99 research outputs found

    IEK-3 Report 2011: Climate-Relevant Energy Research

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    The period under review here – 2009 and 2010 – is characterized by a far-reaching and radical transition to new research fields and structures. This process culminated in October 2010 with the official amalgamation of the Jülich research fields of energy and climate, and the formation of the new and dynamic Institute of Energy and Climate Research. This move united the six institutes focusing on energy and two on climate with the systems analysis with the technology evaluation project group. It aimed to focus activities in specific fields of work, identify common topics for in-depth cooperation, and to generate joint R&D results as solutions to the challenges of the future. The advantages of this concept were demonstrated in 2009 in the form of a PhD thesis jointly supervised by the two research areas on the topic of hydrogen emissions and their impacts on Arctic ozone depletion, which analyzed the risks of a global hydrogen economy. It was then decided that cooperation should be consolidated in these fields. This synergy between energy and climate research at Jülich is globally unique, and is only reflected in part in existing centers for energy and environmental research. In this context, solutions to the growing problem of climate change are also being intensively sought. One possible solution involves the large-scale integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity market and the introduction of electric mobility in the transportation sector. However, considerable research and development efforts are required to provide the vital energy storage technologies of the next generation. These are the challenges that the Helmholtz centers address using their pertinent expertise. Within the framework of the energy storage and hydrogen initiatives, they receive additional funding from the Helmholtz Association (HGF) to implement sufficient R&D measures to help industry provide the key technologies currently lacking for a sustainable energy supply. The formal project conception and proposal for the two initiatives were completed during the period under review by the competent scientists at IEK-3, evaluated by the HGF Senate Commission and recommended for funding. R&D activities on H2 system solutions began in January 2010 and will run for five years. Work on lithium-ion batteries began in January 2011 and will continue for four years. Driven by the desire to adapt existing industrial infrastructure, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has shown huge commitment over the last few decades to introducing new sustainable technologies. Fuel cells and hydrogen play a key role in this concept. The EnergieAgentur NRW provides substantial support in the transfer from research and development to the market and implementation. This includes assistance in relation to networking, demonstrating the state of the art in research and technology, as well as sharing information at conferences, workshops and working group meetings. After the 4th German Hydrogen Congress in 2008, the NRW Ministry of Economics appointed me Chairman of the 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010 (WHEC 2010) and entrusted me with its scientific coordination. This was a challenge that I readily accepted, as did the scientists at IEK-3 who assisted me with the detailed work. This involvement in WHEC 2010 in Essen, with almost 2,500 participants and 17 scientific contributions from IEK-3 employees, considerably increased the visibility of IEK-3 and its scientists in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the employees involved in WHEC for their dedication and for their contributions to the conference, without which the 18th WHEC 2010 would not have been such a great success. [...

    Nuclear tanker producing liquid fuels from air and water

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Science and Engineering; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis. "June 2011."Includes bibliographical references.Emerging technologies in CO₂ air capture, high temperature electrolysis, microchannel catalytic conversion, and Generation IV reactor plant systems have the potential to create a shipboard liquid fuel production system that will ease the burdened cost of supplying fuel to deployed naval ships and aircraft. Based upon historical data provided by the US Navy (USN), the tanker ship must supply 6,400 BBL/Day of fuel (JP-5) to accommodate the highest anticipated demand of a carrier strike group (CSG). Previous investigation suggested implementing shipboard a liquid fuel production system using commercially mature processes such as alkaline electrolysis, pressurized water reactors (PWRs), and methanol synthesis; however, more detailed analysis shows that such an approach is not practical. Although Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthetic fuel production technology has traditionally been designed to accommodate large economies of scale, recent advances in modular, microchannel reactor (MCR) technology have to potential to facilitate a shipboard solution. Recent advances in high temperature co-electrolysis (HTCE) and high temperature steam electrolysis (HTSE) from solid oxide electrolytic cells (SOECs) have been even more promising. In addition to dramatically reducing the required equipment footprint, HTCE/HTSE produces the desired synthesis gas (syngas) feed at 75% of the power level required by conventional alkaline electrolysis (590 MWe vs. 789 MWe). After performing an assessment of various CO₂ feedstock sources, atmospheric CO₂ extraction using an air capture system appears the most promising option. However, it was determined that the current air capture system design requires improvement. In order to be feasible for shipboard use, it must be able to capture CO₂ in a system only 1/4 of the present size; and the current design must be modified to permit more effective operation in a humid, offshore environment. Although a PWR power plant is not the recommended option, it is feasible. Operating with a Rankine cycle, a PWR could power the recommended liquid fuel production plant with a 2,082 MWth reactor and 33% cycle efficiency. The recommended option uses a molten salt-cooled advanced high temperature reactor (AHTR) coupled to a supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO₂) recompression cycle operating at 25.0 MPa and 670°C. This more advanced 1,456 MWth option has a 45% cycle efficiency, a 42% improvement over the PWR option. In terms of reactor power heat input to JP-5 combustion heat output, the AHTR is clearly superior to the PWR (31% vs. 22%). In order to be a viable concept, additional research and development is necessary to develop more compact CO₂ capture systems, resolve SOEC degradation issues, and determine a suitable material for the molten salt/S-CO₂ heat exchanger interface.by John Michael Galle-Bishop.S.M

    Analysis of the European Strategy for Hydrogen

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    This Final Degree Thesis focuses on analysing the aspirations of the European Union within the hydrogen sector. This aim is achieved through the examination of the European Parliament’s Hydrogen Strategy, allowing for a study of actions and projects in all hydrogen fields. The analysis is preceded by an exposition of the energy sector current situation and a description of the technologies associated with hydrogen, as well as an explanation of the most relevant plans and organisations that shape the rest of laws and initiatives (Paris Agreement, EU Green Deal…). It is followed by an overview of the international and Spanish hydrogen developments and the conclusions achieved. Any document that serves as a guide or strategy for any sector does inherently cover a wide range of topics so as to encompass the entirety of the sector, and this is the case for the strategy analysed. The European Parliament’s Hydrogen Strategy includes hydrogen demand, infrastructure, research and innovation, production, policies and more. This wide range of topics in the document studied implies a wide range of topics to delve into in this thesis, resulting in more than 150 information sources consulted to elaborate the thesis. The Hydrogen Strategy is crucial to understand the role of hydrogen in the EU and predict its future development. However, even though it was released about a year ago, it would already benefit from an update given that in a short period of time the energy context has changed (energy prices inflation, Russian conflict). In this situation of lack of security of supply and instability, the need for an energy carrier like hydrogen is more evident than ever. Moreover, hydrogen can be the key to the green transition and decarbonisation in the EU, which is why it is so important to keep on developing its technologies and to pursue this strategy.Este trabajo de fin de grado persigue analizar las ambiciones de la Unión Europea dentro del sector del hidrógeno. Este objetivo se alcanza a través del análisis de la Estrategia Europea para el Hidrógeno presentada por el Parlamento Europeo, que además permite que el estudio abarque todos los campos del sector del hidrógeno. El análisis es precedido por una contextualización del sector energético actual y por una descripción de las tecnologías del hidrógeno (para producción, transporte, almacenamiento, usos…), y también por una explicación de los planes y organizaciones más relevantes y que da forma al resto de leyes e iniciativas (Acuerdo de París, EU Green Deal…). Al análisis le sigue un resumen del desarrollo en materia de hidrógeno a nivel internacional y nacional (español), y finalmente las conclusiones obtenidas. Cualquier documento que cumpla el papel de guía o estrategia para un determinado sector abarca inherentemente un amplio abanico de temas para reflejar el sector al completo, y este es el caso de la estrategia que se analiza. La Estrategia Europea para el Hidrógeno incluye temas como la demanda de hidrógeno, infraestructura, investigación e innovación, producción, políticas, etc. Este amplio rango de temas del documento estudiado implica un amplio rango de temas que explorar en este trabajo de fin de grado, lo cual ha resultado en la consulta de más de 150 fuentes de información para la elaboración del trabajo. La Estrategia para el Hidrógeno es crucial para comprender el papel del hidrógeno en la UE y predecir su desarrollo en el futuro. Sin embargo, aunque fue publicada hace alrededor de un año, ya necesitaría una actualización para poder incluir los cambios del contexto energético que han tenido lugar en este corto periodo de tiempo (inflación en los precios de la energía, conflicto con Rusia…). Dada esta situación de falta de seguridad de suministro e inestabilidad, la necesidad de contar con un vector energético como el hidrógeno es más evidente que nunca. Además, el hidrógeno puede ser clave en la transición verde y descarbonización de la UE, por lo que es muy importante continuar desarrollando las tecnologías del hidrógeno y cumplir esta estrategia.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía (UMA/USE

    1999 annual progress report -- Energy conservation team

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    Opportunities for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies to contribute to clean growth in the UK

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    Hydrogen is important because it is one of three key zero-carbon vectors for decarbonising economies in the future, along with electricity and hot water. The UK Government’s Clean Growth Strategy and the UK Committee on Climate Change have identified hydrogen as the most cost-effective option for decarbonising several parts of the UK energy system. Fuel cells convert fuels, including hydrogen, to electricity and heat. Fuel cells are important because they can generate electricity at higher efficiencies than most internal combustion engines, and with no emissions. For road transport, this means that they have a higher fuel economy than cars powered by engines

    Implementation of international cooperation in gas and hydrogen energy between Qatar and Ukraine

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    The work defines the economic essence and basic principles of international cooperation in the energy sector. The author studied the content and types of export-import strategies in energy. The main methods of assessing the level of efficiency and productivity of energy enterprises have been determined. The trends in the development of the energy sector in the world, as well as countries such as Qatar and Ukraine, are analyzed. The efficiency and productivity of investment projects in the energy sector were evaluated. Strategies for the development of hydrogen energy in the world economy are also analyzed. The directions for improvement of the international cooperation between Qatar and Ukraine in the energy sector have been duly determined. Diversification of energy sources in international cooperation is proposed. The economic justification of international energy projects has been formed.У роботі визначено економічну сутність та основні принципи міжнародного співробітництво в енергетичній сфері. Автор досліджував зміст і види експортно-імпортних стратегій в енергетиці. Визначено ефективність і продуктивність енергетичних підприємств, тенденції розвитку енергетики у світі, а також в Катарі та Україні. Проведено оцінку інвестиційних проектів в енергетиці. Проаналізовано стратегії розвитку водневої енергетики у світовій економіці. Визначено напрями вдосконалення міжнародного співробітництва між Катаром і Україна в енергетиці. Запропоновано диверсифікацію міжнародного співробітництва в енегетичній сфері. Економічно обґрунтовано міжнародні енергетичні проекти

    Fuel Cell Handbook, Fifth Edition

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