7 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient In-memory Computing Hardware for Quantized Neural Networks: State-of-the-art, Open Challenges and Perspectives

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    The amount of data processed in the cloud, the development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, and growing data privacy concerns force the transition from cloud-based to edge-based processing. Limited energy and computational resources on edge push the transition from traditional von Neumann architectures to In-memory Computing (IMC), especially for machine learning and neural network applications. Network compression techniques are applied to implement a neural network on limited hardware resources. Quantization is one of the most efficient network compression techniques allowing to reduce the memory footprint, latency, and energy consumption. This paper provides a comprehensive review of IMC-based Quantized Neural Networks (QNN) and links software-based quantization approaches to IMC hardware implementation. Moreover, open challenges, QNN design requirements, recommendations, and perspectives along with an IMC-based QNN hardware roadmap are provided

    A Construction Kit for Efficient Low Power Neural Network Accelerator Designs

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    Implementing embedded neural network processing at the edge requires efficient hardware acceleration that couples high computational performance with low power consumption. Driven by the rapid evolution of network architectures and their algorithmic features, accelerator designs are constantly updated and improved. To evaluate and compare hardware design choices, designers can refer to a myriad of accelerator implementations in the literature. Surveys provide an overview of these works but are often limited to system-level and benchmark-specific performance metrics, making it difficult to quantitatively compare the individual effect of each utilized optimization technique. This complicates the evaluation of optimizations for new accelerator designs, slowing-down the research progress. This work provides a survey of neural network accelerator optimization approaches that have been used in recent works and reports their individual effects on edge processing performance. It presents the list of optimizations and their quantitative effects as a construction kit, allowing to assess the design choices for each building block separately. Reported optimizations range from up to 10'000x memory savings to 33x energy reductions, providing chip designers an overview of design choices for implementing efficient low power neural network accelerators


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    The objective of this research is to accelerate deep neural networks (DNNs) with emerging non-volatile memories (eNVMs) based compute-in-memory (CIM) architecture. The research first focuses on the inference acceleration and proposes a resistive random access memory (RRAM) based CIM architecture. Two generations of RRAM testchips which monolithically integrate the RRAM memory array and CMOS peripheral circuits are designed and fabricated using Winbond 90 nm and TSMC 40 nm commercial embedded RRAM process respectively. The first generation of testchip named XNOR-RRAM is dedicated for binary neural networks (BNNs) and the second generation named Flex-RRAM features 1bit-to-8bit run-time configurable precision and leverages the input sparsity of the DNN model to improve the throughput and energy efficiency. However, the non-ideal characteristics of eNVM devices, especially when utilized as multi-level analog synaptic weights, may incur a notable accuracy degradation for both training and inference. This research develops a PyTorch based framework that incorporates the device characteristics into the DNN model to evaluate the impact of the eNVM nonidealities on training/inference accuracy. The results suggest that it is challenging to directly use eNVMs for in-situ training and resistance drift remains as a critical challenge to maintain a high inference accuracy. Furthermore, to overcome the challenges posed by the asymmetric conductance tuning behavior of typical eNVMs, which is found to be the most critical nonideality that prevents the model from achieving software equivalent training accuracy, this research proposes a novel 2-transistor-1-FeFET (ferroelectric field effect transistor) based synaptic weight cell that exploits hybrid precision for in situ training and inference, which achieves near-software classification accuracy on MNIST and CIFAR-10 dataset.Ph.D


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    Technological advances in microelectronics envisioned through Moore’s law have led to powerful processors that can handle complex and computationally intensive tasks. Nonetheless, these advancements through technology scaling have come at an unfavorable cost of significantly larger power consumption, which has posed challenges for data processing centers and computers at scale. Moreover, with the emergence of mobile computing platforms constrained by power and bandwidth for distributed computing, the necessity for more energy-efficient scalable local processing has become more significant. Unconventional Compute-in-Memory architectures such as the analog winner-takes-all associative-memory and the Charge-Injection Device processor have been proposed as alternatives. Unconventional charge-based computation has been employed for neural network accelerators in the past, where impressive energy efficiency per operation has been attained in 1-bit vector-vector multiplications, and in recent work, multi-bit vector-vector multiplications. In the latter, computation was carried out by counting quanta of charge at the thermal noise limit, using packets of about 1000 electrons. These systems are neither analog nor digital in the traditional sense but employ mixed-signal circuits to count the packets of charge and hence we call them Quasi-Digital. By amortizing the energy costs of the mixed-signal encoding/decoding over compute-vectors with many elements, high energy efficiencies can be achieved. In this dissertation, I present a design framework for AI accelerators using scalable compute-in-memory architectures. On the device level, two primitive elements are designed and characterized as target computational technologies: (i) a multilevel non-volatile cell and (ii) a pseudo Dynamic Random-Access Memory (pseudo-DRAM) bit-cell. At the level of circuit description, compute-in-memory crossbars and mixed-signal circuits were designed, allowing seamless connectivity to digital controllers. At the level of data representation, both binary and stochastic-unary coding are used to compute Vector-Vector Multiplications (VMMs) at the array level. Finally, on the architectural level, two AI accelerator for data-center processing and edge computing are discussed. Both designs are scalable multi-core Systems-on-Chip (SoCs), where vector-processor arrays are tiled on a 2-layer Network-on-Chip (NoC), enabling neighbor communication and flexible compute vs. memory trade-off. General purpose Arm/RISCV co-processors provide adequate bootstrapping and system-housekeeping and a high-speed interface fabric facilitates Input/Output to main memory