14 research outputs found

    Multiple zones surveillance system using RFID

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    Monitoring and tracking the activities of individuals (or objects) in multiple zones or areas simultaneously is quite a challenging task. It is a very common practice to use observation cameras or to have security personnel to guard the specified areas. However, area surveillances using these common methods may become tedious when the activities to watch out for increases. More cameras as well as manpower are needed to cater for the increment of activities for each zone. On top of that, should anyone (or objects) vacates or trespasses the designated areas, it would take some time to identify them, hence resulting complexity in tracing their whereabouts. To overcome these challenges, we propose a surveillance system for multiple zones using RFID technology. Individuals or objects to be monitored are tagged using RFID tags that hold unique identification. Each zone is allocated with one RFID reader, which will transmit the information of activities of the respective zones to the host computer in the control room. The security personnel in the control room would be able to identify which individual or objects that are out of their designated zones or trespassing to another zone based on the tags that has been detected by the reader. Should the tags are removed without authorization, alarm will be generated. Every activity transactions are recorded in a database for future references or actions. A case study of inmate tracking system is conducted and demonstrated to prove the capability of the proposed method

    DiVA: A Distributed Video Analysis framework applied to video-surveillance systems

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. C. San Miguel, J. Bescós, J. M. Martónez, and Á. García, "DiVA: A Distributed Video Analysis Framework Applied to Video-Surveillance Systems", in WIAMIS '08. Ninth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2008, Klagenfurt (Germay), 2008, pp. 207 - 210.This paper describes a generic, scalable, and distributed framework for real-time video-analysis intended for research, prototyping and services deployment purposes. The architecture considers multiple cameras and is based on a server/client model. The information generated by each analysis module and the context information are made accessible to the whole system by using a database system. System modules can be interconnected in several ways, thus achieving flexibility. Two main design criteria have been low computational cost and easy component integration. The experimental results show the potential use of this system.This work is supported by Cátedra Infoglobal-UAM for “Nuevas Tecnologías de video aplicadas a la seguridad”, by the Spanish Government (TEC2007-65400 SemanticVideo), by the Comunidad de Madrid (S-050/TIC-0223 - ProMultiDis-CM), by the Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid and by The European Social Fund

    Scalable surveillance software architecture

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    Copyright © 2006 IEEEVideo surveillance is a key technology for enhanced protection of facilities such as airports and power stations from various types of threat. Networks of thousands of IP-based cameras are now possible, but current surveillance methodologies become increasingly ineffective as the number of cameras grows. Constructing software that efficiently and reliably deals with networks of this size is a distributed information processing problem as much as it is a video interpretation challenge. This paper demonstrates a software architecture approach to the construction of large scale surveillance network software and explores the implications for instantiating surveillance algorithms at such a scale. A novel architecture for video surveillance is presented, and its efficacy demonstrated through application to an important class of surveillance algorithms.Henry Detmold, Anthony Dick, Katrina Falkner, David S. Munro, Anton van den Hengel, Ron Morriso

    Distributed urban traffic applications based on CORBA event services

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    Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in urban environments are based today on modern embedded systems with enhanced digital connectivity and higher processing capabilities, supporting distributed applications working in a cooperative manner. This paper provides an overview about modern cooperative ITS equipments and presents a distributed application to be used in an urban data network. As a case example, an application based on an embedded CORBA-compliant middleware layer and several computer vision equipments is presented. Results prove the feasibility of distributed applications for building intelligent urban environments

    A review on intelligent monitoring and activity interpretation

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    This survey paper provides a tour of the various monitoring and activity interpretation frameworks found in the literature. The needs of monitoring and interpretation systems are presented in relation to the area where they have been developed or applied. Their evolution is studied to better understand the characteristics of current systems. After this, the main features of monitoring and activity interpretation systems are defined.Este trabajo presenta una revisión de los marcos de trabajo para monitorización e interpretación de actividades presentes en la literatura. Dependiendo del área donde dichos marcos se han desarrollado o aplicado, se han identificado diferentes necesidades. Además, para comprender mejor las particularidades de los marcos de trabajo, esta revisión realiza un recorrido por su evolución histórica. Posteriormente, se definirían las principales características de los sistemas de monitorización e interpretación de actividades.This work was partially supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / FEDER under DPI2016-80894-R grant

    A Review on Intelligent Monitoring and Activity Interpretation

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    A multisensory monitoring and interpretation framework based on the model-view-controller paradigm

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    This paper proposes a monitoring and interpretation framework inspired in the Model?View?Controller (MVC) paradigm. Indeed, the paper proposes the extension of the traditional MVC paradigm to make it more flexible in incorporating the functionalities of a monitoring and interpretation system. The proposed model is defined as a hybrid distributed system where remote nodes perform lower level processing as well as data acquisition, while a central node is in charge of collecting the information and of its fusion. Firstly, the framework levels as well as their functionalities are described. Then, a fundamental part of the proposed framework, namely the common model, is introduced

    Power consumption and performance analysis of object tracking and event detection with wireless embedded smart cameras

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