2,228 research outputs found

    Prediction of Success or Failure of Software Projects based on Reusability Metrics using Support Vector Machine

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    In the field of computer science & engineering and software industry the term reusability means usage of existing software assets or previously developed code in the software development process. The assets of the software are products and by-products of the product development life cycle which includes code, test cases, software designs and code documentation. The process of modifying the existing assets as per the need and specific requirements is called leveraging. But the reusability process creates a new version of the existing assets. So always reusability is preferred rather than leveraging. To identify the quality of the reusability of the software components various software metrics are available. But the framework or model that can predict the reusability of the software assets are needed to be developed. The reusability metrics must be identified during the design or coding phase and that can be used to reduce the rework needed develop a similar software module. This can much improve the productivity due to the probabilistic increase in the reuse level. In this study various software metrics representing the software reusability nature of the software components are collected in relation with a particular software project to form a database. The database is divided in to training and test set and Support Vector Machine is trained using the Radial Basis Function (RBF) to predict whether the software component can be reused or not

    A Review of Metrics and Modeling Techniques in Software Fault Prediction Model Development

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    This paper surveys different software fault predictions progressed through different data analytic techniques reported in the software engineering literature. This study split in three broad areas; (a) The description of software metrics suites reported and validated in the literature. (b) A brief outline of previous research published in the development of software fault prediction model based on various analytic techniques. This utilizes the taxonomy of analytic techniques while summarizing published research. (c) A review of the advantages of using the combination of metrics. Though, this area is comparatively new and needs more research efforts

    REI:An integrated measure for software reusability

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    To capitalize upon the benefits of software reuse, an efficient selection among candidate reusable assets should be performed in terms of functional fitness and adaptability. The reusability of assets is usually measured through reusability indices. However, these do not capture all facets of reusability, such as structural characteristics, external quality attributes, and documentation. In this paper, we propose a reusability index (REI) as a synthesis of various software metrics and evaluate its ability to quantify reuse, based on IEEE Standard on Software Metrics Validity. The proposed index is compared with existing ones through a case study on 80 reusable open-source assets. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed index, we performed a pilot study, where real-world reuse decisions have been compared with decisions imposed by the use of metrics (including REI). The results of the study suggest that the proposed index presents the highest predictive and discriminative power; it is the most consistent in ranking reusable assets and the most strongly correlated to their levels of reuse. The findings of the paper are discussed to understand the most important aspects in reusability assessment (interpretation of results), and interesting implications for research and practice are provided

    Cyber-Enabled Product Lifecycle Management: A Multi-Agent Framework

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    Trouble free use of a product and its associated services for a specified minimum period of time is a major factor to win the customer\u27s trust in the product. Rapid and easy serviceability to maintain its functionalities plays a key role in achieving this goal. However, the sustainability of such a model cannot be promised unless the current health status of the product is monitored and condition-based maintenance is exercised. Internet of Things (IoT), an important connectivity paradigm of recent times, which connects physical objects to the internet for real-time information exchange and execution of physical actions via wired/wireless protocols. While the literature is full of various feasibility and viability studies focusing on architecture, design, and model development aspects, there is limited work addressing an IoT-based health monitoring of systems having high collateral damage. This motivated the research to develop a multi-agent framework for monitoring the performance and predicting impending failure to prevent unscheduled maintenance and downtime over internet, referred to as for cyber-enabled product lifecycle management (C-PLM). The framework incorporates a number of autonomous agents, such as hard agent, soft agent, and wave agent, to establish network connectivity to collect and exchange real-time health information for prognostics and health management (PHM). The proposed framework will help manufacturers not only to resolve the warranty failure issues more efficiently and economically but also improve their corporate image. The framework further leads to efficient handling of warranty failure issues and reduces the chances of future failure, i.e., offering durable products. From the sustainability point of view, this framework also addresses the reusability of the parts that still have a significant value using the prognostics and health data. Finally, multi-agent implementation of the proposed approach using a power substations for IoT-based C-PLM is included to show is efficacy

    Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Negotiation Agents

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    The increasing popularity of Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) fuels the rise of electronic commerce (E-Commerce). Negotiation plays an important role in ecommerce as business deals are often made through some kind of negotiations. Negotiation is the process of resolving conflicts among parties having different criteria so that they can reach an agreement in which all their constraints are satisfied. Automating negotiation can save human’s time and effort to solve these combinatorial problems. Intelligent Trading Agency (ITA) is an automated agentbased one-to-many negotiation framework which is incorporated by several one-toone negotiations. ITA uses constraint satisfaction approach to evaluate and generate offers during the negotiation. This one-to-many negotiation model in e-commerce retail has advantages in terms of customizability, scalability, reusability and robustness. Since negotiation agents practice predefined negotiation strategies, decisions of the agents to select the best course of action do not take the dynamics of negotiation into consideration. The lack of knowledge capturing between agents during the negotiation causes the inefficiency of negotiation while the final outcomes obtained are probably sub-optimal. The objective of this research is to implement machine learning approach that allows agents to reuse their negotiation experience to improve the final outcomes of one-to-many negotiation. The preliminary research on automated negotiation agents utilizes case-based reasoning, Bayesian learning and evolutionary approach to learn the negotiation. The geneticbased and Bayesian learning model of multi-attribute one-to-many negotiation, namely GA Improved-ITA and Bayes Improved-ITA are proposed. In these models, agents learn the negotiation by capturing their opponent’s preferences and constraints. The two models are tested in randomly generated negotiation problems to observe their performance in negotiation learning. The learnability of GA Improved-ITA enables the agents to identify their opponent’s preferable negotiation issues. Bayes Improved-ITA agents model their opponent’s utility structure by employing Bayesian belief updating process. Results from the experimental work indicate that it is promising to employ machine learning approach in negotiation problems. GA Improved-ITA and Bayes Improved-ITA have achieved better performance in terms of negotiation payoff, negotiation cost and justification of negotiation decision in comparison with ITA. The joint utility of GA Improved-ITA and Bayes Improved-ITA is 137.5% and 125% higher than the joint utility of ITA while the negotiation cost of GA Improved-ITA is 28.6% lower than ITA. The negotiation successful rate of GA Improved-ITA and Bayes Improved-ITA is 10.2% and 37.12% higher than ITA. By having knowledge of opponent’s preferences and constraints, negotiation agents can obtain more optimal outcomes. As a conclusion, the adaptive nature of agents will increase the fitness of autonomous agents in the dynamic electronic market rather than practicing the sophisticated negotiation strategies. As future work, the GA and Bayes Improved-ITA can be integrated with grid concept to allocate and acquire resource among cross-platform agents during negotiation

    Building a decision support system with a knowledge modeling tool

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    Knowledge modeling tools are software tools that follow a modeling approach to help developers in building a knowledge-based system. The purpose of this article is to show the advantages of using this type of tools in the development of complex knowledge-based decision support systems. In order to do so, the article describes the development of a system called SAIDA in the domain of hydrology with the help of the KSM modeling tool. SAIDA operates on real-time receiving data recorded by sensors (rainfall, water levels, flows, etc.). It follows a multi-agent architecture to interpret the data, predict the future behavior and recommend control actions. The system includes an advanced knowledge based architecture with multiple symbolic representation. KSM was especially useful to design and implement the complex knowledge based architecture in an efficient way