147,781 research outputs found

    Un modèle de composition automatique et distribuée de services web par planification

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    National audienceWeb services advent as an inevitable technology of the Web and its dissimination on a large scale, poses the problem of their automatic composition. Indeed, one of the most im- portant obstacle to the development of web services oriented architectures relies on the manual generation of composite services by human experts. In order to overtake this approach, we propose in this article a novel architecture for web services composition based on planning techniques. Its originality consists in its completely distributed planning model where agents reason together on their own services to achieve a shared goal defined by users and where the global shared plan built stand for a possible composition of their services.L'avènement des services web comme une technologie incontournable du web et sa dissémination à grande échelle pose dorénavant la problématique de leur composition automa- tique. En effet, l'un des verrous les plus importants au développement des architectures orien- tées services réside dans l'élaboration manuelle par un expert de services composites. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, nous proposons dans cet article une architecture originale de composition automatique de services web par des techniques de planification. Son originalité repose sur la conception d'un modèle de planification entièrement distribué dans lequel les agents raisonnent conjointement sur leurs services respectifs pour atteindre un but commun prédéfini par l'utilisateur, créant ainsi un plan global représentant une composition possible de leurs services

    Un modèle de composition automatique et distribuée de services web par planification

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    National audienceWeb services advent as an inevitable technology of the Web and its dissimination on a large scale, poses the problem of their automatic composition. Indeed, one of the most im- portant obstacle to the development of web services oriented architectures relies on the manual generation of composite services by human experts. In order to overtake this approach, we propose in this article a novel architecture for web services composition based on planning techniques. Its originality consists in its completely distributed planning model where agents reason together on their own services to achieve a shared goal defined by users and where the global shared plan built stand for a possible composition of their services.L'avènement des services web comme une technologie incontournable du web et sa dissémination à grande échelle pose dorénavant la problématique de leur composition automa- tique. En effet, l'un des verrous les plus importants au développement des architectures orien- tées services réside dans l'élaboration manuelle par un expert de services composites. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, nous proposons dans cet article une architecture originale de composition automatique de services web par des techniques de planification. Son originalité repose sur la conception d'un modèle de planification entièrement distribué dans lequel les agents raisonnent conjointement sur leurs services respectifs pour atteindre un but commun prédéfini par l'utilisateur, créant ainsi un plan global représentant une composition possible de leurs services


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    The service-oriented paradigm promises a novel degree of interoperability between\ud business processes, and is leading to a major shift in way distributed applications are\ud designed and realized. While novel and more powerful services can be obtained, in such\ud setting, by suitably orchestrating existing ones, manually developing such orchestrations\ud is highly demanding, time-consuming and error-prone. Providing automated service\ud composition tools is therefore essential to reduce the time to market of services, and\ud ultimately to successfully enact the service-oriented approach.\ud In this paper, we show that such tools can be realized based on the adoption and extension\ud of powerful AI planning techniques, taking the “planning via model-checking” approach\ud as a stepping stone. In this respect, this paper summarizes and substantially extends a\ud research line that started early in this decade and has continued till now. Specifically, this\ud work provides three key contributions.\ud First, we describe a novel planning framework for the automated composition of Web\ud services, which can handle services specified and implemented using industrial standard\ud languages for business processes modeling and execution, like ws-bpel. Since these\ud languages describe stateful Web services that rely on asynchronous communication\ud primitives, a distinctive aspect of the presented framework is its ability to model and\ud solve planning problems for asynchronous domains.\ud Second, we formally spell out the theory underlying the framework, and provide algorithms\ud to solve service composition in such framework, proving their correctness and\ud completeness. The presented algorithms significantly extend state-of-the-art techniques\ud for planning under uncertainty, by allowing the combination of asynchronous domains\ud according to behavioral requirements.\ud Third, we provide and discuss an implementation of the approach, and report extensive\ud experimental results which demonstrate its ability to scale up to significant cases for\ud which the manual development of ws-bpel composed services is far from trivial and time\ud consuming

    Repairing web service compositions based on planning graph

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    With the increasing acceptance of service-oriented computing, a growing area of study is the way to reuse the loosely coupled Web services, distributed throughout the Internet, to fulfill business goals in an automated fashion. When the goals cannot be satisfied by a single Web service, a chain of Web services can work together as a "composition" to satisfy the needs. The problem of finding composition plans to satisfy given requests is referred to as the Web service composition problem. In recent years, many studies have been done in this area, and various approaches have been proposed. However, most existing proposals endorse a static viewpoint over Web service composition; while in the real world, change is the rule rather than an exception. Web services may appear and disappear at any time in a non-predictable way. Therefore, valid composition plans may suddenly become invalid due to the environment changes in the business world. In this thesis, techniques to support reparation for an existing plan as a reaction to environment changes are proposed. Approaches of repair are compared to ones of re-planning, with particular attention to the time and quality of both approaches. It will be argued that the approach advocated in this thesis is a viable solution to improve the adaptation of automated Web service composition processes in the context of the real world

    Vers une plateforme dédiée à la composition automatique et l'exécution de services : Applications E-Tourisme

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    Recently, distributed computing systems based on context awareness have been proposing in several domains such as healthcare, logistics and tourism. The study described in this thesis is a part of a broader project of E-Tourism system that provides nomad user, context-aware personalized services. The work of this thesis focuses on the issues raised by web service composition and execution. Web service composition brings benefits of reusing existing services to synthesize the new resulting service that meets users needs. The way to create web service composition normally happens at design time, but this limits choices of services. This thesis presents a novel approach of automated web service composition and execution framework. Our approach aims to compose service operations that fulfill mobile users' requirements expressed in propositional logic and execute the resulting service based on aggregating multi service components. In the proposed framework, we have introduced our planning algorithm based on abstract goal states to search and connect to service operations, by mean of service operation annotations, for an abstract plan. The abstract plan is expected for workflow model of sequencing, paralleling and conditioning among service operations. However, the generated workflow is not in an executable form, this is why we perform the transformation of the workflow into an executable business process. To achieve the business process execution, we defined context based BPMN model for mapping the abstract plan to BPMN semantics. We also propose a new validation algorithm and exploited planning-as-model-checking approach to validate the semantic BPMN model whether it is Well-formed and Well-defined BPMN process. Finally, we implemented the automated service composition and execution framework system in Java platform as a proof of concept. We developed the logical composition and, transformation and validation BPMN algorithms written in Prolog. We have integrated these algorithms into the whole system. From the perspective, we plan to extend our current work and take into account more complex user's scenarios that explicitly and implicitly express other pattern controls and we will also consider the scenarios required for stateful web servicesLes systèmes de services contextualisés ont connu un grand essor ces dernières années dans des domaines variés tels que la santé, la logistique ou bien le tourisme. Cette thèse s'intègre dans un projet plus global, nommé E-Tourism, qui vise à réaliser une plateforme de fourniture de services sensibles au contexte à des utilisateurs en situation de mobilité. Le travail de cette thèse se focalise sur la problématique de composition de services web et de leur exécution. La composition de services web permet la réutilisation de services existants afin d'en faire une synthèse répondant au besoin de l'utilisateur. Cette composition se fait en général au niveau de la phase conceptuelle ce qui limite le choix de services potentiels. Cette thèse présente une nouvelle approche de la composition de services Web automatisé et une plateforme d'exécution. Notre approche vise à composer les opérations de services qui répondent aux besoins des utilisateurs mobiles exprimées dans une logique propositionnelle et exécuter le service composé en agrégeant plusieurs services composants. Nous avons proposé une plateforme d'exécution de services et nous avons introduit un nouvel algorithme de planification intégré à cette plateforme. Nous avons défini un contexte basé sur le modèle BPMN. Afin de valider notre modèle sémantique nous avons utilisé une approche de type « model-checking » . Enfin, nous avons réalisé un prototype sous forme d'une plateforme de composition de services et d'exécution automatique en Java. Nous avons implémenté les règles d'inférence et les modèles BPMN en prolog. Enfin, nous avons intégré ces algorithmes dans l'ensemble du système. En perspectives, nous prévoyons d'étendre notre travail actuel et prendre en compte des scénarios plus complexes nécessitant des services web dynamiques

    QoS-Aware Middleware for Web Services Composition

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    The paradigmatic shift from a Web of manual interactions to a Web of programmatic interactions driven by Web services is creating unprecedented opportunities for the formation of online Business-to-Business (B2B) collaborations. In particular, the creation of value-added services by composition of existing ones is gaining a significant momentum. Since many available Web services provide overlapping or identical functionality, albeit with different Quality of Service (QoS), a choice needs to be made to determine which services are to participate in a given composite service. This paper presents a middleware platform which addresses the issue of selecting Web services for the purpose of their composition in a way that maximizes user satisfaction expressed as utility functions over QoS attributes, while satisfying the constraints set by the user and by the structure of the composite service. Two selection approaches are described and compared: one based on local (task-level) selection of services and the other based on global allocation of tasks to services using integer programming

    A survey of QoS-aware web service composition techniques

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    Web service composition can be briefly described as the process of aggregating services with disparate functionalities into a new composite service in order to meet increasingly complex needs of users. Service composition process has been accurate on dealing with services having disparate functionalities, however, over the years the number of web services in particular that exhibit similar functionalities and varying Quality of Service (QoS) has significantly increased. As such, the problem becomes how to select appropriate web services such that the QoS of the resulting composite service is maximized or, in some cases, minimized. This constitutes an NP-hard problem as it is complicated and difficult to solve. In this paper, a discussion of concepts of web service composition and a holistic review of current service composition techniques proposed in literature is presented. Our review spans several publications in the field that can serve as a road map for future research