3 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Framework for the Security Risk Management of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber Physical Systems are facing huge and diverse set of security risks, especially cyber-attacks that can cause disruption to physical services or create a national disaster. Information and communication technology (ICT) has made a remarkable impact on the society. A Cyber Physical System (CPS) relies basically on information and communication technology, which puts the system\u2019s assets under certain risks especially cyber ones, and hence they must be kept under control by means of security countermeasures that generate confidence in the use of these assets. And so there is a critical need to give a great attention on the cybersecurity of these systems, which consequently leads to the safety of the physical world. This goal is achieved by adopting a solution that applies processes, plans and actions to prevent or reduce the effects of threats. Traditional IT risk assessment methods can do the job, however, and because of the characteristics of a CPS, it is more efficient to adopt a solution that is wider than a method, and addresses the type, functionalities and complexity of a CPS. This chapter proposes a framework that breaks the restriction to a traditional risk assessment method and encompasses wider set of procedures to achieve a high level strategy that could be adopted in the risk management process, in particular the cybersecurity of cyber-physical systems

    Managing cybersecurity risks of cyber-physical systems: The MARISMA-CPS pattern

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are smart systems that include engineered interacting networks of physical and computational components. CPSs have an increasingly presence on critical infrastructures and an impact in almost every aspect of our daily life, including transportation, healthcare, electric power, and advanced manufacturing. However, CPSs face a growing and serious security issue due to the widespread connectivity between the cyber world and the physical world. Although risk assessment methods for traditional IT systems are now very mature, these are not adequate for risk assessment of CPSs due to the different characteristics of the later. As such, there is an urgent need to define approaches that will adequately support risk assessment for CPSs. To contribute to this important challenge, we propose a novel risk analysis technique for CPSs based on MARISMA, a security management methodology, and eMARISMA, a technological environment in the cloud. Our work contributes to the state of the art through the definition of the MARISMA-CPS pattern that incorporates a set of reusable and adaptable elements that allows risks in CPSs to be managed and controlled, which is aligned with the main CPSs frameworks, such as those defined by NIST and ENISA. A case study for a smart hospital is presented, showing how the reusability and adaptability of the proposal allows the proposed MARISMA-CPS pattern to be easily adapted to any CPS environment. Such adaptability is important to ensure wide application in the domain of CPSs

    A literature review of Artificial Intelligence applications in railway systems

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    Nowadays it is widely accepted that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly influencing a large number of domains, including railways. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of the current state-of-the-art of AI in railway transport. In particular, we analysed and discussed papers from a holistic railway perspective, covering sub-domains such as maintenance and inspection, planning and management, safety and security, autonomous driving and control, revenue management, transport policy, and passenger mobility. This review makes an initial step towards shaping the role of AI in future railways and provides a summary of the current focuses of AI research connected to rail transport. We reviewed about 139 scientific papers covering the period from 2010 to December 2020. We found that the major research efforts have been put in AI for rail maintenance and inspection, while very limited or no research has been found on AI for rail transport policy and revenue management. The remaining sub-domains received mild to moderate attention. AI applications are promising and tend to act as a game-changer in tackling multiple railway challenges. However, at the moment, AI research in railways is still mostly at its early stages. Future research can be expected towards developing advanced combined AI applications (e.g. with optimization), using AI in decision making, dealing with uncertainty and tackling newly rising cybersecurity challenges