6,284 research outputs found

    Effective scheduling algorithm for on-demand XML data broadcasts in wireless environments

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    The organization of data on wireless channels, which aims to reduce the access time of mobile clients, is a key problem in data broadcasts. Many scheduling algorithms have been designed to organize flat data on air. However, how to effectively schedule semi-structured information such as XML data on wireless channels is still a challenge. In this paper, we firstly propose a novel method to greatly reduce the tuning time by splitting query results into XML snippets and to achieve better access efficiency by combining similar ones. Then we analyze the data broadcast scheduling problem of on-demand XML data broadcasts and define the efficiency of a data item. Based on the definition, a Least Efficient Last (LEL) scheduling algorithm is also devised to effectively organize XML data on wireless channels. Finally, we study the performance of our algorithms through extensive experiments. The results show that our scheduling algorithms can reduce both access time and tuning time signifcantly when compared with existing work

    Scalable Task-Based Algorithm for Multiplication of Block-Rank-Sparse Matrices

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    A task-based formulation of Scalable Universal Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (SUMMA), a popular algorithm for matrix multiplication (MM), is applied to the multiplication of hierarchy-free, rank-structured matrices that appear in the domain of quantum chemistry (QC). The novel features of our formulation are: (1) concurrent scheduling of multiple SUMMA iterations, and (2) fine-grained task-based composition. These features make it tolerant of the load imbalance due to the irregular matrix structure and eliminate all artifactual sources of global synchronization.Scalability of iterative computation of square-root inverse of block-rank-sparse QC matrices is demonstrated; for full-rank (dense) matrices the performance of our SUMMA formulation usually exceeds that of the state-of-the-art dense MM implementations (ScaLAPACK and Cyclops Tensor Framework).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted to IA3 2015. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0504

    Self-stabilizing cluster routing in Manet using link-cluster architecture

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    We design a self-stabilizing cluster routing algorithm based on the link-cluster architecture of wireless ad hoc networks. The network is divided into clusters. Each cluster has a single special node, called a clusterhead that contains the routing information about inter and intra-cluster communication. A cluster is comprised of all nodes that choose the corresponding clusterhead as their leader. The algorithm consists of two main tasks. First, the set of special nodes (clusterheads) is elected such that it models the link-cluster architecture: any node belongs to a single cluster, it is within two hops of the clusterhead, it knows the direct neighbor on the shortest path towards the clusterhead, and there exist no two adjacent clusterheads. Second, the routing tables are maintained by the clusterheads to store information about nodes both within and outside the cluster. There are two advantages of maintaining routing tables only in the clusterheads. First, as no two neighboring nodes are clusterheads (as per the link-cluster architecture), there is no need to check the consistency of the routing tables. Second, since all other nodes have significantly less work (they only forward messages), they use much less power than the clusterheads. Therefore, if a clusterhead runs out of power, a neighboring node (that is not a clusterhead) can accept the role of a clusterhead. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    A Distributed Demand-Side Management Framework for the Smart Grid

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    This paper proposes a fully distributed Demand-Side Management system for Smart Grid infrastructures, especially tailored to reduce the peak demand of residential users. In particular, we use a dynamic pricing strategy, where energy tariffs are function of the overall power demand of customers. We consider two practical cases: (1) a fully distributed approach, where each appliance decides autonomously its own scheduling, and (2) a hybrid approach, where each user must schedule all his appliances. We analyze numerically these two approaches, showing that they are characterized practically by the same performance level in all the considered grid scenarios. We model the proposed system using a non-cooperative game theoretical approach, and demonstrate that our game is a generalized ordinal potential one under general conditions. Furthermore, we propose a simple yet effective best response strategy that is proved to converge in a few steps to a pure Nash Equilibrium, thus demonstrating the robustness of the power scheduling plan obtained without any central coordination of the operator or the customers. Numerical results, obtained using real load profiles and appliance models, show that the system-wide peak absorption achieved in a completely distributed fashion can be reduced up to 55%, thus decreasing the capital expenditure (CAPEX) necessary to meet the growing energy demand

    Autonomous Demand Side Management Based on Energy Consumption Scheduling and Instantaneous Load Billing: An Aggregative Game Approach

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    In this paper, we investigate a practical demand side management scenario where the selfish consumers compete to minimize their individual energy cost through scheduling their future energy consumption profiles. We propose an instantaneous load billing scheme to effectively convince the consumers to shift their peak-time consumption and to fairly charge the consumers for their energy consumption. For the considered DSM scenario, an aggregative game is first formulated to model the strategic behaviors of the selfish consumers. By resorting to the variational inequality theory, we analyze the conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium (NE) of the formulated game. Subsequently, for the scenario where there is a central unit calculating and sending the real-time aggregated load to all consumers, we develop a one timescale distributed iterative proximal-point algorithm with provable convergence to achieve the NE of the formulated game. Finally, considering the alternative situation where the central unit does not exist, but the consumers are connected and they would like to share their estimated information with others, we present a distributed agreement-based algorithm, by which the consumers can achieve the NE of the formulated game through exchanging information with their immediate neighbors.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A Distributed Algorithm for Demand Response with Mixed-Integer Variables

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    This letter presents a fast distributed algorithm for aggregating a large number of households with mixed-integer variables and intricate couplings between devices. The proposed fast distributed gradient algorithm is applied to the double smoothed dual function of the adopted DR model. The results also show that, with minimal parameter adjustments, the convergence of the dual objective exhibits the same behavior irrespective of the system size.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Letter