865,104 research outputs found

    Innovation and R & D activities in virtual team

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    Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at the regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development, which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal, through cooperation between suppliers and customers, service providers and scientific institutions to achieve innovations of high quality. Depending on the type of industry, the type of business, the type of innovation and the strategic objectives that have been set, firms will regularly have to modify the way in which their R\&D and innovation are organized. Nowadays, shift from serial to simultaneous and parallel working in innovation has become more commonplace. Literature's have shown that collaboration is as a meta-capability for innovation. By a comprehensive reviewing of literature this article after define virtual teams and its characteristics, addressing virtual environment innovation and the relationship to R&D activities. Finally conclude that innovation cannot be successful, unless the knowledge and information in the R&D project are effectively captured, shared and internalized by the R&D project?s virtual team members

    Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities

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    Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal, through cooperation between suppliers and customers, service providers and scientific institutions to achieve innovations of high quality. Depending on the type of industry, the type of business, the type of innovation and the strategic objectives that have been set, firms will regularly have to modify the way in which their R&D and innovation is organized. Nowadays shift from serial to simultaneous and parallel working in innovation has become more commonplace. Literature's have shown that collaboration is as a meta-capability for innovation. By a comprehensive reviewing of literature this article after define a virtual teams and its characteristics, addressing virtual environments innovation and the relationship to R&D activities. Finally conclude that innovation cannot be successful unless the knowledge and information in the R&D project are effectively captured, shared and internalized by the R&D project’s virtual team members.Innovation, Virtual teams, R&D

    A data-driven approach for a project management methodology for R&D Projects.

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    267 p.The thesis is based on the proposal of an R&D project management methodology based on the Earned Quality Method (EQM) and data analysis to improve the efficiency of R&D projects in a near-real production environment in a TRL 5 to 7. The thesis relies upon published papers that propose measuring and improving the management of R&D projects. The methodology leans on the formulation and gradual and recurrent evaluation of quality criteria as a performance indicator of the work carried out. The thesis stands on the concept that quality is a measurable quantity that accumulates throughout the project. The proposed project management methodology is built on three main aspects: Collaboration between the University and Industry; The correct interpretation of the TRL where research projects are developed; The study of different metrics for project management, such as the measurement of the success of projects, the KPIs of a project-based organisation, and the EQM. The methodology has been tested with three actual use cases with different characteristics in terms of project size, funding and team members; and validated on an R&D Centre in Advanced Manufacturing in Aeronautics. The pillars of the thesis are focused on the analysis of the mentioned components and their integration for the development of a methodology to improve the efficiency in the use of resources and the quality of obtained results in the R&D projects' framework. The key findings of these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of using quality criteria for measuring progress in the management of R&D projects, as well as providing a better understanding of several critical aspects of the realisation of these projects

    Innovation and R&D activities in virtual team

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    Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at the regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development, which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal, through cooperation between suppliers and customers, service providers and scientific institutions to achieve innovations of high quality. Depending on the type of industry, the type of business, the type of innovation and the strategic objectives that have been set, firms will regularly have to modify the way in which their R&D and innovation are organized. Nowadays, shift from serial to simultaneous and parallel working in innovation has become more commonplace. Literatures have shown that collaboration is as a meta-capability for innovation. By a comprehensive reviewing of literature this article after define virtual teams and its characteristics, addressing virtual environment innovation and the relationship to R&D activities. Finally conclude that innovation cannot be successful, unless the knowledge and information in the R&D project are effectively captured, shared and internalized by the R&D project’s virtual team members

    Design, manufacturing and set-up tests of a wave energy converter prototype in the context of the European Project LIFE-Demowave

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    LifeDemoWave Project is a real case of development of a R&D project, from the initial idea to the final construction and installation of a prototype for testing in operational environment. This project was born from an idea of the main researcher of the CIMA Group that finally led to two patents of two wave generation systems. Based on these patents, CIMA sought different ways for funding with the aim of developing prototypes with a high TRL and being able to test the operating principle of the patented systems. Finally, funding was obtained through the Life Program of the European Union and in collaboration with five other partners. The main objective of the LifeDemoWave project (http://www. life-demowave.eu/en/) is the demonstration of the feasibility of the use of wave power for electric generation in order to reduce greenhouse gases' emissions. For demonstration purposes, prototypes of wave power generation, reproducible and scalable at high level, are installed in the Galician coast. LifeDemoWave project considers, as well as its design and implementation, the environmental impact in the installation areas and its effect on biodiversity.Peer Reviewe

    Recent Results of the ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project

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    To cope with the higher occupancy and radiation damage at the HL-LHC also the LHC experiments will be upgraded. The ATLAS Planar Pixel Sensor R&D Project (PPS) is an international collaboration of 17 institutions and more than 80 scientists, exploring the feasibility of employing planar pixel sensors for this scenario. Depending on the radius, different pixel concepts are investigated using laboratory and beam test measurements. At small radii the extreme radiation environment and strong space constraints are addressed with very thin pixel sensors active thickness in the range of (75-150) mum, and the development of slim as well as active edges. At larger radii the main challenge is the cost reduction to allow for instrumenting the large area of (7-10) m^2. To reach this goal the pixel productions are being transferred to 6 inch production lines and more cost-efficient and industrialised interconnection techniques are investigated. Additionally, the n-in-p technology is employed, which requires less production steps since it relies on a single-sided process. Recent accomplishments obtained within the PPS are presented. The performance in terms of charge collection and efficiency, obtained with radioactive sources in the laboratory and at beam tests, is presented for devices built from sensors of different vendors connected to either the present ATLAS chip FE-I3 or the new Insertable B-Layer chip FE-I4. The devices, with a thickness varying between 75 mum and 300 mum, were irradiated to several fluences up to 2e16 neq/cm. Finally, the different approaches followed inside the collaboration to achieve slim or active edges are presented.Comment: Proceedings for the Pixel 2012, 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by NIM

    Ultra Low Carbon Vehicles: New Parameters for Automotive Design

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    As the influence of vehicle emissions on our environment has become better understood, the UK government has recently placed urgent emphasis on the implementation of low carbon technologies in the automotive industry through: the UK Low Carbon Industrial Strategy. The overall objective is to offer big incentives to consumers and support for the development of infrastructure and engineering solutions. This scheme however does not consider how the development of functional and experiential user value might drive consumer demand, contributing to the adoption of low carbon vehicles (LCVs) in the mass market. With the emergence of the North East of England as the UK’s first specialised region for the development of ultra-low carbon vehicles (ULCVs), ONE North East, as a development agency for the region's economic and business development, and Northumbria University Ideas-lab have supported a project to facilitate innovation through the collaboration of technology, research and development (R&D) and business. The High Value Low Carbon (HVLC) project aims to envisage new user value made possible by the integration of low carbon vehicle platforms with new process and network technologies. The HVLC consortium represents vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers as well as technology based companies and through an ongoing process of design concept generation the project offers a hub for innovation led enterprise. Whilst new technological developments in areas such as power generation, nano materials, hydrogen fuel cells, printed electronics and networked communications will all impact on future automotive design, the mass adoption of low carbon technologies represents a paradigm shift for the motorist. This paper aims to describe how the mapping of new parameters will lead to new transport scenarios that will create the space for new collaborative research on user experiences supported by innovative technologies and related services

    Integrating open services for building educational environments

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.I. D. Carlos, R. Cobos, E. Guerra, J. de Lara, A. Pescador, and J. Sánchez Cuadrado, “Integrating Open Services for Building Educational Environments”, in Global Engineering Education Conference, Berlin (Germany), 2013, pp. 1147-1156The increasing popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has raised the need for highly scalable, customizable, open learning environments. At the same time, there is a growing trend to open the services that the companies offer on the web with open APIs and in the form of REST services, facilitating their integration in customized applications. The goal of this work is to show how such open services can be used for the support of on-line educational systems. These services were not created for an education context, so it is necessary to complement it with functionalities for supporting aspects such as evaluations, monitoring or collaboration. This article discusses on the strategies for integrating services for education and presents two cases studies: first, SMLearning, a collaborative learning environment supported by social media platforms Facebook and YouTube, and second, an application for project-based programming courses, customized through a generative architecture, making heavy use of Google services.This research was partly funded by the Spanish National Plan of R+D, project number TIN2011-24139; and by the Autonomous Community of Madrid, e-Madrid project, number S2009/TIC-1650

    Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities

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    Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal, through cooperation between suppliers and customers, service providers and scientific institutions to achieve innovations of high quality. Depending on the type of industry, the type of business, the type of innovation and the strategic objectives that have been set, firms will regularly have to modify the way in which their R&D and innovation is organized. Nowadays shift from serial to simultaneous and parallel working in innovation has become more commonplace. Literature's have shown that collaboration is as a meta-capability for innovation. By a comprehensive reviewing of literature this article after define a virtual teams and its characteristics, addressing virtual environments innovation and the relationship to R&D activities. Finally conclude that innovation cannot be successful unless the knowledge and information in the R&D project are effectively captured, shared and internalized by the R&D project’s virtual team members