18 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of databases created in virtualized and containerized environment

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    Database systems are currently implemented on different environments - containerized and virtualized. This paper aimed to compare the performance of relational databases running on these two environments. Therefore, two research hypotheses were formulated. The first hypothesis assumed that databases running on Docker containers are more efficient than those on virtual machines. The second one assumed that the Oracle is the most efficient database regardless of which environment it was run on. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases were tested. The study measured the execution times of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT queries. Each test was repeated 100 times. It was stated that databases running on Docker containers outperform instances running on virtual machines. Furthermore, it was found that the PostgreSQL database have a definite advantage in performance over the rest, analysed databases, which allowed the second hypothesis to be rejected

    Performance analysis of relational databases MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle using Doctrine libraries

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    In modern applications, databases perform a very important function but the choice of a database system and additional libraries may affect the speed of the operations. The paper presents a time analysis concerning the performing of insert, update, delete and select operations on three database systems, MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 14.1 and Oracle 21c, cooperating with an application using Doctrine libraries. The obtained results showed differences between performing operations with and without object-relational mapping. In cooperation with the application, the operations were carried out the fastest using the PostgreSQL system. The Oracle system performed data selection faster without mapping on a large data set


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    Pembangunan aplikasi sistem informasi pembelian kopi di Koperasi Solok Radjo berbasis web dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah pembelian kopi yang masih dilakukan secara manual. Proses pembelian yang manual mengakibatkan proses pembelian yang lambat, kurang efisien, dan rentannya kehilangan data. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah proses pembelian kopi pada koperasi koperasi, sehingga koperasi dapat melakukan proses pembelian kopi dengan lebih mudah, cepat, dan efisien. Aplikasi ini menggunakan teknologi web sehingga dapat diakses melalui internet dimanapun dan kapanpun. Aplikasi ini memiliki beberapa fitur, seperti daftar petani, UPH, gudang yang tersedia, daftar harga produk kopi, proses pembelian produk kopi secara online, serta riwayat pembelian anggota koperasi. Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga memiliki fitur manajemen stok dan manajemen data anggota koperasi. Metode pengembangan aplikasi yang digunakan adalah model waterfall. Diharapkan dengan adanya aplikasi sistem informasi pembelian kopi di Koperasi Solok Radjo ini, proses pembelian kopi bagi koperasi dapat lebih mudah, cepat, dan efisien. Selain itu, data yang ada dalam proses bisnis pembelian kopi koperasi juga dapat terkelola dengan baik sehingga koperasi dapat berjalan dengan lebih baik dan efektif

    Tokenisation Blacklisting Using Linkable Group Signatures

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    Understanding the value of data as corporate asset using Microsoft Access

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    Nowadays, many organizations rely on data for making effective decision.Data may be the most difficult corporate resource to manage as there is a resource of tremendous volume pieces of data. Conventional file system will increase the possibility of data inconsistency and this requires more space for storing the huge volume of data.The purpose of this research is to transform a hard copy form data into a systematic database by using Microsoft Access.In this research, the first phase is we identify the user requirement in the hard copy form.Secondly, we do analysis of information needs based on the form and then design a new form which is much easier to understand.The final phase is implementation of Database Management System (DBMS) by using Microsoft Access to transform the form into a systematic database. The data of the hard copy form then transformed into database and stored in computer instead of using filing system

    Simplified database forensic investigation using metamodeling approach

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    Database Forensic Investigation (DBFI) domain is a significant field used to identify, collect, preserve, reconstruct, analyze and document database incidents. However, it is a heterogeneous, complex, and ambiguous domain due to the variety and multidimensional nature of database systems. Numerous specific DBFI models and frameworks have been proposed to solve specific database scenarios but there is a lack of structured and unified frameworks to facilitate managing, sharing and reusing of DBFI tasks and activities. Thus, this research developed a DBFI Metamodel (DBFIM) to structure and organize DBFI domain. A Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) to provide a logical, testable and communicable metamodel was applied in this study. In this methodology, the steps included problem identification, define objectives, design and development, demonstration and evaluation, and communication. The outcome of this study is a DBFIM developed for structuring and organizing DBFI domain knowledge that facilitates the managing, sharing and reusing of DBFI domain knowledge among domain practitioners. DBFIM identifies, recognizes, extracts and matches different DBFI processes, concepts, activities, and tasks from different DBFI models into a developed metamodel, thus, allowing domain practitioners to derive/instantiate solution models easily. The DBFIM was validated using qualitative techniques: comparison against other models; face validity (domain experts); and case study. Comparisons against other models and face validity were applied to ensure completeness, logicalness, and usefulness of DBFIM against other DBFI domain models. Following this, two case studies were selected and implemented to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the DBFIM in the DBFI domain using a DBFIM Prototype (DBFIMP). The results showed that DBFIMP allowed domain practitioners to create their solution models easily based on their requirements

    Adopting selected software engineering practices in the PeKA online management system development

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    Adoption of suitable software engineering practices in the development of software product is crucially important to ensure project success. Still, there is quite number of organization choose not to adopt any of the practices in software project development. This report use a software project of PeKA online management system development as a case study case. This project does not only aim in developing and testing the web PeKA online management system but also to apply selected Software Engineering practices in the development of the system. The engineering practices adopted varies from standard used, document produced, development model used, modelling technique used and testing technique opted. To ensure SE practices to be adopted are suitable with project requirements, development environments and scope, careful selection is made on each software engineering practices. After a thorough system study, Software Development Methodology selected for the system development is prototyping. The project methodology consists of phases from project planning until testing of the project. Other selected SE practices implemented are design modelling using Unified Modelling Language, using naming convention in design implementation and IEEE standard on document produced. At the end of the project, Software Requirements Specification, Software Design, Description and Software Test Cases Documentation are produced. In addition, a complete working PeKA online management system is also produced using PHP and HTML programming language. Post project development, project closure is conducted. In which during this project closure, the impact of SE practices to organization is gathered. Overall, most of the Selected SE practices adopted is proven to ease and guide in implementing better software development process

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset Di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Karanganyar

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    The development of information system technology in today's era is rapidly advancing. Information system technology is expanding across numerous fields such as education, government, organizational or corporate sectors, and it has even penetrated the agricultural domain. The progress of information system technology plays a vital role in facilitating and enhancing the efficiency of activities within these respective fields. Its rapid advancement is particularly notable in the educational sector. Information system technology enables students and teachers to easily conduct learning and teaching activities. However, at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Karanganyar, the record-keeping and management of practical tools at the toolman's office still rely on manual bookkeeping. This has led to several issues such as tool loss, improper categorization, and inaccuracies in school administrative office reports. The aim of this research is to implement an information system tailored for the toolman and students to facilitate borrowing and managing practical tools within the office. The methodology employed in this research is the Waterfall method. This approach provides a sequential software development lifecycle model, starting from analysis to support stages. Based on testing using the Black Box method, the system operates according to its functionality. Additionally, employing the System Usability Scale (SUS) evaluation, the system scored 80.3, falling within the Acceptable Range and earning a Grade A scale, indicating that it is a good system and suitable for user implementatio

    The Implementation of an Enhanced EFD System with an Embedded Tax Evasion Detection Features: A Case of Tanzania

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    This research article published by Modestum, 2020This paper aims at presenting the development of an enhanced Information and Communication Technology tax collection system that in some countries is referred to as Electronic Cash Register while in Tanzania is popularly known as the Electronic Fiscal Device Machine (EFD Machines). In Tanzania, the system was nurtured in 2010 to address the issue of tax evasion and improving revenue collection. Since then it has been used by business entities to print fiscal receipt/invoice and transmit accounting information to Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) online system where the revenues raised from the tax were much increased. Regardless of the increase in revenues collection, still, EFD machines and its management system face several challenges concerning tax evasion which are frequently reported by government authorities. The major drawbacks observed from the current system by this study are; under-declaration of sales value, avoid EFD machine usage, the use of fake EFD system, division of business and conducting business in unknown areas without being detected by the EFD system. Therefore this paper presents the development of an improved EFD system that addresses the stipulated drawbacks with pharmaceutical business picked as a case study. The current EFD system weaknesses were fixed by embedding stock tracking and commodity cap-pricing features in the developed system. While developing the system, this study assumed evolutionary prototyping as a system development methodology to develop both EFD machine application software and EFD Management System. The major advances of the new system are its ability to detect; under-priced transactions, avoidance of EFD machine use, and use of fake EFD machines. Thus, stock tracking and cap-pricing capabilities incorporated in the developed system will enable TRA to detect tax evaders and therefore improve revenue collection across the country