6 research outputs found

    Regular cell design approach considering lithography-induced process variations

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    The deployment delays for EUVL, forces IC design to continue using 193nm wavelength lithography with innovative and costly techniques in order to faithfully print sub-wavelength features and combat lithography induced process variations. The effect of the lithography gap in current and upcoming technologies is to cause severe distortions due to optical diffraction in the printed patterns and thus degrading manufacturing yield. Therefore, a paradigm shift in layout design is mandatory towards more regular litho-friendly cell designs in order to improve line pattern resolution. However, it is still unclear the amount of layout regularity that can be introduced and how to measure the benefits and weaknesses of regular layouts. This dissertation is focused on searching the degree of layout regularity necessary to combat lithography variability and outperform the layout quality of a design. The main contributions that have been addressed to accomplish this objective are: (1) the definition of several layout design guidelines to mitigate lithography variability; (2) the proposal of a parametric yield estimation model to evaluate the lithography impact on layout design; (3) the development of a global Layout Quality Metric (LQM) including a Regularity Metric (RM) to capture the degree of layout regularity of a layout implementation and; (4) the creation of different layout architectures exploiting the benefits of layout regularity to outperform line-pattern resolution, referred as Adaptive Lithography Aware Regular Cell Designs (ALARCs). The first part of this thesis provides several regular layout design guidelines derived from lithography simulations so that several important lithography related variation sources are minimized. Moreover, a design level methodology, referred as gate biasing, is proposed to overcome systematic layout dependent variations, across-field variations and the non-rectilinear gate effect (NRG) applied to regular fabrics by properly configuring the drawn transistor channel length. The second part of this dissertation proposes a lithography yield estimation model to predict the amount of lithography distortion expected in a printed layout due to lithography hotspots with a reduced set of lithography simulations. An efficient lithography hotspot framework to identify the different layout pattern configurations, simplify them to ease the pattern analysis and classify them according to the lithography degradation predicted using lithography simulations is presented. The yield model is calibrated with delay measurements of a reduced set of identical test circuits implemented in a CMOS 40nm technology and thus actual silicon data is utilized to obtain a more realistic yield estimation. The third part of this thesis presents a configurable Layout Quality Metric (LQM) that considering several layout aspects provides a global evaluation of a layout design with a single score. The LQM can be leveraged by assigning different weights to each evaluation metric or by modifying the parameters under analysis. The LQM is here configured following two different set of partial metrics. Note that the LQM provides a regularity metric (RM) in order to capture the degree of layout regularity applied in a layout design. Lastly, this thesis presents different ALARC designs for a 40nm technology using different degrees of layout regularity and different area overheads. The quality of the gridded regular templates is demonstrated by automatically creating a library containing 266 cells including combinational and sequential cells and synthesizing several ITC'99 benchmark circuits. Note that the regular cell libraries only presents a 9\% area penalty compared to the 2D standard cell designs used for comparison and thus providing area competitive designs. The layout evaluation of benchmark circuits considering the LQM shows that regular layouts can outperform other 2D standard cell designs depending on the layout implementation.Los continuos retrasos en la implementación de la EUVL, fuerzan que el diseño de IC se realice mediante litografía de longitud de onda de 193 nm con innovadoras y costosas técnicas para poder combatir variaciones de proceso de litografía. La gran diferencia entre la longitud de onda y el tamaño de los patrones causa severas distorsiones debido a la difracción óptica en los patrones impresos y por lo tanto degradando el yield. En consecuencia, es necesario realizar un cambio en el diseño de layouts hacia diseños más regulares para poder mejorar la resolución de los patrones. Sin embargo, todavía no está claro el grado de regularidad que se debe introducir y como medir los beneficios y los perjuicios de los diseños regulares. El objetivo de esta tesis es buscar el grado de regularidad necesario para combatir las variaciones de litografía y mejorar la calidad del layout de un diseño. Las principales contribuciones para conseguirlo son: (1) la definición de diversas reglas de diseño de layout para mitigar las variaciones de litografía; (2) la propuesta de un modelo para estimar el yield paramétrico y así evaluar el impacto de la litografía en el diseño de layout; (3) el diseño de una métrica para analizar la calidad de un layout (LQM) incluyendo una métrica para capturar el grado de regularidad de un diseño (RM) y; (4) la creación de diferentes tipos de layout explotando los beneficios de la regularidad, referidos como Adaptative Lithography Aware Regular Cell Designs (ALARCs). La primera parte de la tesis, propone las diversas reglas de diseño para layouts regulares derivadas de simulaciones de litografía de tal manera que las fuentes de variación de litografía son minimizadas. Además, se propone una metodología de diseño para layouts regulares, referida como "gate biasing" para contrarrestar las variaciones sistemáticas dependientes del layout, las variaciones en la ventana de proceso del sistema litográfico y el efecto de puerta no rectilínea para configurar la longitud del canal del transistor correctamente. La segunda parte de la tesis, detalla el modelo de estimación del yield de litografía para predecir mediante un número reducido de simulaciones de litografía la cantidad de distorsión que se espera en un layout impreso debida a "hotspots". Se propone una eficiente metodología que identifica los distintos patrones de un layout, los simplifica para facilitar el análisis de los patrones y los clasifica en relación a la degradación predecida mediante simulaciones de litografía. El modelo de yield se calibra utilizando medidas de tiempo de un número reducido de idénticos circuitos de test implementados en una tecnología CMOS de 40nm y de esta manera, se utilizan datos de silicio para obtener una estimación realista del yield. La tercera parte de este trabajo, presenta una métrica para medir la calidad del layout (LQM), que considera diversos aspectos para dar una evaluación global de un diseño mediante un único valor. La LQM puede ajustarse mediante la asignación de diferentes pesos para cada métrica de evaluación o modificando los parámetros analizados. La LQM se configura mediante dos conjuntos de medidas diferentes. Además, ésta incluye una métrica de regularidad (RM) para capturar el grado de regularidad que se aplica en un diseño. Finalmente, esta disertación presenta los distintos diseños ALARC para una tecnología de 40nm utilizando diversos grados de regularidad y diferentes impactos en área. La calidad de estos diseños se demuestra creando automáticamente una librería de 266 celdas incluyendo celdas combinacionales y secuenciales y, sintetizando diversos circuitos ITC'99. Las librerías regulares solo presentan un 9% de impacto en área comparado con diseños de celdas estándar 2D y por tanto proponiendo diseños competitivos en área. La evaluación de los circuitos considerando la LQM muestra que los diseños regulares pueden mejorar otros diseños 2D dependiendo de la implementación del layout

    Analog layout design automation: ILP-based analog routers

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    The shrinking design window and high parasitic sensitivity in the advanced technology have imposed special challenges on the analog and radio frequency (RF) integrated circuit design. In this thesis, we propose a new methodology to address such a deficiency based on integer linear programming (ILP) but without compromising the capability of handling any special constraints for the analog routing problems. Distinct from the conventional methods, our algorithm utilizes adaptive resolutions for various routing regions. For a more congested region, a routing grid with higher resolution is employed, whereas a lower-resolution grid is adopted to a less crowded routing region. Moreover, we strengthen its speciality in handling interconnect width control so as to route the electrical nets based on analog constraints while considering proper interconnect width to address the acute interconnect parasitics, mismatch minimization, and electromigration effects simultaneously. In addition, to tackle the performance degradation due to layout dependent effects (LDEs) and take advantage of optical proximity correction (OPC) for resolution enhancement of subwavelength lithography, in this thesis we have also proposed an innovative LDE-aware analog layout migration scheme, which is equipped with our special routing methodology. The LDE constraints are first identified with aid of a special sensitivity analysis and then satisfied during the layout migration process. Afterwards the electrical nets are routed by an extended OPC-inclusive ILP-based analog router to improve the final layout image fidelity while the routability and analog constraints are respected in the meantime. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed methods in terms of both circuit performance and image quality compared to the previous works

    Algorithms for Cell Layout

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    Cell layout is a critical step in the design process of computer chips. A cell is a logic function or storage element implemented in CMOS technology by transistors connected with wires. As each cell is used many times on a chip, improvements of a single cell layout can have a large effect on the overall chip performance. In the past years increasing difficulty to manufacture small feature sizes has lead to growing complexity of design rules. Producing cell layouts which are compliant with design rules and at the same time optimized w.r.t. layout size has become a difficult task for human experts. In this thesis we present BonnCell, a cell layout generator which is able to fully automatically produce design rule compliant layouts. It is able to guarantee area minimality of its layouts for small and medium sized cells. For large cells it uses a heuristic which produces layouts with a significant area reduction compared to those created manually. The routing problem is based on the Vertex Disjoint Steiner Tree Packing Problem with a large number of additional design rules. In Chapter 4 we present the routing algorithm which is based on a mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation that guarantees compliance with all design rules. The algorithm can also handle instances in which only part of the transistors are placed to check whether this partial placement can be extended to a routable placement of all transistors. Chapter 5 contains the transistor placement algorithm. Based on a branch and bound approach, it places transistors in turn and achieves efficiency by pruning parts of the search tree which do not contain optimum solutions. One major contribution of this thesis is that BonnCell only outputs routable placements. Simply checking the routability for each full placement in the search tree is too slow in practice, therefore several speedup strategies are applied. Some cells are too large to be solved by a single call of the placement algorithm. In Chapter 7 we describe how these cells are split up into smaller subcells which are placed and routed individually and subsequently merged into a placement and routing of the original cell. Two approaches for dividing the original cell into subcells are presented, one based on estimating the subcell area and the other based on solving the Min Cut Linear Arrangement Problem. BonnCell has enabled our cooperation partner IBM to drastically improve their cell design and layout process. In particular, a team of human experts needed several weeks to find a layout for their largest cell, consisting of 128 transistors. BonnCell processed this cell without manual intervention in 3 days and its layout uses 15% less area than the layout found by the human experts

    Algorithmic techniques for physical design : macro placement and under-the-cell routing

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    With the increase of chip component density and new manufacturability constraints imposed by modern technology nodes, the role of algorithms for electronic design automation is key to the successful implementation of integrated circuits. Two of the critical steps in the physical design flows are macro placement and ensuring all design rules are honored after timing closure. This thesis proposes contributions to help in these stages, easing time-consuming manual steps and helping physical design engineers to obtain better layouts in reduced turnaround time. The first contribution is under-the-cell routing, a proposal to systematically connect standard cell components via lateral pins in the lower metal layers. The aim is to reduce congestion in the upper metal layers caused by extra metal and vias, decreasing the number of design rule violations. To allow cells to connect by abutment, a standard cell library is enriched with instances containing lateral pins in a pre-selected sharing track. Algorithms are proposed to maximize the numbers of connections via lateral connection by mapping placed cell instances to layouts with lateral pins, and proposing local placement modifications to increase the opportunities for such connections. Experimental results show a significant decrease in the number of pins, vias, and in number of design rule violations, with negligible impact on wirelength and timing. The second contribution, done in collaboration with eSilicon (a leading ASIC design company), is the creation of HiDaP, a macro placement tool for modern industrial designs. The proposed approach follows a multilevel scheme to floorplan hierarchical blocks, composed of macros and standard cells. By exploiting RTL information available in the netlist, the dataflow affinity between these blocks is modeled and minimized to find a macro placement with good wirelength and timing properties. The approach is further extended to allow additional engineer input, such as preferred macro locations, and also spectral and force methods to guide the floorplanning search. Experimental results show that the layouts generated by HiDaP outperforms those obtained by a state-of-the-art EDA physical design software, with similar wirelength and better timing when compared to manually designed tape-out ready macro placements. Layouts obtained by HiDaP have successfully been brought to near timing closure with one to two rounds of small modifications by physical design engineers. HiDaP has been fully integrated in the design flows of the company and its development remains an ongoing effort.A causa de l'increment de la densitat de components en els xip i les noves restriccions de disseny imposades pels últims nodes de fabricació, el rol de l'algorísmia en l'automatització del disseny electrònic ha esdevingut clau per poder implementar circuits integrats. Dos dels passos crucials en el procés de disseny físic és el placement de macros i assegurar la correcció de les regles de disseny un cop les restriccions de timing del circuit són satisfetes. Aquesta tesi proposa contribucions per ajudar en aquests dos reptes, facilitant laboriosos passos manuals en el procés i ajudant als enginyers de disseny físic a obtenir millors resultats en menys temps. La primera contribució és el routing "under-the-cell", una proposta per connectar cel·les estàndard usant pins laterals en les capes de metall inferior de manera sistemàtica. L'objectiu és reduir la congestió en les capes de metall superior causades per l'ús de metall i vies, i així disminuir el nombre de violacions de regles de disseny. Per permetre la connexió lateral de cel·les, estenem una llibreria de cel·les estàndard amb dissenys que incorporen connexions laterals. També proposem modificacions locals al placement per permetre explotar aquest tipus de connexions més sovint. Els resultats experimentals mostren una reducció significativa en el nombre de pins, vies i nombre de violacions de regles de disseny, amb un impacte negligible en wirelength i timing. La segona contribució, desenvolupada en col·laboració amb eSilicon (una empresa capdavantera en disseny ASIC), és el desenvolupament de HiDaP, una eina de macro placement per a dissenys industrials actuals. La proposta segueix un procés multinivell per fer el floorplan de blocks jeràrquics, formats per macros i cel·les estàndard. Mitjançant la informació RTL disponible en la netlist, l'afinitat de dataflow entre els mòduls es modela i minimitza per trobar macro placements amb bones propietats de wirelength i timing. La proposta també incorpora la possibilitat de rebre input addicional de l'enginyer, com ara suggeriments de les posicions de les macros. Finalment, també usa mètodes espectrals i de forçes per guiar la cerca de floorplans. Els resultats experimentals mostren que els dissenys generats amb HiDaP són millors que els obtinguts per eines comercials capdavanteres de EDA. Els resultats també mostren que els dissenys presentats poden obtenir un wirelength similar i millor timing que macro placements obtinguts manualment, usats per fabricació. Alguns dissenys obtinguts per HiDaP s'han dut fins a timing-closure en una o dues rondes de modificacions incrementals per part d'enginyers de disseny físic. L'eina s'ha integrat en el procés de disseny de eSilicon i el seu desenvolupament continua més enllà de les aportacions a aquesta tesi.Postprint (published version

    Algorithmic techniques for physical design : macro placement and under-the-cell routing

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    With the increase of chip component density and new manufacturability constraints imposed by modern technology nodes, the role of algorithms for electronic design automation is key to the successful implementation of integrated circuits. Two of the critical steps in the physical design flows are macro placement and ensuring all design rules are honored after timing closure. This thesis proposes contributions to help in these stages, easing time-consuming manual steps and helping physical design engineers to obtain better layouts in reduced turnaround time. The first contribution is under-the-cell routing, a proposal to systematically connect standard cell components via lateral pins in the lower metal layers. The aim is to reduce congestion in the upper metal layers caused by extra metal and vias, decreasing the number of design rule violations. To allow cells to connect by abutment, a standard cell library is enriched with instances containing lateral pins in a pre-selected sharing track. Algorithms are proposed to maximize the numbers of connections via lateral connection by mapping placed cell instances to layouts with lateral pins, and proposing local placement modifications to increase the opportunities for such connections. Experimental results show a significant decrease in the number of pins, vias, and in number of design rule violations, with negligible impact on wirelength and timing. The second contribution, done in collaboration with eSilicon (a leading ASIC design company), is the creation of HiDaP, a macro placement tool for modern industrial designs. The proposed approach follows a multilevel scheme to floorplan hierarchical blocks, composed of macros and standard cells. By exploiting RTL information available in the netlist, the dataflow affinity between these blocks is modeled and minimized to find a macro placement with good wirelength and timing properties. The approach is further extended to allow additional engineer input, such as preferred macro locations, and also spectral and force methods to guide the floorplanning search. Experimental results show that the layouts generated by HiDaP outperforms those obtained by a state-of-the-art EDA physical design software, with similar wirelength and better timing when compared to manually designed tape-out ready macro placements. Layouts obtained by HiDaP have successfully been brought to near timing closure with one to two rounds of small modifications by physical design engineers. HiDaP has been fully integrated in the design flows of the company and its development remains an ongoing effort.A causa de l'increment de la densitat de components en els xip i les noves restriccions de disseny imposades pels últims nodes de fabricació, el rol de l'algorísmia en l'automatització del disseny electrònic ha esdevingut clau per poder implementar circuits integrats. Dos dels passos crucials en el procés de disseny físic és el placement de macros i assegurar la correcció de les regles de disseny un cop les restriccions de timing del circuit són satisfetes. Aquesta tesi proposa contribucions per ajudar en aquests dos reptes, facilitant laboriosos passos manuals en el procés i ajudant als enginyers de disseny físic a obtenir millors resultats en menys temps. La primera contribució és el routing "under-the-cell", una proposta per connectar cel·les estàndard usant pins laterals en les capes de metall inferior de manera sistemàtica. L'objectiu és reduir la congestió en les capes de metall superior causades per l'ús de metall i vies, i així disminuir el nombre de violacions de regles de disseny. Per permetre la connexió lateral de cel·les, estenem una llibreria de cel·les estàndard amb dissenys que incorporen connexions laterals. També proposem modificacions locals al placement per permetre explotar aquest tipus de connexions més sovint. Els resultats experimentals mostren una reducció significativa en el nombre de pins, vies i nombre de violacions de regles de disseny, amb un impacte negligible en wirelength i timing. La segona contribució, desenvolupada en col·laboració amb eSilicon (una empresa capdavantera en disseny ASIC), és el desenvolupament de HiDaP, una eina de macro placement per a dissenys industrials actuals. La proposta segueix un procés multinivell per fer el floorplan de blocks jeràrquics, formats per macros i cel·les estàndard. Mitjançant la informació RTL disponible en la netlist, l'afinitat de dataflow entre els mòduls es modela i minimitza per trobar macro placements amb bones propietats de wirelength i timing. La proposta també incorpora la possibilitat de rebre input addicional de l'enginyer, com ara suggeriments de les posicions de les macros. Finalment, també usa mètodes espectrals i de forçes per guiar la cerca de floorplans. Els resultats experimentals mostren que els dissenys generats amb HiDaP són millors que els obtinguts per eines comercials capdavanteres de EDA. Els resultats també mostren que els dissenys presentats poden obtenir un wirelength similar i millor timing que macro placements obtinguts manualment, usats per fabricació. Alguns dissenys obtinguts per HiDaP s'han dut fins a timing-closure en una o dues rondes de modificacions incrementals per part d'enginyers de disseny físic. L'eina s'ha integrat en el procés de disseny de eSilicon i el seu desenvolupament continua més enllà de les aportacions a aquesta tesi

    A boolean rule-based approach for manufacturability-aware cell routing

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    An approach for cell routing using gridded design rules is proposed. It is technology-independent and parameterizable for different fabrics and design rules, including support for multiple-patterning lithography. The core contribution is a detailed-routing algorithm based on a Boolean formulation of the problem. The algorithm uses a novel encoding scheme, graph theory to support floating terminals, efficient heuristics to reduce the computational cost, and minimization of the number of unconnected pins in case the cell is unroutable. The versatility of the algorithm is demonstrated by routing single-and double-height cells. The efficiency is ascertained by synthesizing a library with 127 cells in about one hour and a half of CPU time. The layouts derived by the implemented tool have also been compared with the ones from a commercial library; thus, showing the competitiveness of the approach for gridded geometries.Peer Reviewe