8 research outputs found

    The mathematical models of rotating droplets with charge or subject to electric fields: Analysis and numerical simulation

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matemáticas. Fecha de lectura: 19-12-2013The main goal of this thesis is to give an answer to the question: How does rotation influence the evolution of a charged or neutral droplet that could also be subject to an external electric eld along its axis of rotation? It is well known from experiments that a drop can develop singularities in the form of Taylor cones when it holds an amount of charge larger than Rayleigh's limit on its surface [58] and/or it is immersed in a su ciently strong electric eld [68]. From the cone tips, a thin jet of microdroplets is eventually emitted [20], which is of crucial importance and has many applications in industrial processes such as electrospraying, elecronic printing, Field Induced Droplet Ionization mass spectrometry and Field Emission Electric Propulsion thrusters among others. An intriguing and yet not completely understood problem is the discrepancy existent between the results given for the opening semiangle of these cones by theoretical calculations, experiments and numerical simulations [27]. This thesis tries to give an insight into this problem by a complete description on how the stability of a conducting and viscous drop changes when rotation is considered as a force acting on the system. When dealing with rotating bodies, there are two possible situations: one where the angular speed ! remains xed, i.e. imagine a constant force turning the system at a constant rate, or another where the system is initally set into rotation and is left to evolve without further interaction with it, so its angular momentum L is conserved. This work discusses both cases. The free boundary problem arising from the modeling of rotating droplets is described, in the limit of large Ekman number and small Reynolds number, by Stokes equation [56] and simulated with a Boundary Element Method (BEM) that has the capability of mesh adaption [17]. With this approach, we can analyze with precision the regions of the drop's interface where singularities (Taylor cones or drop breakup) develop and their formation process. We begin by studying the evolution of a viscous drop, contained in another viscous uid, that rotates about a xed axis at constant angular speed or angular momentum. The analysis is carried out by combining asymptotic analysis and full numerical simulation, focusing on the stability/instability of equilibrium shapes and the formation of singularities that change the topology of the uid domain. When evolution is at constant !, unstable drops can take the form of a at lm whose thickness goes to zero in nite time or an elongated lament that extends inde nitely in nite time. On the other hand, if evolution takes place at constant L, and axial symmetry is imposed, thin lms surrounded by a toroidal rim can develop, but the lm thickness does not vanish in nite time. In the absence of axial symmetry, and for su ciently large L, drops break axial symmetry and reach an equilibrium con guration with a 2-fold symmetry or break up into several drops with a 2 or 3-fold symmetry. The mechanism of breakup is also described. After describing the evolution of rotating drops, this thesis analyzes the e ects that rotation has on the evolution of a conducting and viscous drop, contained in another viscous and insulating uid, when it holds an amount of charge Q on its surface or is immersed in an external electric eld of magnitude E✽ parallel to the rotation axis. We pay special attention to the case where rotation is at constant angular momentum because of its physical relevance. Numerical simulations and stability analysis show that the Rayleigh ssibility ratio at which charged drops become unstable decreases with angular momentum, whereas for neutral drops subject to an electric eld the critical value of the eld at which the droplet destabilizes increases with rotation. Concerning equilibrium shapes, approximate spheroids and ellipsoids are obtained and the transition between these two families of solutions is established with an energy minimization argument. When drops become unstable, two-lobed structures form, where a pinch-o occurs in nite time, or dynamic Taylor cones in the sense of [7] develop. An interesting feature about these cones is that for small L, their seamiangle remains the same as if there was no rotation in the system. Finally, and as part of the work I developed during a research stay at the University of Cambridge, the evolution problem is solved with the Finite Element Method (FEM). This approach, which validates the axisymmetric results obtained in this thesis for rotating drops using BEM, will allow us in the future to study the in uence that the inertial terms present in Navier-Stokes equations have on the stability of the system

    Tackling viscoelastic turbulence

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    Turbulence in viscoelastic flows is a fascinating phenomenon with important technological implications, e.g. drag reduction at high Reynolds numbers and increased mixing efficiencies at low Reynolds numbers. The dynamics of these flows have been extensively studied experimentally over the last seventy years and more recently, in direct numerical simulations (DNS). However, theoretical progress in viscoelastic turbulence has been hindered by the fundamental challenges posed by the need to account for both the velocity as well as the elastic deformation history, encapsulated in the positive-definite conformation tensor. Due to the positivity constraint, the latter tensor is not a vector space quantity and thus classical approaches used to quantitatively analyze turbulence in Newtonian flows cannot be directly extended to viscoelastic flows. This fundamental issue is addressed in the present thesis in two parts. Firstly, we develop a decomposition of the conformation tensor about a given base-state that respects the mathematical and physical nature of this quantity. Scalar measures to quantify the resulting fluctuating conformation tensor are developed based on the non-Euclidean Riemannian geometry of the set of positive-definite tensors. The three measures are (a) the logarithmic volume ratio of the conformation tensor with respect to the base--state conformation tensor (b) the squared geodesic distance of the conformation tensor from the base--state, (c) the geodesic distance of the fluctuating conformation tensor from the closest isotropic tensor. Secondly, we develop an approach to perturb the conformation tensor in a physically consistent manner. This approach is an alternative to the classical weakly nonlinear expansion of vector space quantities, and is thus termed the weakly nonlinear deformation. When specialized to linear perturbations, this approach reveals the correct Hilbert space structure for the linearized problem. Viscoelastic (FENE-P) channel flow DNS are developed and used to illustrate the theoretical framework: fully turbulent flow is used for the first part, and the nonlinear evolution of Tollmien-Schlichting waves are considered for the second part. Several important insights are gleaned from these simulations, demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed approach. The fundamental contributions in the present thesis pave the road for theoretical modelling and analysis of viscoelastic turbulence

    Atomic and molecular collisions

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    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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