1,828 research outputs found

    Advances in Architectures and Tools for FPGAs and their Impact on the Design of Complex Systems for Particle Physics

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    The continual improvement of semiconductor technology has provided rapid advancements in device frequency and density. Designers of electronics systems for high-energy physics (HEP) have benefited from these advancements, transitioning many designs from fixed-function ASICs to more flexible FPGA-based platforms. Today’s FPGA devices provide a significantly higher amount of resources than those available during the initial Large Hadron Collider design phase. To take advantage of the capabilities of future FPGAs in the next generation of HEP experiments, designers must not only anticipate further improvements in FPGA hardware, but must also adopt design tools and methodologies that can scale along with that hardware. In this paper, we outline the major trends in FPGA hardware, describe the design challenges these trends will present to developers of HEP electronics, and discuss a range of techniques that can be adopted to overcome these challenges

    The review of heterogeneous design frameworks/Platforms for digital systems embedded in FPGAs and SoCs

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    Systems-on-a-chip integrate specialized modules to provide well-defined functionality. In order to guarantee its efficiency, designersare careful to choose high-level electronic components. In particular,FPGAs (field-programmable gate array) have demonstrated theirability to meet the requirements of emerging technology. However,traditional design methods cannot keep up with the speed andefficiency imposed by the embedded systems industry, so severalframeworks have been developed to simplify the design process of anelectronic system, from its modeling to its physical implementation.This paper illustrates some of them and presents a comparative studybetween them. Indeed, we have selected design methods of SoC(ESP4ML and HLS4ML, OpenESP, LiteX, RubyRTL, PyMTL,SysPy, PyRTL, DSSoC) and NoC networks on OCN chip (PyOCN)and in general on FPGA (PRGA, OpenFPGA, AnyHLS, PYNQ, andPyLog).The objective of this article is to analyze each tool at several levelsand to discuss the benefit of each in the scientific community. Wewill analyze several aspects constituting the architecture and thestructure of the platforms to make a comparative study of thehardware and software design flows of digital systems.

    An empirical evaluation of High-Level Synthesis languages and tools for database acceleration

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    High Level Synthesis (HLS) languages and tools are emerging as the most promising technique to make FPGAs more accessible to software developers. Nevertheless, picking the most suitable HLS for a certain class of algorithms depends on requirements such as area and throughput, as well as on programmer experience. In this paper, we explore the different trade-offs present when using a representative set of HLS tools in the context of Database Management Systems (DBMS) acceleration. More specifically, we conduct an empirical analysis of four representative frameworks (Bluespec SystemVerilog, Altera OpenCL, LegUp and Chisel) that we utilize to accelerate commonly-used database algorithms such as sorting, the median operator, and hash joins. Through our implementation experience and empirical results for database acceleration, we conclude that the selection of the most suitable HLS depends on a set of orthogonal characteristics, which we highlight for each HLS framework.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Correct synthesis and integration of compiler-generated function units

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    PhD ThesisComputer architectures can use custom logic in addition to general pur- pose processors to improve performance for a variety of applications. The use of custom logic allows greater parallelism for some algorithms. While conventional CPUs typically operate on words, ne-grained custom logic can improve e ciency for many bit level operations. The commodi ca- tion of eld programmable devices, particularly FPGAs, has improved the viability of using custom logic in an architecture. This thesis introduces an approach to reasoning about the correctness of compilers that generate custom logic that can be synthesized to provide hardware acceleration for a given application. Compiler intermediate representations (IRs) and transformations that are relevant to genera- tion of custom logic are presented. Architectures may vary in the way that custom logic is incorporated, and suitable abstractions are used in order that the results apply to compilation for a variety of the design parameters that are introduced by the use of custom logic

    A Survey and Evaluation of FPGA High-Level Synthesis Tools

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) is increasingly popular for the design of high-performance and energy-efficient heterogeneous systems, shortening time-to-market and addressing today's system complexity. HLS allows designers to work at a higher-level of abstraction by using a software program to specify the hardware functionality. Additionally, HLS is particularly interesting for designing field-programmable gate array circuits, where hardware implementations can be easily refined and replaced in the target device. Recent years have seen much activity in the HLS research community, with a plethora of HLS tool offerings, from both industry and academia. All these tools may have different input languages, perform different internal optimizations, and produce results of different quality, even for the very same input description. Hence, it is challenging to compare their performance and understand which is the best for the hardware to be implemented. We present a comprehensive analysis of recent HLS tools, as well as overview the areas of active interest in the HLS research community. We also present a first-published methodology to evaluate different HLS tools. We use our methodology to compare one commercial and three academic tools on a common set of C benchmarks, aiming at performing an in-depth evaluation in terms of performance and the use of resources

    Autotuning the Intel HLS Compiler using the Opentuner Framework

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    High level synthesis (HLS) tools can be used to improve design flow and decrease verification times for field programmable gate array (FPGA) and application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design. The Intel HLS Compiler is a high level synthesis tool that takes in untimed C/C++ as input and generates production-quality register transfer level (RTL) code that is optimized for Intel FPGAs. The translation does, however, require multiple iterations and manual optimizations to get comparable synthesized results to that of a solution written in a hardware descriptive language. The synthesis results can vary greatly based upon coding style and optimization techniques, and typically require an in-depth knowledge of FPGAs to fully optimize the translation which limits the audience of the tool. The extra abstraction that the C/C++ source code presents can also make it difficult to meet more specific design requirements; this includes designs to meet specific resource usage or performance based metrics. To improve the quality of results generated by the Intel HLS Compiler without a manual iterative process that requires an in-depth knowledge of FPGAs, this research proposes a method of automating some of the optimization techniques that improve the synthesized design through an autotuning process. The proposed approach utilizes the PyCParser library to parse C source files and the OpenTuner Framework to autotune the synthesis to provide a method that generates results that better meet the needs of the designer's requirements through lower FPGA resource usage or increased design performance. Such functionality is not currently available in Intel's commercial tools. The proposed approach was tested with the CHStone Benchmarking Suite of C programs as well as a standard digital signal processing finite impulse response filter. The results show that the commercial HLS tool can be automatically autotuned through placeholder injection using a source parsing tool for C code and using the OpenTuner Framework to autotune the results. For designs that are small in nature and include conducive structures to be autotuned, the results indicate resource usage reductions and/or performance increases of up to 40% as compared to the default Intel HLS Compiler results. The method developed in this research also allows additional design targets to be specified through the autotuner for consideration in the synthesized design which can yield results that are better matched to a design's requirements
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