7 research outputs found

    A cluster-head selection and update algorithm for ad hoc networks

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    A novel cluster-head selection and update algorithm “Type-based Cluster-forming Algorithm (TCA)” is proposed, which outperforms both the lowest node ID (LID) and the Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) in the ad hoc network scenario considered. The system’s performance is investigated in a scenario, when the 50 communicating nodes belong to three different groups, for example, a group of rescue workers, fire-fighters and paramedics. It is demonstrated that the carefully designed protocol is capable of outperforming the above-mentioned benchmarkers both in terms of a reduced number of cluster-head updates and cluster-change events. Hence its quality-of-service may be deemed higher

    Pragmatic Distribution Based Routing Cluster to Improve Energy Efficient Cluster lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy consumed by the  sensor nodes are more sporadic in a sensor networks. A skilled way to bring down energy consumption and extend maximum life-time of any sensor present can be of evenly and unevenly distributed random area networks. Cluster heads are more responsible for the links between the source and destination. Energy consumption are much compare to member nodes of the network. Re-clustering will take place if the connectivity in the distributed network failure occurs in between the cluster networks  that will affects redundancy in the network efficiency. Hence, we propose  pragmatic distribution based routing cluster lifetime using fitness function (PDBRC) prototype  is better than the existing protocol using MATLAB 2021a simulation tool

    Pragmatic Distribution Based Routing Cluster to Improve Energy Efficient Cluster lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy consumed by the sensor nodes are more sporadic in a sensor networks. A skilled way to bring down energy consumption and extend maximum life-time of any sensor present can be of evenly and unevenly distributed random area networks. Cluster heads are more responsible for the links between the source and destination. Energy consumption are much compare to member nodes of the network. Re-clustering will take place if the connectivity in the distributed network failure occurs in between the cluster networks that will affects redundancy in the network efficiency. Hence, we propose pragmatic distribution based routing cluster lifetime using fitness function (PDBRC) prototype is better than the existing protocol using MATLAB 2021a simulation tool

    Reliability of cluster-based multichannel MAC protocols in VANETs

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    Energy-Efficient Multicast Transmission for Underlay Device-to-Device Communications: A Social-Aware Perspective

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    In this paper, by utilizing the social relationships among mobile users, we present a framework of energy-efficient cluster formation and resource allocation for multicast D2D transmission. In particular, we first deal with D2D multicast cluster/group formation strategy from both physical distance and social trust level. Then we aim to maximize the overall energy-efficiency of D2D multicast groups through resource allocation and power control scheme, which considers the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of both cellular user equipment and D2D groups. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve above energy-efficiency problem with less complexity. After that, considering the limited battery capacity of mobile users, we propose an energy and social aware cluster head update algorithm, which incorporates both the energy constraint and social centrality measurement. Numerical results indicate that the proposed social-tie based D2D multicast group formation and update algorithm form a multicast group in an energy efficient way. Moreover, the proposed resource and power allocation scheme achieves better energy efficiency in terms of throughput per energy consumption. These results show that, by exploiting social domain information, underlay D2D multicast transmission has high practical potential in saving the source on wireless links and in the backhaul

    Energy efficient in cluster head and relay node selection for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are defined as networks of nodes that work in a cooperative way to sense and control the surrounding environment. However, nodes contain limited energy which is the key limiting factor of the sensor network operation. In WSN architecture, the nodes are typically grouped into clusters where one node from each cluster is selected as the Cluster Head (CH) and relays utilisation to minimise energy consumption. Currently, the selection of CH based on a different combination of input variables. Example of these variables includes residual energy, communication cost, node density, mobility, cluster size and many others. Improper selection of sensor node (i.e. weak signal strength) as CH can cause an increase in energy consumption. Additionally, a direct transmission in dual-hop communication between sensor nodes (e.g. CH) with the base station (BS) uses high energy consumption. A proper selection of the relay node can assist in communication while minimising energy consumption. Therefore, the research aim is to prolong the network lifetime (i.e. reduce energy consumption) by improving the selection of CHs and relay nodes through a new combination of input variables and distance threshold approach. In CH selection, the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) scheme, residual energy, and centrality variable were proposed. Fuzzy logic was utilized in selecting the appropriate CHs based on these variables in the MATLAB. In relay node selection, the selection is based on the distance threshold according to the nearest distance with the BS. The selection of the optimal number of relay nodes is performed using K-Optimal and K-Means techniques. This ensures that all CHs are connected to at least one corresponding relay node (i.e. a 2-tier network) to execute the routing process and send the data to BS. To evaluate the proposal, the performance of Multi-Tier Protocol (MAP) and Stable Election Protocol (SEP) was compared based on 100, 200, and 800 nodes with 1 J and random energy. The simulation results showed that our proposed approach, refer to as Energy Efficient Cluster Heads and Relay Nodes (EECR) selection approach, extended the network lifetime of the wireless sensor network by 43% and 33% longer than SEP and MAP, respectively. This thesis concluded that with effective combinations of variables for CHs and relay nodes selection in static environment for data routing, EECR can effectively improve the energy efficiency of WSNs

    A New Clustering Protocol for Hybrid Sensor Vehicular Networks (HSVNs)

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    As the UAE is classified among the highest countries in road accidents; it’s an urgent necessity to derive proper and effective solutions. One of the well-known solutions is to move to the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). ITS is achieved by the implementation of advanced technologies to help the roads to be smarter, safer and more coordinated. There are different studies and researches published in this area. This thesis is mainly conducted to achieve the same goal, which is increasing the safety on our roads. The aim of this research is to build a new clustering protocol in the Hybrid Sensor Vehicular Networks (HSVN). HSVN is introduced as a new concept that integrates wireless sensor networks along with vehicular networks to increase the overall performance of both networks and the need of such new protocol in these networks is high. Although there are many published proposals, there is still a need to have a complete protocol that can reduce the shortcomings in the proposed solutions. The main features in the proposed protocol are creating a balance system by dividing the clustering process overheads between the vehicles in the network and the Road Side Unit (RSU), so instead of relying only on the vehicles’ resources, the RSU shares the process’s overhead by collecting data, calculating weighting factors, and electing suitable cluster heads. Moreover, the proposed protocol reduces the computational and the communication costs by electing two cluster heads for each cluster; one acts as the main cluster head and the other as a standby cluster head. By this feature, if a cluster head moves outside the cluster region, there is no need to run the clustering process again to elect a new cluster head as a standby cluster head exists. Also, one of the main characteristics of the new protocol is minimizing the collision in the system, and consequently increasing the throughput by defining the upper bound of the number of members in each cluster. The overall performance of the proposed protocol is very good and promises to solve many challenges in the existing protocols. In addition, the results show that this protocol outperforms one of the best existing mobility protocols in terms of the total number of clusters formed in the network, the number of single node clusters, and the saturation throughput of the clusters, the communication overheads and energy consumption reductions