10 research outputs found

    Some topics in fuzzy logic

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    2008-2009Si trattano diversi aspetti della logica fuzzy, in particolare: 1) le proprietà preservate da un modello fuzzy ogniqualvolta esso è sottoposto a qualche genere di modifica; 2) la programmazione logica fuzzy, la logica della similarità e la metaprogrammazione, considerando la relazione di sinonimia tra predicati; 3) la connessione tra logica fuzzy e teoria dei bireticoli per il trattamento sia della verità che del grado di informazione.VIII n.s

    Preference Modelling

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    This paper provides the reader with a presentation of preference modelling fundamental notions as well as some recent results in this field. Preference modelling is an inevitable step in a variety of fields: economy, sociology, psychology, mathematical programming, even medicine, archaeology, and obviously decision analysis. Our notation and some basic definitions, such as those of binary relation, properties and ordered sets, are presented at the beginning of the paper. We start by discussing different reasons for constructing a model or preference. We then go through a number of issues that influence the construction of preference models. Different formalisations besides classical logic such as fuzzy sets and non-classical logics become necessary. We then present different types of preference structures reflecting the behavior of a decision-maker: classical, extended and valued ones. It is relevant to have a numerical representation of preferences: functional representations, value functions. The concepts of thresholds and minimal representation are also introduced in this section. In section 7, we briefly explore the concept of deontic logic (logic of preference) and other formalisms associated with "compact representation of preferences" introduced for special purpoes. We end the paper with some concluding remarks

    A bilattice-based framework for handling graded truth and imprecision

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    We present a family of algebraic structures, called rectangular bilattices, which serve as a natural accommodation and powerful generalization to both intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and interval-valued fuzzy sets (IVFSs). These structures are useful on one hand to clarify the exact nature of the relationship between the above two common extensions of fuzzy sets, and on the other hand provide an intuitively attractive framework for the representation of uncertain and potentially conflicting information. We also provide these structures with adequately defined graded versions of the basic logical connectives, and study their properties and relationships. Application potential and intuitive appeal of the proposed framework are illustrated in the context of preference modeling

    Computational Complexity of Strong Admissibility for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks

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    Abstract dialectical frameworks (ADFs) have been introduced as a formalism for modeling and evaluating argumentation allowing general logical satisfaction conditions. Different criteria used to settle the acceptance of arguments arecalled semantics. Semantics of ADFs have so far mainly been defined based on the concept of admissibility. Recently, the notion of strong admissibility has been introduced for ADFs. In the current work we study the computational complexityof the following reasoning tasks under strong admissibility semantics. We address 1. the credulous/skeptical decision problem; 2. the verification problem; 3. the strong justification problem; and 4. the problem of finding a smallest witness of strong justification of a queried argument