102 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Bioinspired Neural Network Based Real-Time Path Planning Method for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Real-time path planning for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is a very difficult and challenging task. Bioinspired neural network (BINN) has been used to deal with this problem for its many distinct advantages: that is, no learning process is needed and realization is also easy. However, there are some shortcomings when BINN is applied to AUV path planning in a three-dimensional (3D) unknown environment, including complex computing problem when the environment is very large and repeated path problem when the size of obstacles is bigger than the detection range of sensors. To deal with these problems, an improved dynamic BINN is proposed in this paper. In this proposed method, the AUV is regarded as the core of the BINN and the size of the BINN is based on the detection range of sensors. Then the BINN will move with the AUV and the computing could be reduced. A virtual target is proposed in the path planning method to ensure that the AUV can move to the real target effectively and avoid big-size obstacles automatically. Furthermore, a target attractor concept is introduced to improve the computing efficiency of neural activities. Finally, some experiments are conducted under various 3D underwater environments. The experimental results show that the proposed BINN based method can deal with the real-time path planning problem for AUV efficiently

    End-to-end Reinforcement Learning for Online Coverage Path Planning in Unknown Environments

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    Coverage path planning is the problem of finding the shortest path that covers the entire free space of a given confined area, with applications ranging from robotic lawn mowing and vacuum cleaning, to demining and search-and-rescue tasks. While offline methods can find provably complete, and in some cases optimal, paths for known environments, their value is limited in online scenarios where the environment is not known beforehand, especially in the presence of non-static obstacles. We propose an end-to-end reinforcement learning-based approach in continuous state and action space, for the online coverage path planning problem that can handle unknown environments. We construct the observation space from both global maps and local sensory inputs, allowing the agent to plan a long-term path, and simultaneously act on short-term obstacle detections. To account for large-scale environments, we propose to use a multi-scale map input representation. Furthermore, we propose a novel total variation reward term for eliminating thin strips of uncovered space in the learned path. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we perform extensive experiments in simulation with a distance sensor, surpassing the performance of a recent reinforcement learning-based approach

    A Bioinspired Neural Model Based Extended Kalman Filter for Robot SLAM

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    Robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem is a very important and challenging issue in the robotic field. The main tasks of SLAM include how to reduce the localization error and the estimated error of the landmarks and improve the robustness and accuracy of the algorithms. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) based method is one of the most popular methods for SLAM. However, the accuracy of the EKF based SLAM algorithm will be reduced when the noise model is inaccurate. To solve this problem, a novel bioinspired neural model based SLAM approach is proposed in this paper. In the proposed approach, an adaptive EKF based SLAM structure is proposed, and a bioinspired neural model is used to adjust the weights of system noise and observation noise adaptively, which can guarantee the stability of the filter and the accuracy of the SLAM algorithm. The proposed approach can deal with the SLAM problem in various situations, for example, the noise is in abnormal conditions. Finally, some simulation experiments are carried out to validate and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach

    Biologically Inspired Intelligence with Applications on Robot Navigation

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    Biologically inspired intelligence technique, an important embranchment of series on computational intelligence, plays a crucial role for robotics. The autonomous robot and vehicle industry has had an immense impact on our economy and society and this trend will continue with biologically inspired neural network techniques. In this chapter, multiple robots cooperate to achieve a common coverage goal efficiently, which can improve the work capacity, share the coverage tasks, and reduce the completion time by a biologically inspired intelligence technique, is addressed. In many real-world applications, the coverage task has to be completed without any prior knowledge of the environment. In this chapter, a neural dynamics approach is proposed for complete area coverage by multiple robots. A bio-inspired neural network is designed to model the dynamic environment and to guide a team of robots for the coverage task. The dynamics of each neuron in the topologically organized neural network is characterized by a shunting neural equation. Each mobile robot treats the other robots as moving obstacles. Each robot path is autonomously generated from the dynamic activity landscape of the neural network and the previous robot position. The proposed model algorithm is computationally simple. The feasibility is validated by four simulation studies

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Bioinspired Coordinated Path Following for Vessels with Speed Saturation Based on Virtual Leader

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    This paper investigates the coordinated path following of multiple marine vessels with speed saturation. Based on virtual leader strategy, the authors show how the neural dynamic model and passivity-based techniques are brought together to yield a distributed control strategy. The desired path following is achieved by means of a virtual dynamic leader, whose controller is designed based on the biological neural shunting model. Utilizing the characteristic of bounded and smooth output of neural dynamic model, the tracking error jump is avoided and speed saturation problem is solved in straight path. Meanwhile, the coordinated path following of multiple vessels with a desired spatial formation is achieved through defining the formation reference point. The consensus of formation reference point is realized by using the synchronization controller based on passivity. Finally, simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed coordinated algorithm

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Complete Coverage Path Planning in Unknown Environments

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    Mobile robots must operate autonomously, often in unknown and unstructured environments. To achieve this objective, a robot must be able to correctly perceive its environment, plan its path, and move around safely, without human supervision. Navigation from an initial position to a target lo- cation has been a challenging problem in robotics. This work examined the particular navigation task requiring complete coverage planning in outdoor environments. A motion planner based on Deep Reinforcement Learning is proposed where a Deep Q-network is trained to learn a control policy to approximate the optimal strategy, using a dynamic map of the environment. In addition to this path planning algorithm, a computer vision system is presented as a way to capture the images of a stereo camera embedded on the robot, detect obstacles and update the workspace map. Simulation results show that the algorithm generalizes well to different types of environments. After multiple sequences of training of the Reinforcement Learning agent, the virtual mobile robot is able to cover the whole space with a coverage rate of over 80% on average, starting from a varying initial position, while avoiding obstacles by using relying on local sensory information. The experiments also demonstrate that the DQN agent was able to better perform the coverage when compared to a human
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