1,007 research outputs found

    BrainWaveÂź: Model Predictive Control for the Process Industries

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    Dynamic matrix control of milling circuits

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    Bibliography: pages 82-87.The main aim of the study was to investigate the suitability of DMC for milling circuit control. This was conducted through simulation studies using models of two different milling circuits. A generalised software package was developed for the application and analysis of DMC. DMC was developed in the United States of America by Shell Oil Company (Cutler and Ramaker, 1979; Prett and Gillete, 1979). It falls under the class of controllers which is termed Model Predictive Control (MPC). The control algorithms falling into this category are multivariable and model-based, and as such are expected to improve control of processes which exhibit strong interactions, non-minimum phase behavior, and operate at constraints. Other control schemes falling into this category are Model Algorithmic Control (MAC) and Internal Model Control (IMC). Details of MAC are largely proprietary, while the frequency-based IMC method does not permit direct handling of constraints. Thus the focus of this project was on the DMC algorithm and its variants; Linear Dynamic Matrix Control (LDMC) and Quadratic Dynamic Matrix Control (QDMC)

    Peripheral control tools for a run-of-mine ore milling circuit

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    Run-of-mine ore milling circuits are generally difficult to control owing to the presence of strong external disturbances, poor process models and the unavailability of important process variable measurements. These shortcomings are common for processes in the mineral-processing industry. For processes that fall into this class, the peripheral control tools in the control loop are considered to be as important as the controller itself. This work addresses the implementation of peripheral control tools on a run-of-mine ore milling circuit to help overcome the deteriorated control performance resulting from the aforementioned shortcomings. The effects of strong external disturbances are suppressed through the application of a disturbance observer. A fractional order disturbance observer is also implemented and a novel Bode ideal cutoff disturbance observer is introduced. The issue of poor process models is addressed through the detection of significant mismatch between the actual plant and the available model from process data. A closed-form expression is given for the case where the controller has a transfer function. If the controller does not have a transfer function, a partial correlation analysis is used to detect the transfer function elements in the model transfer function matrix that contain significant mismatch. The mill states and important mill parameters are estimated with the use of particle filters. Simultaneous state and parameter estimation is compared with a novel dual particle filtering scheme. A sensitivity analysis shows the class of systems for which dual estimation would provide superiorestimation accuracy over simultaneous estimation. The implemented peripheral control tools show promise for current milling circuits where proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control is prevalent, and also for advanced control strategies, such as model predictive control, which are expected to become more common in the future. AFRIKAANS : Maalkringe wat onbehandelde erts maal is oor die algemeen moeilik om te beheer as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van sterk eksterne steurings, onakkurate aanlegmodelle en metings van belangrike prosesveranderlikes wat ontbreek. Hierdie probleme is algemeen vir aanlegte in die mineraalprosesseringsbedryf. Vir aanlegte in hierdie klas word die randbeheerinstrumente as net so belangrik as die beheerder beskou. Hierdie verhandeling beskryf die implementering van randbeheerinstrumente vir ’n maalkring wat onbehandelde erts maal, om die verswakte beheerverrigting teen te werk wat veroorsaak word deur bogenoemde probleme. Die impak van sterk eksterne steurings word teengewerk deur die implementering van ’n steuringsafskatter. ’n Breuk-orde-steuringsafskatter is ook geĂŻmplementeer en ’n nuwe Bode ideale afsnysteuringsafskatter word voorgestel. Die kwessie van onakkurate aanlegmodelle word hanteer deur van die aanlegdata af vas te stel of daar ’n verskil is tussen die aanleg en die beskikbare model van die aanleg. ’n Uitdrukking word gegee vir hierdie verskil vir die geval waar die beheerder met ’n oordragsfunksie voorgestel kan word. Indien die beheerder nie ’n oordragsfunksie het nie, word van ‘n parsiĂ«le korrelasie-analise gebruik gemaak om die element, of elemente, in die aanleg se oordragsfunksiematriks te identifiseer wat van die werklike aanleg verskil. Die toestande en belangrike parameters in die meul word beraam deur van partikel-filters gebruikte maak. Gelyktydige toestand- en parameter-beraming word vergelyk met ’n nuwe dubbel-partikelfilter skema. ’n Sensitiwiteitsanalise wys die klas van stelsels waarvoor dubbel-afskatting meer akkurate waardes sal gee as gelyktydige afskatting. Die voorgestelde randbeheerinstrumente is toepaslik vir huidige maalkringe waar PID-beheer algemeen is, asook vir gevorderde beheerstrategieĂ«, soos model-voorspellende beheer, wat na verwagting in die toekoms meer algemeen sal word. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Inferential measurement models for semi-autogenous grinding mills

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    Kinetic modelling of leaching

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    Imperial Users onl

    Disturbance Observer-based Subspace Predictive Control of a Pressurized Water-type Nuclear Reactor

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    This work presents a disturbance observer-based predictive control strategy using a subspace matrix structure. The aim is to improve the capability of classical predictive controllers in handling external disturbances. A subspace-based predictive controller is designed directly from measurements. Then, a disturbance observer is designed using subspace matrices to estimate the external disturbance. Both of the designs are integrated using a feed-forward plus feed-back strategy to form the proposed control strategy. The proposed scheme is tested with a simulated model of a pressurized water nuclear reactor. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated for two different load-following operations. Further, a quantitative analysis is performed to analyse the control performance of the proposed approach

    Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes

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    The book documents 25 papers collected from the Special Issue “Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes”, highlighting recent research trends in complex industrial processes. The book aims to stimulate the research field and be of benefit to readers from both academic institutes and industrial sectors

    Dynamic simulation of industrial grinding circuits : mineral liberation, advanced process control, and real-time optimisation

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    Étant donnĂ© que les minĂ©raux apparaissent frĂ©quemment dans des associations complexes dans la nature, la libĂ©ration minĂ©rale est un aspect clĂ© du traitement de minerais et celle-ci est accomplie par comminution. Cette opĂ©ration est certainement l’une des plus importantes, mais aussi des plus coĂ»teuses dans l’industrie. La rĂ©ussite globale d’une usine dĂ©pend souvent de la performance du circuit de broyage car il existe un compromis pour atteindre la taille des particules libĂ©rant les minĂ©raux ciblĂ©s afin d’obtenir des concentrĂ©s de haute puretĂ© tout en ayant de faibles coĂ»ts d’opĂ©ration, lesquels sont largement influencĂ©s par la consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique. Dans les annĂ©es rĂ©centes, les entreprises ont Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ©es Ă  des objectifs de performance plus exigeants, une concurrence accrue sur les marchĂ©s, et des rĂ©glementations environnementales et de sĂ©curitĂ© plus strictes. D’autres dĂ©fis supplĂ©mentaires sont inhĂ©rents aux circuits de broyage, par exemple les rĂ©ponses non linĂ©aires, le niveau Ă©levĂ© d’intercorrĂ©lation entre les variables et les recirculations de matiĂšre. Les problĂšmes ci-dessus soulignent la pertinence d’avoir des systĂšmes de contrĂŽle et d’optimisation adĂ©quats pour lesquels les praticiens profitent de plus en plus des approches basĂ©es sur des modĂšles pour y faire face de façon systĂ©matique. La modĂ©lisation et la simulation sont des outils puissants ayant des avantages significatifs tels que les faibles coĂ»ts, les temps requis pour rĂ©aliser des expĂ©riences relativement courts et la possibilitĂ© de tester des conditions opĂ©rationnelles extrĂȘmes ainsi que diffĂ©rentes configurations des circuits sans interrompre la production. De toute Ă©vidence, la qualitĂ© des rĂ©sultats sera aussi bonne que la capacitĂ© du modĂšle Ă  reprĂ©senter la rĂ©alitĂ©, ce qui souligne l’importance d’avoir des modĂšles prĂ©cis et des procĂ©dures de calibrage appropriĂ©es, un sujet frĂ©quemment omis dans la littĂ©rature. Un autre aspect essentiel qui n’a pas Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ© est l’intĂ©gration efficace de la libĂ©ration minĂ©rale aux systĂšmes de contrĂŽle et d’optimisation de procĂ©dĂ©s. Bien qu’il s’agisse d’une information clĂ© directement liĂ©e aux performances de l’étape de concentration, la plupart des stratĂ©gies se concentrent exclusivement sur la taille de particule du produit. Ceci est comprĂ©hensible Ă©tant donnĂ© qu’il est impossible de mesurer la distribution de libĂ©ration prĂ©sentement. BasĂ©e sur une librairie de simulation d’usines de traitement des minerais dĂ©jĂ  existante, cette recherche aborde lesdits problĂšmes en (1) dĂ©veloppant un modĂšle de libĂ©ration minĂ©rale visant Ă  coupler les Ă©tapes de broyage et de concentration ; (2) programmant et validant par calibrage un modĂšle phĂ©nomĂ©nologique de broyeur autogĂšne/semi-autogĂšne (BA/BSA), nĂ©cessaire pour complĂ©ter la librairie de simulation ; (3) couplant un simulateur de circuit de broyage Ă  un procĂ©dĂ© de concentration avec le modĂšle de libĂ©ration, et (4) dĂ©veloppant un systĂšme de contrĂŽle et d’optimisation qui considĂšre explicitement des donnĂ©es de libĂ©ration minĂ©rale pour Ă©valuer les avantages Ă©conomiques. Les principaux rĂ©sultats confirment que le modĂšle de libĂ©ration est capable de reproduire avec prĂ©cision des distributions de libĂ©ration minĂ©rale couramment observĂ©es dans l’industrie. Cependant, si les donnĂ©es de calibrage correspondent Ă  un point d’opĂ©ration unique, la validitĂ© pourrait ĂȘtre limitĂ©e aux rĂ©gions voisines proches. Le problĂšme de caractĂ©riser l’évolution de la libĂ©ration minĂ©rale aux diverses conditions d’opĂ©ration ainsi qu’aux rĂ©gimes transitoires reste Ă  ĂȘtre abordĂ©. Le modĂšle de libĂ©ration s’est aussi rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© utile pour coupler des circuits de broyage avec des procĂ©dĂ©s de concentration, en particulier pour une unitĂ© de flottation. Quant au modĂšle de BA/BSA, celui-ci peut capturer le rĂ©gime statique ainsi que la dynamique d’un broyeur rĂ©el et conjointement avec le reste des Ă©quipements dans la librairie de simulation, des circuits de broyage industriels. Ceci a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ© par le calibrage Ă  partir des donnĂ©es d’opĂ©ration d’une usine et des tests en laboratoire, tout en suivant une procĂ©dure systĂ©matique, contribuant aussi au sujet de l’établissement de mĂ©thodologies de calibrage standardisĂ©es. Pour terminer, les expĂ©riences concernant la stratĂ©gie de contrĂŽle et d’optimisation basĂ©e sur la libĂ©ration minĂ©rale suggĂšrent que l’utilisation de cette information peut amĂ©liorer la performance globale des circuits de broyage-sĂ©paration en rĂ©agissant aux variations des caractĂ©ristiques de libĂ©ration, qui Ă  leur tour influencent l’efficacitĂ© de sĂ©paration. L’étude de cas rĂ©alisĂ© rĂ©vĂšle que cela peut entraĂźner une augmentation du dĂ©bit massique et de la teneur du concentrĂ©, de la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des mĂ©taux et des revenus de l’ordre de +0.5%, +1%, +1% et +5%, respectivement, par rapport au cas oĂč ces informations sont omises.As minerals frequently appear in complex associations in nature, mineral liberation is one of the most relevant aspects in ore processing and is achieved through comminution. This operation is one of the most important, but also one of the most expensive ones in industry. The global efficiency of a plant often depends on the performance of the grinding circuit, since there is a compromise to achieve the particle size liberating the targetted minerals in order to obtain high purity concentrates while maintaining low operating costs, which are largely influenced by the energy consumption. In recent years, companies have been facing more demanding performance targets, stronger competition, and more stringent environmental and safety regulations. Additional challenges are inherent to the grinding circuits themselves, e.g. the nonlinear responses, high degree of intercorrelation of the different variables, and material recirculations. The abovementioned issues highlight the relevance of adequate process control and optimisation, and practitioners rely more often on model-based approaches in order to face them systematically. Modeling and simulation are powerful tools with significant advantages such as low costs, required times for conducting experiments are relatively short, and the possibility of testing extreme operational conditions as well as different circuit configurations without disrupting production. Evidently, the quality of the results will only be as good as the model capacity to represent the reality, which emphasises the relevance of having precise models and proper calibration procedures, the latter being a topic frequently omitted in the literature. Another crucial aspect that has not been reported yet is the effective integration of mineral liberation in control and optimisation schemes. Although it is a key piece of information directly related to the performance of the concentration stage, most strategies focus exclusively on the particle size. This is understandable given that it is currently impossible to measure the liberation distribution online. Based on an existing mineral processing plant simulation library, this research addresses these problems by (1) developing a mineral liberation model aiming at linking the grinding and concentration stages; (2) programming a phenomenological autogenous/semiautogenous (AG/SAG) mill model, required to complement the simulation toolbox, and validating it through calibration; (3) coupling a grinding circuit simulator to a concentration process by means of the liberation model, and (4) developing a plantwide control and optimisation scheme considering mineral liberation data explicitly to evaluate the economic benefits. The main results confirm that the liberation model is capable of reproducing accurately mineral distributions observed in industry. If calibration data correspond to a single operating point, its validity may however be limited to the close neighbourhood. Characterising the evolution of mineral liberation in different operating conditions and transient states remains to be addressed. The liberation model proved to be equally useful in coupling grinding circuits with concentration processes, specifically for flotation. As for the AG/SAG mill model, it can capture the steady state and dynamic behaviour of an actual device and, along with the rest of pieces of equipment in the simulation toolbox, of industrial grinding circuits. This was confirmed through calibration from plant data and laboratory testwork following a systematic procedure, contributing to the endeavour of establishing standard calibration methodologies. Lastly, the results of the designed control and optimisation scheme suggest that using liberation data for control and real-time optimisation can improve the overall performance of grinding-separation circuits by reacting to variations in the liberation characteristics, which in turn influence the concentration performance. The case study reveals that doing so can lead to increases in the concentrate mass flow rate and grade, metal recovery, and global profits in the order of +0.5%, +1%, +1%, and +5%, respectively, compared to the case omitting this information

    Demand side management of a run-of-mine ore milling circuit

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    Increasing electricity costs coupled with lower prices for some metals such as platinum group metals require a reevaluation of the operation of grinding processes. Demand side management (DSM) has received increasing attention in the field of industrial control as an opportunity to reduce operating costs. DSM through grinding mill power load shifting is presented in this paper using model predictive control and a real-time optimizer. Simulation results indicate that mill power load shifting can potentially achieve cost reductions of $9.90 per kg of unrefined product when applied to a run-of-mine (ROM) ore milling circuit processing platinum bearing ore. DSM is however still not economically feasible when there is a demand to continuously run the milling circuit at maximum throughputhttp://www.elsevier.com/locate/conengprachb201

    16th Nordic Process Control Workshop : Preprints

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