12,428 research outputs found

    Telemetry downlink interfaces and level-zero processing

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    The technical areas being investigated are as follows: (1) processing of space to ground data frames; (2) parallel architecture performance studies; and (3) parallel programming techniques. Additionally, the University administrative details and the technical liaison between New Mexico State University and Goddard Space Flight Center are addressed

    PhyNetLab: An IoT-Based Warehouse Testbed

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    Future warehouses will be made of modular embedded entities with communication ability and energy aware operation attached to the traditional materials handling and warehousing objects. This advancement is mainly to fulfill the flexibility and scalability needs of the emerging warehouses. However, it leads to a new layer of complexity during development and evaluation of such systems due to the multidisciplinarity in logistics, embedded systems, and wireless communications. Although each discipline provides theoretical approaches and simulations for these tasks, many issues are often discovered in a real deployment of the full system. In this paper we introduce PhyNetLab as a real scale warehouse testbed made of cyber physical objects (PhyNodes) developed for this type of application. The presented platform provides a possibility to check the industrial requirement of an IoT-based warehouse in addition to the typical wireless sensor networks tests. We describe the hardware and software components of the nodes in addition to the overall structure of the testbed. Finally, we will demonstrate the advantages of the testbed by evaluating the performance of the ETSI compliant radio channel access procedure for an IoT warehouse

    Telescience Testbed Program: A study of software for SIRTF instrument control

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    As a continued element in the Telescience Testbed Program (TTP), the University of Arizona Steward Observatory and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) jointly developed a testbed to evaluate the Operations and Science Instrument System (OASIS) software package for remote control of an instrument for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF). SIRTF is a cryogenically-cooled telescope with three focal plane instruments that will be the infrared element of NASA's Great Observatory series. The anticipated launch date for SIRTF is currently 2001. Because of the complexity of the SIRTF mission, it was not expected that the OASIS package would be suitable for instrument control in the flight situation, however, its possible use as a common interface during the early development and ground test phases of the project was considered. The OASIS package, developed at the University of Colorado for control of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) satellite, serves as an interface between the operator and the remote instrument which is connected via a network. OASIS provides a rudimentary windowing system as well as support for standard spacecraft communications protocols. The experiment performed all of the functions required of the MIPS simulation program. Remote control of the instrument was demonstrated but found to be inappropriate for SIRTF at this time for the following reasons: (1) programming interface is too difficult; (2) significant computer resources were required to run OASIS; (3) the communications interface is too complicated; (4) response time was slow; and (5) quicklook of image data was not possible

    When Should I Use Network Emulation?

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    The design and development of a complex system requires an adequate methodology and efficient instrumental support in order to early detect and correct anomalies in the functional and non-functional properties of the tested protocols. Among the various tools used to provide experimental support for such developments, network emulation relies on real-time production of impairments on real traffic according to a communication model, either realistically or not. This paper aims at simply presenting to newcomers in network emulation (students, engineers, ...) basic principles and practices illustrated with a few commonly used tools. The motivation behind is to fill a gap in terms of introductory and pragmatic papers in this domain. The study particularly considers centralized approaches, allowing cheap and easy implementation in the context of research labs or industrial developments. In addition, an architectural model for emulation systems is proposed, defining three complementary levels, namely hardware, impairment and model levels. With the help of this architectural framework, various existing tools are situated and described. Various approaches for modeling the emulation actions are studied, such as impairment-based scenarios and virtual architectures, real-time discrete simulation and trace-based systems. Those modeling approaches are described and compared in terms of services and we study their ability to respond to various designer needs to assess when emulation is needed

    When should I use network emulation ?

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    The design and development of a complex system requires an adequate methodology and efficient instrumental support in order to early detect and correct anomalies in the functional and non-functional properties of the tested protocols. Among the various tools used to provide experimental support for such developments, network emulation relies on real-time production of impairments on real traffic according to a communication model, either realistically or not. This paper aims at simply presenting to newcomers in network emulation (students, engineers, ...) basic principles and practices illustrated with a few commonly used tools. The motivation behind is to fill a gap in terms of introductory and pragmatic papers in this domain. The study particularly considers centralized approaches, allowing cheap and easy implementation in the context of research labs or industrial developments. In addition, an architectural model for emulation systems is proposed, defining three complementary levels, namely hardware, impairment and model levels. With the help of this architectural framework, various existing tools are situated and described. Various approaches for modeling the emulation actions are studied, such as impairment-based scenarios and virtual architectures, real-time discrete simulation and trace-based systems. Those modeling approaches are described and compared in terms of services and we study their ability to respond to various designer needs to assess when emulation is needed

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Spacelab system analysis: A study of the Marshall Avionics System Testbed (MAST)

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    An analysis of the Marshall Avionics Systems Testbed (MAST) communications requirements is presented. The average offered load for typical nodes is estimated. Suitable local area networks are determined

    Data communication network at the ASRM facility

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    The main objective of the report is to present the overall communication network structure for the Advanced Solid Rocket Motor (ASRM) facility being built at Yellow Creek near Iuka, Mississippi. This report is compiled using information received from NASA/MSFC, LMSC, AAD, and RUST Inc. As per the information gathered, the overall network structure will have one logical FDDI ring acting as a backbone for the whole complex. The buildings will be grouped into two categories viz. manufacturing critical and manufacturing non-critical. The manufacturing critical buildings will be connected via FDDI to the Operational Information System (OIS) in the main computing center in B 1000. The manufacturing non-critical buildings will be connected by 10BASE-FL to the Business Information System (BIS) in the main computing center. The workcells will be connected to the Area Supervisory Computers (ASCs) through the nearest manufacturing critical hub and one of the OIS hubs. The network structure described in this report will be the basis for simulations to be carried out next year. The Comdisco's Block Oriented Network Simulator (BONeS) will be used for the network simulation. The main aim of the simulations will be to evaluate the loading of the OIS, the BIS, the ASCs, and the network links by the traffic generated by the workstations and workcells throughout the site

    Routing And Communication Path Mapping In VANETS

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    Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) has quickly become an important aspect of the intelligent transport system (ITS), which is a combination of information technology, and transport works to improve efficiency and safety through data gathering and dissemination. However, transmitting data over an ad-hoc network comes with several issues such as broadcast storms, hidden terminal problems and unreliability; these greatly reduce the efficiency of the network and hence the purpose for which it was developed. We therefore propose a system of utilising information gathered externally from the node or through the various layers of the network into the access layer of the ETSI communication stack for routing to improve the overall efficiency of data delivery, reduce hidden terminals and increase reliability. We divide route into segments and design a set of metric system to select a controlling node as well as procedure for data transfer. Furthermore we propose a system for faster data delivery based on priority of data and density of nodes from route information while developing a map to show the communication situation of an area. These metrics and algorithms will be simulated in further research using the NS-3 environment to demonstrate the effectiveness

    Spacelab system analysis Marshall Avionics System Testbed (MAST)

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    A synopsis of the visits to avionics test facilities is presented. A list of recommendaions for the MAST facility is also included