 1995] D. Kuokka and L. Harada. Matchmaking for information agents. In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 1, pages 672-678, 1995. [LAN-ACL, 1995] Uniform Resource Characteristics Web page, Advanced Computing Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory. http://www.acl.lanl.gov/URC/, November 1995