1,526 research outputs found

    Optimization of empty container movements using street-turn: Application to Valencia hinterland

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    Empty maritime container logistics is one of the most relevant costs for shipping companies. In this paper two mathematical models (based on two different container movement patterns, i.e. with and without street-turns) were defined to optimize land empty container movements among shippers, consignees, terminals and depots, along with minimizing storage costs. One of the proposed optimization models was embedded in a simple Decision Support System (DSS) and then tested with real data, based on the operations in Valencia s (Spain) hinterland. The results obtained confirm the benefits of implementing these kinds of models for the company, and additional experiments assess and quantify the advantage of using the more complex approach that is able to implement street-turn patterns.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through Grant DPI2010-16201 and FEDER.Furió, S.; Andrés Romano, C.; Adenso Díaz, B.; Lozano Segura, S. (2013). Optimization of empty container movements using street-turn: Application to Valencia hinterland. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 66(4):909-917. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2013.09.003S90991766

    New Concept of Container Allocation at the National Level: Case Study of Export Industry in Thailand

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    This paper presents container allocation technique of which minimizing the total opportunity loss of an export industry in Thailand. This new allocation concept applies as a strategic management tools at the national level since it is consistent to the characteristics of the container supply chain management in Thailand. The first section of this paper presents the review of facts and problems of container supply chain management. It reveals that containerization system is significant to the international trade as it holds good characteristics of sea transportation. It can transport a lot of products while minimize the damage of goods. Supply chain management of the containerization system presents and shows that there are four main players in managing the container – principal, port, container depot, and customer. After an intensive review of containerization system’s problem, the most common problem that all parties have encountered is an imbalance between demand and supply of container. The well-known solution to the stated problem is relocation of containers between various places using optimization technique, which aims to minimize operation cost. Indeed, those solutions are unable solve the containerization system’s problem in Thailand: lacking their own fleets: having no bargaining power in relocating container between areas as needed. In the present, many of Thai exporters face with losses of sales or profit because they cannot find enough or proper containers to transport their goods to the customer. The authors, therefore, have seen that those problems need to be strategically solved by the government. The limited number of containers must be properly allocated to the exporter with regard to the minimum losses to the economics of the country. The main contributions of this paper are two folds. First, the opportunity losses of the various export industry are indicated when lack of containers, Second, the mathematical model has been formulated using linear programming technique with several constraints, such as, demand, supply, obsolete time, operating cost, lead time etc. The authors hope that the new concept presented in this paper will provide the great contribution for other countries, which face the same problem of Thailand. Keywords: Container Management, Opportunity Loss, Allocation Problem, Optimization, International Trad

    Real-time Container Transport Planning with Decision Trees based on Offline Obtained Optimal Solutions

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    Hinterland networks for container transportation require planning methods in order to increase efficiency and reliability of the inland road, rail and waterway connections. In this paper we aim to derive real-time decision rules for suitable allocations of containers to inland services by analysing the solution structure of a centralised optimisation method used offline on historic data. The decision tree can be used in a decision support system (DSS) for instantaneously allocating incoming orders to suitable services, without the need for continuous planning updates. Such a DSS is beneficial, as it is easy to implement in the current practice of container transportation. Earlier proposed centralised methods can find the optimal solution for the intermodal inland transportation problem in retrospect, but are not suitable when information becomes gradually available. The main contributions are threefold: firstly, a structured method for creating decision trees from optimal solutions is proposed. Secondly, an innovative method is used for obtaining multiple equivalent optimal solutions to prevent overfitting of the decision tree. And finally, a structured analysis of three error types is presented for assessing the quality of an obtained tree. A case study illustrates the method’s purpose by comparing the quality of the resulting plan with alternative methods

    Priority Control of Berth Allocation Problem in Container Terminals

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    This paper presents a decision support system for the core problem of berth allocation decision in a container terminal. The allocation of berths to the calling vessels is complex with the fact that different service level requirements are required for different vessels. Terminal managers demand for effective decision support systems that would aid them with the allocation problem considering service priorities. Consequently, this study provides a DSS, built by a dynamic discrete-event simulation model embedded with an optimization tool that determines the priority controls for the berth allocation to the calling vessels. To show the practical application of the DSS, a comprehensive case study from a Turkish container terminal considering the current state and future expansion plans that also provides an indication of the usability aspect of the program on other ports around the world has been conducted. Further experiments are conducted based on data from the Port of Rotterdam. The DSS presented in this study may help port authorities in determining more efficient allocation decisions within a container terminal

    Demonstraatiolaitokseen konseptisuunnitelma kalsiumkarbonaatin valmistamiseksi terÀskuonasta ja hiilidioksidista

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    Steel is widely used construction material. It is part of every modern production line in a form or another. Steelmaking is one of the biggest causes of industrial carbon dioxide emissions. In 2015, 1621 million tons of raw steel was manufactured and steel industry caused almost 7 % of mankind’s CO2 emissions. Slag to PCC project aims to develop economically competitive method to reduce steel industries CO2 emissions. This is achieved by binding CO2 in to stable mineral form. In slag2PCC process CO2 is bound to calcium that is extracted from steelmaking slag. This process produces precipitated calcium carbonate. Slag2PCC project has been successful in bot laboratory and pilot scale and now next step is to upscaling of the process to demonstration scale. Demonstration plant is based on existing pilot plant. This thesis introduces the pilot plant and required improvements that this plant needs. This thesis goes through the technology research and concept design for demonstration plant. Thesis compiles guidelines for design parameters and material choices, design sketches and technology ratings based on literature, laboratory tests and interviews with consultants to ease the following design and manufacturing phases. This work introduces concept design work for mobile demonstration plant for calcium carbonate production from steelmaking slag and carbon dioxide that is assembled in shipping containers.TerĂ€s on laajalti kĂ€ytetty rakennusmateriaali, se on osana muodossa tai toisessa jokaisessa modernissa tuotantolinjassa. Vuonna 2015 raakaterĂ€stĂ€ valmistettiin 1621 miljoonaa tonnia ja terĂ€steollisuus aiheutti lĂ€hes 7 % ihmisen hiilidioksidipÀÀstöistĂ€. TerĂ€ksen valmistus on yksi suurimmista teollisuuden hiilidioksidipÀÀstöjen aiheuttajista. Slag2PCC projektin pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nĂ€ on kehittÀÀ taloudellisesti kilpailukykyinen prosessi vĂ€hentĂ€mÀÀn terĂ€steollisuuden hiilidioksidipÀÀstöjĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ tehdÀÀn sitomalla hiilidioksidi stabiiliin mineraalimuotoon. Slag2PCC prosessissa terĂ€ksen valmistuksessa syntyvĂ€ hiilidioksidi sidotaan terĂ€skuonasta erotettuun kalsiumiin ja nĂ€in tuotettuun kalsiumkarbonaattiin. Slag2PCC projekti on edennyt menestyksekkÀÀsti laboratorio- ja pilottivaiheen lĂ€pi ja seuraava askel on suuremman skaalan demonstraatiolaitoksen toteutus. Demonstraatiolaitoksen pohjana kĂ€ytetÀÀn olemassa olevaa pilottilaitosta. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ esitellÀÀn nykyinen pilottilaitos ja tarvittavat parannus toimenpiteet mitĂ€ laitokselle on tehtĂ€vĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ esitellÀÀn teknologiaselvitys ja konseptisuunnitelma demolaitoksen toteuttamista varten. Kirjallisuudesta, laboratoriotesteistĂ€ ja asiantuntiahaastatteluiden pohjalta on koostettu mitoitusohjeistuksia, konseptipiirroksia sekĂ€ materiaali- ja teknologiavalintoja helpottamaan tulevia demolaitoksen suunnittelu- ja toteutusvaiheita. TyössĂ€ esitellÀÀn mobiilin, laivakontteihin asennetun tuotantolaitoksen konseptisuunnitelma kalsiumkarbonaatin valmistamiseksi terĂ€skuonasta ja hiilidioksidista. Laitoksen osafunktioille on tehty teknologia- ja laitevalinnat. TyössĂ€ on selvitetty ja esitetty laitoksen rakennusmateriaalien vaatimukset ja annettu sopivat materiaaliehdotukset. TyössĂ€ on lisĂ€ksi esitelty alustavia mitoituslaskelmia demonstraatiolaitoksen laitteiston jatkosuunnittelua ja tilausta varten

    A Decision Support System for the Storage Space Allocation Problem under the Effect of Disturbances: a Case of the Port of Arica (Chile)

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    Lo scopo del lavoro è provare a risolvere il container allocation problem: come disporre i container in maniera più efficace all'interno di un terminal? Dopo un attento esame della letteratura, sono state sviluppate diverse strategie di allocazione basate sulla fuzzy logic. Tali strategie sono poi state combinate per dare vita ad un sistema che sia in grado di reagire a eventi che possono alterare le normali operazioni all'interno del terminal.ope

    Design of Closed Loop Supply Chains

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    Increased concern for the environment has lead to new techniques to design products and supply chains that are both economically and ecologically feasible. This paper deals with the product - and corresponding supply chain design for a refrigerator. Literature study shows that there are many models to support product design and logistics separately, but not in an integrated way. In our research we develop quantitative modelling to support an optimal design structure of a product, i.e. modularity, repairability, recyclability, as well as the optimal locations and goods flows allocation in the logistics system. Environmental impacts are measured by energy and waste. Economic costs are modelled as linear functions of volumes with a fixed set-up component for facilities. We apply this model using real life R&D data of a Japanese consumer electronics company. The model is run for different scenarios using different parameter settings such as centralised versus decentralised logistics, alternative product designs, varying return quality and quantity, and potential environmental legislation based on producer responsibility.supply chain management;reverse logistics;facility location;network design;product design

    A simulation-based approach for material yard laydown planning

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    This paper describes a simulation-based approach for planning material laydown yards for steel fabrication projects. The classic approach to material placement is the “reactive approach,” whereby as material arrives, the yard foreman decides, based on few rules and his/her past experience, where to place everything. It's often fraught with uncertainty resulting from imprecise and difficult-to-forecast construction consumption schedules, resource interactions, and supply chain issues, especially in material delivery. This paper outlines an approach to optimize reactive placement policy using heuristics, genetic algorithms and simulation to model material movement from laydown areas to the consumption unit. The novel approach combines analytical tools and heuristics to model the dynamic nature of material management. The paper compares this integrated approach with commonly-used optimization techniques which use weighted target functions based on rule of thumb. A case study demonstrates the suitability and efficiency of the proposed optimization method in reactive laydown yard management
