5,336 research outputs found

    Recurrent Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-slice MRI Cardiac Segmentation

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    In cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, fully-automatic segmentation of the heart enables precise structural and functional measurements to be taken, e.g. from short-axis MR images of the left-ventricle. In this work we propose a recurrent fully-convolutional network (RFCN) that learns image representations from the full stack of 2D slices and has the ability to leverage inter-slice spatial dependences through internal memory units. RFCN combines anatomical detection and segmentation into a single architecture that is trained end-to-end thus significantly reducing computational time, simplifying the segmentation pipeline, and potentially enabling real-time applications. We report on an investigation of RFCN using two datasets, including the publicly available MICCAI 2009 Challenge dataset. Comparisons have been carried out between fully convolutional networks and deep restricted Boltzmann machines, including a recurrent version that leverages inter-slice spatial correlation. Our studies suggest that RFCN produces state-of-the-art results and can substantially improve the delineation of contours near the apex of the heart.Comment: MICCAI Workshop RAMBO 201

    Discovery of spatial periodicities in a coronal loop using automated edge-tracking algorithms

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    A new method for automated coronal loop tracking, in both spatial and temporal domains, is presented. Applying this technique to TRACE data, obtained using the 171 Å filter on 1998 July 14, we detect a coronal loop undergoing a 270 s kink-mode oscillation, as previously found by Aschwanden et al. However, we also detect flare-induced, and previously unnoticed, spatial periodicities on a scale of 3500 km, which occur along the coronal loop edge. Furthermore, we establish a reduction in oscillatory power for these spatial periodicities of 45% over a 222 s interval. We relate the reduction in detected oscillatory power to the physical damping of these loop-top oscillations

    Computational models for image contour grouping

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    Contours are one dimensional curves which may correspond to meaningful entities such as object boundaries. Accurate contour detection will simplify many vision tasks such as object detection and image recognition. Due to the large variety of image content and contour topology, contours are often detected as edge fragments at first, followed by a second step known as {u0300}{u0300}contour grouping'' to connect them. Due to ambiguities in local image patches, contour grouping is essential for constructing globally coherent contour representation. This thesis aims to group contours so that they are consistent with human perception. We draw inspirations from Gestalt principles, which describe perceptual grouping ability of human vision system. In particular, our work is most relevant to the principles of closure, similarity, and past experiences. The first part of our contribution is a new computational model for contour closure. Most of existing contour grouping methods have focused on pixel-wise detection accuracy and ignored the psychological evidences for topological correctness. This chapter proposes a higher-order CRF model to achieve contour closure in the contour domain. We also propose an efficient inference method which is guaranteed to find integer solutions. Tested on the BSDS benchmark, our method achieves a superior contour grouping performance, comparable precision-recall curves, and more visually pleasant results. Our work makes progresses towards a better computational model of human perceptual grouping. The second part is an energy minimization framework for salient contour detection problem. Region cues such as color/texture homogeneity, and contour cues such as local contrast, are both useful for this task. In order to capture both kinds of cues in a joint energy function, topological consistency between both region and contour labels must be satisfied. Our technique makes use of the topological concept of winding numbers. By using a fast method for winding number computation, we find that a small number of linear constraints are sufficient for label consistency. Our method is instantiated by ratio-based energy functions. Due to cue integration, our method obtains improved results. User interaction can also be incorporated to further improve the results. The third part of our contribution is an efficient category-level image contour detector. The objective is to detect contours which most likely belong to a prescribed category. Our method, which is based on three levels of shape representation and non-parametric Bayesian learning, shows flexibility in learning from either human labeled edge images or unlabelled raw images. In both cases, our experiments obtain better contour detection results than competing methods. In addition, our training process is robust even with a considerable size of training samples. In contrast, state-of-the-art methods require more training samples, and often human interventions are required for new category training. Last but not least, in Chapter 7 we also show how to leverage contour information for symmetry detection. Our method is simple yet effective for detecting the symmetric axes of bilaterally symmetric objects in unsegmented natural scene images. Compared with methods based on feature points, our model can often produce better results for the images containing limited texture

    A path following algorithm for the graph matching problem

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    We propose a convex-concave programming approach for the labeled weighted graph matching problem. The convex-concave programming formulation is obtained by rewriting the weighted graph matching problem as a least-square problem on the set of permutation matrices and relaxing it to two different optimization problems: a quadratic convex and a quadratic concave optimization problem on the set of doubly stochastic matrices. The concave relaxation has the same global minimum as the initial graph matching problem, but the search for its global minimum is also a hard combinatorial problem. We therefore construct an approximation of the concave problem solution by following a solution path of a convex-concave problem obtained by linear interpolation of the convex and concave formulations, starting from the convex relaxation. This method allows to easily integrate the information on graph label similarities into the optimization problem, and therefore to perform labeled weighted graph matching. The algorithm is compared with some of the best performing graph matching methods on four datasets: simulated graphs, QAPLib, retina vessel images and handwritten chinese characters. In all cases, the results are competitive with the state-of-the-art.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures,typo correction, new results in sections 4,5,

    A novel Analysis of Image Forgery Detection Using SVM

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    This paper deals with basic information regarding the face recognition and whole parameters that effects the face structure and face shape. For the calculation of age, clients utilize age function combined with aging way. Face recognition is most difficult field of pattern recognition, however research in this field almost attains constancy with new difficulties emerges with time, and the research again towards the problem encounters due to aging, an automatic age technique utilized for strong face recognition is given briefly. Then user use age, commonly vector generating function or feature vector of real image to create synthesized feature vectors at target age. User uses a structure and texture vectors to show a facial image by projecting it in Eigen space of shape or texture. Images in courtrooms for evidence, graphics in newspapers and magazines, and digital graphics used by doctors are few instances that needs for pictures and not using a manipulation. Earlier, SVM algorithm failed in many instances in detection of forged picture. For the reason that single characteristic extraction algorithm, just isn#39t capable to include the certain function of the pictures. So you can overcome drawbacks of existing algorithm. We can use meta-fusion technique of HOG and Sasi elements classifier also to beat the drawback of SVM classifier.nbs

    Framework for extracting and solving combination puzzles

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    Selles töös uuritakse, kuidas arvuti nĂ€gemisega seotud algoritme on vĂ”imalik rakendada objektide tuvastuse probleemile. TĂ€psemalt, kas arvuti nĂ€gemist on vĂ”imalik kasutada pĂ€ris maailma kombinatoorsete probleemide lahendamiseks. Idee kasutada arvuti rakendust probleemide lahendamiseks, tulenes tĂ€helepanekust, et probleemide lahenduse protsessid on kĂ”ik enamasti algoritmid. Sellest vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et arvutid sobivad algoritmiliste probleemide lahendamiseks paremini kui inimesed, kellel vĂ”ib sama ĂŒlesande peale kuluda kordades kauem. Siiski ei vaatle arvutid probleeme samamoodi nagu inimesed ehk nad ei saa probleeme analĂŒĂŒsida. Niisiis selle töö panuseks saab olema erinevate arvuti nĂ€gemise algoritmide uurimine, mille eesmĂ€rgiks on pĂ€ris maailma kombinatoorsete probleemide tĂ”lgendamine abstraktseteks struktuurideks, mida arvuti on vĂ”imeline mĂ”istma ning lahendama.Praegu on antud valdkonnas vĂ€he materiali, mis annab hea vĂ”imaluse panustada sellesse valdkonda. Seda saavutatakse lĂ€bi empiirilise uurimise testide kogumiku kujul selleks, et veenduda millised lĂ€henemised on kĂ”ige paremad. Nende eesmĂ€rkide saavutamiseks töötati lĂ€bi suur hulk arvuti nĂ€gemisega seotud materjale ning teooriat. Lisaks vĂ”eti ka arvesse reaalaja toimingute tĂ€htsus, mida vĂ”ib nĂ€ha erinevate liikumisest struktuuri eraldavate algoritmide(SLAM, PTAM) Ă”pingutest, mida hiljem edukalt kasutati navigatsiooni ja liitreaalsuse probleemide lahendamiseks. Siiski tuleb mainida, et neid algoritme ei kasutatud objektide omaduste tuvastamiseks.See töö uurib, kuidas saab erinevaid lĂ€henemisi kasutada selleks, et aidata vĂ€hekogenud kasutajaid kombinatoorsete pĂ€ris maailma probleemide lahendamisel. Lisaks tekib selle töö tulemusena vĂ”imalus tuvastada objektide liikumist (translatsioon, pöörlemine), mida saab kasutada koos virutaalse probleemi mudeliga, et parandada kasutaja kogemust.This thesis describes and investigates how computer vision algorithms and stereo vision algorithms may be applied to the problem of object detection. In particular, if computer vision can aid on puzzle solving. The idea to use computer application for puzzle solving came from the fact that all solution techniques are algorithms in the end. This fact leads to the conclusion that algorithms are well solved by machines, for instance, a machine requires milliseconds to compute the solution while a human can handle this in minutes or hours. Unfortunately, machines cannot see puzzles from human perspective thus cannot analyze them. Hence, the contribution of this thesis is to study different computer vision approaches from non-related solutions applied to the problem of translating the physical puzzle model into the abstract structure that can be understood and solved by a machine.Currently, there is a little written on this subject, therefore, there is a great chance to contribute. This is achieved through empirical research represented as a set of experiments in order to ensure which approaches are suitable. To accomplish these goals huge amount of computer vision theory has been studied. In addition, the relevance of real-time operations was taken into account. This was manifested through the Different real-time Structure from Motion algorithms (SLAM, PTAM) studies that were successfully applied for navigation or augmented reality problems; however, none of them for object characteristics extraction.This thesis examines how these different approaches can be applied to the given problem to help inexperienced users solve the combination puzzles. Moreover, it produces a side effect which is a possibility to track objects movement (rotation, translation) that can be used for manipulating a rendered game puzzle and increase interactivity and engagement of the user

    Extraction of protein profiles from primary neurons using active contour models and wavelets

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    AbstractThe function of complex networks in the nervous system relies on the proper formation of neuronal contacts and their remodeling. To decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes, it is essential to establish unbiased automated tools allowing the correlation of neurite morphology and the subcellular distribution of molecules by quantitative means.We developed NeuronAnalyzer2D, a plugin for ImageJ, which allows the extraction of neuronal cell morphologies from two dimensional high resolution images, and in particular their correlation with protein profiles determined by indirect immunostaining of primary neurons. The prominent feature of our approach is the ability to extract subcellular distributions of distinct biomolecules along neurites. To extract the complete areas of neurons, required for this analysis, we employ active contours with a new distance based energy. For locating the structural parts of neurons and various morphological parameters we adopt a wavelet based approach. The presented approach is able to extract distinctive profiles of several proteins and reports detailed morphology measurements on neurites.We compare the detected neurons from NeuronAnalyzer2D with those obtained by NeuriteTracer and Vaa3D-Neuron, two popular tools for automatic neurite tracing. The distinctive profiles extracted for several proteins, for example, of the mRNA binding protein ZBP1, and a comparative evaluation of the neuron segmentation results proves the high quality of the quantitative data and proves its practical utility for biomedical analyses
