737 research outputs found

    Vessel tractography using an intensity based tensor model with branch detection

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    In this paper, we present a tubular structure seg- mentation method that utilizes a second order tensor constructed from directional intensity measurements, which is inspired from diffusion tensor image (DTI) modeling. The constructed anisotropic tensor which is fit inside a vessel drives the segmen- tation analogously to a tractography approach in DTI. Our model is initialized at a single seed point and is capable of capturing whole vessel trees by an automatic branch detection algorithm developed in the same framework. The centerline of the vessel as well as its thickness is extracted. Performance results within the Rotterdam Coronary Artery Algorithm Evaluation framework are provided for comparison with existing techniques. 96.4% average overlap with ground truth delineated by experts is obtained in addition to other measures reported in the paper. Moreover, we demonstrate further quantitative results over synthetic vascular datasets, and we provide quantitative experiments for branch detection on patient Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) volumes, as well as qualitative evaluations on the same CTA datasets, from visual scores by a cardiologist expert

    On the Reliability of Diffusion Neuroimaging

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    Over the last years, diffusion imaging techniques like DTI, DSI or Q-Ball received increasin


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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to record incoherent motion of water molecules and has been used to detect micro structural white matter alterations in clinical studies to explore certain brain disorders. A variety of DTI based techniques for detecting brain disorders and facilitating clinical group analysis have been developed in the past few years. However, there are two crucial issues that have great impacts on the performance of those algorithms. One is that brain neural pathways appear in complicated 3D structures which are inappropriate and inaccurate to be approximated by simple 2D structures, while the other involves the computational efficiency in classifying white matter tracts. The first key area that this dissertation focuses on is to implement a novel computing scheme for estimating regional white matter alterations along neural pathways in 3D space. The mechanism of the proposed method relies on white matter tractography and geodesic distance mapping. We propose a mask scheme to overcome the difficulty to reconstruct thin tract bundles. Real DTI data are employed to demonstrate the performance of the pro- posed technique. Experimental results show that the proposed method bears great potential to provide a sensitive approach for determining the white matter integrity in human brain. Another core objective of this work is to develop a class of new modeling and clustering techniques with improved performance and noise resistance for separating reconstructed white matter tracts to facilitate clinical group analysis. Different strategies are presented to handle different scenarios. For whole brain tractography reconstructed white matter tracts, a Fourier descriptor model and a clustering algorithm based on multivariate Gaussian mixture model and expectation maximization are proposed. Outliers are easily handled in this framework. Real DTI data experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is relatively effective and may offer an alternative for existing white matter fiber clustering methods. For a small amount of white matter fibers, a modeling and clustering algorithm with the capability of handling white matter fibers with unequal length and sharing no common starting region is also proposed and evaluated with real DTI data

    A CAD system for early diagnosis of autism using different imaging modalities.

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    The term “autism spectrum disorder” (ASD) refers to a collection of neuro-developmental disorders that affect linguistic, behavioral, and social skills. Autism has many symptoms, most prominently, social impairment and repetitive behaviors. It is crucial to diagnose autism at an early stage for better assessment and investigation of this complex syndrome. There have been a lot of efforts to diagnose ASD using different techniques, such as imaging modalities, genetic techniques, and behavior reports. Imaging modalities have been extensively exploited for ASD diagnosis, and one of the most successful ones is Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),where it has shown promise for the early diagnosis of the ASD related abnormalities in particular. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities have emerged as powerful means that facilitate non-invasive clinical diagnostics of various diseases and abnormalities since their inception in the 1980s. After the advent in the nineteen eighties, MRI soon became one of the most promising non- invasive modalities for visualization and diagnostics of ASD-related abnormalities. Along with its main advantage of no exposure to radiation, high contrast, and spatial resolution, the recent advances to MRI modalities have notably increased diagnostic certainty. Multiple MRI modalities, such as different types of structural MRI (sMRI) that examines anatomical changes, and functional MRI (fMRI) that examines brain activity by monitoring blood flow changes,have been employed to investigate facets of ASD in order to better understand this complex syndrome. This work aims at developing a new computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system for autism diagnosis using different imaging modalities. It mainly relies on making use of structural magnetic resonance images for extracting notable shape features from parts of the brainthat proved to correlate with ASD from previous neuropathological studies. Shape features from both the cerebral cortex (Cx) and cerebral white matter(CWM)are extracted. Fusion of features from these two structures is conducted based on the recent findings suggesting that Cx changes in autism are related to CWM abnormalities. Also, when fusing features from more than one structure, this would increase the robustness of the CAD system. Moreover, fMRI experiments are done and analyzed to find areas of activation in the brains of autistic and typically developing individuals that are related to a specific task. All sMRI findings are fused with those of fMRI to better understand ASD in terms of both anatomy and functionality,and thus better classify the two groups. This is one aspect of the novelty of this CAD system, where sMRI and fMRI studies are both applied on subjects from different ages to diagnose ASD. In order to build such a CAD system, three main blocks are required. First, 3D brain segmentation is applied using a novel hybrid model that combines shape, intensity, and spatial information. Second, shape features from both Cx and CWM are extracted and anf MRI reward experiment is conducted from which areas of activation that are related to the task of this experiment are identified. Those features were extracted from local areas of the brain to provide an accurate analysis of ASD and correlate it with certain anatomical areas. Third and last, fusion of all the extracted features is done using a deep-fusion classification network to perform classification and obtain the diagnosis report. Fusing features from all modalities achieved a classification accuracy of 94.7%, which emphasizes the significance of combining structures/modalities for ASD diagnosis. To conclude, this work could pave the pathway for better understanding of the autism spectrum by finding local areas that correlate to the disease. The idea of personalized medicine is emphasized in this work, where the proposed CAD system holds the promise to resolve autism endophenotypes and help clinicians deliver personalized treatment to individuals affected with this complex syndrome

    Statistical Medial Model dor Cardiac Segmentation and Morphometry

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    In biomedical image analysis, shape information can be utilized for many purposes. For example, irregular shape features can help identify diseases; shape features can help match different instances of anatomical structures for statistical comparison; and prior knowledge of the mean and possible variation of an anatomical structure\u27s shape can help segment a new example of this structure in noisy, low-contrast images. A good shape representation helps to improve the performance of the above techniques. The overall goal of the proposed research is to develop and evaluate methods for representing shapes of anatomical structures. The medial model is a shape representation method that models a 3D object by explicitly defining its skeleton (medial axis) and deriving the object\u27s boundary via inverse-skeletonization . This model represents shape compactly, and naturally expresses descriptive global shape features like thickening , bending , and elongation . However, its application in biomedical image analysis has been limited, and it has not yet been applied to the heart, which has a complex shape. In this thesis, I focus on developing efficient methods to construct the medial model, and apply it to solve biomedical image analysis problems. I propose a new 3D medial model which can be efficiently applied to complex shapes. The proposed medial model closely approximates the medial geometry along medial edge curves and medial branching curves by soft-penalty optimization and local correction. I further develop a scheme to perform model-based segmentation using a statistical medial model which incorporates prior shape and appearance information. The proposed medial models are applied to a series of image analysis tasks. The 2D medial model is applied to the corpus callosum which results in an improved alignment of the patterns of commissural connectivity compared to a volumetric registration method. The 3D medial model is used to describe the myocardium of the left and right ventricles, which provides detailed thickness maps characterizing different disease states. The model-based myocardium segmentation scheme is tested in a heterogeneous adult MRI dataset. Our segmentation experiments demonstrate that the statistical medial model can accurately segment the ventricular myocardium and provide useful parameters to characterize heart function

    A novel diffusion tensor imaging-based computer-aided diagnostic system for early diagnosis of autism.

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) denote a significant growing public health concern. Currently, one in 68 children has been diagnosed with ASDs in the United States, and most children are diagnosed after the age of four, despite the fact that ASDs can be identified as early as age two. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system for the accurate and early diagnosis of ASDs using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). This CAD system consists of three main steps. First, the brain tissues are segmented based on three image descriptors: a visual appearance model that has the ability to model a large dimensional feature space, a shape model that is adapted during the segmentation process using first- and second-order visual appearance features, and a spatially invariant second-order homogeneity descriptor. Secondly, discriminatory features are extracted from the segmented brains. Cortex shape variability is assessed using shape construction methods, and white matter integrity is further examined through connectivity analysis. Finally, the diagnostic capabilities of these extracted features are investigated. The accuracy of the presented CAD system has been tested on 25 infants with a high risk of developing ASDs. The preliminary diagnostic results are promising in identifying autistic from control patients

    Diffusion MRI tractography for oncological neurosurgery planning:Clinical research prototype

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    Diffusion MRI tractography for oncological neurosurgery planning:Clinical research prototype

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    Cognitive and White-Matter Compartment Models Reveal Selective Relations between Corticospinal Tract Microstructure and Simple Reaction Time

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    The speed of motor reaction to an external stimulus varies substantially between individuals and is slowed in aging. However, the neuroanatomical origins of interindividual variability in reaction time (RT) remain unclear. Here, we combined a cognitive model of RT and a biophysical compartment model of diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) to characterize the relationship between RT and microstructure of the corticospinal tract (CST) and the optic radiation (OR), the primary motor output and visual input pathways associated with visual-motor responses. We fitted an accumulator model of RT to 46 female human participants' behavioral performance in a simple reaction time task. The non-decision time parameter (Ter) derived from the model was used to account for the latencies of stimulus encoding and action initiation. From multi-shell DWI data, we quantified tissue microstructure of the CST and OR with the neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) model as well as the conventional diffusion tensor imaging model. Using novel skeletonization and segmentation approaches, we showed that DWI-based microstructure metrics varied substantially along CST and OR. The Ter of individual participants was negatively correlated with the NODDI measure of the neurite density in the bilateral superior CST. Further, we found no significant correlation between the microstructural measures and mean RT. Thus, our findings suggest a link between interindividual differences in sensorimotor speed and selective microstructural properties in white-matter tracts