457 research outputs found

    Summary of the Sussex-Huawei Locomotion-Transportation Recognition Challenge

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    In this paper we summarize the contributions of participants to the Sussex-Huawei Transportation-Locomotion (SHL) Recognition Challenge organized at the HASCA Workshop of UbiComp 2018. The SHL challenge is a machine learning and data science competition, which aims to recognize eight transportation activities (Still, Walk, Run, Bike, Bus, Car, Train, Subway) from the inertial and pressure sensor data of a smartphone. We introduce the dataset used in the challenge and the protocol for the competition. We present a meta-analysis of the contributions from 19 submissions, their approaches, the software tools used, computational cost and the achieved results. Overall, two entries achieved F1 scores above 90%, eight with F1 scores between 80% and 90%, and nine between 50% and 80%

    Synthetic Sensor Data for Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) based on wearable sensors has emerged as an active topic of research in machine learning and human behavior analysis because of its applications in several fields, including health, security and surveillance, and remote monitoring. Machine learning algorithms are frequently applied in HAR systems to learn from labeled sensor data. The effectiveness of these algorithms generally relies on having access to lots of accurately labeled training data. But labeled data for HAR is hard to come by and is often heavily imbalanced in favor of one or other dominant classes, which in turn leads to poor recognition performance. In this study we introduce a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based approach for HAR that we use to automatically synthesize balanced and realistic sensor data. GANs are robust generative networks, typically used to create synthetic images that cannot be distinguished from real images. Here we explore and construct a model for generating several types of human activity sensor data using a Wasserstein GAN (WGAN). We assess the synthetic data using two commonly-used classifier models, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). We evaluate the quality and diversity of the synthetic data by training on synthetic data and testing on real sensor data, and vice versa. We then use synthetic sensor data to oversample the imbalanced training set. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method on two publicly available human activity datasets, the Sussex-Huawei Locomotion (SHL) and Smoking Activity Dataset (SAD). We achieve improvements of using WGAN augmented training data over the imbalanced case, for both SHL (0.85 to 0.95 F1-score), and for SAD (0.70 to 0.77 F1-score) when using a CNN activity classifier

    Smartphone-Based Activity Recognition in a Pedestrian Navigation Context

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    In smartphone-based pedestrian navigation systems, detailed knowledge about user activity and device placement is a key information. Landmarks such as staircases or elevators can help the system in determining the user position when located inside buildings, and navigation instructions can be adapted to the current context in order to provide more meaningful assistance. Typically, most human activity recognition (HAR) approaches distinguish between general activities such as walking, standing or sitting. In this work, we investigate more specific activities that are tailored towards the use-case of pedestrian navigation, including different kinds of stationary and locomotion behavior. We first collect a dataset of 28 combinations of device placements and activities, in total consisting of over 6 h of data from three sensors. We then use LSTM-based machine learning (ML) methods to successfully train hierarchical classifiers that can distinguish between these placements and activities. Test results show that the accuracy of device placement classification (97.2%) is on par with a state-of-the-art benchmark in this dataset while being less resource-intensive on mobile devices. Activity recognition performance highly depends on the classification task and ranges from 62.6% to 98.7%, once again performing close to the benchmark. Finally, we demonstrate in a case study how to apply the hierarchical classifiers to experimental and naturalistic datasets in order to analyze activity patterns during the course of a typical navigation session and to investigate the correlation between user activity and device placement, thereby gaining insights into real-world navigation behavior

    Sampling Strategies for Tackling Imbalanced Data in Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) using wearable sensors is a topic that is being actively researched in machine learning. Smart, sensor-embedded devices, such as smartphones, fitness trackers, or smart watches that collect detailed data on movement, are widely available now. HAR may be applied in areas such as healthcare, physiotherapy, and fitness to assist users of these smart devices in their daily lives. However, one of the main challenges facing HAR, particularly when it is used in supervised learning, is how balanced data may be obtained for algorithm optimisation and testing. Because users engage in some activities more than others, e.g. walking more than running, HAR datasets are typically imbalanced. The lack of dataset representation from minority classes, therefore, hinders the ability of HAR classifiers to sufficiently capture new instances of those activities. Inspired by the concept of data fusion, this thesis will introduce three new hybrid sampling methods. Thus, the diversity of the synthesised samples will be enhanced by combining output from separate sampling methods into three hybrid approaches. The advantage of the hybrid method is that it provides diverse synthetic data that can increase the size of the training data from different sampling approaches. This leads to improvements in the generalisation of a learning activity recognition model. The first strategy, known as the (DBM), combines synthetic minority oversampling techniques (SMOTE) with Random_SMOTE, both of which are built around the k-nearest neighbours algorithm. The second technique, called the noise detection-based method (NDBM), combines Tomek links (SMOTE_Tomeklinks) and the modified synthetic minority oversampling technique (MSMOTE). The third approach, titled the cluster-based method (CBM), combines cluster-based synthetic oversampling (CBSO) and the proximity weighted synthetic oversampling technique (ProWSyn). The performance of the proposed hybrid methods is compared with existing methods using accelerometer data from three commonly used benchmark datasets. The results show that the DBM, NDBM and CBM can significantly reduce the impact of class imbalance and enhance F1 scores of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) by as much as 9 % to 20 % compared with their constituent sampling methods. Also, the Friedman statistical significance test was conducted to compare the effect of the different sampling methods. The test results confirm that the CBM is more effective than the other sampling approaches. This thesis also introduces a method based on the Wasserstein generative adversarial network (WGAN) for generating different types of data on human activity. The WGAN is more stable to train than a generative adversarial network (GAN) and this is due to the use of a stable metric, namely Wasserstein distance, to compare the similarity between the real data distribution with the generated data distribution. WGAN is a deep learning approach, and in contrast to the six existing sampling methods referred to previously, it can operate on raw sensor data as convolutional and recurrent layers can act as feature extractors. WGAN is used to generate raw sensor data to overcome the limitations of the traditional machine learning-based sampling methods that can only operate on extracted features. The synthetic data that is produced by WGAN is then used to oversample the imbalanced training data. This thesis demonstrates that this approach significantly enhances the learning ability of the convolutional neural network(CNN) by as much as 5 % to 6 % from imbalanced human activity datasets. This thesis concludes that the proposed sampling methods based on traditional machine learning are efficient when human activity training data is imbalanced and small. These methods are less complex to implement, require less human activity training data to produce synthetic data and fewer computational resources than the WGAN approach. The proposed WGAN method is effective at producing raw sensor data when a large quantity of human activity training data is available. Additionally, it is time-consuming to optimise the hyperparameters related to the WGAN architecture, which significantly impacts the performance of the method

    Travel Mode Identification with Smartphone Sensors

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    Personal trips in a modern urban society typically involve multiple travel modes. Recognizing a traveller\u27s transportation mode is not only critical to personal context-awareness in related applications, but also essential to urban traffic operations, transportation planning, and facility design. While the state of the art in travel mode recognition mainly relies on large-scale infrastructure-based fixed sensors or on individuals\u27 GPS devices, the emergence of the smartphone provides a promising alternative with its ever-growing computing, networking, and sensing powers. In this thesis, we propose new algorithms for travel mode identification using smartphone sensors. The prototype system is built upon the latest Android and iOS platforms with multimodality sensors. It takes smartphone sensor data as the input, and aims to identify six travel modes: walking, jogging, bicycling, driving a car, riding a bus, taking a subway. The methods and algorithms presented in our work are guided by two key design principles. First, careful consideration of smartphones\u27 limited computing resources and batteries should be taken. Second, careful balancing of the following dimensions (i) user-adaptability, (ii) energy efficiency, and (iii) computation speed. There are three key challenges in travel mode identification with smartphone sensors, stemming from the three steps in a typical mobile mining procedure. They are (C1) data capturing and preprocessing, (C2) feature engineering, and (C3) model training and adaptation. This thesis is our response to the challenges above. To address the first challenge (C1), in Chapter 4 we develop a smartphone app that collects a multitude of smartphone sensor measurement data, and showcase a comprehensive set of de-noising techniques. To tackle challenge (C2), in Chapter 5 we design feature extraction methods that carefully balance prediction accuracy, computation time, and battery consumption. And to answer challenge (C3), in Chapters 6,7 and 8 we design different learning models to accommodate different situations in model training. A hierarchical model with dynamic sensor selection is designed to address the energy consumption issue. We propose a personalized model that adapts to each traveller\u27s specific travel behavior using limited labeled data. We also propose an online model for the purpose of addressing the model updating problem with large scaled data. In addressing the challenges and proposing solutions, this thesis provides an comprehensive study and gives a systematic solution for travel mode detection with smartphone sensors

    Survey of Machine Learning Methods Applied to Urban Mobility

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    To increase the sustainability in urban mobility, it is necessary to optimally combine public and shared vehicles throughout a passenger's trip. In this work, we present a survey on urban mobility based on passengers' data and machine learning methods. We focus on four applications for urban mobility: public datasets, passenger localization, detection of the transport mode and pattern recognition and generation of mobility models. Public datasets lack data of multimodal trips and are in need of guidelines to facilitate the data collection and documentation processes. Passenger localization is predominantly done through fingerprinting in indoor environments; and fingerprinting relies on unsupervised learning to survey access points. The most common mean of transport detected is the bus, followed by walking and biking, while e-scooters are not included within the detected transport modes. The existing works focus on predicting the travel time of the passenger's trajectory and no machine learning method stands out to estimate the travel time. There is still a need for works that analyze how passengers make use of the urban infrastructure, which will support municipalities and transport mode operators in resource planning and service design

    Smartphone-based human activity recognition

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Università degli Studi di GenovaHuman Activity Recognition (HAR) is a multidisciplinary research field that aims to gather data regarding people's behavior and their interaction with the environment in order to deliver valuable context-aware information. It has nowadays contributed to develop human-centered areas of study such as Ambient Intelligence and Ambient Assisted Living, which concentrate on the improvement of people's Quality of Life. The first stage to accomplish HAR requires to make observations from ambient or wearable sensor technologies. However, in the second case, the search for pervasive, unobtrusive, low-powered, and low-cost devices for achieving this challenging task still has not been fully addressed. In this thesis, we explore the use of smartphones as an alternative approach for performing the identification of physical activities. These self-contained devices, which are widely available in the market, are provided with embedded sensors, powerful computing capabilities and wireless communication technologies that make them highly suitable for this application. This work presents a series of contributions regarding the development of HAR systems with smartphones. In the first place we propose a fully operational system that recognizes in real-time six physical activities while also takes into account the effects of postural transitions that may occur between them. For achieving this, we cover some research topics from signal processing and feature selection of inertial data, to Machine Learning approaches for classification. We employ two sensors (the accelerometer and the gyroscope) for collecting inertial data. Their raw signals are the input of the system and are conditioned through filtering in order to reduce noise and allow the extraction of informative activity features. We also emphasize on the study of Support Vector Machines (SVMs), which are one of the state-of-the-art Machine Learning techniques for classification, and reformulate various of the standard multiclass linear and non-linear methods to find the best trade off between recognition performance, computational costs and energy requirements, which are essential aspects in battery-operated devices such as smartphones. In particular, we propose two multiclass SVMs for activity classification:one linear algorithm which allows to control over dimensionality reduction and system accuracy; and also a non-linear hardware-friendly algorithm that only uses fixed-point arithmetic in the prediction phase and enables a model complexity reduction while maintaining the system performance. The efficiency of the proposed system is verified through extensive experimentation over a HAR dataset which we have generated and made publicly available. It is composed of inertial data collected from a group of 30 participants which performed a set of common daily activities while carrying a smartphone as a wearable device. The results achieved in this research show that it is possible to perform HAR in real-time with a precision near 97\% with smartphones. In this way, we can employ the proposed methodology in several higher-level applications that require HAR such as ambulatory monitoring of the disabled and the elderly during periods above five days without the need of a battery recharge. Moreover, the proposed algorithms can be adapted to other commercial wearable devices recently introduced in the market (e.g. smartwatches, phablets, and glasses). This will open up new opportunities for developing practical and innovative HAR applications.El Reconocimiento de Actividades Humanas (RAH) es un campo de investigación multidisciplinario que busca recopilar información sobre el comportamiento de las personas y su interacción con el entorno con el propósito de ofrecer información contextual de alta significancia sobre las acciones que ellas realizan. Recientemente, el RAH ha contribuido en el desarrollo de áreas de estudio enfocadas a la mejora de la calidad de vida del hombre tales como: la inteligència ambiental (Ambient Intelligence) y la vida cotidiana asistida por el entorno para personas dependientes (Ambient Assisted Living). El primer paso para conseguir el RAH consiste en realizar observaciones mediante el uso de sensores fijos localizados en el ambiente, o bien portátiles incorporados de forma vestible en el cuerpo humano. Sin embargo, para el segundo caso, aún se dificulta encontrar dispositivos poco invasivos, de bajo consumo energético, que permitan ser llevados a cualquier lugar, y de bajo costo. En esta tesis, nosotros exploramos el uso de teléfonos móviles inteligentes (Smartphones) como una alternativa para el RAH. Estos dispositivos, de uso cotidiano y fácilmente asequibles en el mercado, están dotados de sensores embebidos, potentes capacidades de cómputo y diversas tecnologías de comunicación inalámbrica que los hacen apropiados para esta aplicación. Nuestro trabajo presenta una serie de contribuciones en relación al desarrollo de sistemas para el RAH con Smartphones. En primera instancia proponemos un sistema que permite la detección de seis actividades físicas en tiempo real y que, además, tiene en cuenta las transiciones posturales que puedan ocurrir entre ellas. Con este fin, hemos contribuido en distintos ámbitos que van desde el procesamiento de señales y la selección de características, hasta algoritmos de Aprendizaje Automático (AA). Nosotros utilizamos dos sensores inerciales (el acelerómetro y el giroscopio) para la captura de las señales de movimiento de los usuarios. Estas han de ser procesadas a través de técnicas de filtrado para la reducción de ruido, segmentación y obtención de características relevantes en la detección de actividad. También hacemos énfasis en el estudio de Máquinas de soporte vectorial (MSV) que son uno de los algoritmos de AA más usados en la actualidad. Para ello reformulamos varios de sus métodos estándar (lineales y no lineales) con el propósito de encontrar la mejor combinación de variables que garanticen un buen desempeño del sistema en cuanto a precisión, coste computacional y requerimientos de energía, los cuales son aspectos esenciales en dispositivos portátiles con suministro de energía mediante baterías. En concreto, proponemos dos MSV multiclase para la clasificación de actividad: un algoritmo lineal que permite el balance entre la reducción de la dimensionalidad y la precisión del sistema; y asimismo presentamos un algoritmo no lineal conveniente para dispositivos con limitaciones de hardware que solo utiliza aritmética de punto fijo en la fase de predicción y que permite reducir la complejidad del modelo de aprendizaje mientras mantiene el rendimiento del sistema. La eficacia del sistema propuesto es verificada a través de una experimentación extensiva sobre la base de datos RAH que hemos generado y hecho pública en la red. Esta contiene la información inercial obtenida de un grupo de 30 participantes que realizaron una serie de actividades de la vida cotidiana en un ambiente controlado mientras tenían sujeto a su cintura un smartphone que capturaba su movimiento. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación demuestran que es posible realizar el RAH en tiempo real con una precisión cercana al 97%. De esta manera, podemos emplear la metodología propuesta en aplicaciones de alto nivel que requieran el RAH tales como monitorizaciones ambulatorias para personas dependientes (ej. ancianos o discapacitados) durante periodos mayores a cinco días sin la necesidad de recarga de baterías.Postprint (published version