24,939 research outputs found

    A comparative study of technology-mediated learning strategies for teaching people with intellectual disability

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    In this paper, we report on our experiences investigating the role of digital technology in face-to-face instruction of students with intellectual disability. In this process, we used a multi-method approach and our findings integrate results from focus groups, interviews, observations, iterative prototyping, and user evaluation. Ultimately, we hope that our work can motivate future research efforts and bring to light opportunities to be considered in the development of mobile-based education solutions.Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia do sob o contrato de nº. FINEP 03.11.0371.00

    Subject benchmark statement: art and design

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    Subject benchmark statement: communication, media, film and cultural studies

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    A Black Swan in a Sea of White Noise: Using Technology-Enhanced Learning to Afford Educational Inclusivity for Learners with Asperger’s Syndrome

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    Against a backdrop of increasingly vocation-focussed course provision within higher education, of widening participation initiatives intended to promote greater inclusion for learners affected by learning difficulties, and of moves towards greater use of social and collaborative forms of learning, this paper discusses the case of an undergraduate Computing student affected by Asperger’s Syndrome (AS).While there is recognition in the literature of problems associated with face-to-face dialogue for persons affected by AS, there is a paucity of research both into the experience of students in higher education, and around the issue of participation in group-work activities increasingly found in creative aspects of computing. This paper highlights a tension between moves towards collaborative learning and UK disabilities legislation in relation to learners with AS. Employing a qualitative case-study methodology, the investigation revealed how a technology-enhanced learning intervention afforded an AS-diagnosed learner greater opportunities to participate in group-work in a higher education context. The findings suggest that not only can computer-mediated communications afford AS-diagnosed learners opportunities to participate meaningfully in group-work, but also that the learner demonstrated higher levels of collective-inclusive versus individual-exclusive phraseology than neurotypical peers, thereby challenging assumptions around participation in collaborative learning activities and assimilation of peer-feedback

    The Effectiveness of Interventions Targeting Social-Communication Skills for Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analysis, Quality Review, and Single-Case Analysis

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    The prevalence of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is growing worldwide. There is a lack of services to support adolescents and adults with ASD in different areas including social-communication intervention. To fill these research gaps in the literature, the three studies in this dissertation extended the literature on social-communication interventions for adolescents and adults with ASD. The purpose of these three studies were (1) to conduct a meta-analysis determining effects of social-communication interventions in improving social-communication skills for adolescents and adults with ASD; (2) to analyze the body of literature on using social-communication interventions to adolescents and adults with ASD whether they meet the criteria for What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) basic standard and extended methodological standards; and whether that particular intervention can be considered for evidence-based practices (EBPs) to improve social-communication in adolescents and adults with ASD; (3) to identify how educators could use telepractice intervention as a tool to implement naturalistic strategies for parents with adolescents and adults with autism in their home by conducting a multiple-probe single-case experimental design across participants. The findings of the first study indicated that each social-communication intervention is moderately effective in improving social-communication skills for adolescents and adults with ASD. There are statistically significant differences found for some potential moderators. The findings of the second study found important issues that need to be considered in this field of social-communication interventions for adolescents and adults with ASD in relation to the quality of the single-case experimental design (SCED). In addition, video modeling intervention has been established as an EBP of social-communication intervention for this population. The findings of the third study demonstrated a functional relation between the telepractice parents coaching and parent strategy implementation with a strong effect for all three participants. The findings of these three studies showed several implications for practice and research. Paraprofessionals and researchers should be encouraged adolescents and adults with ASD to use generalization and maintenance for any social-communication activities in their authentic settings and with their natural partners, especially their parents and peers. There are more details on implementation, limitations, and future research were discussed

    Nobody made the connection : the prevalence of neurodisability in young people who offend

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