1,625 research outputs found

    Flipping the Undergraduate Classroom to Develop Student Analytical Thinking Skills

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    In Thailand, analytical thinking skills (ATS) have been identified as an essential element in the development of a 21st-century workforce. Moreover, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the concern for student health and safety, the Thai Ministry of Education has stated that online education will become part of the New Normal in education. Therefore, it has become imperative that the most effective methods and mechanisms be found for online teaching in Thailand. Therefore, the authors investigated which factors increase Thai student ATS by flipping the classroom environment and using digital storytelling and inquiry-based learning (IBL). Therefore, this research aims to develop and evaluate the LIFD ATS instruction model to study the proposed effects of the ATS instruction model. A mixed research methodology was employed. The mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used to analyze the data. From the qualitative review, an initial learning model was developed and subsequently examined by a panel of eight education experts. After that, 40 students became the study's experimental group for the revised model. The results showed that the results of the expert assessment of the learning environment model using a flipped classroom combined with IBL and digital storytelling to promote ATS and academic achievement had appropriateness at the highest level. The evaluation of the student results using the ATS model identified four significant results. These were: 1) Post-test after the student's use of the ATS model determined their ATS abilities were higher than before the class. 2) Student learning achievement, innovation, and ICT skills increased as an outcome of the ATS model’s use. 3) The comparison of academic achievement after study of the students who studied with the format was 83.33%, higher than the specified 80% criteria and previously established assumptions. 4) The evaluation results of the model’s effectiveness determined that the learning effectiveness index (EI) of the learners was 0.6666 and the EI of the ATS was 0.6966, which was higher than 0.50, thus meeting the specified criteria. The study contributes to the knowledge concerning student ATS and these skills’ importance to a 21st century knowledge worker. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-04-06 Full Text: PD

    Development of an Online Active Learning Model Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligence to Encourage Thai Undergraduate Student Analytical Thinking Skills

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    This research aim was to create an online active learning (OAL) model using Multiple Intelligence Theory (MIT) to promote Thai undergraduate analytical thinking skills (ATS). Eight experts assisted with their expertise in the model’s development and five for the model’s final assessment. The research tools used consisted of an interview form and a model assessment form. The results showed that the PPICE learning model consisted of nine elements and five steps. The five steps were preparation and problem determination (Step 1), problem analysis (Step 2), study and collect relevant information to practice thinking (Step 3), conclusion and presentations (Step 4), lesson summary and evaluation (Step 5). The expert's assessment of the PPICE Model revealed that overall the model was at its 'best' level (mean = 4.63, SD = .048). Moreover, the experts judged the model's nine components as the 'best' (mean = 4.74, SD = 0.38), with measurement and evaluation second (mean = 4.70, SD = 0.45), and teaching and learning activity processes third (mean = 4.66, SD = 0.48)

    School Management Factors Affecting Student Quality: A Case Study of the Thai Triam Udom Suksa Pattanakarn School Group

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    The research objectives were to study the factors of school management and their guidelines that affect learner quality. The sample was drawn from one of Thailand’s 19 Triam Udom Suksa Pattanakarn (TRIAMPAT) group schools which have an enrollment of 30,644 students and 1,404 educators. Using a mixed research methodology and stratified random sampling 246 teachers and administrators were selected from 1,404 educators. This included 19 school administrators, 56 deputy administrators, 19 academic supervisors, and 152 teachers from eight learning groups. Descriptive statistics included the percentage, mean, and standard deviation used. Stepwise multiple regression and content analysis were also used. The results revealed that two factors affect institutional management and have a statistically significant effect on learner quality. These were the learning resource, media, technology, innovation, and research (x5) factors and the curriculum and teaching-learning system (x6) factors at the 0.01 level, with a predictive coefficient (R2 ) of 0.35. This indicates that x5 and x6 together predicted the quality of learners in the TRIAMPAT school group by 35%

    The Use of Blended Learning to Support Vocabulary Learning and Knowledge Retention in Thai Tertiary EFL Classrooms

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the feasibility of a blended learning approach to enhance students’ vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary knowledge retention in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms at the tertiary level in Thailand. This was to address challenges in relation to practice and use of English language, rote learning and memorisation, limited one-to-one interaction with peers and teacher, lack of learner-centredness, and low rate of knowledge retention. This study was conducted as a quasi-experimental design, employing the sample from four intact classes with a total of 146 students who registered in an English course at a university in Bangkok, Thailand. The sample was divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was exposed to the flipped classroom model, while the control group was taught in the traditional setting. Research tools consisted of an English language proficiency test, vocabulary pre-test, post-test, and delayed test, questionnaire, interviews and observations. The quantitative findings revealed a negative overall impact of the blended learning instruction on the experimental group, and on some particular classes and different academic majors. Gender differences and correlations occurred between language proficiency, vocabulary knowledge and knowledge retention. Qualitative results indicated that students and teachers had positive perceptions and attitudes towards feasibility of the approach. Although the blended learning method is perceived in a positive and feasible way, it may only be applicable for some particular groups or types of learners. Hence, different aspects regarding nature of learners and language learning should be taken into consideration, these include: language abilities, background knowledge, gender, academic majors, learners’ characteristics and capabilities, content and assessment, and selective types of technology

    An investigation into the development of English language reading comprehension among Thai undergraduate students using an online blended learning approach

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    This study investigated the use of a blended learning approach to the teaching of English reading comprehension in a Thai university. The study revealed while Thai learners experienced many difficulties with developing their reading comprehension, the blended learning program assisted in reducing the difficulties they experienced. The study also revealed that participants not only made significantly higher progress in the blended learning program but also enhanced their capacity for autonomous learning

    Problem-based Blended Learning Using Video Tutorial in Accordance with Student Ability

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    Blended learning as a teaching methodology has been widely used in the world of education. It can be used in practicum courses by combining several models so that students can more easily understand the material. Problem-based learning can be a means for students to be able to think critically. In this study, problem-based learning is combined with a video tutorial to form a blended learning model for computer programming practicum teaching that requires instructions and tutorials on the application usage as well as case studies. This model is also combined with the dissemination of material in the form of video tutorials and problem-based questions according to students’ ability. The ability of students was then measured from the workmanship of the question given at the beginning of the study. This type of research uses a modified version of the concept of Ibrahim and Nur. Data were collected through documents and via observations. The result of this study showed that a blended learning model helped in teaching practicum courses with a programming video tutorial containing instructions was uploaded on YouTube, where it was available for the students to re-refer the material if they were unable to understand it at the first attempt. Keywords: programming, teaching, video tutorial, blended learning, practicu

    The Impact of Blended Learning Strategies on Improving Jordanian EFL Students' Grammar and Vocabulary

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    The main purpose of the study is to measure the effect of blended learning strategy in improving EFL learners' competence in vocabulary and grammar. The sample of the study consists of 50 Jordanian undergraduate students studying English language and Literature at Al Balqa Applied University. The participants were divided equally into two groups: the experimental group learned the target vocabulary and grammar through blended learning strategies and the control group learned the same vocabulary and grammar through the traditional way of teaching. The participants sat for a pre-test and a post-test. Additional to the conventional methods of teaching, the researcher used the e-learning system developed by Al Balqa Applied University to teach grammar and vocabulary to the experimental group. The findings of the study indicated that the experimental group was significantly improved compared to the control group. The study concluded that blended learning strategy was a useful tool to enhance students' learning of English vocabulary and grammar. Keywords: blended learning; competence; EFL; grammar; vocabulary DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-23-01 Publication date:August 31st 202

    An Investigation of the Impact of Student Satisfaction on Student Outcomes Among Undergraduate Students in a Blended Learning Environment in University A

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of student satisfaction on student outcomes among undergraduate students in a blended learning environment in University A. It was a quantitative predictive correlational design, with predictor variables satisfaction with course, sex, age and race/ethnicity, and criterion variable end-of-course score. The Corona Virus pandemic highlighted the central role of blended and online learning in educational processes globally. The technological revolution in education characterized by the infusion of digital technologies in classrooms, indicates that blended learning will continue to feature prominently in educational settings. Student satisfaction in blended learning redounds to the benefit of students and educational institutions since it could contribute to improved pedagogical and curricular practices, goodwill, enhanced reputation, and increased enrollment. Participants for this study were drawn from a convenience sample of 330 undergraduate students enrolled in a blended general education course at University A. Data collection procedures for predictor variables were accomplished through the online administration of the Satisfaction with Blended eLearning Systems (BELS) Questionnaire, while criterion variable data was garnered from student records. Applying multiple linear regression analysis, a statistically significant relationship was found between the linear combination of satisfaction with course, sex, age, race/ethnicity and end-of-course score. However, satisfaction with course emerged as the only significant predictor of the end-of-course score. Course satisfaction in blended learning settings influences performance. Further investigations are needed in other tertiary level institutions in the Caribbean, across different disciplines, and different blended learning delivery methods

    Thai Pre-Service Teacher Learning Management Model Development for Online Learning and Coaching

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    With the emergence of the Covid-19 epidemic the realization that online teaching and learning management became a high priority with many education institutions worldwide. In Thailand, government mandated online learning and coaching solutions became the ’New Normal’ imperative across all levels of the educational system. Therefore, the researchers undertook a systematic literature review (SLR) of both Thai and international literature to establish which factors played a key role. From the SLR, a determination was made that the proposed model should contain project-based learning management (PBLM) and online coaching through information communication technology (ICT) systems. The results revealed that the proposed model should contain six main steps which the authors labeled the DSPDPE Model (define, select, plan, do, present, evaluate). The six steps of learning activities included Step 1’s planning to enter a project, Step 2’s choosing a project topic, Step 3’s planning and analysis of work, Step 4’s project implementation, Step 5’s presentation of study results, and Step 6’s project evaluation


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    While blended teaching is increasingly becoming popular in higher education all over the world, the concept has recently been paid attention to in Vietnam’s context. However, under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic online teaching and blended teaching suddenly become a popular trend in Vietnamese higher education. Few studies have been conducted to explore topics related to blended learning in Vietnam and the current study was conducted to fill such a gap. This study focuses on exploring English-majored students’ perceptions toward the benefits and challenges of blended leaching in EFL classes. Participants included 440 English-majored students ranging from 18 to 22 years old coming from three study majors namely English Teacher Education, English Language Studies and English Interpretation and Translation in a multi-disciplinary university of 56 years old in Vietnam. Findings reveal that students perceived that blended learning offers them various benefits as well as some challenges. Suggestions are proposed to enhance blended learning for English-majored students in Vietnam and elsewhere.  Article visualizations
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