19,503 research outputs found

    A theoretical insight into morphological operations in surface measurement by introducing the slope transform

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    As one of the tools for surface analysis, morphological operations, although not as popular as linear convolution operations (e.g. the Gaussian filter), are really useful in mechanical surface reconstruction, surface filtration, functional simulation etc. By introducing the slope transform originally developed for signal processing into the field of surface metrology, an analytic capability is gained for morphological operations, paralleling that of the Fourier transform in the context of linear convolution. Using the slope transform, the tangential dilation is converted into the addition in the slope domain, just as by the Fourier transform, the convolution switches into the multiplication in the frequency domain. Under the theory of the slope transform, the slope and curvature changes of the structuring element to the operated surface can be obtained, offering a deeper understanding of morphological operations in surface measurement. The derivation of the analytical solutions to the tangential dilation of a sine wave and a disk by a disk are presented respectively. An example of the discretized tangential dilation of a sine wave by the disks with two different radii is illustrated to show the consistency and distinction between the tangential dilation and the classical dilation

    Boolean convolution of probability measures on the unit circle

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    We introduce the boolean convolution for probability measures on the unit circle. Roughly speaking, it describes the distribution of the product of two boolean independent unitary random variables. We find an analogue of the characteristic function and determine all infinitely divisible probability measures on the unit circle for the boolean convolution.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in volume 15 of Seminaires et Congre

    Injectivity of sections of convex harmonic mappings and convolution theorems

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    In the article the authors consider the class H0{\mathcal H}_0 of sense-preserving harmonic functions f=h+g‾f=h+\overline{g} defined in the unit disk ∣z∣<1|z|<1 and normalized so that h(0)=0=h′(0)−1h(0)=0=h'(0)-1 and g(0)=0=g′(0)g(0)=0=g'(0), where hh and gg are analytic in the unit disk. In the first part of the article we present two classes PH0(α)\mathcal{P}_H^0(\alpha) and GH0(β)\mathcal{G}_H^0(\beta) of functions from H0{\mathcal H}_0 and show that if f∈PH0(α)f\in \mathcal{P}_H^0(\alpha) and F∈GH0(β)F\in\mathcal{G}_H^0(\beta), then the harmonic convolution is a univalent and close-to-convex harmonic function in the unit disk provided certain conditions for parameters α\alpha and β\beta are satisfied. In the second part we study the harmonic sections (partial sums) sn,n(f)(z)=sn(h)(z)+sn(g)(z)‾, s_{n, n}(f)(z)=s_n(h)(z)+\overline{s_n(g)(z)}, where f=h+g‾∈H0f=h+\overline{g}\in {\mathcal H}_0, sn(h)s_n(h) and sn(g)s_n(g) denote the nn-th partial sums of hh and gg, respectively. We prove, among others, that if f=h+g‾∈H0f=h+\overline{g}\in{\mathcal H}_0 is a univalent harmonic convex mapping, then sn,n(f)s_{n, n}(f) is univalent and close-to-convex in the disk ∣z∣<1/4|z|< 1/4 for n≥2n\geq 2, and sn,n(f)s_{n, n}(f) is also convex in the disk ∣z∣<1/4|z|< 1/4 for n≥2n\geq2 and n≠3n\neq 3. Moreover, we show that the section s3,3(f)s_{3,3}(f) of f∈CH0f\in {\mathcal C}_H^0 is not convex in the disk ∣z∣<1/4|z|<1/4 but is shown to be convex in a smaller disk.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; To appear in Czechoslovak Mathematical Journa

    More on the Density of Analytic Polynomials in Abstract Hardy Spaces

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    Let {Fn}\{F_n\} be the sequence of the Fej\'er kernels on the unit circle T\mathbb{T}. The first author recently proved that if XX is a separable Banach function space on T\mathbb{T} such that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator MM is bounded on its associate space X′X', then ∥f∗Fn−f∥X→0\|f*F_n-f\|_X\to 0 for every f∈Xf\in X as n→∞n\to\infty. This implies that the set of analytic polynomials PA\mathcal{P}_A is dense in the abstract Hardy space H[X]H[X] built upon a separable Banach function space XX such that MM is bounded on X′X'. In this note we show that there exists a separable weighted L1L^1 space XX such that the sequence f∗Fnf*F_n does not always converge to f∈Xf\in X in the norm of XX. On the other hand, we prove that the set PA\mathcal{P}_A is dense in H[X]H[X] under the assumption that XX is merely separable.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of IWOTA 201
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