4,589 research outputs found

    On-Disk Data Processing: Issues and Future Directions

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    In this paper, we present a survey of "on-disk" data processing (ODDP). ODDP, which is a form of near-data processing, refers to the computing arrangement where the secondary storage drives have the data processing capability. Proposed ODDP schemes vary widely in terms of the data processing capability, target applications, architecture and the kind of storage drive employed. Some ODDP schemes provide only a specific but heavily used operation like sort whereas some provide a full range of operations. Recently, with the advent of Solid State Drives, powerful and extensive ODDP solutions have been proposed. In this paper, we present a thorough review of architectures developed for different on-disk processing approaches along with current and future challenges and also identify the future directions which ODDP can take.Comment: 24 pages, 17 Figures, 3 Table

    Lattice QCD Thermodynamics on the Grid

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    We describe how we have used simultaneously O(103){\cal O}(10^3) nodes of the EGEE Grid, accumulating ca. 300 CPU-years in 2-3 months, to determine an important property of Quantum Chromodynamics. We explain how Grid resources were exploited efficiently and with ease, using user-level overlay based on Ganga and DIANE tools above standard Grid software stack. Application-specific scheduling and resource selection based on simple but powerful heuristics allowed to improve efficiency of the processing to obtain desired scientific results by a specified deadline. This is also a demonstration of combined use of supercomputers, to calculate the initial state of the QCD system, and Grids, to perform the subsequent massively distributed simulations. The QCD simulation was performed on a 163Ă—416^3\times 4 lattice. Keeping the strange quark mass at its physical value, we reduced the masses of the up and down quarks until, under an increase of temperature, the system underwent a second-order phase transition to a quark-gluon plasma. Then we measured the response of this system to an increase in the quark density. We find that the transition is smoothened rather than sharpened. If confirmed on a finer lattice, this finding makes it unlikely for ongoing experimental searches to find a QCD critical point at small chemical potential

    CHANG-ES IV: Radio continuum emission of 35 edge-on galaxies observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in D-configuration, Data Release 1

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    We present the first part of the observations made for the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies, an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) project. The aim of the CHANG-ES project is to study and characterize the nature of radio halos, their prevalence as well as their magnetic fields, and the cosmic rays illuminating these fields. This paper reports observations with the compact D configuration of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) for the sample of 35 nearby edge-on galaxies of CHANG-ES. With the new wide bandwidth capabilities of the VLA, an unprecedented sensitivity was achieved for all polarization products. The beam resolution is an average of 9.6" and 36" with noise levels reaching approximately 6 and 30 microJy per beam for C- and L-bands, respectively (robust weighting). We present intensity maps in these two frequency bands (C and L), with different weightings, as well as spectral index maps, polarization maps, and new measurements of star formation rates (SFRs). The data products described herein are available to the public in the CHANG-ES data release available at www.queensu.ca/changes. We also present evidence of a trend among galaxies with larger halos having higher SFR surface density, and we show, for the first time, a radio continuum image of the median galaxy, taking advantage of the collective signal-to-noise ratio of 30 of our galaxies. This image shows clearly that a typical spiral galaxy is surrounded by a halo of magnetic fields and cosmic rays.Comment: 70 pages, of which 35 pages present the data of each galax

    The NICMOS Snapshot Survey of nearby Galaxies

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    We present ``snapshot'' observations with the NearInfrared Camera and MultiObject Spectrometer (NICMOS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) of 94 nearby galaxies from the Revised Shapley Ames Catalog. Images with 0.2 as resolution were obtained in two filters, a broad-band continuum filter (F160W, roughly equivalent to the H-band) and a narrow band filter centered on the Paschen alpha line (F187N or F190N, depending on the galaxy redshift) with the 51x51 as field of view of the NICMOS camera 3. A first-order continuum subtraction is performed, and the resulting line maps and integrated Paschen alpha line fluxes are presented. A statistical analysis indicates that the average Paschen alpha surface brightness {\bf in the central regions} is highest in early-type (Sa-Sb) spirals.Comment: Original contained error in flux calibration. Table 1 now has correct Paschen Alpha fluxes. 14 pages LaTeX with JPEG and PS figures. Also available at http://icarus.stsci.edu/~boeker/publications.htm

    Towards a Simple Relationship to Estimate the Capacity of Static and Mobile Wireless Networks

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    Extensive research has been done on studying the capacity of wireless multi-hop networks. These efforts have led to many sophisticated and customized analytical studies on the capacity of particular networks. While most of the analyses are intellectually challenging, they lack universal properties that can be extended to study the capacity of a different network. In this paper, we sift through various capacity-impacting parameters and present a simple relationship that can be used to estimate the capacity of both static and mobile networks. Specifically, we show that the network capacity is determined by the average number of simultaneous transmissions, the link capacity and the average number of transmissions required to deliver a packet to its destination. Our result is valid for both finite networks and asymptotically infinite networks. We then use this result to explain and better understand the insights of some existing results on the capacity of static networks, mobile networks and hybrid networks and the multicast capacity. The capacity analysis using the aforementioned relationship often becomes simpler. The relationship can be used as a powerful tool to estimate the capacity of different networks. Our work makes important contributions towards developing a generic methodology for network capacity analysis that is applicable to a variety of different scenarios.Comment: accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Interferometry concepts

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    This paper serves as an introduction to the current book. It provides the basic notions of long-baseline optical/infrared interferome-try prior to reading all the subsequent chapters, and is not an extended introduction to the field.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    Sim_Dsc: Simulator for Optimizing the Performance of Disk Scheduling Algorithms

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    Disk scheduling involves a careful examination of pending requests to determine the most efficient way to service these requests. A disk scheduler examines the positional relationship among waiting requests, then reorders the queue so that the requests will be serviced with minimum seek. The purpose of the study is to obtain the best scheduling algorithm based on the seek time, rotation time and transfer time for moveable head disks. Keeping in view an attempt has been made to design a simulator for optimizing the performance of disk scheduling algorithms using Box-Muller transformation. The input for the simulator has been derived by using an algorithm for generating pseudo random numbers which follows box-muller transformations. Simulator takes access time which is generated using seek time, rotation time and transfer time, as the request of cylinder numbers, current position of read/write head as inputs. On the basis of these inputs, total head movement of each disk scheduling algorithm is calculated under various loads
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