224 research outputs found

    A Novel Framework for a Systematic Integration of Pneumatic-Muscle-Actuator-Driven Joints into Robotic Systems Via a Torque Control Interface

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    In this paper, two different torque control approaches for PMA-driven (PMA = Pneumatic muscle actuator) revolute joints are presented and tested. In previous work controllers for PMA-driven robots are typically customized for the use on a specific robotic system. In contrast, the proposed controllers define a general control interface for every robot that is actuated by PMA-driven joints. It will be shown that controlling the torque of a PMA-driven joint enables the use of standard robotic motion control frameworks, because the torque represents the natural input of the robotic equation of motion. Therefore, both proposed torque control approaches are interconnecting PMAs and their challenging characteristics on the one hand and “conventional” motion control strategies for robots on the other hand. After a detailed discussion of two different torque control approaches, we show that a torque controller handles all characteristics and dynamics of a PMA-driven joint internally, which implies that only its bandwidth and its static torque characteristic must be taken into account for the design of the outer motion control loop. This feature simplifies the integration of PMA-driven joints in robotic systems enormously, as will be demonstrated by a design of a cascade-structured, flatness-based motion controller for an exemplary robot with one degree of freedom.BMWi, ZF4007503, Development of a PMA-driven Exoskeleton for the Upper Bod

    Finite-Time Composite Position Control for a Disturbed Pneumatic Servo System

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    This paper investigates the finite-time position tracking control problem of pneumatic servo systems subject to hard nonlinearities and various disturbances. A finite-time disturbance observer is firstly designed, which guarantees that the disturbances can be accurately estimated in a finite time. Then, by combining disturbances compensation and state feedback controller together, a nonsmooth composite controller is developed based on sliding mode control approach and homogeneous theory. It is proved that the tracking errors under the proposed composite control approach can be stabilized to zero in finite time. Moreover, compared with pure state feedback control, the proposed composite control scheme offers a faster convergence rate and a better disturbance rejection property. Finally, numerical simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme

    Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs

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    This paper reviews the different exoskeleton designs and presents a working prototype of a surface electromyography (EMG) controlled exoskeleton to enhance the strength of the lower leg. The Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of the exoskeleton is designed,3D printed with respect to the golden ratio of human anthropometry, and tested structurally. The exoskeleton control system is designed on the LabVIEW National Instrument platform and embedded in myRIO. Surface EMG sensors (sEMG) and flex sensors are usedcoherently to create different state filters for the EMG, human body posture and control for the mechanical exoskeleton actuation. The myRIO is used to process sEMG signals and send control signals to the exoskeleton. Thus,the complete exoskeleton system consists of sEMG as primary sensor and flex sensor as a secondary sensor while the whole control system is designed in LabVIEW. FEA simulation and tests show that the exoskeleton is suitable for an average human weight of 62 kg plus excess force with different reactive spring forces. However, due to the mechanical properties of the exoskeleton actuator, it will require an additional liftto provide the rapid reactive impulse force needed to increase biomechanical movement such as squatting up. Finally, with the increasing availability of such assistive devices on the market, the important aspect of ethical, social and legal issues have also emerged and discussed in this paper

    Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs

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    This paper reviews the different exoskeleton designs and presents a working prototype of a surface electromyography (EMG) controlled exoskeleton to enhance the strength of the lower leg. The Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of the exoskeleton is designed,3D printed with respect to the golden ratio of human anthropometry, and tested structurally. The exoskeleton control system is designed on the LabVIEW National Instrument platform and embedded in myRIO. Surface EMG sensors (sEMG) and flex sensors are usedcoherently to create different state filters for the EMG, human body posture and control for the mechanical exoskeleton actuation. The myRIO is used to process sEMG signals and send control signals to the exoskeleton. Thus,the complete exoskeleton system consists of sEMG as primary sensor and flex sensor as a secondary sensor while the whole control system is designed in LabVIEW. FEA simulation and tests show that the exoskeleton is suitable for an average human weight of 62 kg plus excess force with different reactive spring forces. However, due to the mechanical properties of the exoskeleton actuator, it will require an additional liftto provide the rapid reactive impulse force needed to increase biomechanical movement such as squatting up. Finally, with the increasing availability of such assistive devices on the market, the important aspect of ethical, social and legal issues have also emerged and discussed in this paper

    Modeling and control of a pneumatic muscle actuator

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    This thesis presents the theoretical and experimental study of pneumatic servo position control systems based on pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs). Pneumatic muscle is a novel type of actuator which has been developed to address the control and compliance issues of conventional cylindrical actuators. Compared to industrial pneumatic cylinders, muscle actuators have many ideal properties for robotic applications providing an interesting alternative for many advanced applications. However, the disadvantage is that muscle actuators are highly nonlinear making accurate control a real challenge. Traditionally, servo-pneumatic systems use relatively expensive servo or proportional valve for controlling the mass flow rate of the actuator. This has inspired the research of using on/off valves instead of servo valves providing a low-cost option for servo-pneumatic systems. A pulse width modulation (PWM) technique, where the mass flow is provided in discrete packets of air, enables the use of similar control approaches as with servo valves. Although, the on/off valve based servo-pneumatics has shown its potential, it still lacks of analytical methods for control design and system analysis. In addition, the literature still lacks of studies where the performance characteristics of on/off valve controlled pneumatic systems are clearly compared with servo valve approaches. The focus of this thesis has been on modeling and control of the pneumatic muscle actuator with PWM on/off valves. First, the modeling of pneumatic muscle actuator system controlled by a single on/off valve is presented. The majority of the effort focused on the modeling of muscle actuator nonlinear force characteristics and valve mass flow rate modeling. A novel force model was developed and valve flow model for both simulation and control design were identified and presented. The derived system models (linear and nonlinear), were used for both control design and utilized also in simulation based system analysis. Due to highly nonlinear characteristics and uncertainties of the system, a sliding mode control (SMC) was chosen for a control law. SMC strategy has been proven to be an efficient and robust control strategy for highly nonlinear pneumatic actuator applications. Different variations of sliding mode control, SMC with linear model (SMCL) and nonlinear model (SMCNL) as well as SMC with integral sliding surface (SMCI) were compared with a traditional proportional plus velocity plus acceleration control with feed-forward (PVA+FF) compensation. Also, the effects of PWM frequency on the system performance were studied. Different valve configurations, single 3/2, dual 2/2, and servo valve, for controlling a single muscle actuator system were studied. System models for each case were formulated in a manner to have a direct comparison of the configuration and enabling the use of same sliding mode control design. The analysis of performance included the sinusoidal tracking precision and robustness to parameter variations and external disturbances. In a similar manner, a comparison of muscle actuators in an opposing pair configuration controlled by four 2/2 valves and servo valve was executed. Finally, a comparison of a position servo realized with pneumatic muscle actuators to the one realized with traditional cylinder was presented. In these cases, servo valve with SMC and SMCI were used to control the systems. The analysis of performance included steady-state error in point-to-point positioning, the RMSE of sinusoidal tracking precision, and robustness to parameter variations

    Design and control of a novel variable stiffness soft arm

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    Soft robot arms possess such characteristics as light weight, simple structure and good adaptability to the environment, among others. On the other hand, robust control of soft robot arms presents many difficulties. Based on these reasons, this paper presents a novel design and modelling of a fuzzy active disturbance rejection control (FADRC) controller for a soft PAM arm. The soft arm comprises three contractile and one extensor PAMs, which can vary its stiffness independently of its position in space. Force analysis for the soft arm is conducted, and stiffness model of the arm is established based on the relational model of contractile and extensor PAM. The accuracy of stiffness model for the soft arm was verified through experiments. Associated to this, a controller based on the fuzzy adaptive theory and ADRC, FADRC, has been designed to control the arm. The fuzzy adaptive theory is used to adjust the parameters of the ADRC, the control algorithm has the ability to control stiffness and position of the soft arm. In this paper, FADRC was further verified through comparative experiments on the soft arm. This paper reinforces the hypothesis that FADRC control, as an algorithm, indeed possesses good robustness and adaptive abilities. Key words: soft robot, variable stiffness, PAM, stiffness modelling, FADR

    Modeling and control of a pneumatic muscle actuator

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    This thesis presents the theoretical and experimental study of pneumatic servo position control systems based on pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs). Pneumatic muscle is a novel type of actuator which has been developed to address the control and compliance issues of conventional cylindrical actuators. Compared to industrial pneumatic cylinders, muscle actuators have many ideal properties for robotic applications providing an interesting alternative for many advanced applications. However, the disadvantage is that muscle actuators are highly nonlinear making accurate control a real challenge. Traditionally, servo-pneumatic systems use relatively expensive servo or proportional valve for controlling the mass flow rate of the actuator. This has inspired the research of using on/off valves instead of servo valves providing a low-cost option for servo-pneumatic systems. A pulse width modulation (PWM) technique, where the mass flow is provided in discrete packets of air, enables the use of similar control approaches as with servo valves. Although, the on/off valve based servo-pneumatics has shown its potential, it still lacks of analytical methods for control design and system analysis. In addition, the literature still lacks of studies where the performance characteristics of on/off valve controlled pneumatic systems are clearly compared with servo valve approaches. The focus of this thesis has been on modeling and control of the pneumatic muscle actuator with PWM on/off valves. First, the modeling of pneumatic muscle actuator system controlled by a single on/off valve is presented. The majority of the effort focused on the modeling of muscle actuator nonlinear force characteristics and valve mass flow rate modeling. A novel force model was developed and valve flow model for both simulation and control design were identified and presented. The derived system models (linear and nonlinear), were used for both control design and utilized also in simulation based system analysis. Due to highly nonlinear characteristics and uncertainties of the system, a sliding mode control (SMC) was chosen for a control law. SMC strategy has been proven to be an efficient and robust control strategy for highly nonlinear pneumatic actuator applications. Different variations of sliding mode control, SMC with linear model (SMCL) and nonlinear model (SMCNL) as well as SMC with integral sliding surface (SMCI) were compared with a traditional proportional plus velocity plus acceleration control with feed-forward (PVA+FF) compensation. Also, the effects of PWM frequency on the system performance were studied. Different valve configurations, single 3/2, dual 2/2, and servo valve, for controlling a single muscle actuator system were studied. System models for each case were formulated in a manner to have a direct comparison of the configuration and enabling the use of same sliding mode control design. The analysis of performance included the sinusoidal tracking precision and robustness to parameter variations and external disturbances. In a similar manner, a comparison of muscle actuators in an opposing pair configuration controlled by four 2/2 valves and servo valve was executed. Finally, a comparison of a position servo realized with pneumatic muscle actuators to the one realized with traditional cylinder was presented. In these cases, servo valve with SMC and SMCI were used to control the systems. The analysis of performance included steady-state error in point-to-point positioning, the RMSE of sinusoidal tracking precision, and robustness to parameter variations
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