287 research outputs found

    Towards a Boolean network-based Computational Model for Cell Differentiation and its applications to Robotics

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    Living organisms are the ultimate product of a series of complex processes that take place within—and among—biological cells. Most of these processes, such as cell differentiation, are currently poorly understood. Cell differentiation is the process by which cells progressively specialise. Being a fundamental process within cells, its dysregulations have dramatic implications in biological organisms ranging from developmental issues to cancer formation. The thesis objective is to contribute to the progress in the understanding of cell differentiation and explore the applications of its properties for designing artificial systems. The proposed approach, which relies on Boolean networks based modelling and on the theory of dynamical systems, aims at investigating the general mechanisms underlying cell differentiation. The results obtained contribute to taking a further step towards the formulation of a general theoretical framework—so far missing—for cellular differentiation. We conducted an in-depth analysis of the impact of self-loops in random Boolean networks ensembles. We proposed a new model of differentiation driven by a simplified bio-inspired methylation mechanism in Boolean models of genetic regulatory networks. On the artificial side, by introducing the conceptual metaphor of the “attractor landscape” and related proofs of concept that support its potential, we paved the way for a new research direction in robotics called behavioural differentiation robotics: a branch of robotics dealing with the designing of robots capable of expressing different behaviours in a way similar to that of biological cells that undergo differentiation. The implications of the results achieved may have beneficial effects on medical research. Indeed, the proposed approach can foster new questions, experiments and in turn, models that hopefully in the next future will take us to cure differentiation-related diseases such as cancer. Our work may also contribute to address questions concerning the evolution of complex behaviours and to help design robust and adaptive robots

    CoGNaC: A Chaste Plugin for the Multiscale Simulation of Gene Regulatory Networks Driving the Spatial Dynamics of Tissues and Cancer

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    We introduce a Chaste plugin for the generation and the simulation of Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) in multiscale models of multicellular systems. Chaste is a widely used and versatile computational framework for the multiscale modeling and simulation of mul- ticellular biological systems. The plugin, named CoGNaC (Chaste and Gene Networks for Cancer), allows the linking of the regulatory dynamics to key properties of the cell cycle and of the differentiation process in populations of cells, which can subsequently be modeled us- ing different spatial modeling scenarios. The approach of CoGNaC focuses on the emergent dynamical behaviour of gene networks, in terms of gene activation patterns characterizing the different cellular phenotypes of real cells and, especially, on the overall robustness to perturbations and biological noise. The integration of this approach within Chaste\u2019s modu- lar simulation framework provides a powerful tool to model multicellular systems, possibly allowing for the formulation of novel hypotheses on gene regulation, cell differentiation and, in particular, cancer emergence and development. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of CoGNaC over a range of modelling paradigms, two example applications are presented. The first of these concerns the characterization of the gene activation patterns of human T-helper cells. The second example is a multiscale simulation of a simplified intestinal crypt, in which, given certain conditions, tumor cells can emerge and colonize the tissue

    CABeRNET: a Cytoscape app for augmented Boolean models of gene regulatory NETworks

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    Background. Dynamical models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are highly effective in describing complex biological phenomena and processes, such as cell differentiation and cancer development. Yet, the topological and functional characterization of real GRNs is often still partial and an exhaustive picture of their functioning is missing. Motivation. We here introduce CABeRNET, a Cytoscape app for the generation, simulation and analysis of Boolean models of GRNs, specifically focused on their augmentation when a only partial topological and functional characterization of the network is available. By generating large ensembles of networks in which user-defined entities and relations are added to the original core, CABeRNET allows to formulate hypotheses on the missing portions of real networks, as well to investigate their generic properties, in the spirit of complexity science. Results. CABeRNET offers a series of innovative simulation and modeling functions and tools, including (but not being limited to) the dynamical characterization of the gene activation patterns ruling cell types and differentiation fates, and sophisticated robustness assessments, as in the case of gene knockouts. The integration within the widely used Cytoscape framework for the visualization and analysis of biological networks, makes CABeRNET a new essential instrument for both the bioinformatician and the computational biologist, as well as a computational support for the experimentalist. An example application concerning the analysis of an augmented T-helper cell GRN is provided.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    A generalizable data-driven multicellular model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

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    BACKGROUND: Mechanistic models, when combined with pertinent data, can improve our knowledge regarding important molecular and cellular mechanisms found in cancer. These models make the prediction of tissue-level response to drug treatment possible, which can lead to new therapies and improved patient outcomes. Here we present a data-driven multiscale modeling framework to study molecular interactions between cancer, stromal, and immune cells found in the tumor microenvironment. We also develop methods to use molecular data available in The Cancer Genome Atlas to generate sample-specific models of cancer. RESULTS: By combining published models of different cells relevant to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), we built an agent-based model of the multicellular pancreatic tumor microenvironment, formally describing cell type-specific molecular interactions and cytokine-mediated cell-cell communications. We used an ensemble-based modeling approach to systematically explore how variations in the tumor microenvironment affect the viability of cancer cells. The results suggest that the autocrine loop involving EGF signaling is a key interaction modulator between pancreatic cancer and stellate cells. EGF is also found to be associated with previously described subtypes of PDAC. Moreover, the model allows a systematic exploration of the effect of possible therapeutic perturbations; our simulations suggest that reducing bFGF secretion by stellate cells will have, on average, a positive impact on cancer apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: The developed framework allows model-driven hypotheses to be generated regarding therapeutically relevant PDAC states with potential molecular and cellular drivers indicating specific intervention strategies

    Uncovering operational interactions in genetic networks using asynchronous boolean dynamics

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    To analyze and gain intuition on the mechanisms of complex systems of large dimensions, one strategy is to simplify the model by identifying a reduced system, in the form of a smaller set of variables and interactions that still capture specific properties of the system. For large models of biological networks, the diagram of interactions is often well represented by a Boolean model with a family of logical rules. The state space of a Boolean model is finite, and its asynchronous dynamics are fully described by a transition graph in the state space. In this context, a method will be developed for identifying the active or operational interactions responsible for a given dynamic behaviour. The first step in this procedure is the decomposition of the asynchronous transition graph into its strongly connected components, to obtain a ``reduced'' and hierarchically organized graph of transitions. The second step consists of the identification of a partial graph of interactions and a sub-family of logical rules that remain operational in a given region of the state space. This model reduction method and its usefulness are illustrated by an application to a model of programmed cell death. The method identifies two mechanisms used by the cell to respond to death-receptor stimulation and decide between the survival or apoptotic pathways

    Digital clocks: simple Boolean models can quantitatively describe circadian systems

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    Copyright © 2012 The Royal Society This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The gene networks that comprise the circadian clock modulate biological function across a range of scales, from gene expression to performance and adaptive behaviour. The clock functions by generating endogenous rhythms that can be entrained to the external 24-h day-night cycle, enabling organisms to optimally time biochemical processes relative to dawn and dusk. In recent years, computational models based on differential equations have become useful tools for dissecting and quantifying the complex regulatory relationships underlying the clock's oscillatory dynamics. However, optimizing the large parameter sets characteristic of these models places intense demands on both computational and experimental resources, limiting the scope of in silico studies. Here, we develop an approach based on Boolean logic that dramatically reduces the parametrization, making the state and parameter spaces finite and tractable. We introduce efficient methods for fitting Boolean models to molecular data, successfully demonstrating their application to synthetic time courses generated by a number of established clock models, as well as experimental expression levels measured using luciferase imaging. Our results indicate that despite their relative simplicity, logic models can (i) simulate circadian oscillations with the correct, experimentally observed phase relationships among genes and (ii) flexibly entrain to light stimuli, reproducing the complex responses to variations in daylength generated by more detailed differential equation formulations. Our work also demonstrates that logic models have sufficient predictive power to identify optimal regulatory structures from experimental data. By presenting the first Boolean models of circadian circuits together with general techniques for their optimization, we hope to establish a new framework for the systematic modelling of more complex clocks, as well as other circuits with different qualitative dynamics. In particular, we anticipate that the ability of logic models to provide a computationally efficient representation of system behaviour could greatly facilitate the reverse-engineering of large-scale biochemical networks

    Modelling cell competition

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    Competition in nature is traditionally conceptualised as a battle between individual organisms in the constant struggle for survival. The triumph of one organism results in the demise of the other. Cooperation on the other hand involves individuals acting in a mutually beneficial manner and is therefore often regarded as the opposite of competition. From the perspective of individual cells, multicellular life is perhaps the most extreme form of cooperation. However, even within multicellular organisms, cells compete for space and survival. Genetically damaged “loser” cells that grow at a slower rate than their neighbouring “winner” cells are eliminated from the body by apoptosis. Importantly, cell competition is context-dependent; loser cells are perfectly viable if the whole organism is composed of them. The demise of loser cells is triggered specifically by the presence of cells that are perceived to be more fit. Multiple triggers and pathways involved with cell competition have been discovered, but the mechanism by which cells measure and communicate their relative fitness remains elusive. Current models of cell competition assert a priori winner or loser status to competing cell types. By their nature, such models cannot explain how the winner or loser identity is attained. In this thesis, we develop a modelling framework to study the emergence of winners and losers in cell competition. Specifically, we construct models of heterotypic populations where cell types can only vary in their model parameters. Using this approach, we show that i) variations in mechanical parameters are not sufficient for cell competition in a vertex-based model, and ii) winner or loser status in a competition system based on the exchange of death signals is determined by the emission rate of death signals and the tolerance to death signals. Finally, we make concrete suggestions for the experimental validation of our predictions