10,268 research outputs found

    Modeling and optimization of high-performance many-core systems for energy-efficient and reliable computing

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityMany-core systems, ranging from small-scale many-core processors to large-scale high performance computing (HPC) data centers, have become the main trend in computing system design owing to their potential to deliver higher throughput per watt. However, power densities and temperatures increase following the growth in the performance capacity, and bring major challenges in energy efficiency, cooling costs, and reliability. These challenges require a joint assessment of performance, power, and temperature tradeoffs as well as the design of runtime optimization techniques that monitor and manage the interplay among them. This thesis proposes novel modeling and runtime management techniques that evaluate and optimize the performance, energy, and reliability of many-core systems. We first address the energy and thermal challenges in 3D-stacked many-core processors. 3D processors with stacked DRAM have the potential to dramatically improve performance owing to lower memory access latency and higher bandwidth. However, the performance increase may cause 3D systems to exceed the power budgets or create thermal hot spots. In order to provide an accurate analysis and enable the design of efficient management policies, this thesis introduces a simulation framework to jointly analyze performance, power, and temperature for 3D systems. We then propose a runtime optimization policy that maximizes the system performance by characterizing the application behavior and predicting the operating points that satisfy the power and thermal constraints. Our policy reduces the energy-delay product (EDP) by up to 61.9% compared to existing strategies. Performance, cooling energy, and reliability are also critical aspects in HPC data centers. In addition to causing reliability degradation, high temperatures increase the required cooling energy. Communication cost, on the other hand, has a significant impact on system performance in HPC data centers. This thesis proposes a topology-aware technique that maximizes system reliability by selecting between workload clustering and balancing. Our policy improves the system reliability by up to 123.3% compared to existing temperature balancing approaches. We also introduce a job allocation methodology to simultaneously optimize the communication cost and the cooling energy in a data center. Our policy reduces the cooling cost by 40% compared to cooling-aware and performance-aware policies, while achieving comparable performance to performance-aware policy

    A Survey of Prediction and Classification Techniques in Multicore Processor Systems

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    In multicore processor systems, being able to accurately predict the future provides new optimization opportunities, which otherwise could not be exploited. For example, an oracle able to predict a certain application\u27s behavior running on a smart phone could direct the power manager to switch to appropriate dynamic voltage and frequency scaling modes that would guarantee minimum levels of desired performance while saving energy consumption and thereby prolonging battery life. Using predictions enables systems to become proactive rather than continue to operate in a reactive manner. This prediction-based proactive approach has become increasingly popular in the design and optimization of integrated circuits and of multicore processor systems. Prediction transforms from simple forecasting to sophisticated machine learning based prediction and classification that learns from existing data, employs data mining, and predicts future behavior. This can be exploited by novel optimization techniques that can span across all layers of the computing stack. In this survey paper, we present a discussion of the most popular techniques on prediction and classification in the general context of computing systems with emphasis on multicore processors. The paper is far from comprehensive, but, it will help the reader interested in employing prediction in optimization of multicore processor systems

    Dynamic Thermal Management for Microprocessors

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    In deep submicron era, thermal hot spots and large temperature gradients significantly impact system reliability, performance, cost and leakage power. Dynamic thermal management techniques are designed to tackle the problems and control the chip temperature as well as power consumption. They refer to those techniques which enable the chip to autonomously modify the task execution and power dissipation characteristics so that lower-cost cooling solutions could be adopted while still guaranteeing safe temperature regulation. As long as the temperature is regulated, the system reliability can be improved, leakage power can be reduced and cooling system lifetime can be extended significantly. Multimedia applications are expected to form the largest portion of workload in general purpose PC and portable devices. The ever-increasing computation intensity of multimedia applications elevates the processor temperature and consequently impairs the reliability and performance of the system. In this thesis, we propose to perform dynamic thermal management using reinforcement learning algorithm for multimedia applications. The presented learning model does not need any prior knowledge of the workload information or the system thermal and power characteristics. It learns the temperature change and workload switching patterns by observing the temperature sensor and event counters on the processor, and finds the management policy that provides good performance-thermal tradeoff during the runtime. As the system complexity increases, it is more and more difficult to perform thermal management in a centralized manner because of state explosion and the overhead of monitoring the entire chip. In this thesis, we present a framework for distributed thermal management in many-core systems where balanced thermal profile can be achieved by proactive task migration among neighboring cores. The framework has a low cost agent residing in each core that observes the local workload and temperature and communicates with its nearest neighbor for task migration and exchange. By choosing only those migration requests that will result in balanced workload without generating thermal emergency, the presented framework maintains workload balance across the system and avoids unnecessary migration. Experimental results show that, our distributed management policy achieves almost the same performance as a global management policy when the tasks are initially randomly distributed. Compared with existing proactive task migration technique, our approach generates less hotspot, less migration overhead with negligible performance overhead. Temperature affects the leakage power and cooling power. In this thesis, we address the impact of task allocation on a processor\u27s leakage power and cooling fan power. Although the leakage power is determined by the average die temperature and the fan power is determined by the peak temperature, our analysis shows that the overall power can be minimized if a task allocation with minimum peak temperature is adopted together with an intelligent fan speed adjustment technique that finds the optimal tradeoff between fan power and leakage power. We further present a multi-agent distributed task migration technique that searches for the best task allocation during runtime. By choosing only those migration requests that will result chip maximum temperature reduction, the presented framework achieves large fan power savings as well as overall power reduction

    A survey on scheduling and mapping techniques in 3D Network-on-chip

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    Network-on-Chips (NoCs) have been widely employed in the design of multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) as a scalable communication solution. NoCs enable communications between on-chip Intellectual Property (IP) cores and allow those cores to achieve higher performance by outsourcing their communication tasks. Mapping and Scheduling methodologies are key elements in assigning application tasks, allocating the tasks to the IPs, and organising communication among them to achieve some specified objectives. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed state-of-the-art of research in the field of mapping and scheduling of applications on 3D NoC, classifying the works based on several dimensions and giving some potential research directions

    The Thermal-Constrained Real-Time Systems Design on Multi-Core Platforms -- An Analytical Approach

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    Over the past decades, the shrinking transistor size enabled more transistors to be integrated into an IC chip, to achieve higher and higher computing performances. However, the semiconductor industry is now reaching a saturation point of Moore’s Law largely due to soaring power consumption and heat dissipation, among other factors. High chip temperature not only significantly increases packing/cooling cost, degrades system performance and reliability, but also increases the energy consumption and even damages the chip permanently. Although designing 2D and even 3D multi-core processors helps to lower the power/thermal barrier for single-core architectures by exploring the thread/process level parallelism, the higher power density and longer heat removal path has made the thermal problem substantially more challenging, surpassing the heat dissipation capability of traditional cooling mechanisms such as cooling fan, heat sink, heat spread, etc., in the design of new generations of computing systems. As a result, dynamic thermal management (DTM), i.e. to control the thermal behavior by dynamically varying computing performance and workload allocation on an IC chip, has been well-recognized as an effective strategy to deal with the thermal challenges. Over the past decades, the shrinking transistor size, benefited from the advancement of IC technology, enabled more transistors to be integrated into an IC chip, to achieve higher and higher computing performances. However, the semiconductor industry is now reaching a saturation point of Moore’s Law largely due to soaring power consumption and heat dissipation, among other factors. High chip temperature not only significantly increases packing/cooling cost, degrades system performance and reliability, but also increases the energy consumption and even damages the chip permanently. Although designing 2D and even 3D multi-core processors helps to lower the power/thermal barrier for single-core architectures by exploring the thread/process level parallelism, the higher power density and longer heat removal path has made the thermal problem substantially more challenging, surpassing the heat dissipation capability of traditional cooling mechanisms such as cooling fan, heat sink, heat spread, etc., in the design of new generations of computing systems. As a result, dynamic thermal management (DTM), i.e. to control the thermal behavior by dynamically varying computing performance and workload allocation on an IC chip, has been well-recognized as an effective strategy to deal with the thermal challenges. Different from many existing DTM heuristics that are based on simple intuitions, we seek to address the thermal problems through a rigorous analytical approach, to achieve the high predictability requirement in real-time system design. In this regard, we have made a number of important contributions. First, we develop a series of lemmas and theorems that are general enough to uncover the fundamental principles and characteristics with regard to the thermal model, peak temperature identification and peak temperature reduction, which are key to thermal-constrained real-time computer system design. Second, we develop a design-time frequency and voltage oscillating approach on multi-core platforms, which can greatly enhance the system throughput and its service capacity. Third, different from the traditional workload balancing approach, we develop a thermal-balancing approach that can substantially improve the energy efficiency and task partitioning feasibility, especially when the system utilization is high or with a tight temperature constraint. The significance of our research is that, not only can our proposed algorithms on throughput maximization and energy conservation outperform existing work significantly as demonstrated in our extensive experimental results, the theoretical results in our research are very general and can greatly benefit other thermal-related research

    Energy-Efficient and Reliable Computing in Dark Silicon Era

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    Dark silicon denotes the phenomenon that, due to thermal and power constraints, the fraction of transistors that can operate at full frequency is decreasing in each technology generation. Moore’s law and Dennard scaling had been backed and coupled appropriately for five decades to bring commensurate exponential performance via single core and later muti-core design. However, recalculating Dennard scaling for recent small technology sizes shows that current ongoing multi-core growth is demanding exponential thermal design power to achieve linear performance increase. This process hits a power wall where raises the amount of dark or dim silicon on future multi/many-core chips more and more. Furthermore, from another perspective, by increasing the number of transistors on the area of a single chip and susceptibility to internal defects alongside aging phenomena, which also is exacerbated by high chip thermal density, monitoring and managing the chip reliability before and after its activation is becoming a necessity. The proposed approaches and experimental investigations in this thesis focus on two main tracks: 1) power awareness and 2) reliability awareness in dark silicon era, where later these two tracks will combine together. In the first track, the main goal is to increase the level of returns in terms of main important features in chip design, such as performance and throughput, while maximum power limit is honored. In fact, we show that by managing the power while having dark silicon, all the traditional benefits that could be achieved by proceeding in Moore’s law can be also achieved in the dark silicon era, however, with a lower amount. Via the track of reliability awareness in dark silicon era, we show that dark silicon can be considered as an opportunity to be exploited for different instances of benefits, namely life-time increase and online testing. We discuss how dark silicon can be exploited to guarantee the system lifetime to be above a certain target value and, furthermore, how dark silicon can be exploited to apply low cost non-intrusive online testing on the cores. After the demonstration of power and reliability awareness while having dark silicon, two approaches will be discussed as the case study where the power and reliability awareness are combined together. The first approach demonstrates how chip reliability can be used as a supplementary metric for power-reliability management. While the second approach provides a trade-off between workload performance and system reliability by simultaneously honoring the given power budget and target reliability

    Thermal Management for Dependable On-Chip Systems

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    This thesis addresses the dependability issues in on-chip systems from a thermal perspective. This includes an explanation and analysis of models to show the relationship between dependability and tempature. Additionally, multiple novel methods for on-chip thermal management are introduced aiming to optimize thermal properties. Analysis of the methods is done through simulation and through infrared thermal camera measurements

    Physical parameter-aware Networks-on-Chip design

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    PhD ThesisNetworks-on-Chip (NoCs) have been proposed as a scalable, reliable and power-efficient communication fabric for chip multiprocessors (CMPs) and multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs). NoCs determine both the performance and the reliability of such systems, with a significant power demand that is expected to increase due to developments in both technology and architecture. In terms of architecture, an important trend in many-core systems architecture is to increase the number of cores on a chip while reducing their individual complexity. This trend increases communication power relative to computation power. Moreover, technology-wise, power-hungry wires are dominating logic as power consumers as technology scales down. For these reasons, the design of future very large scale integration (VLSI) systems is moving from being computation-centric to communication-centric. On the other hand, chip’s physical parameters integrity, especially power and thermal integrity, is crucial for reliable VLSI systems. However, guaranteeing this integrity is becoming increasingly difficult with the higher scale of integration due to increased power density and operating frequencies that result in continuously increasing temperature and voltage drops in the chip. This is a challenge that may prevent further shrinking of devices. Thus, tackling the challenge of power and thermal integrity of future many-core systems at only one level of abstraction, the chip and package design for example, is no longer sufficient to ensure the integrity of physical parameters. New designtime and run-time strategies may need to work together at different levels of abstraction, such as package, application, network, to provide the required physical parameter integrity for these large systems. This necessitates strategies that work at the level of the on-chip network with its rising power budget. This thesis proposes models, techniques and architectures to improve power and thermal integrity of Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based many-core systems. The thesis is composed of two major parts: i) minimization and modelling of power supply variations to improve power integrity; and ii) dynamic thermal adaptation to improve thermal integrity. This thesis makes four major contributions. The first is a computational model of on-chip power supply variations in NoCs. The proposed model embeds a power delivery model, an NoC activity simulator and a power model. The model is verified with SPICE simulation and employed to analyse power supply variations in synthetic and real NoC workloads. Novel observations regarding power supply noise correlation with different traffic patterns and routing algorithms are found. The second is a new application mapping strategy aiming vii to minimize power supply noise in NoCs. This is achieved by defining a new metric, switching activity density, and employing a force-based objective function that results in minimizing switching density. Significant reductions in power supply noise (PSN) are achieved with a low energy penalty. This reduction in PSN also results in a better link timing accuracy. The third contribution is a new dynamic thermal-adaptive routing strategy to effectively diffuse heat from the NoC-based threedimensional (3D) CMPs, using a dynamic programming (DP)-based distributed control architecture. Moreover, a new approach for efficient extension of two-dimensional (2D) partially-adaptive routing algorithms to 3D is presented. This approach improves three-dimensional networkon- chip (3D NoC) routing adaptivity while ensuring deadlock-freeness. Finally, the proposed thermal-adaptive routing is implemented in field-programmable gate array (FPGA), and implementation challenges, for both thermal sensing and the dynamic control architecture are addressed. The proposed routing implementation is evaluated in terms of both functionality and performance. The methodologies and architectures proposed in this thesis open a new direction for improving the power and thermal integrity of future NoC-based 2D and 3D many-core architectures
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