897 research outputs found

    A Coordinate Descent Primal-Dual Algorithm and Application to Distributed Asynchronous Optimization

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    Based on the idea of randomized coordinate descent of α\alpha-averaged operators, a randomized primal-dual optimization algorithm is introduced, where a random subset of coordinates is updated at each iteration. The algorithm builds upon a variant of a recent (deterministic) algorithm proposed by V\~u and Condat that includes the well known ADMM as a particular case. The obtained algorithm is used to solve asynchronously a distributed optimization problem. A network of agents, each having a separate cost function containing a differentiable term, seek to find a consensus on the minimum of the aggregate objective. The method yields an algorithm where at each iteration, a random subset of agents wake up, update their local estimates, exchange some data with their neighbors, and go idle. Numerical results demonstrate the attractive performance of the method. The general approach can be naturally adapted to other situations where coordinate descent convex optimization algorithms are used with a random choice of the coordinates.Comment: 10 page

    Distributed Partitioned Big-Data Optimization via Asynchronous Dual Decomposition

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    In this paper we consider a novel partitioned framework for distributed optimization in peer-to-peer networks. In several important applications the agents of a network have to solve an optimization problem with two key features: (i) the dimension of the decision variable depends on the network size, and (ii) cost function and constraints have a sparsity structure related to the communication graph. For this class of problems a straightforward application of existing consensus methods would show two inefficiencies: poor scalability and redundancy of shared information. We propose an asynchronous distributed algorithm, based on dual decomposition and coordinate methods, to solve partitioned optimization problems. We show that, by exploiting the problem structure, the solution can be partitioned among the nodes, so that each node just stores a local copy of a portion of the decision variable (rather than a copy of the entire decision vector) and solves a small-scale local problem

    A Distributed Asynchronous Method of Multipliers for Constrained Nonconvex Optimization

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    This paper presents a fully asynchronous and distributed approach for tackling optimization problems in which both the objective function and the constraints may be nonconvex. In the considered network setting each node is active upon triggering of a local timer and has access only to a portion of the objective function and to a subset of the constraints. In the proposed technique, based on the method of multipliers, each node performs, when it wakes up, either a descent step on a local augmented Lagrangian or an ascent step on the local multiplier vector. Nodes realize when to switch from the descent step to the ascent one through an asynchronous distributed logic-AND, which detects when all the nodes have reached a predefined tolerance in the minimization of the augmented Lagrangian. It is shown that the resulting distributed algorithm is equivalent to a block coordinate descent for the minimization of the global augmented Lagrangian. This allows one to extend the properties of the centralized method of multipliers to the considered distributed framework. Two application examples are presented to validate the proposed approach: a distributed source localization problem and the parameter estimation of a neural network.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.0648

    A randomized primal distributed algorithm for partitioned and big-data non-convex optimization

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    In this paper we consider a distributed optimization scenario in which the aggregate objective function to minimize is partitioned, big-data and possibly non-convex. Specifically, we focus on a set-up in which the dimension of the decision variable depends on the network size as well as the number of local functions, but each local function handled by a node depends only on a (small) portion of the entire optimization variable. This problem set-up has been shown to appear in many interesting network application scenarios. As main paper contribution, we develop a simple, primal distributed algorithm to solve the optimization problem, based on a randomized descent approach, which works under asynchronous gossip communication. We prove that the proposed asynchronous algorithm is a proper, ad-hoc version of a coordinate descent method and thus converges to a stationary point. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we also present numerical simulations on a non-convex quadratic program, which confirm the theoretical results
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