2,482 research outputs found

    Age-related differences in the evaluation of a virtual health agent’s appearance and embodiment in a health-related interaction: Experimental lab study

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    Straßmann C, KrĂ€mer NC, Buschmeier H, Kopp S. Age-related differences in the evaluation of a virtual health agent’s appearance and embodiment in a health-related interaction: Experimental lab study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020;22(4): e13726.**Background:** Assistive technologies have become more important owing to the aging population, especially when they foster healthy behaviors. Because of their natural interface, virtual agents are promising assistants for people in need of support. To engage people during an interaction with these technologies, such assistants need to match the usersÂŽ needs and preferences, especially with regard to social outcomes. **Objective:** Prior research has already determined the importance of an agent’s appearance in a human-agent interaction. As seniors can particularly benefit from the use of virtual agents to maintain their autonomy, it is important to investigate their special needs. However, there are almost no studies focusing on age-related differences with regard to appearance effects. **Methods:** A 2×4 between-subjects design was used to investigate the age-related differences of appearance effects in a human-agent interaction. In this study, 46 seniors and 84 students interacted in a health scenario with a virtual agent, whose appearance varied (cartoon-stylized humanoid agent, cartoon-stylized machine-like agent, more realistic humanoid agent, and nonembodied agent [voice only]). After the interaction, participants reported on the evaluation of the agent, usage intention, perceived presence of the agent, bonding toward the agent, and overall evaluation of the interaction. **Results:** The findings suggested that seniors evaluated the agent more positively (liked the agent more and evaluated it as more realistic, attractive, and sociable) and showed more bonding toward the agent regardless of the appearance than did students. In addition, interaction effects were found. Seniors reported the highest usage intention for the cartoon-stylized humanoid agent, whereas students reported the lowest usage intention for this agent. The same pattern was found for participant bonding with the agent. Seniors showed more bonding when interacting with the cartoon-stylized humanoid agent or voice only agent, whereas students showed the least bonding when interacting with the cartoon-stylized humanoid agent. **Conclusions:** In health-related interactions, target group–related differences exist with regard to a virtual assistant’s appearance. When elderly individuals are the target group, a humanoid virtual assistant might trigger specific social responses and be evaluated more positively at least in short-term interactions

    The Social Interaction Experiences of Older People in a 3D Virtual Environment

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    Virtual worlds offer much potential in supporting social interaction for older adults, particularly as a platform which can provide an interactive and immersive social experience. Yet, there has not been much work carried out to study the use, interaction and behavior of older people in 3D virtual world systems, especially studies which investigate their interactions in a fully functional virtual world. Most focus on issues related to usability such as cognitive difficulties when navigation in a 3D space and we know little about their perceptions and preferences when socializing in a virtual space. In this chapter, we report an experimental study examining the various factors which affected the social experience of older users in virtual worlds. The study involved 38 older participants engaging with a 3D and non-3D virtual grocery store. A mixed method of questionnaire and contextual interview was used for data collection and analysis. Overall, we found that physical presence was a significant predictor of many measures defining the quality of social interaction, yet participants often reported a sense of artificiality in their virtual experience. Interestingly, avatars were not considered directly important for social interaction and instead were only seen as a “place holder” to complete the tasks. Two factors contributed to this, the lack of non-verbal communication and the perceived difficulty in embodying physical people with virtual avatars

    ‘It’s Almost Like Talking to a Person’: Student Disclosure to Pedagogical Agents in Sensitive Settings.

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    This paper presents findings of a pilot study which used pedagogical agents to examine disclosure in educational settings. The study used responsive evaluation to explore how use of pedagogical agents might affect students’ truthfulness and disclosure by asking them to respond to a lifestyle choices survey delivered by a web-based pedagogical agent. Findings indicate that emotional connection with pedagogical agents were intrinsic to the user’s sense of trust and therefore likely to affect levels of truthfulness and engagement. The implications of this study are that truthfulness, personalisation and emotional engagement are all vital components in using pedagogical agents to enhance online learning

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    Design Implications for a Virtual Language Learning Companion Robot : Considering the Appearance, Interaction and Rewarding Behavior

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    Second language learning has become very important because of globalization and as a result, many online language learning platforms have gained popularity. Despite their popularity and convenience, they still lack the human factor and meaningful interaction. Robot-Assisted language learning (RALL) is a concept where social robots are employed to assist in language learning, adding meaningful and human-like interactions to the process. In the case of online learning platforms, a similar approach can be taken using virtual robots. Virtual robots are similar to social robots as they can have a visual appearance, communication capabilities as well as human-like features. This research aims to understand the potential users', i.e., university students' perceptions, and expectations of a virtual robot as a language learning companion. We are focusing on three major aspects of its design: Appearance, interaction and rewarding behavior. This is a qualitative and explorative study, which employs a human-centered design (HCD) approach by conducting a co-design workshop with five groups of university-level language students (n = 25) and a theme interview with seven design students. This article presents the first phase of the HCD process. The participants were asked questions about the appearance, behavior, movements, motivational factors, sound and rewarding features of the potential virtual language companion robot. The findings show that the idea of having an interactive virtual robot to assist online language learning was accepted and appreciated by all the participants but their expectations about the robot's design varied. The potential users preferred a robot-like appearance rather than a human-like one for the virtual language learning companion, however, different robot-like appearances were mentioned in terms of their body parts, hands, head, shapes etc. Human-like gestures and movements were appreciated by the participants. Finally, seven design implications were formulated to support the further design of a virtual robot that can act as a virtual language learning companion as part of an online learning platform for university students.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    CloChat: Understanding How People Customize, Interact, and Experience Personas in Large Language Models

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    Large language models (LLMs) have facilitated significant strides in generating conversational agents, enabling seamless, contextually relevant dialogues across diverse topics. However, the existing LLM-driven conversational agents have fixed personalities and functionalities, limiting their adaptability to individual user needs. Creating personalized agent personas with distinct expertise or traits can address this issue. Nonetheless, we lack knowledge of how people customize and interact with agent personas. In this research, we investigated how users customize agent personas and their impact on interaction quality, diversity, and dynamics. To this end, we developed CloChat, an interface supporting easy and accurate customization of agent personas in LLMs. We conducted a study comparing how participants interact with CloChat and ChatGPT. The results indicate that participants formed emotional bonds with the customized agents, engaged in more dynamic dialogues, and showed interest in sustaining interactions. These findings contribute to design implications for future systems with conversational agents using LLMs.Comment: In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24

    Can Science Explain Consciousness?

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    For diverse reasons, the problem of phenomenal consciousness is persistently challenging. Mental terms are characteristically ambiguous, researchers have philosophical biases, secondary qualities are excluded from objective description, and philosophers love to argue. Adhering to a regime of efficient causes and third-person descriptions, science as it has been defined has no place for subjectivity or teleology. A solution to the “hard problem” of consciousness will require a radical approach: to take the point of view of the cognitive system itself. To facilitate this approach, a concept of agency is introduced along with a different understanding of intentionality. Following this approach reveals that the autopoietic cognitive system constructs phenomenality through acts of fiat, which underlie perceptual completion effects and “filling in”—and, by implication, phenomenology in general. It creates phenomenality much as we create meaning in language, through the use of symbols that it assigns meaning in the context of an embodied evolutionary history that is the source of valuation upon which meaning depends. Phenomenality is a virtual representation to itself by an executive agent (the conscious self) tasked with monitoring the state of the organism and its environment, planning future action, and coordinating various sub- agencies. Consciousness is not epiphenomenal, but serves a function for higher organisms that is distinct from that of unconscious processing. While a strictly scientific solution to the hard problem is not possible for a science that excludes the subjectivity it seeks to explain, there is hope to at least psychologically bridge the explanatory gulf between mind and matter, and perhaps hope for a broader definition of science

    Conversational Assistants for Elderly Users – The Importance of Socially Cooperative Dialogue

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    Kopp S, Brandt M, Buschmeier H, et al. Conversational Assistants for Elderly Users – The Importance of Socially Cooperative Dialogue. In: AndrĂ© E, Bickmore T, Vrochidis S, Wanner L, eds. Proceedings of the AAMAS Workshop on Intelligent Conversation Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications co-located with the Federated AI Meeting. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol 2338. Aachen: RWTH; 2018: 10–17.Conversational agents can provide valuable cognitive and/or emotional assistance to elderly users or people with cognitive impairments who often have difficulties in organizing and following a structured day schedule. Previous research showed that a virtual assistant that can interact in spoken language would be a desirable help for those users. However, these user groups pose specific requirements for spoken dialogue interaction that existing systems hardly meet. This paper presents work on a virtual conversational assistant that was designed for, and together with, elderly as well as cognitively handicapped users. It has been specifically developed to enable ‘socially cooperative dialogue’ – adaptive and aware conversational interaction in which mutual understanding is co-constructed and ensured collaboratively. The technical approach is described and results of evaluation studies are reported

    The Social and Behavioral Influences of Interactions with Virtual Dogs as Embodied Agents in Augmented and Virtual Reality

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    Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) have been researched for years and recently many of these IVAs have become commercialized and widely used by many individuals as intelligent personal assistants. The majority of these IVAs are anthropomorphic, and many are developed to resemble real humans entirely. However, real humans do not interact only with other humans in the real world, and many benefit from interactions with non-human entities. A prime example is human interactions with animals, such as dogs. Humans and dogs share a historical bond that goes back thousands of years. In the past 30 years, there has been a great deal of research to understand the effects of human-dog interaction, with research findings pointing towards the physical, mental, and social benefits to humans when interacting with dogs. However, limitations such as allergies, stress on dogs, and hygiene issues restrict some needy individuals from receiving such benefits. More recently, advances in augmented and virtual reality technology provide opportunities for realizing virtual dogs and animals, allowing for their three-dimensional presence in the users\u27 real physical environment or while users are immersed in virtual worlds. In this dissertation, I utilize the findings from human-dog interaction research and conduct a systematic literature review on embodied IVAs to define a research scope to understand virtual dogs\u27 social and behavioral influences in augmented and virtual reality. I present the findings of this systematic literature review that informed the creation of the research scope and four human-subjects studies. Through these user studies, I found that virtual dogs bring about a sense of comfort and companionship for users in different contexts. In addition, their responsiveness plays an important role in enhancing users\u27 quality of experience, and they can be effectively utilized as attention guidance mechanisms and social priming stimuli
