220 research outputs found

    A Framework for Industry 4.0

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    The potential of the Industry 4.0 will allow the national industry to develop all kinds of procedures, especially in terms of competitive differentiation. The prospects and motivations behind Industry 4.0 are related to the management that is essentially geared towards industrial internet, to the integrated analysis and use of data, to the digitalization of products and services, to new disruptive business models and to the cooperation within the value chain. It is through the integration of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), into the maintenance process that it is possible to carry out a continuous monitoring of industrial machines, as well as to apply advanced techniques for predictive and proactive maintenance. The present work is based on the MANTIS project, aiming to construct a specific platform for the proactive maintenance of industrial machines, targeting particularly the case of GreenBender ADIRA Steel Sheet. In other words, the aim is to reduce maintenance costs, increase the efficiency of the process and consequently the profit. Essentially, the MANTIS project is a multinational research project, where the CISTER Research Unit plays a key role, particularly in providing the communications infrastructure for one MANTIS Pilot. The methodology is based on a follow-up study, which is jointly carried with the client, as well as within the scope of the implementation of the ADIRA Pilot. The macro phases that are followed in the present work are: 1) detailed analysis of the business needs; 2) preparation of the architecture specification; 3) implementation/development; 4) tests and validation; 5) support; 6) stabilization; 7) corrective and evolutionary maintenance; and 8) final project analysis and corrective measures to be applied in future projects. The expected results of the development of such project are related to the integration of the industrial maintenance process, to the continuous monitoring of the machines and to the application of advanced techniques of preventive and proactive maintenance of industrial machines, particularly based on techniques and good practices of the Software Engineering area and on the integration of Cyber-Physical Systems.O potencial desenvolvido pela Indústria 4.0 dotará a indústria nacional de capacidades para desenvolver todo o tipo de procedimentos, especialmente a nível da diferenciação competitiva. As perspetivas e as motivações por detrás da Indústria 4.0 estão relacionadas com uma gestão essencialmente direcionada para a internet industrial, com uma análise integrada e utilização de dados, com a digitalização de produtos e de serviços, com novos modelos disruptivos de negócio e com uma cooperação horizontal no âmbito da cadeia de valor. É através da integração dos sistemas ciber-físicos no processo de manutenção que é possível proceder a um monitoramento contínuo das máquinas, tal como à aplicação de técnicas avançadas para a manutenção preditiva e pró-ativa das mesmas. O presente trabalho é baseado no projeto MANTIS, objetivando, portanto, a construção de uma plataforma específica para a manutenção pró-ativa das máquinas industriais, neste caso em concreto das prensas, que serão as máquinas industriais analisadas ao longo do presente trabalho. Dito de um outro modo, objetiva-se, através de uma plataforma em específico, reduzir todos os custos da sua manutenção, aumentando, portanto, os lucros industriais advindos da produção. Resumidamente, o projeto MANTIS consiste num projeto de investigação multinacional, onde a Unidade de Investigação CISTER desenvolve um papel fundamental, particularmente no fornecimento da infraestrutura de comunicação no Piloto MANTIS. A metodologia adotada é baseada num estudo de acompanhamento, realizado em conjunto com o cliente, e no âmbito da implementação do Piloto da ADIRA. As macro fases que são compreendidas por esta metodologia, e as quais serão seguidas, são: 1) análise detalhada das necessidades de negócio; 2) preparação da especificação da arquitetura; 3) implementação/desenvolvimento; 4) testes e validação; 5) suporte; 6) estabilização; 7) manutenção corretiva e evolutiva; e 8) análise final do projeto e medidas corretivas a aplicar em projetos futuros. Os resultados esperados com o desenvolvimento do projeto estão relacionados com a integração do processo de manutenção industrial, a monitorização contínua das máquinas e a aplicação de técnicas avançadas de manutenção preventiva e pós-ativa das máquinas, especialmente com base em técnicas e boas práticas da área de Engenharia de Software

    Remote maintenance support with the aid of cyber-physical systems and cloud technology

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    This article discusses how a business model based on traditional maintenance can evolve to generate servitization strategies, with the help of remote maintenance support. The application of cyber-physical systems and cloud technologies play a key role for such maintenance purposes. In fact, the utilization of large quantities of data collected on machines and their processing by means of advanced techniques such as machine learning enable novel techniques for condition-based maintenance. New sensor solutions that could be used in maintenance and interaction with cyber-physical systems are also presented. Here, data models are an important part of these techniques because of the huge amounts of data that are produced and should be processed. These data models have been used in a real case, supported by the Machinery Information Management Open System Alliance Open System Architecture for Condition-Based Maintenance standard architecture, for streamlining the modeling of collected data. In this context, an industrial use case is described, to enlighten the application of the presented concepts in a working pilot. Finally, current and future directions for application of cyber-physical systems and cloud technologies to maintenance are discussed

    An iterative process to extract value from maintenance projects

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    Research and development projects are producing novel maintenance strategies and techniques. Anyway, it is not straightforward to transfer results from the lab to the real world, and thus many projects, both internal to a company and in cooperation between the members of a consortium, speculate how to perform this feat, called “exploitation” in the context of European projects. This paper discusses the necessity of novel techniques in modern maintenance, and then introduces a novel approach to the problem of transferring innovation from the lab to the market. The novel approach spawns from the “spiral software development” process and proceeds as a set of iterations that bring together different stakeholders to increase the number of products, techniques and results in general that can survive the end of a research and development project. The approach was applied to a large European project, which is described as use case, and the paper reports on the encouraging results that were attained.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Way Cyber Physical Systems Will Revolutionise Maintenance

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    The way maintenance is carried out is altering rapidly. The introduction of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and cloud technologies are providing new technological possibilities that change dramatically the way it is possible to follow production machinery and the necessity to carry out maintenance. In the near future, the number of machines that can be followed from remoteness will explode. At the same time, it will be conceivable to carry out local diagnosis and prognosis that support the adaptation of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) i.e. financial optimisation can drive the decision whether a machine needs maintenance or not. Further to this, the cloud technology allows to accumulate relevant data from numerous sources that can be used for further improvement of the maintenance practices. The paper goes through the new technologies that have been mentioned above and how they can be benefitted from in practise

    Robot CeDRI 2023: sub-system integration and health dashboard

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáWith the constant increase in the volume of data generated and collected in several areas, data visualization has become more relevant to improve equipment management, reduce operational costs and increase process efficiency. This paper proposes developing a health monitoring system for an Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) equipment, which allows data acquisition and analysis for decision-making performed autonomously and by the equipment manager. Implementing the proposed system demonstrated favourable results in data acquisition, analysis, and visualization for decision-making. Using a hybrid control architecture, the data acquisition and processing showed to be effective, without significant impacts on the battery consumption or in the use of microcomputer resources embedded in the AMR. The developed dashboard demonstrated efficient data navigation and visualization, providing essential tools for decision-making by the platform administrator. This work contributes to the health monitoring of types of equipment as AMRs. It may be of interest to professionals and researchers in areas related to robotics and automation, especially those who work with equipment that uses Robot Operating System (ROS). Besides, the developed system is open-source, making it accessible and customizable in different contexts and applications.Com o aumento contínuo da quantidade de dados produzidos e coletados em diversas áreas, a visualização de dados tem se mostrado cada vez mais relevante para melhorar a manutenção de equipamentos, reduzir custos operacionais e aumentar a eficiência de processos. Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoramento da saúde de um equipamento do tipo Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR), que permita a coleta e análise de dados para tomadas de decisão realizadas tanto autonomamente quanto pelo gestor da plataforma. A implementação do sistema proposto apresentou resultados favoráveis na coleta, análise e visualização de dados para a tomada de decisões. Utilizando uma arquitetura de controle híbrida, a aquisição e processamento dos dados mostrouse eficiente, sem impactos significativos no consumo de bateria ou uso de recursos do microcomputador embarcado no AMR. O dashboard desenvolvido mostrou-se eficiente na navegação e visualização dos dados, fornecendo ferramentas importantes para a tomada de decisão do gestor da plataforma. Este trabalho contribui para a monitorização de saúde de equipamentos como AMRs, podendo ser de interesse para profissionais e pesquisadores em áreas relacionadas à robótica e automação, em especial aqueles que trabalham com equipamentos que utilizam do Robot Operating System (ROS). Além disso, o sistema apresentado é open-source, tornando-o acessível e personalizável para uso em diferentes contextos e aplicações

    Blockchain Technology Helps Maintenance to Stop Climate Change

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    The development and interest in Industry 4.0 together with rapid development of Cyber Physical Systems has created magnificent opportunities to develop maintenance to a totally new level. The Maintenance 4.0 vision considers massive exploitation of information regarding factories and machines to improve maintenance efficiency and efficacy, for example by facilitating logistics of spare parts, but on the other hand this creates other logistics issues on the data itself, which only exacerbate data management issues that emerge when distributed maintenance platforms scale up. In fact, factories can be delocalized with respect to the data centers, where data has to be transferred to be processed. Moreover, any transaction needs communication, be it related to purchase of spare parts, sales contract, and decisions making in general, and it has to be verified by remote parties. Keeping in mind the current average level of Overall Equipment Efficiency (50%) i.e. there is a hidden factory behind every factory, the potential is huge. It is expected that most of this potential can be realised based on the use of the above named technologies, and relying on a new approach called blockchain technology, the latter aimed at facilitating data and transactions management. Blockchain supports logistics by a distributed ledger to record transactions in a verifiable and permanent way, thus removing the need for multiple remote parties to verify and store every transaction made, in agreement with the first “r” of maintenance (reduce, repair, reuse, recycle). Keeping in mind the total industrial influence on the climate change, we can expect that with the aid of the new advancements the climate change can be if not totally stopped at least reduced, and contribute to the green economy that Europe aims for. The paper introduces the novel technologies that can support sustainability of manufacturing and industry at large, and proposes an architecture to bind together said technologies to realise the vision of Maintenance 4.0.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Way Cyber Physical Systems Will Revolutionise Maintenance

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    30th Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2017). 10 to 13, Jul, 2017. Preston, United Kingdom.The way maintenance is carried out is altering rapidly. The introduction of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and cloud technologies are providing new technological possibilities that change dramatically the way it is possible to follow production machinery and the necessity to carry out maintenance. In the near future, the number of machines that can be followed from remoteness will explode. At the same time, it will be conceivable to carry out local diagnosis and prognosis that support the adaptation of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) i.e. financial optimisation can drive the decision whether a machine needs maintenance or not. Further to this, the cloud technology allows to accumulate relevant data from numerous sources that can be used for further improvement of the maintenance practices. The paper goes through the new technologies that have been mentioned above and how they can be benefitted from in practise.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Way Cyber Physical Systems Will Revolutionise Maintenance

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    30th Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2017). 10 to 13, Jul, 2017. Preston, United Kingdom.The way maintenance is carried out is altering rapidly. The introduction of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and cloud technologies are providing new technological possibilities that change dramatically the way it is possible to follow production machinery and the necessity to carry out maintenance. In the near future, the number of machines that can be followed from remoteness will explode. At the same time, it will be conceivable to carry out local diagnosis and prognosis that support the adaptation of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) i.e. financial optimisation can drive the decision whether a machine needs maintenance or not. Further to this, the cloud technology allows to accumulate relevant data from numerous sources that can be used for further improvement of the maintenance practices. The paper goes through the new technologies that have been mentioned above and how they can be benefitted from in practise.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio