19 research outputs found

    A Model of Business Intelligence Systems Use in Chinese ‎Organizations

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    Advances in technology access allow undergraduates to personalize their learning to their individual interests via the creation and use of informal personal learning environments (PLEs). A comprehensive understanding of how learning takes place in such PLEs and their affordances for self-regulated learning (SRL) is still lacking. Drawing on 20 in-depth interviews with undergraduates and mind maps of their PLEs, this paper presents preliminary findings on how PLEs support self-regulatory learning processes. The results indicate that the tools and technologies that undergraduates choose to include in their PLEs provide some significant affordances for supporting metacognitive, motivational and behavioural SRL processes. Initial findings contribute to clarifying the perceived opportunities that a user centred and managed PLE afford to its creators for engaging in SRL processes and the ongoing discussion of how best to use ubiquitous technologies for effective teaching and learning. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future research opportunities

    Mobile Payment Adoption in the Age of Digital Transformation: The Case of Apple Pay

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    Current developments in information technology and communications, as well as the significant transformations the business world is being forced to make, are generating an opportunity for widespread acceptance of mobile payments. The present research analyzes the intention to use the Apple Pay mobile payment system, as well as contextualizing and evaluating the different antecedents of its use. To carry out the research, 539 users were invited to respond to an online questionnaire, and an analysis of structural equation modeling was used. The results indicate that perceived value is the variable that most influences the intention to use the proposed payment system, followed by perception of utility and risk. This work has important implications for companies in the sector

    Citation Analyses in Information Systems

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    Few scientists that specialize in information systems would recognize the name one of the field’s most cited authors, Ike Antkare. It is not that Antkare is from an obscure discipline. This aberration is the result of a vulnerability of citation analyses. A vulnerability proven with a computer program. Today, funding, promotion and tenure extension depend on the results of these analyses. This paper explores the nature of citation analyses in the information systems (IS) field and classifies them based on an adapted framework of Zupic and Cater (2015). The results illustrate two types of citation analyses. The first type contains ranking studies using measures of the h-family index calculated on citation networks. The second type involves co-citation analysis applying cluster or factor analysis to determine the intellectual structure, trajectory or maturity

    The application of social media for marketing strategies in pharma healthcare

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    Digital is transforming the way the world does business, and healthcare is no exception. The COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on internet use and accelerated the digital transition worldwide as well as in Portugal. Social media is the fastest communication network among worldwide people. During the outbreak, the usage of social media platforms increased two times more compared with normal days. With increasing health literacy and access to technology, consumers are becoming more informed and proactive towards health issues and selfmedication, 67% of them are researching health problems and symptoms tracking and 81% conduct online research before making a purchase. This change has expanded communication from offline to the internet. Electronic word-of-mouth communication (eWOM), based on social media, brought more variables to marketing communication and became an interesting field for research considering its communication potential. Indeed, several studies have shown the ability to influence interpersonal communications on products or services in the purchase intention of consumers. As so, in recent years, some authors discussed the impact of eWOM on consumer online purchasing decisions; however, the literature is still relatively nascent regarding the Pharmaceutical Industry and the self-medication segment market of Over-the-Counter medicines (OTC). Pharmaceutical companies must be aware of this paradigm change: the patient is an indispensable and active stakeholder in the present and future of healthcare, besides the physician and the payer. Pharma marketing may be moving into a more digitalized space, but there is still room for improvement, especially when it comes to social media there is an unexploited territory for pharma marketers as most pharmaceutical companies are not yet to answer these consumers habits with an effective digital presence. The current research aims to study the application of Social Media platforms for marketing or communication purposes in pharma healthcare in Portugal.digital está a transformar a forma como os negócios se fazem no mundo, e a saúde não é exceção. A pandemia de COVID-19 teve um impacto significativo na utilização da Internet e acelerou a transição digital a nível mundial, incluindo Portugal. Com o aumento da literacia em saúde e o acesso à tecnologia, os consumidores estão a tornar-se mais informados e proativos em relação aos seus cuidados com a saúde e à automedicação, 67% destes pesquisam problemas de saúde e sintomas e 81% realizam pesquisas online antes de fazer uma compra. Esta mudança de comportamento expandiu a comunicação do offline para a Internet. A comunicação electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), baseada nos media sociais, envolve mais variáveis para a comunicação de marketing; nos últimos anos, alguns autores discutiram o impacto do eWOM nas decisões de compra do consumidor online; entretanto, a literatura ainda é relativamente incipiente no que diz respeito à Indústria Farmacêutica e ao segmento de automedicação do mercado de medicamentos de venda livre (OTC). As empresas farmacêuticas devem estar atentas a esta mudança de paradigma: o paciente é uma parte indispensável e ativa no presente e no futuro da área da saúde, além do médico e do pagador. O marketing farmacêutico está a evoluir para a digitalização, mas ainda há espaço para melhorias, especialmente no âmbito das redes sociais que ainda são um território pouco explorado pelos profissionais de marketing farmacêutico. A maioria das empresas farmacêuticas ainda não se adaptou a estes hábitos de consumo com uma presença digital eficaz. A presente investigação pretende identificar a aplicação de plataformas de redes sociais para efeitos de marketing ou comunicação na área da indústria farmacêutica em Portugal

    Beyond “Data Thrifting”: An Investigation of Factors Influencing Research Data Reuse In the Social Sciences

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    The development of e-Research infrastructure has enabled data to be shared and accessed more openly. Policy mandates for data sharing have contributed to the increasing availability of research data through data repositories, which create favorable conditions for the reuse of data for purposes not always anticipated by original collectors. Despite the current efforts to promote transparency and reproducibility in science, data reuse cannot be assumed, nor merely considered a “thrifting” activity where scientists shop around in data repositories considering only the ease of access to data. This research was driven by three main questions: 1) What are the factors that influence scientists’ research data reuse? 2) To what degree do these factors influence scientists’ research data reuse? and 3) To what extent do scientists reuse research data? Following a sequential mixed-method approach, this study sought to provide a more nuanced view of the underlying factors that affect social scientists’ intentions to reuse data, as well as the impact of these factors on the actual reuse of data. Findings from a preliminary small-scale exploratory study with 13 social scientists produced 25 factors that were found to influence their perceptions and experiences, including both their unsuccessful and successful attempts to reuse data. These factors were grouped into six theoretical variables: perceived benefits, perceived risks, perceived effort, social influence, facilitating conditions, and perceived reusability. The variables were articulated in a conceptual model drawing upon the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) in order to examining social scientists’ intentions and behaviors towards the reuse of research data. The proposed hierarchical component model and the research hypotheses were validated through a survey, which was distributed to 4,500 social scientists randomly selected from the Pivot/Community of Science (CoS) database. A total of 743 social scientists participated in the survey, of which 564 cases were included in the analysis. The survey data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique, and supplemented by ad-hoc group comparison analyses. Survey results demonstrated that social scientists’ data reuse intention and reuse behavior were indeed influenced by different factors beyond frugality. More specifically, the more practical and social benefits social scientists perceive from reusing research data, the more likely they intended to reuse data. Similarly, peer and disciplinary influence had a positive effect on social scientists’ intention to reuse data collected/produced by others. On the contrary, the construct perceived risks was found to negatively influence social scientists’ intention to reuse existing research data collected by others. Facilitating conditions and intention to reuse were found to positively correlate to actual data reuse behavior. Perceived effort was found not statistically significant, indicating that reusing data from others did not involve as much effort as collecting/producing primary data. Perceived reusability failed to be measured, due to the lack of convergent validity. Ad-hoc group comparison tests found that intention and data reuse behavior depended on sub-disciplines’ traditions and the methodological approach social scientists followed. The findings of this research provide an in-depth understanding about the reuse of research data in the context of open science, and provide a collection of factors that influence social scientists’ decisions to reuse research data collected by others. Additionally, they update our knowledge of data reuse behavior and contribute to the body of data reuse literature by establishing a conceptual model that can be validated by future research. In terms of practice, it offers recommendations for policy makers, data scientists, and stakeholders from data repositories on defining strategies and initiatives to leverage data reuse and make publicly available data more actionable

    O smartphone desafia o ensinar e o aprender uma App que identifica, avalia e partilha Apps educativas

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    Numa sociedade imersa em inovação e tecnologia, é inegável a evidência que o smartphone pode levar o mundo para a escola e transportar a escola para o mundo. Assistimos a um aumento contínuo da utilização das tecnologias nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, mais concretamente na aplicação das tecnologias móveis dentro e fora da sala de aula. Em vez de indiferença ou recusa, esta tendência é um esforço de adaptação da escola à importância da tecnologia na sociedade e um aproveitamento do seu potencial educativo. Os diferentes atores da educação não podem perder a oportunidade de explorar as potencialidades tecnológicas e educativas de um smartphone. Já existem neste momento inúmeras aplicações e boas práticas de utilização destes dispositivos dentro e fora da sala de aula. Assim sendo, é nosso propósito identificar a estratégia para uma escola anytime, anywhere e with any device suportada pelo objetivo central de desenvolvimento de uma APP de acolhimento de um reportório de apps que facilite a catalogação, a avaliação, a divulgação e a partilha. A presente investigação, inspirada numa metodologia Design-Based Research e estruturada em artigos científicos, aborda a adoção e utilização do smartphone dentro e fora da sala de aula, analisando o seu contributo para uma escola mais inovadora e articulada ao mundo real. Os resultados obtidos, apesar de limitados pelo estudo ocorrer num contexto específico, indicam que a utilização do smartphone é um fator de motivação dos alunos, contribui para a consolidação e melhoria das suas aprendizagens, mas exige empenho, persistência, regras muito bem definidas e um período de formação e habituação dos alunos. Os professores necessitam de tempo para procurar, conhecer e experimentar a miríade de apps que diariamente emergem e que estão disponíveis para utilização efetiva. Destacamos, por conseguinte, o papel central do professor que pode implementar uma mudança efetiva na sua prática pedagógica, uma vez que é ele quem operacionaliza a mudança na sala de aula e interage diariamente com os seus alunos.In a society immersed in innovation and technology, there is undeniable evidence that the smartphone can take the world to the school and transport the school to the world. We are witnessing a continuous increase in the use of technologies in teaching and learning processes, more specifically in the application of mobile technologies inside and outside the classroom. Instead of indifference or refusal, this trend is an effort to adapt the school to the importance of technology in society and a use of its educational potential. The different actors/participants in education cannot miss the opportunity to explore the technological and educational potential of a smartphone. There are already countless applications and good practices for using these devices inside and outside the classroom. Therefore, it is our purpose to identify the strategy for a school present anytime, anywhere and with any device, with the main objective of developing an APP to host a repertoire of apps that facilitates cataloguing, evaluation, dissemination and sharing. This research, inspired by a Design-Based Research methodology and structured in scientific articles, addresses the adoption and use of the smartphone in education, analyzing its contribution to a more innovative school connected to the real world. Although the results are limited by the fact that the study occurred in a specific context, they indicate that the use of smartphones is a motivating factor for students, contributing to the consolidation and improvement of their learning, but it requires commitment, persistence, very well-defined rules and a period of training and habituation to the students. Teachers need time to search, learn and experience the myriad of apps that emerge daily and are available for effective use. Hence, we highlight the central role of the teacher who can implement an effective change in his/her pedagogical practice, since he/she is the one who operates the change in the classroom and interacts daily with his/her students

    A Bibliometric Comparision of the Usage of Two Theories of IS/IT Acceptance (TAM and UTAUT)

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    This paper aims to compare similarities in the usage of two frequently used theories of IS/IT acceptance, namely the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The bibliometric and citation analysis presented in this paper identifies landmarks associated with articles, authors and most frequently used keywords from citation data pertaining to the studies that have utilised TAM and UTAUT. The findings indicate that although there are similarities between TAM and UTAUT publications, increasingly it appears that researchers are shifting focus from TAM to UTAUT without making a substantial distinction between the two. This calls for a careful consideration of submisisons utilising either TAM or UTAUT. As it has been argued in the case of TAM, the over-utilisation of UTAUT would take away researchers’ attention from other important issues and will reduce the chances of publishing other fruitful research in available outlets

    Electronic participation through social media citizens' acceptance factors at local government level

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Information System and TechnologyMuitas das iniciativas de Participação Eletrónica (e-Participação) − vistas neste estudo como o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para facilitar a participação do cidadão no processo de tomada de decisão política −, não têm conseguido alcançar o sucesso esperado no que concerne ao nível de envolvimento do cidadão atingido. Esta falta de envolvimento é particularmente evidente nas iniciativas lideradas e disponibilizadas pelos governos (iniciativas governamentais de e-Participação). Embora o rápido crescimento das redes sociais, especialmente do Facebook, seja apontado como um meio promissor para fomentar e melhorar o nível de participação do cidadão, o problema do baixo nível de aceitação e de envolvimento do cidadão em iniciativas de e-participação persiste. Importa, pois, compreender, conceptualizar e teorizar sobre os fatores que afetam o nível de aceitação evidenciado pelo cidadão em relação a esse tipo de iniciativas. Assim, é finalidade deste estudo investigar os fatores relevantes que influenciam a intenção dos cidadãos de aceitarem e de se envolverem nas iniciativas governamentais de e-Participação disponibilizadas através do Facebook, baseando-se na Teoria do Comportamento Planeado (Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)), devidamente estendida pela incorporação de um conjunto de fatores relevantes que emergiram da literatura relevante. Os resultados quantitativos de um questionário respondido por 400 cidadãos Jordanos, mostram que a atitude do cidadão (citizen attitude (ATT)), a eficácia de participação (participation efficacy (PE)), e o controlo comportamental percecionado (perceived behavioral control (PBC)) afetam direta e positivamente a intenção de participação do cidadão. Por sua vez, a atitude do cidadão é determinada pela eficácia de participação (participation efficacy (PE)), utilidade percecionada e compatibilidade do Facebook (perceived usefullness (PU) e compatibility (COMP)), e valor percecionado do envolvimento do cidadão nas iniciativas governamentais de e- Participação (perceived value (PV)). Contrariamente, nem as normas sociais (social norms (SN)) nem a confiança do cidadão no Facebook (citizen’s trust in Facebook (CT_FB)) têm impacto significativo na intenção e atitude do cidadão. Adicionalmente, o valor percecionado (perceived value (PV)) é influenciado pela perceção de facilidade de utilização do Facebook (perceived ease of use (PEOU)) e pela confiança dos cidadãos no governo (citizen’s trust in government (CT_GOV)). O estudo mostra ainda que os cidadãos Jordanos apresentam uma atitude positiva em relação ao envolvimento em iniciativas governamentais de e participação disponibilizadas através do Facebook mas apresentam uma intenção moderada de participar em tais iniciativas. Por ser um dos poucos trabalhos conhecidos focado no estudo da intenção dos cidadãos de aceitarem e de se envolverem em iniciativas governamentais de e-Participação disponibilizadas através das redes sociais, o estudo aqui descrito aporta contribuições relevantes para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento teórico e prático no domínio da participação eletrónica.Electronic Participation (e-Participation) initiatives, seen as the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for facilitating citizen participation in the process of policy decision-making, have often had a limited success of citizens' engagement, particularly those initiatives sponsored by governments (government-led e-Participation initiatives). While the rapid growth of using social media networks, specifically Facebook, represented a new promising venue for enhancing citizens’ participation, the problem of low-level citizens’ acceptance and engagement remains. Hence, conceptual clarity on what factors affect citizens’ acceptance of such initiatives are yet to be theorized. This study aims at investigating relevant factors that influence citizens’ intention to accept and to engage in government-led e-Participation initiatives through Facebook, based on extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) through the incorporation of a set of factors that emerged from relevant literature. Using data from a survey of 400 Jordanian citizens, the quantitative results proved that citizen attitude (ATT), participation efficacy (PE), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) directly and positively affect citizen’s intention to participate. Citizen attitude, in turn, is determined by participation efficacy (PE), perceived usefulness and compatibility of Facebook (PU and COMP), and perceived value of citizen’s involvement in government-led e-Participation initiatives (PV). However, neither social norms (SN) nor citizen’s trust in Facebook (CT_FB) have significant impact over citizen intention or attitude. Further, perceived value (PV) is influenced by perceived ease of use of Facebook (PEOU), and citizen’s trust in government (CT_GOV). Additionally, the study found that Jordanian citizens uphold relatively high positive attitude toward engaging in government-led e-Participation initiatives through Facebook but they have a moderate intention to participate in those initiatives. As the present work is one of very few studies addressing citizens’ intention to accept and to engage in e-Participation initiatives through social media in government context, the study provides important implications for theory and practice

    Penggunaan youtube bagi tujuan berkaitan agama dalam kalangan generasi muda Islam di Malaysia

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    The younger generation of Muslims is now using YouTube to obtain various religious-related information in their daily lives. However, there are questions that arise regarding the differences in the use of YouTube among the younger generation of Muslims with a background in Islamic studies and non-Islamic studies for the purpose of obtaining information related to religion. This study aims to identify the level of basic religious knowledge, use, and acceptance of YouTube as a medium to obtain information related to religion using the qualitative and quantitative approaches. The first phase involves 31 informants who were interviewed in a focus group to record the level of knowledge and implementation of religious principles and the type of information sought from YouTube. The second phase applies the unobtrusive method in the computer lab which aims to examine the content of basic religious information search sites that are often browsed by the younger generation of Muslims involving 74 respondents. The third phase, a questionnaire adapted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) involved 800 respondents and the data were analysed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation (PLS-SEM). The results of the first phase study found that the younger generation of Muslims with a background in religious and non-religious studies has basic knowledge nd implementation of the five pillars of Islam and the ability to search for religion-related information on YouTube. While the result of the second phase study showed that the younger generation of Muslims has the ability to search for religion-related information on YouTube. The finding of the third phase study showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence have a significant relationship towards behavioural intention to use YouTube for religious purposes. While the facilitating conditions and behavioural intention have no significant relationship to the use YouTube for religious purposes. This study also shows that there is no difference between the use of YouTube for religious purposes among the younger generation with Islamic and non-Islamic studies background. This study can help various parties to use YouTube as a medium to disseminate and obtain information related to religion for the benefit of all