35 research outputs found


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    Huge neural autoregressive sequence models have achieved impressive performance across different applications, such as NLP, reinforcement learning, and bioinformatics. However, some lingering problems (e.g., consistency and coherency of generated texts) continue to exist, regardless of the parameter count. In the first part of this thesis, we chart a taxonomy of the expressiveness of various sequence model families (Ch 3). In particular, we put forth complexity-theoretic proofs that string latent-variable sequence models are strictly more expressive than energy-based sequence models, which in turn are more expressive than autoregressive sequence models. Based on these findings, we introduce residual energy-based sequence models, a family of energy-based sequence models (Ch 4) whose sequence weights can be evaluated efficiently, and also perform competitively against autoregressive models. However, we show how unrestricted energy-based sequence models can suffer from uncomputability; and how such a problem is generally unfixable without knowledge of the true sequence distribution (Ch 5). In the second part of the thesis, we study practical sequence model families and algorithms based on theoretical findings in the first part of the thesis. We introduce neural particle smoothing (Ch 6), a family of approximate sampling methods that work with conditional latent variable models. We also introduce neural finite-state transducers (Ch 7), which extend weighted finite state transducers with the introduction of mark strings, allowing scoring transduction paths in a finite state transducer with a neural network. Finally, we propose neural regular expressions (Ch 8), a family of neural sequence models that are easy to engineer, allowing a user to design flexible weighted relations using Marked FSTs, and combine these weighted relations together with various operations

    Strategies for Handling Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Nowadays, most ASR (automatic speech recognition) systems deployed in industry are closed-vocabulary systems, meaning we have a limited vocabulary of words the system can recognize, and where pronunciations are provided to the system. Words out of this vocabulary are called out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, for which either pronunciations or both spellings and pronunciations are not known to the system. The basic motivations of developing strategies to handle OOV words are: First, in the training phase, missing or wrong pronunciations of words in training data results in poor acoustic models. Second, in the test phase, words out of the vocabulary cannot be recognized at all, and mis-recognition of OOV words may affect recognition performance of its in-vocabulary neighbors as well. Therefore, this dissertation is dedicated to exploring strategies of handling OOV words in closed-vocabulary ASR. First, we investigate dealing with OOV words in ASR training data, by introducing an acoustic-data driven pronunciation learning framework using a likelihood-reduction based criterion for selecting pronunciation candidates from multiple sources, i.e. standard grapheme-to-phoneme algorithms (G2P) and phonetic decoding, in a greedy fashion. This framework effectively expands a small hand-crafted pronunciation lexicon to cover OOV words, for which the learned pronunciations have higher quality than approaches using G2P alone or using other baseline pruning criteria. Furthermore, applying the proposed framework to generate alternative pronunciations for in-vocabulary (IV) words improves both recognition performance on relevant words and overall acoustic model performance. Second, we investigate dealing with OOV words in ASR test data, i.e. OOV detection and recovery. We first conduct a comparative study of a hybrid lexical model (HLM) approach for OOV detection, and several baseline approaches, with the conclusion that the HLM approach outperforms others in both OOV detection and first pass OOV recovery performance. Next, we introduce a grammar-decoding framework for efficient second pass OOV recovery, showing that with properly designed schemes of estimating OOV unigram probabilities, the framework significantly improves OOV recovery and overall decoding performance compared to first pass decoding. Finally we propose an open-vocabulary word-level recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM) re-scoring framework, making it possible to re-score lattices containing recovered OOVs using a single word-level RNNLM, that was ignorant of OOVs when it was trained. Above all, the whole OOV recovery pipeline shows the potential of a highly efficient open-vocabulary word-level ASR decoding framework, tightly integrated into a standard WFST decoding pipeline

    Rapid Generation of Pronunciation Dictionaries for new Domains and Languages

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    This dissertation presents innovative strategies and methods for the rapid generation of pronunciation dictionaries for new domains and languages. Depending on various conditions, solutions are proposed and developed. Starting from the straightforward scenario in which the target language is present in written form on the Internet and the mapping between speech and written language is close up to the difficult scenario in which no written form for the target language exists

    Unsupervised Structure Induction for Natural Language Processing

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    Deep Scattering and End-to-End Speech Models towards Low Resource Speech Recognition

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    Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has made major leaps in its advancement largely due to two different machine learning models: Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). State-of-the art results have been achieved by combining these two disparate methods to form a hybrid system. This also requires that various components of the speech recognizer be trained independently based on a probabilistic noisy channel model. Although this HMM-DNN hybrid ASR method has been successful in recent studies, the independent development of the individual components used in hybrid HMM-DNN models makes ASR development fragile and expensive in terms of time-to-develop the various components and their associated sub-systems. The resulting trade-off is that ASR systems are difficult to develop and use especially for new applications and languages. The alternative approach, known as the end-to-end paradigm, makes use of a single deep neural-network architecture used to encapsulate as many as possible subcomponents of speech recognition as a single process. In the so-called end-to-end paradigm, latent variables of sub-components are subsumed by the neural network sub-architectures and the associated parameters. The end-to-end paradigm gains of a simplified ASR-development process again are traded for higher internal model complexity and computational resources needed to train the end-to-end models. This research focuses on taking advantage of the end-to-end model ASR development gains for new and low-resource languages. Using a specialised light weight convolution-like neural network called the deep scattering network (DSN) to replace the input layer of the end-to-end model, our objective was to measure the performance of the end-to-end model using these augmented speech features while checking to see if the light-weight, wavelet-based architecture brought about any improvements for low resource Speech recognition in particular. The results showed that it is possible to use this compact strategy for speech pattern recognition by deploying deep scattering network features with higher dimensional vectors when compared to traditional speech features. With Word Error Rates of 26.8% and 76.7% for SVCSR and LVCSR respective tasks, the ASR system metrics fell few WER points short of their respective baselines. In addition, training times tended to be longer when compared to their respective baselines and therefore had no significant improvement for low resource speech recognition training

    Semi-supervised training for automatic speech recognition

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    State-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems use sequence-level objectives like Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) and Lattice-free Maximum Mutual Information (LF-MMI) for training neural network-based acoustic models. These methods are known to be most effective with large size datasets with hundreds or thousands of hours of data. It is difficult to obtain large amounts of supervised data other than in a few major languages like English and Mandarin. It is also difficult to obtain supervised data in a myriad of channel and envirormental conditions. On the other hand, large amounts of unsupervised audio can be obtained fairly easily. There are enormous amounts of unsupervised data available in broadcast TV, call centers and YouTube for many different languages and in many environment conditions. The goal of this research is to discover how to best leverage the available unsupervised data for training acoustic models for ASR. In the first part of this thesis, we extend the Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) training to the semi-supervised training scenario. We show that maximizing Negative Conditional Entropy (NCE) over lattices from unsupervised data, along with state-level Minimum Bayes Risk (sMBR) on supervised data, in a multi-task architecture gives word error rate (WER) improvements without needing any confidence-based filtering. In the second part of this thesis, we investigate using lattice-based supervision as numerator graph to incorporate uncertainities in unsupervised data in the LF-MMI training framework. We explore various aspects of creating the numerator graph including splitting lattices for minibatch training, applying tolerance to frame-level alignments, pruning beam sizes, word LM scale and inclusion of pronunciation variants. We show that the WER recovery rate (WRR) of our proposed approach is 5-10\% absolute better than that of the baseline of using 1-best transcript as supervision, and is stable in the 40-60\% range even on large-scale setups and multiple different languages. Finally, we explore transfer learning for the scenario where we have unsupervised data in a mismatched domain. First, we look at the teacher-student learning approach for cases where parallel data is available in source and target domains. Here, we train a "student" neural network on the target domain to mimic a "teacher" neural network on the source domain data, but using sequence-level posteriors instead of the traditional approach of using frame-level posteriors. We show that the proposed approach is very effective to deal with acoustic domain mismatch in multiple scenarios of unsupervised domain adaptation -- clean to noisy speech, 8kHz to 16kHz speech, close-talk microphone to distant microphone. Second, we investigate approaches to mitigate language domain mismatch, and show that a matched language model significantly improves WRR. We finally show that our proposed semi-supervised transfer learning approach works effectively even on large-scale unsupervised datasets with 2000 hours of audio in natural and realistic conditions

    Modeling huge sound sources in a room acoustical calculation program

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