335 research outputs found

    ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KINERJA FORMASI BLUENET DAN FORMASI BLUETREES PADA BLUETOOTH SCATTERNET (Performance Comparison Analysis of Bluenet Formation and Bluetrees Formation in Bluetooth Scatternet)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada saat sekarang ini komunikasi wireless menjadi penting keberadaannya. Bluetooth merupakan suatu teknologi nirkabel menggunakan frekuensi 2.4 GHz dengan biaya dan penggunaan daya yang relatif rendah. Pada mulanya bluetooth ditujukan sebagai pengganti perangkat kabel, namun seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi bluetooth dapat membentuk suatu personal network yang dianalogikan sebagai piconet. Jaringan piconet yang terdiri atas satu master dan tujuh buah slave dapat membentuk jaringan yang lebih luas yang disebut dengan scatternet yang merupakan suatu multiple-piconet. Namun belum ada protokol formasi scatternet yang terdapat pada spesifikasi bluetooth secara terperinci. Selama ini telah banyak riset dilakukan mengenai protokol formasi pembentukan scatternet diantaranya adalah bluenet dan bluetrees.Pada kedua protokol formasi tersebut akan menghasilkan suatu topologi jaringan yang berbeda-beda. Perbedaan ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah peranan masing-masing node pada perangkat bluetooth yang dapat berperan sebagai node master, node slave dan node bridge. Bentuk topologi jaringan scatternet yang berbeda ini akan berpengaruh pada kinerja jaringan. Untuk itu perlu dilakukannya perbandingan terhadap performansi yang dihasilkan dari kedua protokol formasi tersebut. Sesuai pernyataan diatas pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan suatu perbandingan kinerja dari kedua algoritma formasi scatternet yakni bluenet dan bluetrees. Adapun yang menjadi parameter-parameter sebagai tolak ukur keefektifan didasarkan topologi scatternet yang dihasilkan oleh kedua algoritma. Secara umum parameter tersebut meliputi jarak lintasan terpendek, aliran maksimum, serta waktu pembentukan scatternet agar terhubung penuh.Pada simulasi akan memperlihatkan pengaruh dari scatternet parameter yang dihasilkan oleh kedua algoritma. Dan juga akan terlihat bahwa algoritma bluenet menghasilkan suatu topologi dengan performansi yang lebih baik pada indeks shortest path ratio mendekati nilai 1 dan pada maximum traffic flow yang berada pada level rata-rata mencapai 700 Kbps dengan deviasi dibawah 200 Kbps. Namun pada algoritma bluetrees, waktu pembentukan scatternet akan lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan algoritma bluenet yakni hanya dalam periode 6 s dalam jumlah 50 node.Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: At this time the existence of wireless communication system was important thing to be occurred. Bluetooth is wireless technology that operates in 2.4 GHz of frequencies with low power and little cost. In the beginning time bluetooth wireless technology was used as roles of cable devices replacement, but in the grown of bluetooth technology, it could make personal network is called piconet. Piconet contains one master and seven unit slaves. It possibly builds a larger network which is called scatternet as a multiple-piconet. The scatternet formation protocol had not been specified in bluetooth specification. So many researches have been proposed in scatternet formation protocols which the one called bluenet and another one called bluetrees.Both of formation protocols have a different topology result. The different could be observed from the roles number of each node. The roles could be master, slave and bridge node. The different of scatternet topology structure will effect in network performance. Because of that reason is necessary to make comparison of performance by both of scatternet formation protocol resulted. In this final task will make some performance comparison from the both of scatternet formation bluenet and bluetrees. The index effectiveness based on scatternet topology structure from both algorithms. The index parameter consists of shortest path range, maximum flow, and scatternet formation time to get fully connected.Simulation show the effect of scatternet parameter resulted by both of algorithm. From that point it shows that bluenet algorithm build topology with better performance at shortest path ratio near up to 1 and more stable maximum traffic flow parameter up to 700 Kbps in mean and under 200 Kbps in deviation. However, in bluetrees algorithm scatternet formation time will be shorter than bluenet algorithm within 6 s periods at 50 numbers of nodes.Keyword


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    A Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) is an ad hoc network that consists of devices that surround an individual or an object. Bluetooth® technology is especially suitable for formation of WPANs due to the pervasiveness of devices with Bluetooth® chipsets, its operation in the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) frequency band, and its interference resilience. Bluetooth® technology has great potential to become the de facto standard for communication between heterogeneous devices in WPANs. The piconet, which is the basic Bluetooth® networking unit, utilizes a Master/Slave (MS) configuration that permits only a single master and up to seven active slave devices. This structure limitation prevents Bluetooth® devices from directly participating in larger Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). In order to build larger Bluetooth® topologies, called scatternets, individual piconets must be interconnected. Since each piconet has a unique frequency hopping sequence, piconet interconnections are done by allowing some nodes, called bridges, to participate in more than one piconet. These bridge nodes divide their time between piconets by switching between Frequency Hopping (FH) channels and synchronizing to the piconet\u27s master. In this dissertation we address scatternet formation, routing, and security to make Bluetooth® scatternet communication feasible. We define criteria for efficient scatternet topologies, describe characteristics of different scatternet topology models as well as compare and contrast their properties, classify existing scatternet formation approaches based on the aforementioned models, and propose a distributed scatternet formation algorithm that efficiently forms a scatternet topology and is resilient to node failures. We propose a hybrid routing algorithm, using a bridge link agnostic approach, that provides on-demand discovery of destination devices by their address or by the services that devices provide to their peers, by extending the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) to scatternets. We also propose a link level security scheme that provides secure communication between adjacent piconet masters, within what we call an Extended Scatternet Neighborhood (ESN)

    Distributed Construction and Maintenance of Bandwidth-Efficient Bluetooth Scatternets

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    Bluetooth networks can be constructed as piconets or scatternets depending on the number of nodes in the network. Although piconet construction is a well-defined process specified in Bluetooth standards, scatternet construction policies and algorithms are not well specified. Among many solution proposals for this problem, only a few of them focus on efficient usage of bandwidth in the resulting scatternets. In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm for the scatternet construction problem, that dynamically constructs and maintains a scatternet based on estimated traffic flow rates between nodes. The algorithm is adaptive to changes and maintains a constructed scatternet for bandwidth-efficiency when nodes come and go or when traffic flow rates change. Based on simulations, the paper also presents the improvements in bandwidth-efficiency provided by the proposed algorithm

    Analisis Pengembangan Dynamic Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma MTSF dan TSF

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    ABSTRAKSI: Komunikasi mobile pada saat ini menjadi sangat penting. Banyak perangkat yang menyediakan layanan dan fasilitas bagi user untuk dapat saling berhubungan satu sama lainnya atau infrastruktur komunikasi yang global seperti internet.Teknologi Bluetooth menggunakan komunikasi radio jarak dekat yang dapat menggantikan hubungan antara satu perangkat dengan perangkat lain yang secara normal menggunakan kabel sebagai penghubungnya. Teknologi Bluetooth dapat membentuk jaringan ad-hoc antar perangkatnya, yang mana perangkat-perangkatnya dapat membentuk suatu jaringan tanpa infrastruktur yang ada. Pada sistem Bluetooth, perangkat-perangkatnya dapat membentuk suatu jaringan kecil yang disebut piconet. Kemudian beberapa piconet dapat saling berhubungan dan membentuk jaringan yang lebih luas yang disebut dengan scatternet. Perangkat-perangkat Bluetooth juga dapat bergerak bebas dari satu piconet ke piconet lain, dan bahkan dari satu scatternet ke scatternet lain. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu algoritma yang berfungsi membangun formasi scatternet pada kondisi perangkat-perangkatnya bebas bergerak.Hingga saat ini telah banyak metoda yang berkembang untuk membentuk formasi scatternet pada Bluetooth dalam kondisi perangkat yang dinamis. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisa performansi formasi scatternet yang dihasilkan melalui algoritma scatternet MTSF ( Mesh Topology Scatternet Formation ) dan algoritma scatternet TSF ( Tree Scatternet Formation) dalam kondisi perangkat yang dinamis.Hasil dari pemakaian kedua algoritma tersebut diharapkan dapat menghasilkan suatu topologi jaringan scatternet yang efisien, meskipun ada node dalam scatternet yang bebas bergerak. Dengan menggunakan kedua algoritma tersebut dapat membuat jaringan baru pada kondisi mobile dengan kapasitas yang lebih besar dan shortest path yang lebih kecil pada jumlah node yang beraneka ragam.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Mobile communications are very important now. There are many devices that offer services and facility for user to communicate each other or global communication infrastructure such as internet.Bluetooth technology using short range radio communication that can replace connectivity between one device to another which usually using wire to get connected. Bluetooth also enables ad hoc networking with the devices. In this case the devices are able to form a network without an existing infrastructure. On Bluetooth system, the devices can communicate each other and make piconet. Then piconets get connected and make wider network, its called scatternet. Bluetooth devices can also mobile from one piconet to other piconet and even from one scatternet to other scatternet. For that, needed an algorithm to make scatternet formation which is the device is mobile.Now a day’s many method has been found to make scatternet formation on Bluetooth technology where is devices move dynamically. The purpose of this final project is to analyze and compare the performance of scatternet formation that resulted from MTSF (Mesh Topology Scatternet Formation) and TSF (Tree Scatternet Formation) scatternet algorithm.The result using two algorithm hopes can make an efficient scatternet network topology although there are free nodes on the scatternet. So that can make a new network with bigger capacity and better shortest path on the larger number of nodes.Keyword:

    Message forwarding techniques in Bluetooth enabled opportunistic communication environment

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    These days, most of the mobile phones are smart enough with computer like intelligence and equipped with multiple communication technologies such as Bluetooth, wireless LAN, GPRS and GSM. Different communication medium on single device have unlocked the new horizon of communication means. Modern mobile phones are not only capable of using traditional way of communication via GSM or GPRS; but, also use wireless LANs using access points where available. Among these communication means, Bluetooth technology is very intriguing and unique in nature. Any two devices equipped with Bluetooth technology can communicate directly due to their unique IDs in the world. This is opposite to GSM or Wireless LAN technology; where devices are dependent on infrastructure of service providers and have to pay for their services. Due to continual advancement in the field of mobile technology, mobile ad-hoc network seems to be more realised than ever using Bluetooth. In traditional mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), before information sharing, devices have partial or full knowledge of routes to the destinations using ad-hoc routing protocols. This kind of communication can only be realised if nodes follow the certain pattern. However, in reality mobile ad-hoc networks are highly unpredictable, any node can join or leave network at any time, thus making them risky for effective communication. This issue is addressed by introducing new breed of ad-hoc networking, known as opportunistic networks. Opportunistic networking is a concept that is evolved from mobile ad-hoc networking. In opportunistic networks nodes have no prior knowledge of routes to intended destinations. Any node in the network can be used as potential forwarder with the exception of taking information one step closer to intended destination. The forwarding decision is based on the information gathered from the source node or encountering node. The opportunistic forwarding can only be achieved if message forwarding is carried out in store and forward fashion. Although, opportunistic networks are more flexible than traditional MANETs, however, due to little insight of network, it poses distinct challenges such as intermittent connectivity, variable delays, short connection duration and dynamic topology. Addressing these challenges in opportunistic network is the basis for developing new and efficient protocols for information sharing. The aim of this research is to design different routing/forwarding techniques for opportunistic networks to improve the overall message delivery at destinations while keeping the communication cost very low. Some assumptions are considered to improved directivity of message flow towards intended destinations. These assumptions exploit human social relationships analogies, approximate awareness of the location of nodes in the network and use of hybrid communication by combining several routing concept to gain maximum message directivity. Enhancement in message forwarding in opportunistic networks can be achieved by targeting key nodes that show high degree of influence, popularity or knowledge inside the network. Based on this observation, this thesis presents an improved version of Lobby Influence (LI) algorithm called as Enhanced Lobby Influence (ELI). In LI, the forwarding decision is based on two important factors, popularity of node and popularity of node’s neighbour. The forwarding decision of Enhanced Lobby Influence not only depends on the intermediate node selection criteria as defined in Lobby Influence but also based on the knowledge of previously direct message delivery of intended destination. An improvement can be observed if nodes are aware of approximate position of intended destinations by some communication means such as GPS, GSM or WLAN access points. With the knowledge of nodes position in the network, high message directivity can be achieved by using simple concepts of direction vectors. Based on this observation, this research presents another new algorithm named as Location-aware opportunistic content forwarding (LOC). Last but not least, this research presents an orthodox yet unexplored approach for efficient message forwarding in Bluetooth communication environment, named as Hybrid Content Forwarding (HCF). The new approach combines the characteristics of social centrality based forwarding techniques used in opportunistic networks with traditional MANETs protocols used in Bluetooth scatternets. Simulation results show that a significant increase in delivery radio and cost reduction during content forwarding is observed by deploying these proposed algorithms. Also, comparison with existing technique shows the efficiency of using the new schemes

    A survey on Bluetooth multi-hop networks

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    Bluetooth was firstly announced in 1998. Originally designed as cable replacement connecting devices in a point-to-point fashion its high penetration arouses interest in its ad-hoc networking potential. This ad-hoc networking potential of Bluetooth is advertised for years - but until recently no actual products were available and less than a handful of real Bluetooth multi-hop network deployments were reported. The turnaround was triggered by the release of the Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Profile which is unquestionable a great achievement but not well suited for all use cases of multi-hop networks. This paper surveys the tremendous work done on Bluetooth multi-hop networks during the last 20 years. All aspects are discussed with demands for a real world Bluetooth multi-hop operation in mind. Relationships and side effects of different topics for a real world implementation are explained. This unique focus distinguishes this survey from existing ones. Furthermore, to the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first survey consolidating the work on Bluetooth multi-hop networks for classic Bluetooth technology as well as for Bluetooth Low Energy. Another individual characteristic of this survey is a synopsis of real world Bluetooth multi-hop network deployment efforts. In fact, there are only four reports of a successful establishment of a Bluetooth multi-hop network with more than 30 nodes and only one of them was integrated in a real world application - namely a photovoltaic power plant. © 2019 The Author

    SF-Devil: Distributed Bluetooth scatternet formation algorithm based on device and link characteristics

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    Bluetooth has become very popular owing to the fact that it is a promising ad-hoc networking technology for short ranges. Although construction and operation of piconets is well defined in Bluetooth specifications, there is no unique standard for scatternet formation and operation. In this paper, we propose a distributed Bluetooth scatternet formation algorithm based on device and link characteristics (SF-DeviL). SF-DeviL handles energy efficiency using class devices and the received signal strength. SF-DeviL forms scatternets that are robust to position changes and battery depletions. © 2003 IEEE