5 research outputs found

    An Architecture Approach for 3D Render Distribution using Mobile Devices in Real Time

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    Nowadays, video games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) have become cultural mediators. Mobile games contribute to a large number of downloads and potential benefits in the applications market. Although processing power of mobile devices increases the bandwidth transmission, a poor network connectivity may bottleneck Gaming as a Service (GaaS). In order to enhance performance in digital ecosystem, processing tasks are distributed among thin client devices and robust servers. This research is based on the method ‘divide and rule’, that is, volumetric surfaces are subdivided using a tree-KD of sequence of scenes in a game, so reducing the surface into small sets of points. Reconstruction efficiency is improved, because the search of data is performed in local and small regions. Processes are modeled through a finite set of states that are built using Hidden Markov Models with domains configured by heuristics. Six test that control the states of each heuristic, including the number of intervals are carried out to validate the proposed model. This validation concludes that the proposed model optimizes response frames per second, in a sequence of interactions

    Simple MoCap System for Home Usage

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    Nowadays many MoCap systems exist. Generating 3D facial animation of characters is currently realized by using the motion capture data (MoCap data), which is obtained by tracking the facial markers from an actor/actress. In general it is a professional solution that is sophisticated and costly. This paper presents a solution with a system that is inexpensive. We propose a new easy-to-use system for home usage, through which we are making character animation. In its implementation we paid attention to the elimination of errors from the previous solutions. In this paper the authors describe the method how motion capture characters on a treadmill and as well as an own Java application that processes the video for its further use in Cinema 4D. This paper describes the implementation of this technology of sensing in a way so that the animated character authentically imitated human movement on a treadmill

    Use of Cloud Gaming in Education

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    The use of digital games in education has been the subject of research for many years and their usefulness has been confirmed by many studies and research projects. Standardized tests, such as PISA test, show that respondents achieved better reading, math and physics results if they used the computer more for gaming-related activities. It has been proven that the application of video games in education increases student motivation, improves several types of key skills—social and intellectual skills, reflexes and concentration. Nevertheless, there are several challenges associated with the application of video games in schools and they can be categorized as technical (network and end device limitations), competency (teachers’ knowledge in the area), qualitative (lack of educational games of high quality), and financial (high cost of purchasing games and equipment). The novel architecture for delivery of gaming content commonly referred to as “cloud gaming” has the potential to solve most of the present challenges of using games in education. A well-designed cloud gaming platform would enable seamless and simple usage for both students and teachers. While solving most of the present problems, cloud gaming introduces a set of new research challenges which will be discussed in this section