9 research outputs found

    A computational driver model to predict driver control at unsignalised intersections

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    The interaction between a cyclist and a driver at unsignalized intersection remains a risky situation which may result in a collision with severe consequences, especially for the cyclist. Crash data show that the number of cyclist fatalities at unsignalized intersections has been stable the last years, indicating that more efforts should be given to improve safety in this specific scenario. Safety systems can help drivers avoid collisions with cyclists.\ua0 However, systems addressing this conflict scenario are difficult to design, not only because of the technical aspects (e.g., sensor, or control limitations) but because those systems need to predict how drivers will or would control their car to be effective. A handful of studies focused on describing driver behaviour in this traffic scenario, but no computational model that can predict driver control can be found in the literature. The present study presents a driver model based on a biofidelic human sensorimotor control modelling framework predicting driver control in this traffic scenario. Two visual cues were implemented: 1) optical longitudinal looming, and 2) projected post-encroachment time between the bike and the car. The model was optimized using test-track data in which participants were asked to drive through an intersection where a cyclist would cross their travel path. The performances of the model were evaluated by comparing the simulated driver control process with the observed controls for each trial using a leave-one-out crossvalidation process. The results showed that the model performed rather well by reproducing similar braking controls, and kinematics, compared to the observations. The extent to which the model could be used by safety systems’ threat-assessment algorithms was discussed. Future research to improve the model performances was suggested

    How do cyclists interact with motorized vehicles at unsignalized intersections? Modeling cyclists’ yielding behavior using naturalistic data

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    When a cyclist\u27s path intersects with that of a motorized vehicle at an unsignalized intersection, serious conflicts may happen. In recent years, the number of cyclist fatalities in this conflict scenario has held steady, while the number in many other traffic scenarios has been decreasing. There is, therefore, a need to further study this conflict scenario in order to make it safer. With the advent of automated vehicles, threat assessment algorithms able to predict cyclists’ (other road users’) behavior will be increasingly important to ensure safety. To date, the handful of studies that have modeled the vehicle-cyclist interaction at unsignalized intersections have used kinematics (speed and location) alone without using cyclists’ behavioral cues, such as pedaling or gesturing. As a result, we do not know whether non-verbal communication (e.g., from behavioral cues) could improve model predictions. In this paper, we propose a quantitative model based on naturalistic data, which uses additional non-verbal information to predict cyclists’ crossing intentions at unsignalized intersections. Interaction events were extracted from a trajectory dataset and enriched by adding cyclists’ behavioral cues obtained from sensors. Both kinematics and cyclists’ behavioral cues (e.g., pedaling and head movement), were found to be statistically significant for predicting the cyclist\u27s yielding behavior. This research shows that adding information about the cyclists’ behavioral cues to the threat assessment algorithms of active safety systems and automated vehicles will improve safety

    Modeling Drivers’ Strategy When Overtaking Cyclists in the Presence of Oncoming Traffic

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    Overtaking a cyclist on a two-lane rural road with oncoming traffic is a challenging task for any driver. Failing this task can lead to severe injuries or even death, because of the potentially high impact speed in a possible collision. To avoid a rear-end collision with the cyclist, drivers need to make a timely and accurate decision about whether to steer and overtake the cyclist, or brake and let the oncoming traffic pass first. If this decision is delayed, for instance because the driver is distracted, neither braking nor steering may eventually keep the driver from crashing—at that point, rear-ending a cyclist may be the safest alternative for the driver. Active safety systems such as forward collision warning that help drivers being alert and avoiding collisions may be enhanced with driver models to reduce activations perceived as false positive. In this study, we developed a driver model based on logistic regression using data from a test-track experiment. The model can predict the probability and confidence of drivers braking and steering while approaching a cyclist during an overtaking, and therefore this model may improve collision warning systems. In both an in-sample and out-of-sample evaluation, the model identified drivers’ intent to overtake with high accuracy (0.99 and 0.90, respectively). The model can be integrated into a warning system that leverages the deviance of the actual driver behavior from the behavior predicted by the model to allow timely warnings without compromising driver acceptance

    Computational interaction models for automated vehicles and cyclists

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    Cyclists’ safety is crucial for a sustainable transport system. Cyclists are considered vulnerableroad users because they are not protected by a physical compartment around them. In recentyears, passenger car occupants’ share of fatalities has been decreasing, but that of cyclists hasactually increased. Most of the conflicts between cyclists and motorized vehicles occur atcrossings where they cross each other’s path. Automated vehicles (AVs) are being developedto increase traffic safety and reduce human errors in driving tasks, including when theyencounter cyclists at intersections. AVs use behavioral models to predict other road user’sbehaviors and then plan their path accordingly. Thus, there is a need to investigate how cyclistsinteract and communicate with motorized vehicles at conflicting scenarios like unsignalizedintersections. This understanding will be used to develop accurate computational models ofcyclists’ behavior when they interact with motorized vehicles in conflict scenarios.The overall goal of this thesis is to investigate how cyclists communicate and interact withmotorized vehicles in the specific conflict scenario of an unsignalized intersection. In the firstof two studies, naturalistic data was used to model the cyclists’ decision whether to yield to apassenger car at an unsignalized intersection. Interaction events were extracted from thetrajectory dataset, and cyclists’ behavioral cues were added from the sensory data. Bothcyclists’ kinematics and visual cues were found to be significant in predicting who crossed theintersection first. The second study used a cycling simulator to acquire in-depth knowledgeabout cyclists’ behavioral patterns as they interacted with an approaching vehicle at theunsignalized intersection. Two independent variables were manipulated across the trials:difference in time to arrival at the intersection (DTA) and visibility condition (field of viewdistance). Results from the mixed effect logistic model showed that only DTA affected thecyclist’s decision to cross before the vehicle. However, increasing the visibility at theintersection reduced the severity of the cyclists’ braking profiles. Both studies contributed tothe development of computational models of cyclist behavior that may be used to support safeautomated driving.Future work aims to find differences in cyclists’ interactions with different vehicle types, suchas passenger cars, taxis, and trucks. In addition, the interaction process may also be evaluatedfrom the driver’s perspective by using a driving simulator instead of a riding simulator. Thissetup would allow us to investigate how drivers respond to cyclists at the same intersection.The resulting data will contribute to the development of accurate predictive models for AVs

    Understanding and modelling car drivers overtaking cyclists: Toward the inclusion of driver models in virtual safety assessment of advanced driving assistance systems

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    The total number of road crashes in Europe is decreasing, but the number of crashes involving cyclists is not decreasing at the same rate. To help car drivers avoid or mitigate crashes while overtaking a cyclist, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have been developed. To evaluate and further improve these ADAS to support drivers as they overtake cyclists, we need to understand and model driver behaviours.This thesis has two objectives: 1) to extract and analyse cyclist-overtaking manoeuvres from naturalistic driving data and 2) compare driver behaviour models for overtaking manoeuvres that can be used in counterfactual simulations for evaluating ADAS safety benefits.The drivers’ comfort zone boundaries (CZBs) when overtaking a cyclist were identified and analysed using naturalistic driving data. Three driver models that predict when a car driver starts steering away in order to overtake a cyclist were implemented: a threshold model, an evidence accumulation model, and a model inspired by a proportional-integral-derivative controller. These models were tested and verified using two different datasets, one from a test-track experiment and one from naturalistic driving data. Model parameters were obtained using computationally efficient linear programming.The results show that, when an oncoming vehicle was present, the drivers were significantly closer to the cyclist before steering away. This finding indicates that the presence of an oncoming vehicle is a crucial factor for the safety of the cyclist and needs to be taken into account for the development of ADAS that maintain safe distance to the cyclist. Furthermore, the quantification of the CZBs has implications for the development of ADAS which can estimate the time-to-collision to an oncoming vehicle or a cyclist to be overtaken, providing timely and acceptable warnings—or interventions—when drivers exceed their usual CZBs. A comparison of the models shows that all three are highly variable in detecting steering away time for different drivers. Furthermore, differences were discovered in detected steering away time between models fitted to test-track experiments and naturalistic driving data. Future work may focus on using larger, more diverse datasets and investigating more advanced models before including them in counterfactual simulations

    A comparison of computational driver models using naturalistic and test-track data from cyclist-overtaking manoeuvres

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    The improvement of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and their safety assessment rely on the understanding of scenario-dependent driving behaviours, such as steering to avoid collisions. This study compares driver models that predict when a driver starts steering away to overtake a cyclist on rural roads. The comparison is among four models: a threshold model, an accumulator model, and two models inspired by a proportional-integral and proportional-integral-derivative controller. These models were tested and cross-applied using two different datasets: one from a naturalistic driving (ND) study and one from a test-track (TT) experiment. Two perceptual variables, expansion rate (the horizontal angular expansion rate of the image of the lead road user on the driver’s retina) and inverse tau (the ratio between the image’s expansion rate and its horizontal optical size), were tested as input to the models. A linear cost function is proposed that can obtain the optimal parameters of the models by computationally efficient linear programming. The results show that the models based on inverse tau fitted the data better than the models that included expansion rate. In general, the models fitted the ND data reasonably well, but not as well the TT data. For the ND data, the models including an accumulative component outperformed the threshold model. For the TT data, due to the poorer fit of the models, more analysis is required to determine the merit of the models. The models fitted to TT data captured the overall pattern of steering onsets in the ND data rather well, but with a persistent bias, probably due to the drivers employing a more cautious strategy in TT. The models compared in this paper may support the virtual safety assessment of ADAS so that driver behaviour may be considered in the design and evaluation of new safety systems

    On the importance of driver models for the development and assessment of active safety: A new collision warning system to make overtaking cyclists safer

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    The total number of road crashes in Europe is decreasing, but the number of crashes involving cyclists is not decreasing at the same rate. When cars and bicycles share the same lane, cars typically need to overtake them, creating dangerous conflicts—especially on rural roads, where cars travel much faster than cyclists. In order to protect cyclists, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are being developed and introduced to the market. One of them is a forward collision warning (FCW) system that helps prevent rear-end crashes by identifying and alerting drivers of threats ahead. The objective of this study is to assess the relative safety benefit of a behaviour-based (BB) FCW system that protects cyclists in a car–to–cyclist overtaking scenario. Virtual safety assessments were performed on crashes derived from naturalistic driving data. A series of driver response models was used to simulate different driver reactions to the warning. Crash frequency in conjunction with an injury risk model was used to estimate the risk of cyclist injury and fatality. The virtual safety assessment estimated that, compared to no FCW, the BB FCW could reduce cyclists’ fatalities by 53–96% and serious injuries by 43–94%, depending on the driver response model. The shorter the driver’s reaction time and the larger the driver’s deceleration, the greater the benefits of the FCW. The BB FCW also proved to be more effective than a reference FCW based on the Euro NCAP standard test protocol. The findings of this study demonstrate the BB FCW’s great potential to avoid crashes and reduce injuries in car–to–cyclist overtaking scenarios, even when the driver response model did not exceed a comfortable rate of deceleration. The results suggest that a driver behaviour model integrated into ADAS collision threat algorithms can provide substantial safety benefits

    Towards computational models for road-user interaction: Drivers overtaking pedestrians and cyclists

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    Introduction: Crashes resulting from a failed interaction between drivers and vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians or cyclists, can lead to severe injuries or fatalities, especially after failed overtaking maneuvers on rural roads where designated refuge areas are often absent, and impact speeds high. This thesis contains two studies that shed light on driver interaction with either 1) a pedestrian or 2) a cyclist, and oncoming traffic while overtaking. Methods: The first study modeled driver behavior in pedestrian-overtaking maneuvers from naturalistic and field test data, quantifying the effect of the pedestrian’s walking direction and position, as well as the presence of oncoming traffic, on the lateral passing distance and overtaking speed. The second study modeled cyclist-overtaking maneuvers with data from a test-track experiment to quantify how the factors time gap to the oncoming traffic and cyclist lane position affect safety metrics during the maneuver and the overtaking strategy (i.e., flying or accelerative, depending on whether the driver overtook before or after the oncoming traffic had passed, respectively). Results: The results showed that, while overtaking, drivers reduced their safety margins to a pedestrian when the pedestrian was walking against the traffic direction, closer to the lane and when oncoming traffic was present. Results for cyclist overtaking were similar, showing that drivers left smaller safety margins when the cyclist rode closer to the center of the lane or when the time gap to the oncoming traffic was shorter. Under these critical conditions, drivers were more likely to opt for an accelerative maneuver than a flying one. The oncoming traffic had the most influence on drivers’ behavior among all modeling factors, in both pedestrian- and cyclist-overtaking maneuvers. Conclusion: Drivers compromised the risk of a head-on collision with the oncoming traffic by increasing the risk of rear-ending or side-swiping the pedestrian or cyclist. This thesis has implications for infrastructure design, policymaking, car assessment programs, and specifically how vehicular active safety systems may benefit from the developed models to allow more timely and yet acceptable activations

    Driver interaction with vulnerable road users: Modelling driver behaviour in crossing scenarios

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    Every year, more than 5000 pedestrians and 2000 cyclists die on European roads. These vulnerable road users (VRUs) are especially at risk when interacting with cars. Intelligent safety systems (ISSs), designed to mitigate or avoid crashes between cars and VRUs, first entered the market a few years ago, and still need to be improved to be effective. Understanding how drivers interact with VRUs is crucial to improving the development and the evaluation of ISSs. Today, however, there is a lack of knowledge about driver behaviour in interactions with VRUs. To address this deficiency and contribute to realising the full potential of ISSs, this thesis has multiple objectives: 1) to investigate and describe the driver response process when a VRU crosses the driver path, 2) to devise models that can predict the driver response process, 3) to inform Euro NCAP with new knowledge about driver interactions with crossing VRUs that may guide the development of their test scenarios, and 4) to develop a framework for ISS evaluation through counterfactual simulation and analyse the impact of the chosen driver model on the simulation outcome. The thesis results show that the moment when a VRU becomes visible to the driver has the largest influence on the driver’s braking response process in driver-VRU interactions. Data gathered in driving simulators and on a test track were used to devise different predictive models: one model for the pedestrian crossing scenario, and three for the cyclist crossing scenario. The model for the pedestrian crossing scenario can estimate the moments at which key components of the driver response process (e.g. gas pedal fully released and brake onset) happen. For the cyclist crossing scenario, the first model predicts the brake onset time and the second predicts the experienced discomfort score given the cyclist appearance time. The third predicts the continuous deflection signal of the brake pedal based on the interaction of two visually-derived cues (looming and projected post-encroachment time). These models could be used to improve the design and evaluation of ISSs. From the models, appropriate warning or intervention times that are not a nuisance to the drivers could be adopted by the ISSs, therefore maximizing driver acceptance. Additionally, the models could be used in counterfactual simulations to evaluate ISS safety benefits. In fact, it was shown that driver models are a critical part of these simulations, further demonstrating the need for the development of more realistic driver models. The knowledge provided by this thesis may also guide Euro NCAP towards an improved ISS test protocol by providing information about scenarios that have not yet been evaluated