754 research outputs found

    A metadata-enhanced framework for high performance visual effects

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    This thesis is devoted to reducing the interactive latency of image processing computations in visual effects. Film and television graphic artists depend upon low-latency feedback to receive a visual response to changes in effect parameters. We tackle latency with a domain-specific optimising compiler which leverages high-level program metadata to guide key computational and memory hierarchy optimisations. This metadata encodes static and dynamic information about data dependence and patterns of memory access in the algorithms constituting a visual effect – features that are typically difficult to extract through program analysis – and presents it to the compiler in an explicit form. By using domain-specific information as a substitute for program analysis, our compiler is able to target a set of complex source-level optimisations that a vendor compiler does not attempt, before passing the optimised source to the vendor compiler for lower-level optimisation. Three key metadata-supported optimisations are presented. The first is an adaptation of space and schedule optimisation – based upon well-known compositions of the loop fusion and array contraction transformations – to the dynamic working sets and schedules of a runtimeparameterised visual effect. This adaptation sidesteps the costly solution of runtime code generation by specialising static parameters in an offline process and exploiting dynamic metadata to adapt the schedule and contracted working sets at runtime to user-tunable parameters. The second optimisation comprises a set of transformations to generate SIMD ISA-augmented source code. Our approach differs from autovectorisation by using static metadata to identify parallelism, in place of data dependence analysis, and runtime metadata to tune the data layout to user-tunable parameters for optimal aligned memory access. The third optimisation comprises a related set of transformations to generate code for SIMT architectures, such as GPUs. Static dependence metadata is exploited to guide large-scale parallelisation for tens of thousands of in-flight threads. Optimal use of the alignment-sensitive, explicitly managed memory hierarchy is achieved by identifying inter-thread and intra-core data sharing opportunities in memory access metadata. A detailed performance analysis of these optimisations is presented for two industrially developed visual effects. In our evaluation we demonstrate up to 8.1x speed-ups on Intel and AMD multicore CPUs and up to 6.6x speed-ups on NVIDIA GPUs over our best hand-written implementations of these two effects. Programmability is enhanced by automating the generation of SIMD and SIMT implementations from a single programmer-managed scalar representation

    Deep Understanding of Technical Documents : Automated Generation of Pseudocode from Digital Diagrams & Analysis/Synthesis of Mathematical Formulas

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    The technical document is an entity that consists of several essential and interconnected parts, often referred to as modalities. Despite the extensive attention that certain parts have already received, per say the textual information, there are several aspects that severely under researched. Two such modalities are the utility of diagram images and the deep automated understanding of mathematical formulas. Inspired by existing holistic approaches to the deep understanding of technical documents, we develop a novel formal scheme for the modelling of digital diagram images. This extends to a generative framework that allows for the creation of artificial images and their annotation. We contribute on the field with the creation of a novel synthetic dataset and its generation mechanism. We propose the conversion of the pseudocode generation problem to an image captioning task and provide a family of techniques based on adaptive image partitioning. We address the mathematical formulas’ semantic understanding by conducting an evaluating survey on the field, published in May 2021. We then propose a formal synthesis framework that utilized formula graphs as metadata, reaching for novel valuable formulas. The synthesis framework is validated by a deep geometric learning mechanism, that outsources formula data to simulate the missing a priori knowledge. We close with the proof of concept, the description of the overall pipeline and our future aims

    Analyzing Handwritten and Transcribed Symbols in Disparate Corpora

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    Cuneiform tablets appertain to the oldest textual artifacts used for more than three millennia and are comparable in amount and relevance to texts written in Latin or ancient Greek. These tablets are typically found in the Middle East and were written by imprinting wedge-shaped impressions into wet clay. Motivated by the increased demand for computerized analysis of documents within the Digital Humanities, we develop the foundation for quantitative processing of cuneiform script. Using a 3D-Scanner to acquire a cuneiform tablet or manually creating line tracings are two completely different representations of the same type of text source. Each representation is typically processed with its own tool-set and the textual analysis is therefore limited to a certain type of digital representation. To homogenize these data source a unifying minimal wedge feature description is introduced. It is extracted by pattern matching and subsequent conflict resolution as cuneiform is written densely with highly overlapping wedges. Similarity metrics for cuneiform signs based on distinct assumptions are presented. (i) An implicit model represents cuneiform signs using undirected mathematical graphs and measures the similarity of signs with graph kernels. (ii) An explicit model approaches the problem of recognition by an optimal assignment between the wedge configurations of two signs. Further, methods for spotting cuneiform script are developed, combining the feature descriptors for cuneiform wedges with prior work on segmentation-free word spotting using part-structured models. The ink-ball model is adapted by treating wedge feature descriptors as individual parts. The similarity metrics and the adapted spotting model are both evaluated on a real-world dataset outperforming the state-of-the-art in cuneiform sign similarity and spotting. To prove the applicability of these methods for computational cuneiform analysis, a novel approach is presented for mining frequent constellations of wedges resulting in spatial n-grams. Furthermore, a method for automatized transliteration of tablets is evaluated by employing structured and sequential learning on a dataset of parallel sentences. Finally, the conclusion outlines how the presented methods enable the development of new tools and computational analyses, which are objective and reproducible, for quantitative processing of cuneiform script

    Task-based Adaptation of Graphical Content in Smart Visual Interfaces

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    To be effective visual representations must be adapted to their respective context of use, especially in so-called Smart Visual Interfaces striving to present specifically those information required for the task at hand. This thesis proposes a generic approach that facilitate the automatic generation of task-specific visual representations from suitable task descriptions. It is discussed how the approach is applied to four principal content types raster images, 2D vector and 3D graphics as well as data visualizations, and how existing display techniques can be integrated into the approach.Effektive visuelle Repräsentationen müssen an den jeweiligen Nutzungskontext angepasst sein, insbesondere in sog. Smart Visual Interfaces, welche anstreben, möglichst genau für die aktuelle Aufgabe benötigte Informationen anzubieten. Diese Arbeit entwirft einen generischen Ansatz zur automatischen Erzeugung aufgabenspezifischer Darstellungen anhand geeigneter Aufgabenbeschreibungen. Es wird gezeigt, wie dieser Ansatz auf vier grundlegende Inhaltstypen Rasterbilder, 2D-Vektor- und 3D-Grafik sowie Datenvisualisierungen anwendbar ist, und wie existierende Darstellungstechniken integrierbar sind

    Network anomaly detection using adversarial Deep Learning

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaComputer networks security is becoming an important and challenging topic. In particular, one currently witnesses increasingly complex attacks which are also bound to become more and more sophisticated with the advent of artificial intelligence technologies. Intrusion detection systems are a crucial component in network security. However, the limited number of publicly available network datasets and their poor traffic variety and attack diversity are a major stumbling block in the proper development of these systems. In order to overcome such difficulties and therefore maximise the detection of anomalies in the network, it is proposed the use of Adversarial Deep Learning techniques to increase the amount and variety of existing data and, simultaneously, to improve the learning ability of the classification models used for anomaly detection. This master’s dissertation main goal is the development of a system that proves capable of improving the detection of anomalies in the network through the use of Adversarial Deep Learning techniques, in particular, Generative Adversarial Networks. With this in mind, firstly, a state-of-the-art analysis and a review of existing solutions were addressed. Subsequently, efforts were made to build a modular solution to learn from imbalanced datasets with applications not only in the field of anomaly detection in the network, but also in all areas affected by imbalanced data problems. Finally, it was demonstrated the feasibility of the developed system with its application to a network flow dataset.A segurança das redes de computadores tem-se vindo a tornar num tópico importante e desafiador. Em particular, atualmente testemunham-se ataques cada vez mais complexos que, com o advento das tecnologias de inteligência artificial, tendem a tornar-se cada vez mais sofisticados. Sistemas de deteção de intrusão são uma peça chave na segurança de redes de computadores. No entanto, o número limitado de dados públicos de fluxo de rede e a sua pobre diversidade e variedade de ataques revelam-se num grande obstáculo para o correto desenvolvimento destes sistemas. De forma a ultrapassar tais adversidades e consequentemente melhorar a deteção de anomalias na rede, é proposto que sejam utilizadas técnicas de Adversarial Deep Learning para aumentar o número e variedade de dados existentes e, simultaneamente, melhorar a capacidade de aprendizagem dos modelos de classificação utilizados na deteção de anomalias. O objetivo principal desta dissertação de mestrado é o desenvolvimento de um sistema que se prove capaz de melhorar a deteção de anomalias na rede através de técnicas de Adversarial Deep Learning, em particular, através do uso de Generative Adversarial Networks. Neste sentido, primeiramente, procedeu-se à análise do estado de arte assim como à investigação de soluções existentes. Posteriormente, atuou-se de forma a desenvolver uma solução modular com aplicação não só na área de deteção de anomalias na rede, mas também em todas as áreas afetadas pelo problema de dados desbalanceados. Por fim, demonstrou-se a viabilidade do sistema desenvolvido com a sua aplicação a um conjunto de dados de fluxo de rede

    Propagating Visual Designs to Numerous Plots and Dashboards

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    In the process of developing an infrastructure for providing visualization and visual analytics (VIS) tools to epidemiologists and modeling scientists, we encountered a technical challenge for applying a number of visual designs to numerous datasets rapidly and reliably with limited development resources. In this paper, we present a technical solution to address this challenge. Operationally, we separate the tasks of data management, visual designs, and plots and dashboard deployment in order to streamline the development workflow. Technically, we utilize: an ontology to bring datasets, visual designs, and deployable plots and dashboards under the same management framework; multi-criteria search and ranking algorithms for discovering potential datasets that match a visual design; and a purposely-design user interface for propagating each visual design to appropriate datasets (often in tens and hundreds) and quality-assuring the propagation before the deployment. This technical solution has been used in the development of the RAMPVIS infrastructure for supporting a consortium of epidemiologists and modeling scientists through visualization

    19th SC@RUG 2022 proceedings 2021-2022

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