9 research outputs found

    Исследовательская роль программ CAE в сквозных технологиях CAD/CAE/CAM

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    В работе проанализирован опыт использования программ САЕ в составе комплексов CAD/CAE/CAM. CAE-системы позиционированы как современный инструмент для выполнения вычислительных экспериментов при решении различных исследовательских и проектных задач в машиностроении. Приведены примеры использования компьютерных инструментов CAE в прикладных исследованиях, направленных на поиск новых технических решений, конструкций и технологий.The application of CAE software in CAD/CAE/CAM technologies was analysed. The CAE programs are positioned as research instrument for various investigations and simulations of machine projects. Some examples of CAE use for search of new technical solutions, structures and technologies are given

    Orthogonal decomposition as a design tool: With application to a mixing impeller

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    Digital manufacturing eliminates the expense and time required to develop custom products. By utilizing this technology, designers can quickly create a customized product specifically for their performance needs. But the timescale and expense from the engineering design workflows used to develop these customized products have not been adapted from the workflows used in mass production. In many cases these customized designs build upon already successful mass-produced products that were developed using conventional engineering design workflows. Many times as part of this conventional design process significant time is spent creating and validating high fidelity models that accurately predict the performance of the final design. These existing validated high fidelity models used for the mass-produced design can be reused for analysis and design of unknown products. This thesis explores the integration of reduced order modeling and detailed analysis into the engineering design workflow developing a customized design using digital manufacturing. Specifically, detailed analysis is coupled with proper orthogonal decomposition to enable the exploration of the design space while simultaneously shaping the model representing the design. This revised workflow is examined using the design of a laboratory scale overhead mixer impeller. The case study presented here is compared with the design of the Kar Dynamic Mixer impeller developed by The Dow Chemical Company. The result of which is a customized design for a refined set of operating conditions with improved performance

    Ontology-Driven Semantic Annotations for Multiple Engineering Viewpoints in Computer Aided Design

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    Engineering design involves a series of activities to handle data, including capturing and storing data, retrieval and manipulation of data. This also applies throughout the entire product lifecycle (PLC). Unfortunately, a closed loop of knowledge and information management system has not been implemented for the PLC. As part of product lifecycle management (PLM) approaches, computer-aided design (CAD) systems are extensively used from embodiment and detail design stages in mechanical engineering. However, current CAD systems lack the ability to handle semantically-rich information, thus to represent, manage and use knowledge among multidisciplinary engineers, and to integrate various tools/services with distributed data and knowledge. To address these challenges, a general-purpose semantic annotation approach based on CAD systems in the mechanical engineering domain is proposed, which contributes to knowledge management and reuse, data interoperability and tool integration. In present-day PLM systems, annotation approaches are currently embedded in software applications and use diverse data and anchor representations, making them static, inflexible and difficult to incorporate with external systems. This research will argue that it is possible to take a generalised approach to annotation with formal annotation content structures and anchoring mechanisms described using general-purpose ontologies. In this way viewpoint-oriented annotation may readily be captured, represented and incorporated into PLM systems together with existing annotations in a common framework, and the knowledge collected or generated from multiple engineering viewpoints may be reasoned with to derive additional knowledge to enable downstream processes. Therefore, knowledge can be propagated and evolved through the PLC. Within this framework, a knowledge modelling methodology has also been proposed for developing knowledge models in various situations. In addition, a prototype system has been designed and developed in order to evaluate the core contributions of this proposed concept. According to an evaluation plan, cost estimation and finite element analysis as case studies have been used to validate the usefulness, feasibility and generality of the proposed framework. Discussion has been carried out based on this evaluation. As a conclusion, the presented research work has met the original aim and objectives, and can be improved further. At the end, some research directions have been suggested.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    1994-1995 Bulletin

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    Volume 104, Number 1 Scanned from the copy held in the Registrar\u27s Office.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/bulletin_grad/1027/thumbnail.jp

    1987-1988 Bulletin

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    Volume 98, Number 1 Scanned from the copy held in the Registrar\u27s Office.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/bulletin_grad/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Método para projeto de vagões ferroviários

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Joinville, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas, Joinville, 2019.O transporte de mercadorias nas malhas ferroviárias brasileiras vem demonstrando um crescimento no número de vagões em tráfego além de um aumento considerável em relação à tonelada quilômetro útil transportada nestes vagões, com isso as indústrias ligadas ao segmento ferroviário, sobretudo no projeto de vagões ferroviários estão buscando realizar projetos dentro das expectativas dos clientes além das expectativas internas das indústrias deste segmento. As empresas que projetam vagões ferroviários no Brasil devem levar em consideração diversas particularidades tais como: normatização, condição da via permanente, cálculo estrutural, dinâmica veicular, processos de fabricação, análise financeira, além de outros aspectos pertencentes ao segmento ferroviário. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é propor um método para o projeto de vagões ferroviários, que seja capaz de atender a todos os modelos convencionais de vagões, além de atender as demandas específicas de cada cliente, e que possa ser aplicado nos ambientes industriais e, sobretudo no âmbito acadêmico. O método proposto para projeto de vagões ferroviários irá aplicar a ferramenta DSM (Design Structure Matrix), no qual auxiliará a estruturação deste método. Além de utilizar práticas identificadas na literatura científica sobre métodos de desenvolvimento de produtos. Tem-se como resultado deste trabalho a proposta de um método para projetos de vagões ferroviários, visando, sobretudo sua aplicação educacional. Tendo sido validado por representantes estratégicos das empresas fabricantes de vagões no Brasil no âmbito industrial. O método proposto para de projetos de vagões ferroviários apresentado neste trabalho pode auxiliar o âmbito industrial, no que se refere à gestão de projetos de vagões, bem como a padronização das etapas, fases e tarefas presentes no projeto de vagões ferroviários. Cada empresa fabricante de vagões poderá personalizar este método de acordo com a sua necessidade. Portanto, este trabalho estruturou um método para projeto de vagões ferroviários, com o auxílio da ferramenta DSM, além de utilizar como base outros métodos de desenvolvimento identificados na literatura. A estrutura do método proposto contida neste trabalho, foi subdividida em 3 fases, tais como: Projeto Informacional, Projeto Conceitual e Projeto Detalhado. A aplicação deste método foi realizada no âmbito educacional, no projeto de diferentes tipos de vagões. Porém a avaliação deste método foi realizada, sobretudo no âmbito industrial por representantes estratégicos pertencentes às empresas fabricantes de vagões ferroviários do Brasil.Abstract: Freight transport in the Brazilian rail network has been showing a growth in the number of wagons in traffic, besides a considerable increase in relation to the useful tonne transported in these wagons, with this the industries related to the rail segment, especially in the rail wagons project, are seeking carry out projects within the expectations of customers beyond the internal expectations of industries in this segment. Companies that design railway wagons in Brazil should take into account several particularities such as: standardization, permanent track condition, structural calculation, vehicle dynamics, manufacturing processes, financial analysis, and other aspects pertaining to the railway segment. The general objective of this paper is to propose a method for the design of railway wagons, which is capable of meeting all conventional models of wagons, as well as meeting the specific demands of each customer, and which can be applied in industrial environments and, above all. in the academic field. The proposed method for railway wagon design will apply the DSM (Design Structure Matrix) tool, which will help to structure this method. In addition to using practices identified in the scientific literature on product development methods. The result of this work is the proposal of a method for railway wagon projects, mainly aiming at its educational application. Having been validated by strategic representatives of the wagon manufacturing companies in Brazil in the industrial area. The proposed method for railcar design presented in this paper can help the industrial scope, regarding the management of railcar projects, as well as the standardization of the stages, phases and tasks present in the railcar project. Each wagon manufacturer can customize this method according to their needs. Therefore, this work has structured a method for designing railway wagons, with the aid of the DSM tool, as well as using as a basis other development methods identified in the literature. The structure of the proposed method contained in this work was subdivided into 3 phases, such as: Informational Design, Conceptual Design and Detailed Design. The application of this method was carried out in the educational field, in the design of different types of wagons. However, the evaluation of this method was carried out, mainly at the industrial level, by strategic representatives belonging to the Brazilian railcar manufacturing companies

    Percepção háptica no design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador

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    Orientador: Prof. dr. Adriano HeemannDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/02/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : Design gráfico e de produtoResumo: Inserido no tema "Design Colaborativo", esta pesquisa investiga a importância da percepção háptica em sistemas colaborativos remotos síncronos. A pesquisa compreende a emergente necessidade de colaboração remota com times multidisciplinares para o alcance de resultados efetivos em projetos, na qual os ambientes virtuais colaborativos parecem uma aposta promissora ao design colaborativo. Neste cenário, o toque que é um componente essencial ao design de produto poderá ser quesito básico para a prática projetual virtual futura. Deste modo, delimitou-se o problema da presente pesquisa pelo seguinte questionamento: qual o papel da modalidade sensorial tato-pressão, estimulada por dispositivos hápticos, no design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador? A investigação técnica desta pesquisa foi executada com o uso metodológico de duas referências: uma revisão teórica-empírica, na qual utilizou-se do modelo estruturado de revisão bibliográfica RBS que é composto por uma revisão bibliográfica de documentos relevantes aos temas pesquisados: Colaboração, Ambientes Virtuais, Informação e Percepção, e Háptica; e uma pesquisa com a aplicação do método Delphi adaptado com as analogias da Sinética. O discurso obtido através destes métodos foi o articulador das conclusões desta pesquisa. Como objetivo geral esta pesquisa buscou determinar o papel da modalidade sensorial tatopressão, estimulada por dispositivos hápticos, no design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador. O produto final que estabelece tal determinação é composto por um mapeamento de características e propostas de pesquisa e aprimoramento do design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador apoiado por dispositivos hápticos. Dentre as conclusões observou-se que a háptica no desenvolvimento colaborativo ainda é um estudo incipiente que demanda avanços em tecnologia e pesquisa. Embora, seja uma prática em estágio inicial de desenvolvimento existe uma grande prospectiva de seu uso em sistemas futuros de desenvolvimento remoto.Abstract: Inserted on the theme "Collaborative Design", this research investigates the importance of haptic perception in synchronous remote collaborative systems. The research comprises the emerging need for remote collaboration with multidisciplinary teams to achieve tangible results in projects in which the collaborative virtual environments seem to be a promising bet to collaborative design. In this scenario, the touch which is an essential component to the product design can be a basic need for the future virtual design practice. Thereby the problem of this research is delimited by the following question: what is the role of sensory modality touch-pressure, stimulated by haptic devices in synchronous computer-mediated collaborative design? The technical investigation of this research was performed with the methodological use of two references: a theoretical and empirical review, in which was used a structured literature review RBS model that consists of a literature review of relevant documents to the topics surveyed: Collaboration, Virtual Environments, Information and Awareness and Haptics, and a research with the application of the Delphi method adapted with the analogies of Sinetica. The discourse obtained by these methods was the articulator for the conclusions of this research. As the main objective this study sought to determine the role of sensory modality touchpressure, stimulated by haptic devices in synchronous computer-mediated collaborative design. The final product that establishes this determination is made by a mapping features and proposals for research and improvement of synchronous computer-mediated collaborative design supported by haptic devices. Among the findings it was observed that the haptic collaborative development is still in an incipient study that demand advances in technology and research. Although, it is a practice in early stage of development there is a great prospect of its use in future systems for remote development

    2005-2006 General Catalog

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    Microgravity science & applications. Program tasks and bibliography for FY 1995

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    This annual report includes research projects funded by the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, Microgravity Science and Applications Division, during FY 1994. It is a compilation of program tasks (objective, description, significance, progress, students funded under research, and bibliographic citations) for flight research and ground based research in five major scientific disciplines: benchmark science, biotechnology, combustion science, fluid physics, and materials science. Advanced technology development (ATD) program task descriptions are also included. The bibliography cites the related principle investigator (PI) publications and presentations for these program tasks in FY 1994. Three appendices include a Table of Acronyms, a Guest Investigator index and a Principle Investigator index