11 research outputs found

    Nets, relations and linking diagrams

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    In recent work, the author and others have studied compositional algebras of Petri nets. Here we consider mathematical aspects of the pure linking algebras that underly them. We characterise composition of nets without places as the composition of spans over appropriate categories of relations, and study the underlying algebraic structures.Comment: 15 pages, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO), Warsaw, Poland, 3-6 September 201

    Open Petri Nets

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    The reachability semantics for Petri nets can be studied using open Petri nets. For us an "open" Petri net is one with certain places designated as inputs and outputs via a cospan of sets. We can compose open Petri nets by gluing the outputs of one to the inputs of another. Open Petri nets can be treated as morphisms of a category Open(Petri)\mathsf{Open}(\mathsf{Petri}), which becomes symmetric monoidal under disjoint union. However, since the composite of open Petri nets is defined only up to isomorphism, it is better to treat them as morphisms of a symmetric monoidal double category Open(Petri)\mathbb{O}\mathbf{pen}(\mathsf{Petri}). We describe two forms of semantics for open Petri nets using symmetric monoidal double functors out of Open(Petri)\mathbb{O}\mathbf{pen}(\mathsf{Petri}). The first, an operational semantics, gives for each open Petri net a category whose morphisms are the processes that this net can carry out. This is done in a compositional way, so that these categories can be computed on smaller subnets and then glued together. The second, a reachability semantics, simply says which markings of the outputs can be reached from a given marking of the inputs.Comment: 30 pages, TikZ figure

    Interacting Frobenius algebras are Hopf

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    Theories featuring the interaction between a Frobenius algebra and a Hopf algebra have recently appeared in several areas in computer science: concurrent programming, control theory, and quantum computing, among others. Bonchi, Sobocinski, and Zanasi (2014) have shown that, given a suitable distributive law, a pair of Hopf algebras forms two Frobenius algebras. Here we take the opposite approach, and show that interacting Frobenius algebras form Hopf algebras. We generalise (BSZ 2014) by including non-trivial dynamics of the underlying object---the so-called phase group---and investigate the effects of finite dimensionality of the underlying model. We recover the system of Bonchi et al as a subtheory in the prime power dimensional case, but the more general theory does not arise from a distributive law

    Connector algebras for C/E and P/T nets interactions

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    A quite fourishing research thread in the recent literature on component based system is concerned with the algebraic properties of different classes of connectors. In a recent paper, an algebra of stateless connectors was presented that consists of five kinds of basic connectors, namely symmetry, synchronization, mutual exclusion, hiding and inaction, plus their duals and it was shown how they can be freely composed in series and in parallel to model sophisticated "glues". In this paper we explore the expressiveness of stateful connectors obtained by adding one-place buffers or unbounded buffers to the stateless connectors. The main results are: i) we show how different classes of connectors exactly correspond to suitable classes of Petri nets equipped with compositional interfaces, called nets with boundaries; ii) we show that the difference between strong and weak semantics in stateful connectors is reflected in the semantics of nets with boundaries by moving from the classic step semantics (strong case) to a novel banking semantics (weak case), where a step can be executed by taking some "debit" tokens to be given back during the same step; iii) we show that the corresponding bisimilarities are congruences (w.r.t. composition of connectors in series and in parallel); iv) we show that suitable monoidality laws, like those arising when representing stateful connectors in the tile model, can nicely capture concurrency aspects; and v) as a side result, we provide a basic algebra, with a finite set of symbols, out of which we can compose all P/T nets, fulfilling a long standing quest

    Diagrammatic Algebra: from Linear to Concurrent Systems

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    We introduce the resource calculus, a string diagrammatic language for concurrent systems. Significantly, it uses the same syntax and operational semantics as the signal flow calculus — an algebraic formalism for signal flow graphs, which is a combinatorial model of computation of interest in control theory. Indeed, our approach stems from the simple but fruitful observation that, by replacing real numbers (modelling signals) with natural numbers (modelling resources) in the operational semantics, concurrent behaviour patterns emerge. The resource calculus is canonical: we equip it and its stateful extension with equational theories that characterise the underlying space of definable behaviours—a convex algebraic universe of additive relations— via isomorphisms of categories. Finally, we demonstrate that our calculus is sufficiently expressive to capture behaviour definable by classical Petri net

    Deconstructing Lawvere with distributive laws

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    PROs, PROPs and Lawvere categories are related notions adapted to the study of algebraic structures borne by an object in a category: PROs are monoidal, PROPs are symmetric monoidal and Lawvere categories are cartesian. This paper connects the three notions using Lack's technique for composing PRO(P)s via distributive laws. We show that Lawvere categories can be seen as the composite PROP , where expresses the algebraic structure in linear form and express the ability of copying and discarding them. In turn the PROP can be decomposed in terms of PROs as where expresses the ability of permuting variables and is the PRO encoding the syntactic structure without permutations

    A connector algebra for P/T nets interactions

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    Abstract. A quite flourishing research thread in the recent literature on component-based system is concerned with the algebraic properties of various kinds of connectors for defining well-engineered systems. In a recent paper, an algebra of stateless connectors was presented that consists of five kinds of basic connectors, plus their duals. The connectors can be composed in series or in parallel and employing a simple 1-state buffer they can model the coordination language Reo. Pawel Sobocinski employed essentially the same stateful extension of connector algebra to provide semantics-preserving mutual encoding with some sort of elementary Petri nets with boundaries. In this paper we show how the tile model can be used to extend Sobocinski’s approach to deal with P/T nets, thus paving the way towards more expressive connector models.

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Saariselkä, Finland, 9 - 14 June 2013

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    A Connector Algebra for P/T Nets Interactions

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    We define an algebraic theory of hierarchical graphs, whose axioms characterise graph isomorphism: two terms are equated exactly when they represent the same graph. Our algebra can be understood as a high-level language for describing graphs with a node-sharing, embedding structure, and it is then well suited for defining graphical representations of software models where nesting and linking are key aspects