3,268 research outputs found

    Automated Dynamic Firmware Analysis at Scale: A Case Study on Embedded Web Interfaces

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    Embedded devices are becoming more widespread, interconnected, and web-enabled than ever. However, recent studies showed that these devices are far from being secure. Moreover, many embedded systems rely on web interfaces for user interaction or administration. Unfortunately, web security is known to be difficult, and therefore the web interfaces of embedded systems represent a considerable attack surface. In this paper, we present the first fully automated framework that applies dynamic firmware analysis techniques to achieve, in a scalable manner, automated vulnerability discovery within embedded firmware images. We apply our framework to study the security of embedded web interfaces running in Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) embedded devices, such as routers, DSL/cable modems, VoIP phones, IP/CCTV cameras. We introduce a methodology and implement a scalable framework for discovery of vulnerabilities in embedded web interfaces regardless of the vendor, device, or architecture. To achieve this goal, our framework performs full system emulation to achieve the execution of firmware images in a software-only environment, i.e., without involving any physical embedded devices. Then, we analyze the web interfaces within the firmware using both static and dynamic tools. We also present some interesting case-studies, and discuss the main challenges associated with the dynamic analysis of firmware images and their web interfaces and network services. The observations we make in this paper shed light on an important aspect of embedded devices which was not previously studied at a large scale. We validate our framework by testing it on 1925 firmware images from 54 different vendors. We discover important vulnerabilities in 185 firmware images, affecting nearly a quarter of vendors in our dataset. These experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Federated Robust Embedded Systems: Concepts and Challenges

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    The development within the area of embedded systems (ESs) is moving rapidly, not least due to falling costs of computation and communication equipment. It is believed that increased communication opportunities will lead to the future ESs no longer being parts of isolated products, but rather parts of larger communities or federations of ESs, within which information is exchanged for the benefit of all participants. This vision is asserted by a number of interrelated research topics, such as the internet of things, cyber-physical systems, systems of systems, and multi-agent systems. In this work, the focus is primarily on ESs, with their specific real-time and safety requirements. While the vision of interconnected ESs is quite promising, it also brings great challenges to the development of future systems in an efficient, safe, and reliable way. In this work, a pre-study has been carried out in order to gain a better understanding about common concepts and challenges that naturally arise in federations of ESs. The work was organized around a series of workshops, with contributions from both academic participants and industrial partners with a strong experience in ES development. During the workshops, a portfolio of possible ES federation scenarios was collected, and a number of application examples were discussed more thoroughly on different abstraction levels, starting from screening the nature of interactions on the federation level and proceeding down to the implementation details within each ES. These discussions led to a better understanding of what can be expected in the future federated ESs. In this report, the discussed applications are summarized, together with their characteristics, challenges, and necessary solution elements, providing a ground for the future research within the area of communicating ESs

    Context-aware adaptation in DySCAS

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    DySCAS is a dynamically self-configuring middleware for automotive control systems. The addition of autonomic, context-aware dynamic configuration to automotive control systems brings a potential for a wide range of benefits in terms of robustness, flexibility, upgrading etc. However, the automotive systems represent a particularly challenging domain for the deployment of autonomics concepts, having a combination of real-time performance constraints, severe resource limitations, safety-critical aspects and cost pressures. For these reasons current systems are statically configured. This paper describes the dynamic run-time configuration aspects of DySCAS and focuses on the extent to which context-aware adaptation has been achieved in DySCAS, and the ways in which the various design and implementation challenges are met

    Using embedded hardware monitor cores in critical computer systems

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    The integration of FPGA devices in many different architectures and services makes monitoring and real time detection of errors an important concern in FPGA system design. A monitor is a tool, or a set of tools, that facilitate analytic measurements in observing a given system. The goal of these observations is usually the performance analysis and optimisation, or the surveillance of the system. However, System-on-Chip (SoC) based designs leave few points to attach external tools such as logic analysers. Thus, an embedded error detection core that allows observation of critical system nodes (such as processor cores and buses) should enforce the operation of the FPGA-based system, in order to prevent system failures. The core should not interfere with system performance and must ensure timely detection of errors. This thesis is an investigation onto how a robust hardware-monitoring module can be efficiently integrated in a target PCI board (with FPGA-based application processing features) which is part of a critical computing system. [Continues.

    A survey on cyber security for smart grid communications

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    A smart grid is a new form of electricity network with high fidelity power-flow control, self-healing, and energy reliability and energy security using digital communications and control technology. To upgrade an existing power grid into a smart grid, it requires significant dependence on intelligent and secure communication infrastructures. It requires security frameworks for distributed communications, pervasive computing and sensing technologies in smart grid. However, as many of the communication technologies currently recommended to use by a smart grid is vulnerable in cyber security, it could lead to unreliable system operations, causing unnecessary expenditure, even consequential disaster to both utilities and consumers. In this paper, we summarize the cyber security requirements and the possible vulnerabilities in smart grid communications and survey the current solutions on cyber security for smart grid communications. © 2012 IEEE

    Restart-Based Fault-Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis

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    Embedded systems in safety-critical environments are continuously required to deliver more performance and functionality, while expected to provide verified safety guarantees. Nonetheless, platform-wide software verification (required for safety) is often expensive. Therefore, design methods that enable utilization of components such as real-time operating systems (RTOS), without requiring their correctness to guarantee safety, is necessary. In this paper, we propose a design approach to deploy safe-by-design embedded systems. To attain this goal, we rely on a small core of verified software to handle faults in applications and RTOS and recover from them while ensuring that timing constraints of safety-critical tasks are always satisfied. Faults are detected by monitoring the application timing and fault-recovery is achieved via full platform restart and software reload, enabled by the short restart time of embedded systems. Schedulability analysis is used to ensure that the timing constraints of critical plant control tasks are always satisfied in spite of faults and consequent restarts. We derive schedulability results for four restart-tolerant task models. We use a simulator to evaluate and compare the performance of the considered scheduling models

    New Threats for Old Manufacturing Problems: Secure IoT-Enabled Monitoring of Legacy Production Machinery

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    The digitization of manufacturing through the introduction of Industrie 4.0 technologies creates additional business opportunities and technical challenges. The integration of such technologies on legacy production machinery can upgrade them to become part of the digital and smart manufacturing environment. A typical example is that of industrial monitoring and maintenance, which can benefit from internet of things (IoT) solutions. This paper presents the development of an-IoT-enabled monitoring solution for machine tools as part of a remote maintenance approach. While the technical challenges pertaining to the development and integration of such solutions in a manufacturing environment have been the subject of relevant research in the literature, the corresponding new security challenges arising from the introduction of such technologies have not received equal attention. Failure to adequately handle such issues is a key barrier to the adoption of such solutions by industry. This paper aims to assess and classify the security aspects of integrating IoT technology with monitoring systems in manufacturing environments and propose a systematic view of relevant vulnerabilities and threats by taking an IoT architecture point of view. Our analysis has led to proposing a novel modular approach for secure IoT-enabled monitoring for legacy production machinery. The introduced approach is implemented on a case study of machine tool monitoring, highlighting key findings and issues for further research

    From the editor: real-time and embedded systems--teaching reliability

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    Journal ArticleCan we teach students to build reliable embedded software? Although it would be rash to say that a general agreement exists on how to teach embedded systems, there's certainly a growing understanding of the issues. For example, the excellent August 2005 issue of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems devoted 182 pages to embedded systems education. However, surprisingly few of these pages discuss the problem of teaching students to build reliable software systems

    An Architectural Approach to Autonomics and Self-management of Automotive Embedded Electronic Systems

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    International audienceEmbedded electronic systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. While current vehicular embedded systems are extremely limited and static, a more dynamic configurable system would greatly simplify the integration work and increase quality of vehicular systems. This brings in features like separation of concerns, customised software configuration for individual vehicles, seamless connectivity, and plug-and-play capability. Furthermore, such a system can also contribute to increased dependability and resource optimization due to its inherent ability to adjust itself dynamically to changes in software, hardware resources, and environment condition. This paper describes the architectural approach to achieving the goals of dynamically self-configuring automotive embedded electronic systems by the EU research project DySCAS. The architecture solution outlined in this paper captures the application and operational contexts, expected features, middleware services, functions and behaviours, as well as the basic mechanisms and technologies. The paper also covers the architecture conceptualization by presenting the rationale, concerning the architecture structuring, control principles, and deployment concept. In this paper, we also present the adopted architecture V&V strategy and discuss some open issues in regards to the industrial acceptance
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