257 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of a Double Lead Screw Household Trash Compactor Using a Static Simulation

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    Waste is a serious problem, especially household waste. Therefore, an idea was developed to overcome the existing household waste problem in the form of a trash compactor. This research proposes on designing the trash compactor using a double lead screw mechanism. The trash compactor uses an electric motor for its driving force and a set of gearbox for speed reduction. The trash compactor was designed, modelled, and simulated by using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2022. The simulation is based on a static simulation. The results show that the design of lead screw, frame, and ram size has overcome the 20000N of trash compactor capacity are according to the material strength and displacement for each components with safety factor more than 1.4. The trash compactor has a total capacity of 245.76 liter

    Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Growth of Technology Based Business Incubators in Kenya: The Case of Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute (KIRDI)

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    Techno-based incubators have been in Kenya since 1967 to support SMEs in the manufacturing sector and nurture them to grow into medium and large industries.  Despite the many years of incubation concept, Kenya has experienced slow growth of techno-based incubators, registering only six notable techno-based incubators, most being institutions of higher learning.  Further, despite existence of incubators past statistics show that three out of five businesses including those in manufacturing sector still fail within first few months of operation.  This paper is a report of an empirical study carried out to analyze factors influencing growth of techno-based incubators in Kenya from the perspective of an existing technology based incubator at KIRDI.  The research was qualitative, using descriptive design and employed a case study approach, based on a census of staff running the four KIRDI incubator centres, in both South B and South C Campuses of the Institution. An interview schedule and questionnaires incorporating Likert-type scales were developed to collect data on the variables. The findings established a strong positive relationship (r=0.751) between independent variables and dependent variable, however further analyzed each independent variable has its own weight on the dependent variable. Keywords: Business Incubation, Technology, Small and Medium Enterprise

    Performance Management Framework For Medium-Sized Enterprises in Service Sector

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    The aim of this literature study is to propose a conceptual performance management framework for medium-sized companies in the service sector at Bandung and its surroundings. Performance management is important for small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia in anticipation of global competition in the ASEAN region, which is called ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), at the end of 2015. The medium-sized companies in the service sector facing many limitations such as lack of human resource capabilities. In addition, all of the services sector in Indonesia which become AEC priorities, is far behind compared to other Asean countries. It should be anticipated with relevant performance management framework for medium-sized companies in the the service sector, in order to improve the performance of employees, the company's growth and to achieve a competitive advantage. The role of the company's strategic plan needs to be considered for proposing the dimensions of performance management. Performance management need be linked to the capability of human resources because of the employee's performance of the service company depends on the employee's ability in providing and delivering services and service to satisfy customers directly. Service quality is one of the employee performance in the service sector that can improve competitive advantage. This performance management framework will be followed up by empirical research in medium-sized companies in the service sector at Bandung and its surroundings, to be used as a prototype for other regions of Indonesia


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    Inclusive education was students with special needs in general school program with general students received same materials. The study aims to find out how did the availability of teaching and learning English in inclusive senior high schools at SMAN 11 Pekanbaru. This study had three instruments. They were observation, questionnaires, and interview. Observation used to observed English subject teacher while teaching using instructional media, questionnaires were addressed to the respondents to get data about schools existing infrastructure and instructional media with special needs, and the interview was conducted to gain further information from special guidance counselors about schools existing infrastructure. The observation result showed that, learning competencies for learner common was low; learning competencies for special learner was average; Special tutor was low; and cooperate with school/ institution was low. It can concluded that facilities in teaching and learning English of Inclusive Schools was very low. School existing infrastructure was low; and instructional media with special needs was average. It concluded that facilities of teaching and learning English at Inclusive Schools was low. Curriculum was not applied well. Management of school was low; Educational process was low; development of school was low. It can concluded that monitoring and evaluation in teaching and learning English of Inclusive Schools was low

    Implementation of Service Learning Method Approach in Commercial Space Interior Design Case Study: UMKM Tiara Handicraft in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    The learning methods is a systemic and organized process carried out by lecturers in delivering material to students. There are plenty learning methods that are used in a study process, one of which is Service Learning. Service Learning is a form of constructive learning method that connects between material and theory obtained in the classroom to apply it into a concrete and useful actions for the surrounding community. Creative and innovative idea is needed in commercial space interior design. This is very appropriate with the purpose of Service Learning, where the highs and lows of learning outcomes can be influenced by internal and external factors. This research use Design Thinking to design the interior for a commercial space for UMKM Tiara Handicraft. With using the Design Thinking approach students can progress to understand user, challenge assumption, and redefined problems in effort to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be directly apparent with initial level of understanding. UMKM Tiara Handicraft has its specialty, their workers are disabled. This will be a special problem for the students in designing the interior for a commercial space. It is hoped that the end result that are obtained can answer the problem with the solution of commercial space interior design that are manifested in a form of display product area design styling that are suitable for people with disabilities. Hopefully this research can be useful for the lecturers and students. With using Service Learning method it can increase students interest in learning about commercial space interior design effectively

    ADB–OECD Study on Enhancing Financial Accessibility for SMEs: Lessons from Recent Crises

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    During the era of global financial uncertainty, stable access to appropriate funding sources has been much harder for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The global financial crisis impacted SMEs and entrepreneurs disproportionately, exacerbating their traditional financing constraints. The financial conditions of many SMEs were weakened by the drop in demand for goods and services and the credit tightening. The sovereign debt crisis that hit several European countries contributed to further deterioration in bank lending activities, which negatively affected private sector development. The global regulatory response to financial crises, such as the Basel Capital Accord, while designed to reduce systemic risks may also constrain bank lending to SMEs. In particular, Basel III requires banks to have tighter risk management as well as greater capital and liquidity. Resulting asset preference and deleveraging of banks, particularly European banks with significant presence in Asia, could limit the availability of funding for SMEs in Asia and the Pacific. Lessons from the recent financial crises have motivated many countries to consider SME access to finance beyond conventional bank credit and to diversify their national financial system. Improving SME access to finance is a policy priority at the country and global level. Poor access to finance is a critical inhibiting factor to the survival and growth potential of SMEs. Financial inclusion is thus key to the development of the SME sector, which is a driver of job creation and social cohesion and takes a pivotal role in scaling up national economies. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have recognized that it is crucial to develop a comprehensive range of policy options on SME finance, including innovative financing models. With this in mind, sharing Asian and OECD experiences on SME financing would result in insightful discussions on improving SME access to finance at a time of global financial uncertainty. Based on intensive discussions in two workshops organized by ADB in Manila on 6–7 March 2013 and by OECD in Paris on 21 October 2013, the two organizations together compiled this study report on enhancing financial accessibility for SMEs, especially focusing on lessons from the past and recent crises in Asia and OECD countries. The report takes a comparative look at ADB and OECD experiences, and aims to identify promising policy solutions for creating an SME base that is resilient to crisis, from a viewpoint of access to finance, and which can help drive growth and development

    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on ASEAN (IC-ASEAN) "Towards a better ASEAN", September 5-6, 2019; Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Since the establishment of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as a regional organization in 1967, it has played a significant role most importantly related to regional affairs and has also given notable contribution to the international arena. Undisputedly, ASEAN has been successfully fostering good relations among its members since its foundation. After completing the first period of its vision of an integrated regional community (ASEAN Community 2015), ASEAN is now preparing for the launch of ASEAN Community Vision 2025, supported by ASEAN Connectivity 2025. As a study center focusing primarily and solely on ASEAN, in collaboration with the Directorate General of ASEAN Cooperation, Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Center of ASEAN Studies Andalas University, will be hosting the International Conference on ASEAN (IC-ASEAN) as a platform to evaluate past actions, to discuss present issues, and to provide an outlook for the future of ASEAN. Aims and Scope The International Conference on ASEAN (IC-ASEAN) is a multidisciplinary conference which covers a broad range of area. The sub theme will be divided into two large categories focusing on ASEAN Community 2015 and 2025 also ASEAN Connectivity 2025. The sub theme related to ASEAN Community will cover issues related to the three pillars (Political-security Community, Economic Community and Social-cultural Community). Meanwhile the ASEAN Connectivity sub theme will include issues within the key areas (Physical Connectivity, Institutional Connectivity and People-to-people Connectivity

    Contemporary Research on Business and Management

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    This book contains selected papers presented at the 4th International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2020), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Surubaya, Indonesia, 25-27 November 2020. It was hosted by the Master of Management Program Indonesia University and co-hosts Airlangga University, Sriwijaya University, Trunojoyo University of Madura, and Telkom University, and supported by Telkom Indonesia and Triputra. The seminar aimed to provide a forum for leading scholars, academics, researchers, and practitioners in business and management area to reflect on current issues, challenges and opportunities, and to share the latest innovative research and best practice. This seminar brought together participants to exchange ideas on the future development of management disciplines: human resources, marketing, operations, finance, strategic management and entrepreneurship

    Small Business Development and the Inclusive Business Concept

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    Trends in developing countries over the last two decades show that the involvement of small and very small enterprises makes a constructive contribution to building economies, especially during periods of economic recovery  (Government of South Africa, Detea et al. 2012a). Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) play a vital role in encouraging job creation and their successes are influenced greatly by their ability to enter the value chains of  larger organisations, in both the private and public sectors
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