460 research outputs found

    A High-Throughput Hardware Implementation of NAT Traversal For IPSEC VPN

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    In this paper, we present a high-throughput FPGA implementation of IPSec core. The core supports both NAT and non-NAT mode and can be used in high speed security gateway devices. Although IPSec ESP is very computing intensive for its cryptography process, our implementation shows that it can achieve high throughput and low lantency. The system is realized on the Zynq XC7Z045 from Xilinx and was verified and tested in practice. Results show that the design can gives a peak throughput of 5.721 Gbps for the IPSec ESP tunnel mode in NAT mode and 7.753 Gbps in non-NAT mode using one single AES encrypt core. We also compare the performance of the core when running in other mode of encryption

    Implications and Limitations of Securing an InfiniBand Network

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    The InfiniBand Architecture is one of the leading network interconnects used in high performance computing, delivering very high bandwidth and low latency. As the popularity of InfiniBand increases, the possibility for new InfiniBand applications arise outside the domain of high performance computing, thereby creating the opportunity for new security risks. In this work, new security questions are considered and addressed. The study demonstrates that many common traffic analyzing tools cannot monitor or capture InfiniBand traffic transmitted between two hosts. Due to the kernel bypass nature of InfiniBand, many host-based network security systems cannot be executed on InfiniBand applications. Those that can impose a significant performance loss for the network. The research concludes that not all network security practices used for Ethernet translate to InfiniBand as previously suggested and that an answer to meeting specific security requirements for an InfiniBand network might reside in hardware offload

    Secure Remote Control and Configuration of FPX Platform in Gigabit Ethernet Environment

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    Because of its flexibility and high performance, reconfigurable logic functions implemented on the Field-programmable Port Extender (FPX ) are well suited for implementing network processing such as packet classification, filtering and intrusion detection functions. This project focuses on two key aspects of the FPX system. One is providing a Gigabit Ethernet interface by designing logic for a FPGA which is located on a line card. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets are handled in hardware and Ethernet frames are processed and transformed into cells suitable for standard FPX application. The other effort is to provide a secure channel to enable remote control and configuration of the FPX system through public internet. A suite of security hardware cores were implemented that include the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Message Digest Version 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). An architecture and an associated protocol have been developed which provide a secure communication channel between a control console and a hardware-based reconfigurable network node. This solution is unique in that it does not require a software process to run on the network stack, so that it has both higher performance and prevents the node from being hacked using traditional vulnerabilities found in common operating systems. The mechanism can be applied to the design and implementation of re-motely managed FPX systems. A hardware module called the Secure Control Packet Processor (SCPP) has been designed for a FPX based firewall. It utilizes AES or 3DES in Error Propagation Block Chaining (EPBC) mode to ensure data confidentiality and data integrity. There is also an authenticated engine that uses HMAC. to generate the acknowledgments. The system can protect the FPX system against attacks that may be sent over the control and configuration channel. Based on this infrastructure, an enhanced protocol is addressed that provides higher efficiency and can defend against replay attack. To support that, a control cell encryption module was designed and tested in the FPX system

    Field-based branch prediction for packet processing engines

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    Network processors have exploited many aspects of architecture design, such as employing multi-core, multi-threading and hardware accelerator, to support both the ever-increasing line rates and the higher complexity of network applications. Micro-architectural techniques like superscalar, deep pipeline and speculative execution provide an excellent method of improving performance without limiting either the scalability or flexibility, provided that the branch penalty is well controlled. However, it is difficult for traditional branch predictor to keep increasing the accuracy by using larger tables, due to the fewer variations in branch patterns of packet processing. To improve the prediction efficiency, we propose a flow-based prediction mechanism which caches the branch histories of packets with similar header fields, since they normally undergo the same execution path. For packets that cannot find a matching entry in the history table, a fallback gshare predictor is used to provide branch direction. Simulation results show that the our scheme achieves an average hit rate in excess of 97.5% on a selected set of network applications and real-life packet traces, with a similar chip area to the existing branch prediction architectures used in modern microprocessors

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of IP Hopping via an Address Routing Gateway

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    This thesis explores the viability of using Internet Protocol (IP) address hopping in front of a network as a defensive measure. This research presents a custom gateway-based IP hopping solution called Address Routing Gateway (ARG) that acts as a transparent IP address hopping gateway. This thesis tests the overall stability of ARG, the accuracy of its classifications, the maximum throughput it can support, and the maximum rate at which it can change IPs and still communicate reliably. This research is accomplished on a physical test network with nodes representing the types of hosts found on a typical, corporate-style network. Direct measurement is used to obtain all results for each factor level. Tests demonstrate ARG classifies traffic correctly, with no false negatives and less than a 0.15% false positive rate on average. The test environment conservatively shows this to be true as long as the IP address change interval exceeds two times the network\u27s round-trip latency; real-world deployments may allow for more frequent hopping. Results show ARG capably handles traffic of at least four megabits per second with no impact on packet loss. Fuzz testing validates the stability of ARG itself, although additional packet loss of around 23% appears when under attack

    Optimizing energy-efficiency for multi-core packet processing systems in a compiler framework

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    Network applications become increasingly computation-intensive and the amount of traffic soars unprecedentedly nowadays. Multi-core and multi-threaded techniques are thus widely employed in packet processing system to meet the changing requirement. However, the processing power cannot be fully utilized without a suitable programming environment. The compilation procedure is decisive for the quality of the code. It can largely determine the overall system performance in terms of packet throughput, individual packet latency, core utilization and energy efficiency. The thesis investigated compilation issues in networking domain first, particularly on energy consumption. And as a cornerstone for any compiler optimizations, a code analysis module for collecting program dependency is presented and incorporated into a compiler framework. With that dependency information, a strategy based on graph bi-partitioning and mapping is proposed to search for an optimal configuration in a parallel-pipeline fashion. The energy-aware extension is specifically effective in enhancing the energy-efficiency of the whole system. Finally, a generic evaluation framework for simulating the performance and energy consumption of a packet processing system is given. It accepts flexible architectural configuration and is capable of performingarbitrary code mapping. The simulation time is extremely short compared to full-fledged simulators. A set of our optimization results is gathered using the framework

    Hardware Design and Implementation of Role-Based Cryptography

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    Traditional public key cryptographic methods provide access control to sensitive data by allowing the message sender to grant a single recipient permission to read the encrypted message. The Need2Know® system (N2K) improves upon these methods by providing role-based access control. N2K defines data access permissions similar to those of a multi-user file system, but N2K strictly enforces access through cryptographic standards. Since custom hardware can efficiently implement many cryptographic algorithms and can provide additional security, N2K stands to benefit greatly from a hardware implementation. To this end, the main N2K algorithm, the Key Protection Module (KPM), is being specified in VHDL. The design is being built and tested incrementally: this first phase implements the core control logic of the KPM without integrating its cryptographic sub-modules. Both RTL simulation and formal verification are used to test the design. This is the first N2K implementation in hardware, and it promises to provide an accelerated and secured alternative to the software-based system. A hardware implementation is a necessary step toward highly secure and flexible deployments of the N2K system

    Use of Open Networks and Delay-Tolerant Protocol to Decrease WAN Latency of EOS near Real-Time Data

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    Since 1999, NASA's Earth Observing System Data Operations System (EDOS) project at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has provided high-rate data capture, level zero processing, and product distribution services for a majority of NASA's EOS (Earth Observing System) high-rate missions, including Terra, Aqua, Aura, ICESat, EO-1, SMAP, and OCO-2. EDOS high-rate science and engineering (150-300 Mbps) data-driven capture systems are deployed at 7 worldwide ground stations which are connected via both private (closed) and public (open) wide area networks (WANs) to the centralized EDOS Level Zero Processing Facility (LZPF) located at GSFC, where the data is processed and Level 0 products are distributed to users worldwide. All data transferred over the open networks to GSFC traverse an IPSec tunnel, providing the same level of security as a VPN connection. EDOS produces both time-based and near real-time products (session-based). Near real-time data products are produced from a single ground station contact; time-based products are produced from multiple ground station contacts. EDOS is the primary supplier of EOS Level 0 data to the NASA near real-time user community known as the Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE). For the past few years, EDOS has streamlined its systems to reduce WAN latency for near real-time data delivery, including implementing Quality of Service (QoS), expanding closed network bandwidth, adding open network connections with more bandwidth, and implementing a delay-tolerant protocol to mitigate long round-trip times to remote ground stations


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    Techniques are provided herein for a time-based anti-replay check. These techniques may address the 64-bit sequence number recovery issue and the replay check issue in multi-sender security engine and multi-receiver security engine applications