25 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a Quadrotor on the Perturbed Deck of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle

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    Autonomous landing on the deck of an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is still a major challenge for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In this paper, a fiducial marker is located on the platform so as to facilitate the task since it is possible to retrieve its six-degrees of freedom relative-pose in an easy way. To compensate interruption in the marker’s observations, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) estimates the current USV’s position with reference to the last known position. Validation experiments have been performed in a simulated environment under various marine conditions. The results confirmed that the EKF provides estimates accurate enough to direct the UAV in proximity of the autonomous vessel such that the marker becomes visible again. Using only the odometry and the inertial measurements for the estimation, this method is found to be applicable even under adverse weather conditions in the absence of the global positioning system

    Towards autonomous landing on a moving vessel through fiducial markers

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    This paper propose an autonomous landing method for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), aiming to address those situations in which the landing pad is the deck of a ship. Fiducial marker are used to obtain the six-degrees of freedom (DOF) relative-pose of the UAV to the landing pad. In order to compensate interruptions of the video stream, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used to estimate the ship's current position with reference to its last known one, just using the odometry and the inertial data. Due to the difficulty of testing the proposed algorithm in the real world, synthetic simulations have been performed on a robotic test-bed comprising the AR Drone 2.0 and the Husky A200. The results show the EKF performs well enough in providing accurate information to direct the UAV in proximity of the other vehicle such that the marker becomes visible again. Due to the use of inertial measurements only in the data fusion process, this solution can be adopted in indoor navigation scenarios, when a global positioning system is not available

    Reliable Navigation for SUAS in Complex Indoor Environments

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    Indoor environments are a particular challenge for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Effective navigation through these GPS-denied environments require alternative localization systems, as well as methods of sensing and avoiding obstacles while remaining on-task. Additionally, the relatively small clearances and human presence characteristic of indoor spaces necessitates a higher level of precision and adaptability than is common in traditional UAV flight planning and execution. This research blends the optimization of individual technologies, such as state estimation and environmental sensing, with system integration and high-level operational planning. The combination of AprilTag visual markers, multi-camera Visual Odometry, and IMU data can be used to create a robust state estimator that describes position, velocity, and rotation of a multicopter within an indoor environment. However these data sources have unique, nonlinear characteristics that should be understood to effectively plan for their usage in an automated environment. The research described herein begins by analyzing the unique characteristics of these data streams in order to create a highly-accurate, fault-tolerant state estimator. Upon this foundation, the system built, tested, and described herein uses Visual Markers as navigation anchors, visual odometry for motion estimation and control, and then uses depth sensors to maintain an up-to-date map of the UAV\u27s immediate surroundings. It develops and continually refines navigable routes through a novel combination of pre-defined and sensory environmental data. Emphasis is put on the real-world development and testing of the system, through discussion of computational resource management and risk reduction

    Enabling technologies for precise aerial manufacturing with unmanned aerial vehicles

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    The construction industry is currently experiencing a revolution with automation techniques such as additive manufacturing and robot-enabled construction. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a key technology that can o er productivity improvement in the construction industry by means of o -site prefabrication and on-site construction with automated systems. The key bene t is that building elements can be fabricated with less materials and higher design freedom compared to traditional manual methods. O -site prefabrication with AM has been investigated for some time already, but it has limitations in terms of logistical issues of components transportation and due to its lack of design exibility on-site. On-site construction with automated systems, such as static gantry systems and mobile ground robots performing AM tasks, can o er additional bene ts over o -site prefabrication, but it needs further research before it will become practical and economical. Ground-based automated construction systems also have the limitation that they cannot extend the construction envelope beyond their physical size. The solution of using aerial robots to liberate the process from the constrained construction envelope has been suggested, albeit with technological challenges including precision of operation, uncertainty in environmental interaction and energy e ciency. This thesis investigates methods of precise manufacturing with aerial robots. In particular, this work focuses on stabilisation mechanisms and origami-based structural elements that allow aerial robots to operate in challenging environments. An integrated aerial self-aligning delta manipulator has been utilised to increase the positioning accuracy of the aerial robots, and a Material Extrusion (ME) process has been developed for Aerial Additive Manufacturing (AAM). A 28-layer tower has been additively manufactured by aerial robots to demonstrate the feasibility of AAM. Rotorigami and a bioinspired landing mechanism demonstrate their abilities to overcome uncertainty in environmental interaction with impact protection capabilities and improved robustness for UAV. Design principles using tensile anchoring methods have been explored, enabling low-power operation and explores possibility of low-power aerial stabilisation. The results demonstrate that precise aerial manufacturing needs to consider not only just the robotic aspects, such as ight control algorithms and mechatronics, but also material behaviour and environmental interaction as factors for its success.Open Acces

    Visual SLAM for Autonomous Navigation of MAVs

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    This thesis focuses on developing onboard visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems to enable autonomous navigation of micro aerial vehicles (MAVs), which is still a challenging topic considering the limited payload and computational capability that an MAV normally has. In MAV applications, the visual SLAM systems are required to be very efficient, especially when other visual tasks have to be done in parallel. Furthermore, robustness in pose tracking is highly desired in order to enable safe autonomous navigation of an MAV in three-dimensional (3D) space. These challenges motivate the work in this thesis in the following aspects. Firstly, the problem of visual pose estimation for MAVs using an artificial landmark is addressed. An artificial neural network (ANN) is used to robustly recognize this visual marker in cluttered environments. Then a computational projective-geometry method is implemented for relative pose computation based on the retrieved geometry information of the visual marker. The presented vision system can be used not only for pose control of MAVs, but also for providing accurate pose estimates to a monocular visual SLAM system serving as an automatic initialization module for both indoor and outdoor environments. Secondly, autonomous landing on an arbitrarily textured landing site during autonomous navigation of an MAV is achieved. By integrating an efficient local-feature-based object detection algorithm within a monocular visual SLAM system, the MAV is able to search for the landing site autonomously along a predefined path, and land on it once it has been found. Thus, the proposed monocular visual solution enables autonomous navigation of an MAV in parallel with landing site detection. This solution relaxes the assumption made in conventional vision-guided landing systems, which is that the landing site should be located inside the field of view (FOV) of the vision system before initiating the landing task. The third problem that is addressed in this thesis is multi-camera visual SLAM for robust pose tracking of MAVs. Due to the limited FOV of a single camera, pose tracking using monocular visual SLAM may easily fail when the MAV navigates in unknown environments. Previous work addresses this problem mainly by fusing information from other sensors, like an inertial measurement unit (IMU), to achieve robustness of the whole system, which does not improve the robustness of visual SLAM itself. This thesis investigates solutions for improving the pose tracking robustness of a visual SLAM system by utilizing multiple cameras. A mathematical analysis of how measurements from multiple cameras should be integrated in the optimization of visual SLAM is provided. The resulting theory allows those measurements to be used for both robust pose tracking and map updating of the visual SLAM system. Furthermore, such a multi-camera visual SLAM system is modified to be a robust constant-time visual odometry. By integrating this visual odometry with an efficient back-end which consists of loop-closure detection and pose-graph optimization processes, a near-constant time multi-camera visual SLAM system is achieved for autonomous navigation of MAVs in large-scale environments.Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von integrierten Systemen zur gleichzeitigen Lokalisierung und Kartierung (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, SLAM) mit Hilfe visueller Sensoren, um die autonome Navigation von kleinen Luftfahrzeugen (Micro Aerial Vehicles, MAVs) zu ermöglichen. Dies ist noch immer ein anspruchsvolles Thema angesichts der meist begrenzten Nutzlast und Rechenleistung eines MAVs. Die dafür eingesetzten visuellen SLAM Systeme müssen sehr effizient zu sein, vor allem wenn parallel noch andere visuelle Aufgaben durchgeführt werden sollen. Darüber hinaus ist eine robuste Positionsschätzung sehr wichtig, um die sichere autonome Navigation des MAVs im dreidimensionalen (3D) Raum zu ermöglichen. Diese Herausforderungen motivieren die vorliegende Arbeit gemäß den folgenden Gesichtspunkten: Zuerst wird das Problem bearbeitet, die Pose eines MAVs mit Hilfe einer künstlichen Markierung visuell zu schätzen. Ein künstliches neuronales Netz wird verwendet, um diese visuelle Markierung auch in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen zuverlässig zu erkennen. Anschließend wird ein Verfahren aus der projektiven Geometrie eingesetzt, um die relative Pose basierend auf der gemessenen Geometrie der visuellen Markierung zu ermitteln. Das vorgestellte Bildverarbeitungssystem kann nicht nur zur Regelung der Pose des MAVs verwendet werden, sondern auch genaue Posenschätzungen zur automatischen Initialisierung eines monokularen visuellen SLAM-Systems im Innen- und Außenbereich liefern. Anschließend wird die autonome Landung eines MAVs auf einem beliebig texturierten Landeplatz während autonomer Navigation erreicht. Durch die Integration eines effizienten Objekterkennungsalgorithmus, basierend auf lokalen Bildmerkmalen in einem monokularen visuellen SLAM-System, ist das MAV in der Lage den Landeplatz autonom entlang einer vorgegebenen Strecke zu suchen, und auf ihm zu landen sobald er gefunden wurde. Die vorgestellte Lösung ermöglicht somit die autonome Navigation eines MAVs bei paralleler Landeplatzerkennung. Diese Lösung lockert die gängige Annahme in herkömmlichen Systemen zum kamerageführten Landen, dass der Landeplatz vor Beginn der Landung innerhalb des Sichtfelds des Bildverarbeitungssystems liegen muss. Das dritte in dieser Arbeit bearbeitete Problem ist visuelles SLAM mit mehreren Kameras zur robusten Posenschätzung für MAVs. Aufgrund des begrenzten Sichtfelds von einer einzigen Kamera kann die Posenschätzung von monokularem visuellem SLAM leicht fehlschlagen, wenn sich das MAV in einer unbekannten Umgebung bewegt. Frühere Arbeiten versutchen dieses Problem hauptsächlich durch die Fusionierung von Informationen anderer Sensoren, z.B. eines Inertialsensors (Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU) zu lösen um eine höhere Robustheit des Gesamtsystems zu erreichen, was die Robustheit des visuellen SLAM-Systems selbst nicht verbessert. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Robustheit der Posenschätzung eines visuellen SLAM-Systems durch die Verwendung mehrerer Kameras. Wie Messungen von mehreren Kameras in die Optimierung für visuelles SLAM integriert werden können wird mathematisch analysiert. Die daraus resultierende Theorie erlaubt die Nutzung dieser Messungen sowohl zur robusten Posenschätzung als auch zur Aktualisierung der visuellen Karte. Ferner wird ein solches visuelles SLAM-System mit mehreren Kameras modifiziert, um in konstanter Laufzeit robuste visuelle Odometrie zu berechnen. Die Integration dieser visuellen Odometrie mit einem effizienten Back-End zur Erkennung von geschlossener Schleifen und der Optimierung des Posengraphen ermöglicht ein visuelles SLAM-System mit mehreren Kameras und fast konstanter Laufzeit zur autonomen Navigation von MAVs in großen Umgebungen

    Design, Construction and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter Using a New Multirate Technique

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    This thesis describes the design, development, analysis and control of an autonomous Quadrotor Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that is controlled using a novel approach for multirate sampled-data systems. This technique uses three feedback loops: one loop for attitude, another for velocity and a third loop for position, yielding a piece-wise affine system. Appropriate control actions are also computed at different rates. It is shown that this technique improve the system's stability under sampling rates that are significantly lower than the ones required with more classical approaches. The control strategy, that uses sensor data that is sampled at different rates in different nodes of a network, is also applied to a ground wheeled vehicle. Simulations and experiments show very smooth tracking of set-points and trajectories at a very low sampling frequency, which is the main advantage of the new technique

    Integrated architecture for vision-based indoor localization and mapping of a quadrotor micro-air vehicle

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    Atualmente os sistemas de pilotagem autónoma de quadricópteros estão a ser desenvolvidos de forma a efetuarem navegação em espaços exteriores, onde o sinal de GPS pode ser utilizado para definir waypoints de navegação, modos de position e altitude hold, returning home, entre outros. Contudo, o problema de navegação autónoma em espaços fechados sem que se utilize um sistema de posicionamento global dentro de uma sala, subsiste como um problema desafiante e sem solução fechada. Grande parte das soluções são baseadas em sensores dispendiosos, como o LIDAR ou como sistemas de posicionamento externos (p.ex. Vicon, Optitrack). Algumas destas soluções reservam a capacidade de processamento de dados dos sensores e dos algoritmos mais exigentes para sistemas de computação exteriores ao veículo, o que também retira a componente de autonomia total que se pretende num veículo com estas características. O objetivo desta tese pretende, assim, a preparação de um sistema aéreo não-tripulado de pequeno porte, nomeadamente um quadricóptero, que integre diferentes módulos que lhe permitam simultânea localização e mapeamento em espaços interiores onde o sinal GPS ´e negado, utilizando, para tal, uma câmara RGB-D, em conjunto com outros sensores internos e externos do quadricóptero, integrados num sistema que processa o posicionamento baseado em visão e com o qual se pretende que efectue, num futuro próximo, planeamento de movimento para navegação. O resultado deste trabalho foi uma arquitetura integrada para análise de módulos de localização, mapeamento e navegação, baseada em hardware aberto e barato e frameworks state-of-the-art disponíveis em código aberto. Foi também possível testar parcialmente alguns módulos de localização, sob certas condições de ensaio e certos parâmetros dos algoritmos. A capacidade de mapeamento da framework também foi testada e aprovada. A framework obtida encontra-se pronta para navegação, necessitando apenas de alguns ajustes e testes.Nowdays, the existing systems for autonomous quadrotor control are being developed in order to perform navigation in outdoor areas where the GPS signal can be used to define navigational waypoints and define flight modes like position and altitude hold, returning home, among others. However, the problem of autonomous navigation in closed areas, without using a global positioning system inside a room, remains a challenging problem with no closed solution. Most solutions are based on expensive sensors such as LIDAR or external positioning (f.e. Vicon, Optitrack) systems. Some of these solutions allow the capability of processing data from sensors and algorithms for external systems, which removes the intended fully autonomous component in a vehicle with such features. Thus, this thesis aims at preparing a small unmanned aircraft system, more specifically, a quadrotor, that integrates different modules which will allow simultaneous indoor localization and mapping where GPS signal is denied, using for such a RGB-D camera, in conjunction with other internal and external quadrotor sensors, integrated into a system that processes vision-based positioning and it is intended to carry out, in the near future, motion planning for navigation. The result of this thesis was an integrated architecture for testing localization, mapping and navigation modules, based on open-source and inexpensive hardware and available state-of-the-art frameworks. It was also possible to partially test some localization frameworks, under certain test conditions and algorithm parameters. The mapping capability of the framework was also tested and approved. The obtained framework is navigation ready, needing only some adjustments and testing

    UAV or Drones for Remote Sensing Applications in GPS/GNSS Enabled and GPS/GNSS Denied Environments

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    The design of novel UAV systems and the use of UAV platforms integrated with robotic sensing and imaging techniques, as well as the development of processing workflows and the capacity of ultra-high temporal and spatial resolution data, have enabled a rapid uptake of UAVs and drones across several industries and application domains.This book provides a forum for high-quality peer-reviewed papers that broaden awareness and understanding of single- and multiple-UAV developments for remote sensing applications, and associated developments in sensor technology, data processing and communications, and UAV system design and sensing capabilities in GPS-enabled and, more broadly, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled and GPS/GNSS-denied environments.Contributions include:UAV-based photogrammetry, laser scanning, multispectral imaging, hyperspectral imaging, and thermal imaging;UAV sensor applications; spatial ecology; pest detection; reef; forestry; volcanology; precision agriculture wildlife species tracking; search and rescue; target tracking; atmosphere monitoring; chemical, biological, and natural disaster phenomena; fire prevention, flood prevention; volcanic monitoring; pollution monitoring; microclimates; and land use;Wildlife and target detection and recognition from UAV imagery using deep learning and machine learning techniques;UAV-based change detection

    Dynamic virtual reality user interface for teleoperation of heterogeneous robot teams

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    This research investigates the possibility to improve current teleoperation control for heterogeneous robot teams using modern Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) techniques such as Virtual Reality. It proposes a dynamic teleoperation Virtual Reality User Interface (VRUI) framework to improve the current approach to teleoperating heterogeneous robot teams