24,805 research outputs found

    Stream Learning in Energy IoT Systems: A Case Study in Combined Cycle Power Plants

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    The prediction of electrical power produced in combined cycle power plants is a key challenge in the electrical power and energy systems field. This power production can vary depending on environmental variables, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity. Thus, the business problem is how to predict the power production as a function of these environmental conditions, in order to maximize the profit. The research community has solved this problem by applying Machine Learning techniques, and has managed to reduce the computational and time costs in comparison with the traditional thermodynamical analysis. Until now, this challenge has been tackled from a batch learning perspective, in which data is assumed to be at rest, and where models do not continuously integrate new information into already constructed models. We present an approach closer to the Big Data and Internet of Things paradigms, in which data are continuously arriving and where models learn incrementally, achieving significant enhancements in terms of data processing (time, memory and computational costs), and obtaining competitive performances. This work compares and examines the hourly electrical power prediction of several streaming regressors, and discusses about the best technique in terms of time processing and predictive performance to be applied on this streaming scenario.This work has been partially supported by the EU project iDev40. This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 783163. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Romania. It has also been supported by the Basque Government (Spain) through the project VIRTUAL (KK-2018/00096), and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Grant Ref. TIN2017-85887-C2-2-P)

    Distributed Correlation-Based Feature Selection in Spark

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    CFS (Correlation-Based Feature Selection) is an FS algorithm that has been successfully applied to classification problems in many domains. We describe Distributed CFS (DiCFS) as a completely redesigned, scalable, parallel and distributed version of the CFS algorithm, capable of dealing with the large volumes of data typical of big data applications. Two versions of the algorithm were implemented and compared using the Apache Spark cluster computing model, currently gaining popularity due to its much faster processing times than Hadoop's MapReduce model. We tested our algorithms on four publicly available datasets, each consisting of a large number of instances and two also consisting of a large number of features. The results show that our algorithms were superior in terms of both time-efficiency and scalability. In leveraging a computer cluster, they were able to handle larger datasets than the non-distributed WEKA version while maintaining the quality of the results, i.e., exactly the same features were returned by our algorithms when compared to the original algorithm available in WEKA.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    FLASH: Randomized Algorithms Accelerated over CPU-GPU for Ultra-High Dimensional Similarity Search

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    We present FLASH (\textbf{F}ast \textbf{L}SH \textbf{A}lgorithm for \textbf{S}imilarity search accelerated with \textbf{H}PC), a similarity search system for ultra-high dimensional datasets on a single machine, that does not require similarity computations and is tailored for high-performance computing platforms. By leveraging a LSH style randomized indexing procedure and combining it with several principled techniques, such as reservoir sampling, recent advances in one-pass minwise hashing, and count based estimations, we reduce the computational and parallelization costs of similarity search, while retaining sound theoretical guarantees. We evaluate FLASH on several real, high-dimensional datasets from different domains, including text, malicious URL, click-through prediction, social networks, etc. Our experiments shed new light on the difficulties associated with datasets having several million dimensions. Current state-of-the-art implementations either fail on the presented scale or are orders of magnitude slower than FLASH. FLASH is capable of computing an approximate k-NN graph, from scratch, over the full webspam dataset (1.3 billion nonzeros) in less than 10 seconds. Computing a full k-NN graph in less than 10 seconds on the webspam dataset, using brute-force (n2Dn^2D), will require at least 20 teraflops. We provide CPU and GPU implementations of FLASH for replicability of our results

    k-Nearest Neighbour Classifiers: 2nd Edition (with Python examples)

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    Perhaps the most straightforward classifier in the arsenal or machine learning techniques is the Nearest Neighbour Classifier -- classification is achieved by identifying the nearest neighbours to a query example and using those neighbours to determine the class of the query. This approach to classification is of particular importance because issues of poor run-time performance is not such a problem these days with the computational power that is available. This paper presents an overview of techniques for Nearest Neighbour classification focusing on; mechanisms for assessing similarity (distance), computational issues in identifying nearest neighbours and mechanisms for reducing the dimension of the data. This paper is the second edition of a paper previously published as a technical report. Sections on similarity measures for time-series, retrieval speed-up and intrinsic dimensionality have been added. An Appendix is included providing access to Python code for the key methods.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures: An updated edition of an older tutorial on kN

    Combined optimization of feature selection and algorithm parameters in machine learning of language

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    Comparative machine learning experiments have become an important methodology in empirical approaches to natural language processing (i) to investigate which machine learning algorithms have the 'right bias' to solve specific natural language processing tasks, and (ii) to investigate which sources of information add to accuracy in a learning approach. Using automatic word sense disambiguation as an example task, we show that with the methodology currently used in comparative machine learning experiments, the results may often not be reliable because of the role of and interaction between feature selection and algorithm parameter optimization. We propose genetic algorithms as a practical approach to achieve both higher accuracy within a single approach, and more reliable comparisons
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