10 research outputs found

    Operating System Response to Router Advertisement Packet in IPv6.

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    With growth of internet IPv4 address will run out soon. So the need of new IP protocol is indispensable. IPv6 with 128-bit address space is developed and maintain the support of IPv4 protocols with some upgrades such as BGP, OSPF and ICMP. ICMP protocol used for error reporting, neighbor discovering and other functions for diagnosis, ICMP version 6 has new types of packets to perform function similar to address resolution protocol ARP called Neighbor Discovery Protocol NDP. NDP is responsible for address auto configuration of nodes and neighbor discovery. It define new packets for the purposes of router solicitation, router advertisement and others discovery functions

    Encryption by using base-n systems with many characters

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    It is possible to interpret text as numbers (and vice versa) if one interpret letters and other characters as digits and assume that they have an inherent immutable ordering. This is demonstrated by the conventional digit set of the hexadecimal system of number coding, where the letters ABCDEF in this exact alphabetic sequence stand each for a digit and thus a numerical value. In this article, we consequently elaborate this thought and include all symbols and the standard ordering of the unicode standard for digital character coding. We show how this can be used to form digit sets of different sizes and how subsequent simple conversion between bases can result in encryption mimicking results of wrong encoding and accidental noise. Unfortunately, because of encoding peculiarities, switching bases to a higher one does not necessarily result in efficient disk space compression automatically.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Dot-base62x: building a compact and user-friendly text representation scheme of ipv6 addresses for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing has dramatically reshaped the whole IT industry in recent years. With the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, services running in Cloud computing will face problems associated with IPv6 addressing: the notation is too long (39 bytes), there are too many variants of a single IPv6 address and a potential conflict may exist with conventional http_URL notation caused by the use of the colon (:). This paper proposes a new scheme to represent an IPv6 address with a shorter, more compact notation (27 bytes), without variants or conflicts with http_URL. The proposal is known as dot-base62x as it is an IPv6 address with Base62x and uses the well-known period (or dot) as a group delimiter instead of the colon. The relative merits and demerits of other works that predate this paper have been reviewed and critically evaluated. Cloud computing, as a continuously emerging mainstream of network-based applications, is likely to be a forerunner in the use of IPv6 as the base protocol. As a result, Cloud computing will benefit most from the new, compact and user-friendly textual representation of IPv6 address proposed by this paper

    Análisis del protocolo Ipv6 su evolución y aplicabilidad

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    El cambio de Internet 4 a Internet 6 es necesario conforme el espacio de direcciones asignables se reduce y crecen los sitios y aplicaciones que requieren les sea asignada una IP propia, por lo tanto es necesario que desde ya se empiece a desarrollar una metodología de migración en las redes locales, al igual que se desarrolla políticas de seguridad, de compartición de recursos, etc.Descripción de IPv4.- Organización de internet.- Modelo de referencia OSI frente a TCP/IP.- Problemas con IPv4.- Historia del IPv6.- Características de IPv6.- Notación IPv6.- Tipos de direcciones IPv6.- Datagrama IPv6.- DNS para IPv6.- principales protocolos en IPv6.- Seguridad en IPv6.- Organización administradores, políticas de distribución y asignación de direcciones Ipv6.- Funciones de DSTM.- Túneles .- Traductores.- Implementación de una isla IPv6 y conexión con el 6bone

    Estensione del firewall IPFW2 e del traffic shaper Dummynet al protocollo IPv6

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    Lo scopo di questa tesi e' la realizzazione di un firewall con funzionalita' di traffic shaping per sistemi FreeBSD Versione 4.x che sia compatibile con il protocollo IP versione 6 oltre che con il protocollo IP versione 4. Il supporto di entrambi i protocolli e' necessario a causa della migrazione graduale degli utenti Internet da IPv4 (protocollo attualmente in uso nella rete) a IPv6 che rappresenta il futuro della rete stessa, nell'ambito di questo aggiornamento i due protocolli possono coesistere, in quanto la progettazione di IPv6 ha esplicitamente previsto il passaggio graduale e la compatibilita', tuttavia la gestione dei due tipi di traffico risulta, per ovvi motivi, differente anche se le necessita' di base di ogni utente non variano e si traducono, appunto, nella richiesta di meccanismi di filtraggio avanzati. In questa tesi descriviamo tutte le fasi di sviluppo del codice che ci hanno portato alla realizzazione di una versione pienamente funzionante e compatibile con le caratteristiche richieste

    Einführung in UNIX [online]

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    A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses

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